Tom Hiddleston 3 (1000)

328 Name: anonymous1 : 2015-08-01 07:37 ID:z+pbp+N1

Bit of a long post but I've just read at CB someone pointing out that you can tell that this was a set-up because there was no follow up by paps.
Anything is possible of course, but I tend to disagree.

When EO was in London in April to promote AoU, she was papped at the airport, at her hotel, at a famous restaurant. But when she went to London after Paris fashion week in July, paps didn't even bother with her. In the week before the pap-hoopla we know she was out having dinner with other famous actors and no paps.

Then we have TH, that unless he goes to events where paps are around anyway, he's never followed around by paps in London.

So, while I think that the restaurant was EO's choice, since she has a habit of having dinner in famous spots, I also think that they felt they would pass by unnoticed, even with the DM article. After all, they reached the theatre and no paps, they left the theatre and no paps, they walked to the restaurant and no paps, they arrived at the restaurant and no paps. It's unclear whether paps were waiting for them outside the restaurant or they showed up once they left, but as a set-up seems badly managed.

As for the lack of follow up by paps, they might have done it the day after, but if TH was holed-up in his house and EO was holed-up in her hotel, that a waste of time and money for paps.
Actually, do we know that EO is still in London?

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