The movie "Densha Otoko" (Train Man) is to be shown in several countries in East Asia, including Hong Kong, Taiwan and Singapore, following sales efforts at the recent Cannes Film Festival. The movie is based on a supposedly true story that played out on the Channel 2 web site, Japan's most popular BBS. It tells of an "otaku" (nerd), played by Yamada Takayuki (21), who comes to the rescue of a woman (Nakatani Miki, 29) being groped on a train. Not knowing how to pursue his newly found love, he turns to the Web for help and advice. The love story was turned into a best-selling book and has the subject of a lot of publicity over the last year, and has publishers scouring the Web looking for the next big hit. The biggest question that remains is whether it's really a true story of innocent love triumphing or just a clever marketing ploy. The movie opens on June 4.
Densha Otoko is the best...
I love Densha Otoko!Do you guys recommend any other good dorama?
i love this show and movie!
talves voceis nao me entendao mas estol postando
para dizer q densha otoko e demais mudoul minha vida
__ |O
i love densha 2.their story is so sweet.i hope my life will be as advanture as this story...sugoii ne
I'm a guy and i cried almost every episode T_T
Do you guys like the charater namely Hermes-san?
It is Hermes-tan.
I loved it, very much. ^_^
Gambatte ne to all Denshas!
Actually, -tan is just an honorific suffix, and can be swapped in and out with -san, or others, depending on the situation.
It's not a regular suffix, and not used in normal conversation except by children who can't pronounce -chan. Otherwise it's used as an overly cute affectation for the subject. I wish people wouldn't overuse it so much.
That said, I liked Hermes but I think I liked the wife of the crazy haired 2ch-er more.
I liked Hermes, the girlfriend of the dude with dreads, and towards the end, even liked Imperial March girl. Although I personally couldn't be bothered to watch an episode to find out her name again.
I actually became bothered enough to find out the actress' name: Shiraishi Miho - and in the show she's known as Jinkama.
I just finished the TV series and found it extremely touching...never had a TV series nearly have me in tears! I wanna watch it all again!
And props to Itou Masaki!
Also wondering how come the TV soundtrack doesn't have the full song done by Sambomaster?
<shrug> Wasn't too fond of the Sambomaster song anyhow.
who was the actress who ended up being the girlfriend of the "Single Rant Thread" thread master? She was cute, too
Personally, I liked the girl that was together with the crazy hair guy
As I'm unsure of who the thread master was, are you talking about Wendy, the girl who worked at the local restaurant and went to a different town? Or the friend of Saori who went out with Densha's friend, only to be dumped by him because he was afraid of being hurt?
So does anyone know which rooftop was used for the opening scene and other parts? I know some animes have had fan websites devoted to finding the real places that inspired the background art.
It's the girl who kept beginning her post by saying "I'm just a girl..."
I love the confession part of Densha and Hermes at the top of the building.
The part when they are sitting on the park bench is the BEST! Hermen-tan's voice was SOOOOO God...faints
Amen - Hermes is always running through my mind :P
Just watched Densha Otoko - Another Ending...
Someone should ban that guy from touching a guitar or singing ever again. :P
Hahaha....he did a good job of acting "bad" :p
Poor third otaku ended up alone. :P
He'll probably "Net Otoko"!!
i'm just a girl, but...ahh, forget it...
Forget what?
juz finish wacthed the drama...really sad man..
If anyone doesn't feel like downloading multiple gigabytes, GBStv is playing Densha Otoko on Mondays at 10pm EST with encores on Thursdays at 8pm EST.
GBStv? Bah, I'm Canadian, probably don't get it anyhow.
Did you click on the link? It's an online interweb broadcast. You know, internet, they have it on computers now?
the extra episode is mostly about the lives of the other posters on the thread and fills in gaps like who started the thread what effect the thread had on the others.Worth watching if you enjoyed the rest of the series.
>>388 On second thought, doesn't matter much. I have it all recorded from prior, and am busy on Thursdays anyhow. But thank you.
>>340 Yeah, it was nice to see an extension of the series, since I burned through it too quickly <saw the first epi at a local con in May, went home and downloaded it all that night>. :P
Densha Otoko movie to premiere at AX, with a theater run in major cities.
>San Francisco, CA, June 28, 2006 – VIZ Media, LLC (VIZ Media), one of the entertainment industry's most innovative and comprehensive publishing, animation and licensing companies, has announced the forthcoming DVD release of the quirky romantic comedy TRAIN MAN: DENSHA OTOKO. The film, which received widespread critical acclaim and caused a sensation in Japan upon its release in 2005, will be released by VIZ Pictures, a new VIZ Media sister company. TRAIN MAN: DENSHA OTOKO will be available domestically on DVD in January of 2007. VIZ Media will also publish the companion manga series, TRAIN_MAN: DENSHA OTOKO, in October for $9.99.
forgot this part
>VIZ Media will be previewing TRAIN MAN: DENSHA OTOKO at Anime Expo 2006 on Saturday, July 1st at 7:30 p.m. TRAIN MAN: DENSHA OTOKO will have its theatrical premiere in September 2006 beginning in New York with major cities to follow.
Just like Viz to license exactly the wrong thing.
oohh finally coming to the US
Looks like it's showing at Comi-con again?
Well, the movie is. The TV show is infinitely better.
( ゚Д゚ ) ZOMG! We got a plug!
>Train Man: Densha Otoko is the allegedly true story of one otaku who posted his story on the famous internet bulletin board 2ch ( 2ch is the largest internet forum in the world. With over ten million visitors a day, 2ch is gaining a significant profile in Japanese society, competing for influence with traditional mass media such as television, radio, and magazines. ***4-ch ( is an English-language website, with discussion boards for English speakers, presented in the style of 2ch.*** It also contains a board where Japanese 2ch users can talk to each other in Japanese.
( ゚ ヮ゚)Could this be our chance for an influx of users?
> Based on true events that took place on a popular Internet Relay Chat (IRC) website in Japan called "2ch"
( ゚ -゚) ...
That's a kind of kaomoji(Emoticon), I guess.
You can see other variations at Wikipedia too.
They're awesome!
(cited from wikipedia)
Users from East Asia (particularly Japanese language speakers those who visit 2channel) popularized a style of emoticons known as verticons (顔文字, kaomoji?, literally "face characters"), which can be understood without turning one's head to the left. These styles of faces roughly resemble the style commonly found in Japanese anime and manga comic books.
The Japanese language is usually encoded using double-byte character codes. As a result there is a bigger variety of characters that can be used in emoticons, many of which cannot be reproduced in ASCII. Most kaomoji contain Cyrillic and other foreign letters to create even more complicated expressions analogous to ASCII art's level of complexity. To type such emoticons, the input editor that is used to type Japanese on a user's system is equipped with a dictionary of emoticons, after which the user simply types the Japanese word (or something close to it) that represents the desired emoticon to convert the input into such complicated emoticons. Such expressions are known as Shift JIS art.
Basic examples
m(_ _)m bowing
(`ヘ´) annoyed
(´・ω・`) deflated
( ´Д`) yelling, or panting
( ゚Д゚) surprised, or loudmouthed
┐('~`;)┌ don't know the answer
(´∀`) carefree
( ´_ゝ`) indifferent
Σ(゜д゜;) shocked
(*´Д`) heavy breathing
'へ'凸 flipping someone the bird
╮(─▽─)╭ "who cares?"
キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━!!!!! "It's here", a general expression of excitement that something has appeared or happened.
We know what it is...
( ゚Д゚ )Another link in their links page! Right next to 2channel too. T_T
Their manga cafe links appear to be 404. :/
To get back on topic, does the movie follow the original story more closely than the TV drama?
That's what I've heard. (^o^)
Have you read Project Densha translation yet?
> Internet Relay Chat (IRC) website
> Internet Relay Chat (IRC) website
> Internet Relay Chat (IRC) website
It would be a shame if they opted for a vB/phpbb style forum when a 2ch style one, kareha or otherwise, would make such a perfect tie-in to the movie. However, it might be difficult fitting it into the site layout.
As if a phpbb forum ever fit into a site design anywhere.
Well, except for the kind of site that actually uses the same kind of insecure-sexuality white-and-blue look.
I was waiting for the translations to be finished before I watched the TV series. Once I finished reading it, I got through the series in a couple of nights, my Keroro Gunso hand puppet stained with tears. Hot damn that show is good.
i've read the copy of densha's conversation on the board..
though it wasn't exactly as miracleous as the tv show,but man, that was surely a blow.
i mean, how in the world that could go that smooth
anyone knows the real densha ?
or any site exploit teh real densha and hermes,
i really wanna see the real densha.
Aside from the unsourced "according to FujiTV they're still together" bit from wikipedia, I don't think anyone in the general public knows who he really is (if he's real at all). All the posts were collected by someone else, and it's public domain, so the companies took the story freely.
I'm not sure I'd want to know about the real guy. The story is most powerful as a modern day fable... at most, I'd like to know how he's going. shrug (Who knows, maybe we'll hear from him on the one year reunion special)
Funnily enough, the reason I found this place is because I was interested in an anonymous discussion board after watching this show. Regular forums are starting to annoy me, what with the names and personalities and such.
(sorry for the offtopic)
>>413 Same here, I searched to see if there was a similar setup for a forum as on the show...
They're giving away posters..I'd like one...
The "official" US premeire is in New York on Friday, July 14. Since it's at a big film festival, keep an eye out in case there's an article about it somewhere!
Cant' wait! キタ━━(゚∀゚)━━...
Densha forum is open, and it fails. OTL
Ooo, I seem to have stumbled upon a mirror site. This must be the company doing the web design.
and now something completly random
I was just thinking... wouldnt it be amazing if your love story would be known in many countries?! I think it would be extremely special!! If this event really happend and they are still together (i guess they would have been married by now) im hoping the two of them grow really old together and later in life write a book about it or something lol (^_^) im just verry curious about what happened afterwards in their lifes <3
I read that they're still together in a japanese news paper.
if you believe everything you read you better not read....
>Based on true events that took place on a popular Bulletin Board website in Japan called “2ch,”
( ゚ ヮ゚)They fixed it!
For those who can't read/are too lazy to read the 2ch threads, here's a nice translation:
Hmm.. I think this Densha fits the role (just on appearance, I don't know how good an actor he is). But, I liked the Hermes from the TV show better than this actress. Just my humble oppinion.
I think the TV actor is more beleivable as a nerd in physical appearance. The movie one looks more well-groomed. I'm undecided on Hermes.
episodes > Movie
I couldn't stand the TV series...
Why is there a mosiac over Densha and Hermes' adult kiss?
I know that anime can be quite liberal with sexual content, but why is live-action usually more conservative?
It's a joke. Too hot for TV!
the most funniest thing were the a-channel residents (TV series) XD
i loved those over exagerrated reactions and when they were all fainting and moved spastic behind their computers loooooooool
Wouldn't you act the same way if you were involved in the event
dude..... thats called acting, acting mostly over exagerrate things.... dont freaking tell me your being the same behind your computer... LOOOOOL
I would. Sometimes I speak to myself when I type. lol, joking.
Can you read without moving your lips?
I don't understand why such a boring story became popular with so many people.
I cried a couple of times during it. It wasn't boring at all. Although some things were overly long.
You think its boring, it's not like you speak for all people in the world.
Anyone saw densha at otakon 2006?
it was a sweet story, and i guess it's so popular because there's so many people who are on 2ch
I wish I could be there...
Another Densha movie review:
This was the last film I saw at Fantasia before having to head home, and it was kind of a good place to stop. After a steady diet of serial killers, zombies, vampires, and other monsters, a film like "Train Man" supplies a different, but just as vital, fantasy, with the "based on a true story" making the world seem a brighter place.
it's a nice comment.
Okay so I just saw the movie.
It might have been better had I not seen the (fantabulous!) miniseries beforehand, but GOD DAMN that was shitty.
to honest the tv-series is the best compared to the movie but still for me the movie is still good..
It really is a shame what bad casting can do to a film. The guy who played densha was very unconvincing. Hell, the whole movie felt like that simpsons running joke about Ranier Wolfcastle playing a nerd (or a elementary school teacher)! It was just plain wrong.
Advice for those who only watched the TV series, don't bother watching the movie. I only wasted money hunting down and buying a copy. STICK WITH THE TV SERIES. Sometimes ignorance really is bliss.
I couldn't stand tv series. The movie was different, but still good.
You think it's shitty, but it's not that horrible. just different.
Your comment IS garbage (-_-) > 446
I couldn't agree you more!>450