Tom Hiddleston 3 (1000)

915 Name: lex : 2015-08-25 13:36 ID:EgR5e2Hx

>>914 God that's just stupid... if Clint says "for me" it means he was dating Tom too according to their logic or is he th defender of JA honesty and purity lol. Avenger Clint.

I just stumbled upon hilarious article from kpop drama something about Tommy and the Purseface "soon settling down" because "they are inseparable ". I can't hold my sarcasm to myself, I just want to ask all this people if they are blind or what? sure, inseparable. he probably flies on a magic carpet to her in US singing Disney songs with Hanks voice lol. jokes aside, but people don't even bother to check the facts anymore, anyone can write what they want and how they want and stay safe.

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