The movie "Densha Otoko" (Train Man) is to be shown in several countries in East Asia, including Hong Kong, Taiwan and Singapore, following sales efforts at the recent Cannes Film Festival. The movie is based on a supposedly true story that played out on the Channel 2 web site, Japan's most popular BBS. It tells of an "otaku" (nerd), played by Yamada Takayuki (21), who comes to the rescue of a woman (Nakatani Miki, 29) being groped on a train. Not knowing how to pursue his newly found love, he turns to the Web for help and advice. The love story was turned into a best-selling book and has the subject of a lot of publicity over the last year, and has publishers scouring the Web looking for the next big hit. The biggest question that remains is whether it's really a true story of innocent love triumphing or just a clever marketing ploy. The movie opens on June 4.
I couldn't stand tv series. The movie was different, but still good.
You think it's shitty, but it's not that horrible. just different.
Your comment IS garbage (-_-) > 446
I couldn't agree you more!>450
I couldn't agree you more!>448
I just finished watching Densha Otoko, and by finished I don't mean I watched all the episodes, I mean I just couldn't keep watching. I read the original posts, and no matter wether it was a faker or perhaps even several, the movie and the tv-series completely massacered it.
In the original posts, both Densha and Hermes are cute, interesting, and what happens is very believable, but due to all the added crap nothing of that survives for the shows, IMO. The series made Densha into a fucking I don't know what and Hermes made completely boring. The original textual descriptions of her have more appeal than both the movie and the series interpretations.... Put together.
Bah, totally fucking dissapointed, but I still very much enjoyed reading the original posts. Indeed inspired, no matter if it was a superior hoax or a fairy tale come true.
Does anyone else feel the same way about the original posts vs. TV/movie adaptation?
I need to get around to reading the original thread translation.
I didn't like the movie as much as the tv drama version. I'm starting to read the translated originals at this moment. hopefully its as good as what 454 said.
I liked this comment:
Women like confident men, and he showed it....sorta.
Why on earth is this shitty thread always on top at Film & TV?
because every once in a while we like to bump it up. we are just balancing the world for ya. so dont complain.
Man, I've just finished reading the translation of the 2ch thread... What can I say?
Densha Otoko Movie -> Crap
Densha Otoko TV Series -> O_O OMG LoL \o/
Densha Otoko 2ch Thread -> Perfect.
The original thread sometimes is more interesting than the TV series 'cause of the "realism" that's passing by. It don't try to push a diferent idea, just tell what happened and how happened ^^ And that's good, 'cause there lots of people talking out there about Densha Otoko is fake and all... I'm just trying to convince myself that's the real love story of someone =) Does anyone knows if the real densha/hermes was ever contacted(I've known people that swore that the Akihabara incident actually occured like the TV Show O.o
Sorry for the big post o/
I liked movie better than tv...
The Series are pretty cool!
Next 2channel real story Manga
I do want to believe that it's real
The Truth is Out There.
True Story
Densha otoko is a Fantastic movies & tv series.. But i prefed tv series,which is much funnier then movies..
I am currently watching the TV with my girlfriend, I cry because now I can relate even more. She also loves it. The show has a mass appeal ( ゚ ヮ゚)
Oh woooowwww...
just finished watching the TV show earlier todai
it is a true story, you can find the dictations of the original Japanese posts from 2-ch and their translations online
excellent story, should watch/read it if you get a chance~
>>470 it does, right? I love watching the show! I have to let my boyfriend watch the show too!
I want dis film or tv series continue to next episode not 11 with spesial ending or last crusade[23 Sept 2006 on Air ]
I realy like this film
>>29 peppermint
the book is out now, published in the UK by Constable and Robinson
it has an epilogue that you won't find in the densha project
it's a great read.
I don't like Hermes in the film. I don't think she is that pretty. But Hermes in the tv show (Itou Misaki!!!) is sooo cute
The actress playing Hermes in the film is Nakatani Miki. Supposedly, she got the role just because the "real" Densha said that Hermes look a lot more like her. Now..., Nakatani Miki was 29 when she starred in the film. But when she was younger, her beauty, i dare say, was unparelled. And Misaki-san is going to be 30 next year. Not bad for an obaasan (well, almost an obaasan).
Does anyone think that the beautiful Ito Misaki looks awfully similar to Audrey Hepburn? Anyone? Or is it just me? Well maybe not the acting but the looks...
Woah i didnt know they had the book translated, I am quite the fan of Densha but i cant read japanese. Quite the good thing.
North Korea thinks that I sell a nuclear weapon to Islam radical group from lack of funds at last.
I think that it is a crisis of a nucleus for U.S.A.
The whole story of "Densha Otoko" is simply inspirational. The entire series of BBS threads prove that there are good people on the Internet who want to help others.
I haven't read the entire thread, so I apologize ahead of time. But has there ever been any sort of update regarding how Densha and Hermes are doing today? With how well this romance has been built up, it would almost be heart breaking to hear if they weren't together anymore.
According to people who made the TV show/ Film (i forgot which) Hermes and Densha are still together to this day.
Amazing isn't it?
What are the chances of such a thing happening?
It would be nice to think that they were still together. Whether they are or not, i dont think we'll ever know. By the way... 214 Couch potato, where did you get that image?
I wanna know cause that girl looks like Isoyama Sayaka, my favourite idol ━━(゚∀゚)━━
some news about densha
In the January 2007 issue of Wired there is an article "Love Train" about our favorite "true love story" 「電車男」(Densha Otoko). Writer Brian Ashcraft gets a special interview with the "man" behind the phenomenon. Not in person, of course. Observe:
Some say he's real, others insist he was cooked up by some clever 2Channel posters. The book's publisher, Shinchosha, agreed to set up an email interview with Train Man, but acted as an anonymizing go-between.
"I don't think I could've done it without 2Channel," writes Train Man, who says he's still dating the pretty girl. So far, his life hasn't changed much: He works at the same company, visits Akihabara, buys comics, and watches anime. And, of course, he still posts about stuff like videogames on 2Channel. Once an otaku, always an otaku.
It seems to be Korean common sense
Jesus Christ is a Korean
Tom Cruise is a Korean
Carl Lewis is a Korean
Michael Jordan is a Korean
Queen Elizabeth is a Korean
American ancestors are Koreans
A Korean forges it
i just bought the actual Densha Otoko novel, its in chinese. the format of the book is the message board style! really good
Ito Misaki does not look like hepburn. It's just your imagination by watching "Breakfasat at Tiffany's" too much.
but it dosen't matter Ito Misaki Is so hot.
It's a very cute story and I still can't believe that it was based on a true story. I watched the movie and the Densha-kun in it was adorable. X3
I spent almost 24 hours watching this fine drama...2 times back-to-back.. cried when densha passes out in the rain (ep 7 perhaps). the scene when one of the channelers ( the bodybuilder i think) spraying his armpit is also hilarious!
if there's really a real densha otoko out there, i want to wish him best of luck and treasure his "hermes"...^^
and now i started to like j-dorama. lol
Itoh MISAKI ruLES!!!
oh, and anyone here knows where 2 get subs for densha otoko F2 special? greatly appreciated ^^
like... sage or something.
The movie was really good. Better then watching some other crappy movie on your free time.
You fail at life. This is not an imageboard. Saging is a polite thing Read the UsingSage one.
"Sage is not a insult.
Contrary to popular belief, sage should never be considered as a rude gesture or insult. In fact, someone writing insults or trolls to the thread and posting with sage are doing a good thing, since their useless post won't be brought to the attention of the rest of the board. The idea of sage being an insult came from imageboards, where filling up a thread with enough posts would get it removed. However, threads on channel4 take one thousand posts before they are closed, so the effect doesn't work here."
Densha movie sucks- the girl isn't that much better than the guy
dis show rockx!!!
The movie was awesome! I loved it:)
I don't know if this has been said, since I have just found 4-ch but saw Densha about a year ago..
I just wanted to say Jinkama-san is sooo moe~~~~~~
forget hermes, Jinkama-san all the way
500 GET
I just saw the movie, it was so sweet, my girlfriend was moved to tears...
i loved the movie but i thought miki nakatani didn't really fit for this role of hermess after reading the manga.
this movie rocks, i just bought it last friday, at sakura-con, it is on of my favorite movies.
does anyone has the link to the manga?
torrent or direct one.
hola que tal a todos hehehe me llamo densha otoko ^^
This thread is pretty old. I forgot how I found it, but now it's bookmarked and bumped!
Densha Otoko is the third Jdorama I've watched. It's pure comedy! I know it's also a romance story but to me it's more funny than anything else. Yamada's two otaku friends, the evil version of Sakurai, and of course Aoyama Saori's good looks are memorable. Some of the skits were so funny my eyes teared and stomach cramped. I mean, c'mon, RC cars delivering diamond rings in an elaborate scheme to woo a woman's affection? Now THAT is funny. You could make a spoof jewelry store commercial out of it. The lighthouse skit was my favorite scene in the TV series.
Hi every one, maybe I´m not very involved with this, but is it real this story?, it´s like a fairy tale! I love it, i thought Romeo and Juliet where the best, but now I think different!
( ・ω・)
I'm still of the opinion that the original posts are a far better read/watch than any of the silly, dramaticized fairy-tale stories as seen in the manga/dorama/film. It's just cool seeing 2chers getting excited about stuff like this. I think there's a much better adaptation of 2ch life and its residents yet to be made from a story like this.
Anyway, you can find a translated & edited version of the original three-months-worth of posts here:
i love that movie... its so cute
i just started watching the tv series for it and it lookes amazing!!
Review of the Densha Otoko novel english edition. The reviewer's talk of narrative and writing style is kind of funny when the whole thing is just BBS posts cobbled together.
i'm fasciniated by the whole Densha Otoko phenomenon, so much so, i'm even writing a thesis on it! although i must admit, i haven't got very far. i'd love to hear from all you fans out there. perhaps it is just a clever marketing ploy and totally engineered, but i don't think it really matters.
Densha otoko wa sugoi yo, hontouni!!!!!!
Densha otoko wa sugoi yo, hontouni!!!!!!
asian films on demand,
asian drama,
asian Films High Q Download -
i've really wanted to watch the dorama again, but no time (duh)
Tnx Couch Potato! I have just entered the net and read your reply, i´m very sorry I couldn´t answer before but I had an accident on my bike and spend a little time to rest my rigth arm cause it got broken -...
Aaaahhh... readyng the traslation was very pleasant....
The crazy theories about the 2ch owners coming up with the story to pay off lawsuit fines seems much less credible than the story in the posts themselves. They're great posts, and there's no denying the community enthusiasm behind the man. It could be just elaborate fiction he decided to write in a forum instead of a magazine article, but if you notice, it's kind of a boring story. There's no real conflict. It has a real anticlimactic ending that's satisfying because it's so authentic and relatable.
Note: I'm refering to the original posts, not the dramatized dorama.
If it's a fictional story, it's a really weird piece of fiction. I think the forum would catch on if it started sounding like fiction. The bit about Densha sitting down to watch that shoujo anime (what was it called? Perm-something?) and not being able to register or concentrate on it at all after the traumatic confession he undertook, is just too good to be fiction. Only the best fiction writers are able to come out with stuff like that.
it seems plausible that it actually happened,
just remember as stories get passed on though, details always change, but the truth to the story hopefully remains in tact
For a while now I have seen Densha Otoko the movie and TV series about 3 times each. It's really a story to praise for such beauty and originality. Absolutely the number 1 on my list for Japanese Drama/Comedy/Romance.
Also a question for Couch Potato on post 525, could you relay the link of the original Densha Otoko forum room. Arigatou, Onegai
Densha Otoko!!! I wanna think the history is true...anyway...But..if it really happens...where are the original posts??
I'm sure they've long since been pruned, but I used to have a archive bookmarked around here somewhere...
Well, here's the English translation.
and the original, archived posts.
Densha Otoko powa !
A wunderfull story.
I wish a miracle like that would happen to me :(
But the chances of dying by an accident would be higher -.-
Densha Otoko was a very inspriving seires, it give me hope for the future,
well anyways, does any know where i could find any of the 2-channle that it accually took place in... my PC cant support kanji so ive been haveing trouble looking
nurse-kun > densha
I just finished reading all the original posts I found on
so much fun, I almost cried :")
In the beginning the posters might just have been trolls trolling others in that board..
I mean, there was more than one thread about love/dating help, but the "incredible" story might have been the thing that cought the eye of others.
Yeah. I wonder why people would make stupid theories about the stroy being a hoax. I read the whole thread, it seems like a normal dating thread, just a tad more elaborate.
I've found the original posts from densha's story (not rinji and nakano hito), if you can read japanese, all posts there are amazing!
The link to the archived original posts are in this very thread.
And they're not "amazing", you're just an idiot.
Fuck Densha Otoko, everyone who cares might as well own Pretty Woman on DVD.
The Tashiro Festival was an actual real event, legendary in scope, and hilarious just to even read a one-paragraph summary.
Hi there
Fun film. I especially laughed when they were having tea and he eats the sugar as if it were candy, then proceeds to put about 5 of them in a tiny cup of tea.
After watching the drama, I'll never look at an otaku the same way ever again... actually i think i'm turning into one
Oh I wondered, this is a real story?? I would like to see the real densha otoko and his missus. ^-^ Thx for the link in the 536th post.
I just started watching the first episode of the series tonight.
It's hilarious. I love it.