I came here to hide from the god damn AI take-over. (8)

1 Name: Anonymous Techie : 2024-07-17 00:09 ID:lkE1giKU

So I heard the web is no longer a iceberg, but now a dark forest.
on the top is AI trolls, creeps, scams, AI, and corporate slop.
At the bottom is dark web shit with kiddies getting fiddled and weed being sold.
in between is a cozyweb of sorts.
Have I found the cozyweb, or do I need to keep looking?

2 Name: Anonymous Techie : 2024-07-17 02:41 ID:Heaven

I'm not here because I'm a refugee, I'm here because I want to be here. It's not very active here and if you're used to getting constant dopamine you'll likely find yourself bored very quickly.
This place isn't safe from AI either unfortunately. Nowhere is, but this place is so small that it's unlikely anyone will bother.

3 Name: Anonymous Techie : 2024-07-18 13:00 ID:PyeTZl9b

what if u are the ai?

4 Name: Anonymous Techie : 2024-08-02 05:22 ID:Heaven

I mean this with kindness, but the terms you use immensely impact the readers perception. Reading your post gives me the impression of 4chan /pol/ or /g/ user who takes things somewhat superficially. Whenever joining a community, it is essential to learn their way of speaking. If you can't determine it, speak as neutral as possible. In order to find any community fitting, you yourself must compromise and conform, otherwise you will be rejected. I'm assuming that you conformed with popular 4chan culture, given your language, and you will conform again, if you ever seek to join another community.

5 Name: Anonymous Techie : 2024-09-28 13:04 ID:GBPkJMqu

Alright, listen

So, there’s this Greggs I used to go to all the time, yeah? Just down the road from me, and I’m in there nearly every morning—sausage rolls, steak bakes, the works. It’s busy most days, but there was one baker in there who was proper quick. Like, every time you went in, the pastries were bang on. Always fresh out the oven, flaky, just perfect.

Now, I never actually saw this baker’s face, ‘cause the kitchen was always a bit steamy. You know how it gets with the ovens blasting and the smell of pastries filling the air. I’d see the outline of them, though, bustling about, moving trays in and out like clockwork. People in the shop would always say things like, “That baker’s a machine!” or “I’ve never seen anyone move so quick.”

One day, I’m in there chatting to the manager, right? Just making small talk, and I’m like, “Who’s the person working the oven today? They’ve got the best sausage rolls in town.” The manager gives me this weird look and just says, “Yeah, they’re a bit of a unique worker. Always on time, never complains, just gets the job done.”

I’m intrigued now, 'cause I’ve never really seen much of this baker, except for the arms pulling out the trays and whatnot. So, I pop in early one morning, before the shop opens, just to see what’s going on back there. The place is empty, except for this figure behind the counter, loading the oven with military precision. Again, I can’t see the face ‘cause the place is steaming with the heat from the fresh steak bakes and sausage rolls. But I can hear these weird little sounds—like, not quite words, but these small grunts or chirps.

Didn’t think much of it at the time, just figured they were focused on the job, right? Anyway, time goes by, and I’m still getting my morning fix from this mystery baker. Then, one day, I’m in there during a bit of a rush. The shop’s packed, and they’re a bit short-staffed. The baker’s working double time, and as I’m watching, I see them accidentally drop a tray. It’s chaos, pastries everywhere. So, I figure I’ll step in, help pick things up.

I go round the back, and as I’m helping out, I finally get a proper look at the baker. And I’m thinking, “Hang on…”

Turns out… little monkey fella.

6 Name: le hashchan : 2024-09-30 02:29 ID:ERxP+SRd

hashchan has been designed to provide tolerance to AI botnet swarms by hiding threads in blockchain event logs.

7 Name: Anonymous Techie : 2024-10-05 05:43 ID:CimMyA3K

how long do you think gopher and gemini will last before ai starts creeping in

8 Name: Anonymous Techie : 2024-10-05 18:00 ID:Heaven

I was talking to an elder techhead once who was reminiscing about old protocols and I mentioned how some people were trying to enact a comeback for gopher, he laughed and said that was dumb.

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