Thread to talk about actor Tom Hiddleston
Tom Hiddleston 1:
Tom Hiddleston 2:
Tom Hiddleston 3:
Tom Hiddleston 4:
>>548 It would be a lot closer. The UK bought stuff is I hope made with real sloes not with flavouring. But the magical thing about sloe gin (apart from its ability to make one consent cheerfully to things one might later regret, hence my intended usage of it on TH) is that it is easy and cheap to make yourself and the homemade stuff tastes so infinitely better than anything you could buy. Basically you find a sloe bush (the only hard part of the exercise), pick off a pound or so and take home. Wash, dry and then if feeling anally retentive, prick each sloe with a pin. Put in a jar with a bottle of gin and 6-8 ounces of sugar. Leave in a dark cupboard for a year. Drain off sloes and bottle. Shake occasionally to dissolve sugar and to feel involved in process. Any middle class English boy, incl TH, will have aunts, grannies and probably a mum who makes this stuff. It is as purple as a cardinal's robe and the older it is the better it gets, though leaving it more than a year and 1 day is the challenge.
Here's my fav of ginger Tom. It's also my favorite of his - many - hairdos. It's so fluffy and natural looking. It also makes him look young. I don't know if it's his natural curls brushed out - and without all the product he usually puts in - or if it's a last remnants of a straightening process with the curls just starting to come back.
Either way - I love it. And he's doing the signature TH pose with his arm brought up to his face. I've always wondered where he picked that up.
Then let me give to you a link to Torrilla's old imgbox with several more pics from that same day. Enable pop up blocker befor clicking on a computer (shd be fine on handheld or iPad).
>>546 Thanks, I will! I am at the monitor even now, just don't have much time to watch things, so tomorrow maybe.
And shhh, don't blow my cover. After all, it took some effort to come up with such a glamorous pretend place to live as Lithuania.
Kidding, I like it here.
>>547 Nope, I'm in LT. What else do you think keeps TH and me from marrying ASAP?
Once my latest batch of sloe-hypnol is ready I may go and hang around casa Hiddleston with a cocktail shaker and an illegal smile....
>>555 Well yeah, also that small detail.
And, I guess, first he should find out that I exist.
But those are just insignificant nuisances, which could not kill our true love, I know.
This doesn't make it anymore a thing that actually happened, but I thought I'd share.
>>558 Sounds like the same girl whose tweet I saw yesterday. I just really don't see why in the world he'd be in Oregon. The EO sightings being true would make more sense (disclaimer: I don't believe those either).
Honestly, in general, I don't think most Twitter sightings are real. There are a few Hawaii locals who just happen to keep running into Tom, and posting about it on Twitter every time - and every time they get more Twitter followers! One in particular I think did see him the first time but enjoyed all the attention, so they kept "seeing" him after that. Either that or they're coincidentally showing up in all of the places he's been hanging around - accidentally of course.
But I mean, nobody would make up a story about Tom or exaggerate something just to get Twitter or Instagram or Tumblr followers, right? Just ask Town Bike.
>>558 One more thing, I'm even less likely to believe someone who posts these things from an anonymous account.
>>559 I know who you are talking about! She was over the moon with the attention.
Mind you, if I met TH, I'd probably just stay standing where we'd met and not move in the hopes that he'd circle around again - because two times, same place, that's a date. And then I'd tweet it, and IG it and do a youtube vid.
Oh, Lord. I'd side-eye this, but I don't want to hurt my eyes.
>>562 The comments on the blind item are great: "I don't think he's gay, he's just really English."
I think this is new. Even if it's not, it's well worth a watch:
And another one from LL, this time featuring an Abe Lincoln impression. I'd be interested to know how good the accent is here. Sounded a trifle wobbly to me - but I formed the impression that the great man mighty have had a tot or two from the bottle before performing that night!
'And you know what would happen in Dragonfly-Land if he ever came out before he got middle-aged and bald and they didn’t care anymore . . .'
One of my favorites. It took me a google search a few weeks ago to figure out why his fandom was called dragonfly land. My first thought was that it referred to The Dragon School - but that was too left field, so I had to investigate further.
Just imagine if that jacket had been embroidered with something else!
>>566 He looks unfeasibly sexy in that jacket. And Not Tom. I do wish sometimes that he was a bit more left field in his clothing choices. He is so skinny he'd fit the sample sizes, and much prettier than most male catwalk models.
Ewwww. Still, there are a few ladies who'd pay good money to do this.
>>568 Er, OK. I just ordered a Chinese takeaway and now I am not quite so sure!
ps did every bloke working on CP have some kind of TH man crush?
HR's US distribution rights have been picked up. There is a God.
I would think that it will make its way to my part of the woods - not sure about Nebraska - sorry Anon and qaz.
>>570 lol
Not sure when the UK release date is - March?
Apparently, Kong: Shit Island has transformed a museum in HI into the 'Hotel Saigon.'
What the hell is this movie? Helicopters, swanky fake hotels, a giant monkey, an elixir for eternal youth.
My head hurts.
>>572 And here it is playing its part. Apparently originally off Reel Tours' Twitter but then deleted by him for some reason. A fancy pants evening party!
Popped over to CB and nanny war is raging! CP was not a flop! ISTL not released yet so you can't call it a flop! Etc.
Apparently CP is saved by not having been quite such a turkey as Steve Jobs and that starred, y'know, Fassy, so TH has nothing to worry about. Stands to reason. Errrrr.....
Has the veranda burned down? What's the body count?
CP wasn't a flop critic-wise. It's not like Aloha, in that some critics liked it and audiences were receptive to it.
However, at the box office - totally turkey. It cost a fair amount to make, and the promo budget was NOT small - think about all the places to which the stars and director travelled - along with their entourage and groomers and so on. Print, tv, media adverts - those cost a pretty penny. So, it will probably not make its money back (even with DVD sales). And if it doesn't make its money back - floppy like a disk from the 1980s!
That having been said - nearly every movie that opened in October was a bit of a flop at the box office. I was reading an article about it - the industry was a little shocked as October movies usually do okay.
I think some people believe that it's almost sacrilege to speak ill of TH and his movies. Don't mention the words flop or failure or poor performance!! God forbid.
Not that the comparison is the best but - Hello, Daniel Day-Lewis and the movie Nine. Hello, Robert DeNiro and Meet the Fockers. Great actors sometimes make bad choices. And sometimes they make crap movies that don't do well critically or at the box office.
CP and ISTL aren't going to make us forget THC, TA or his run in Coriolanus. So let's be honest about their quality.
And, hey, at least it's not The Pirate Fairy. That shizza was bad (confession: I haven't actually seen all of TPF, but listening to 2 minutes was enough.)!
https://twitter. com/twhiddleston/status/674280861487861760
ISTL poster - tweet from the man himself.
>>576 The Pirate Fairy was a masterpiece of cinema! Tom should have won an Oscar for that performance. How dare you.
A, frankly, poor result in the beard department - but I would not kick him out of bed.
Here's TH telling us that he wants to explore our (collective) body - and then licking his lips afterward. The little fecker!
Right, wasn't it?!? What's wrong with me? How can I not see the genius.
TPF is actually what worries me about Kong. Because when he did TPF, he said stuff about it that sounds similar to the stuff he's saying about K:SI: it's a great addition to the myth of Captain Hook, they storyline is so unexpected, it takes the character/story into a completely new place.
Yep, pull the other one - it's got bells on it.
>>576 It is very funny. CP is named one of Forbes' biggest flops, and was only the 15th biggest flop so it is a success! They should go into politics.
I did enjoy CP very much, although alive to its various faults, mostly because the set and TH looked so lush. However Pan's Labyrinth it was not. And for a movie on which, as you say, no marketing expense was spared, it did appallingly.
I haven't seen the Pirate Fairy - I saw a clip of him singing and dancing along and that was enough!
I am being thick here. TA?
>>579 I hate him with this beard with a passion. I think possibly I am traumatised by the 1883 shoot (shirtless by yucca plant, white transparent leggings et al). In contrast to Hsntry IV in which I think he looks hawt.
>>581 I think (controversial viewpoint ahead) that he stumbles onto his good projects by accident. It doesn't take a genius to realise that the Henriad for BBC is likely to be ok; or that Ternce Davies directing a Rattigan play will probably work out. Other projects such as Marvel - well, at that stage in your career I imagine you take the chance irrespective of the script or the talent. When faced with a choice of new material, he does not necessarily know how to pick a good script. I was put in mind of his comments on ISTL (with a bit less slush) - not a wonderful,omen as we have heard that it was the script that let that project down.
>>582 TA = The Avengers? I just figured out THC = The Hollow Crown.
>>582 You're not thick, I actually went to IMDB to review his projects for this and had to go through the list twice to realise that TA = The Avengers. I need my morning coffee.
Since we're sharing favourite pics - I loved how he looked with longish blonde (or not so blonde) hair.
>>586 Dottie, your acronyms have bamboozled us all!
I also love him with longer hair, like this for example - showing how versatile he is with a variation on Anon.'s favourite "arm brought up to face" pose!
>>584 He still talks glowingly about ISTL's script - which is strange for the reason you point out.
He's well read - to say the least - he should be more sensitive to what is a good script and what is a stinker.
These are accepted acronyms in the TH fandom. Come on, people, work with me!!
It's clear that I'm his biggest fan - but not in an Annie Wilkes sort of way...or maybe in an Annie Wilkes sort of way! TH, baby, I will pull your body from the snowy car crash and make you love me in our cozy mountain hideaway.
qaz, your first pic is from the 2012 BAFTAs - 2012 BAFTA Tom makes my panties smoke. Such an Adonis.
I hate him a little when he looks this good. It's just all so unfair
>>590 This was just after filming Henry IV I think - it is Hal hair. Do we think it is close to his natural colour - whatever that is? I was looking at his hair in Toronto etc and can't decide if he is dyeing it - there is more than a suspicion of highlights in some photos:
Re the acronyms: clearly I am not so much an uber fan as an unter fan! In my defence I was bewildered by you putting The Avengers in the same sentence as The Hollow Crown - I love his role in that but I find the film a bit meh, especially compared to the 2 Thor movies.
On a totally non TH note (for once!) can I just say that tonight the hubby is away so I switched on the Apple TV and and it directed me towards Working Girl, which I haven't seen in maybe 20 years. What a great movie. Quite aside from being directed by Mike Nicholls and starring Harrison Ford when he was seriously hot, it features Alec Baldwin, Oliver Platt and Kevin Spacey in bit parts. I just looked it up on IMDb and it is 27 years old. Sheesh.
>>591 What? A chance to speculate on TH's hair color? Yeah, I'll take it on a Wednesday night!
I think his TNM (yep, another one) hair was highlighted - it's just too blonde. I think it was stripped and re-dyed after ISTL (No. 2) finished shooting. In that pic from his South Sudan trip in Feb. - it's just too blonde and brassy to be natural.
I think some of that was still in effect during PGG (#3) and maybe even during his time at TIFF (that's 4) - at least in the front.
But by the time of the CP (5 - if you're keeping count) promo tour, I think it was fairly au natural.
All of Anon. (AKA Dottie)'s posts now feature added acronyms!
I like TA Loki more than Thor or TTDW Loki. He's just so thoroughly bad in TA - very little empathy or kindness, just a hot piece of revenge and hate and megalomania wrapped in leather.
>>594 damn right I love HIM. It's the Avengers I find tedious. The only one worth a damn is Tony Stark, with or without the magic suit. Otherwise we have: Captain America, a man who thinks he is a superhero because his mother kno
Argh! [rant continued unabated]
Knitted him a superhero suit; Black Widow, whose superhero quality is "I seduce you with my magical vagina and then break your neck", which I know we could ALL do if we wanted to; and the Jeremy Renner character, a man with a bow and arrow, god help us. When I see him I think of that scene where Indiana Jones watches some bloke do a huge sword waving display and then takes out his gun and shoots him. If it was just Tony and Loki duking it out it would have been so much better.
>>594 Dottie, you are so naughty with your acronyms. In your honour we should henceforth call Thor simply, T.
>>590 Then have you seen those? Two of my favourite gifs of him ever!
>>597 Bwahaha! You effectively summarised almost all of my feelings about TA (yay for acronyms!). Although Captain America was not so bad in The Winter Soldier (but only courtesy to the said Winter Soldier).
Well, whatever official governmental thoughts in China re incest themes in art, Torrilla does not share them, as she has uploaded a graphic gif of the fraternal hand job scene. Lucille's paw is more deeply buried in his groin than I recalled!
qaz, we don't talk about that first gif. WE DO NOT MENTION IT! And we certainly don't make me look at it...because...ugh...he's too...I hate you, Tom Hiddleston. I hate you!!
I once spent five minutes looking at that gif and smiling like an idiot. I do not regret those five minutes. I never shall.
Fraternal hand job...paw...deeply buried...groin.
Whoa, that escalated quickly.
(Rushes to Torrilla's page!)
This is the first tweet that came up in TH's search:
https://twitter. com/911grrl/status/675056440902598661
For those that don't want to bother with the link:
Ms.Molly (@911grrl)
I'm 18 mos deep in some Norwegian girl's Tom Hiddleston Instagram feed, just in case you wanted to feel better about yourself today.
>>603 Hee hee!
Slow tweet day in the TH tag, I guess (or it is if you have blocked the worst heart eyes offenders).
Okay, after some intense research (watching the gif for several minutes), am I the only one who thinks that's more of a 'thigh job?'
Unless Sir Thomas is dressing wayyy to the left, her hand seems a tiny bit off center, so to speak.
Chinese censors, maybe Sir Tom had a charley horse, and his sister was trying to massage it out. Maybe Lucille was suffering from - Anon can attest - a bad case of 'Tea Shoulder' - a stress injury caused by making so many cups of poisoned tea. Her brother was easing the stiffness...with his lips.
See, just a normal familial relationship.
>>606 The off to the left theory would explain the strange positioning of his bum in the sex scene!
Now you learn something new every day. I never knew what a Charley horse was until now.
>>606 and yeah, I can attest: whenever I get "tea shoulder" TH drops by my place for a handjob and a shoulder snog. Haven't you seen my Instagram?
It probably helps that it's going to be set in Oz - easy commute for her.
>>609 Oooh, I wonder if she'll be the Enchantress. That could be interesting!
Also, the latest:
http://bluesandbooks . tumblr . com/post/134956487576/theo-split-in-enquirer
>>610 The Enquirer! I see it dates the split from 30.11.15 which is the date that the Star article appeared.
Cate Blanchett is great - though am I right that there has still been no official confirmation that TH will be in TR (I am on an acronym roll now, there is no stopping me..!!). Didn't it come from a comment from Mark Ruffalo or something?
I was just idly browsing Twitter, tumblr etc, thinking it was a slow news day for TH-related news and then I saw this!
1) over the phone - OW!
2) on the same day as his best friend died - double OW! (And if she didn't know her fiancé's best friend had died, does that make it worse or better?!)
3) if the friend's obit was on 31.10.14 then she and TH had been filming maybe a week when she dumped BH. Makes a causal connection unlikely - however according to a commenter on CB they had been "rehearsing" together for some time, ho ho.
4) EO is a bitch queen to rival the jarthy.
5) this saga truly is the gift that keeps on giving.
I still think it's suspicious that Elizabeth Olsen broke off her engagement the same time Marc Abraham divorced his wife.
>>614 I didn't know that! I like your gossip! I had thought that MA was a long time divorcé for some reason.
Ruffalo did mention TH and being in T:R, and he's on the IMDB page. However, I wonder how large his part will be. He's meant to be in disguise, remember. We may see more of Anthony Hopkins doing a TH.
Yes, they started filming in early Oct., but TH and EO had been together in Nashville (at some point and for some amount of time). Remember RC when he wrote about all the work TH was doing to prepare for the role? He said that he'd seen him (TH) rehearsing lines with his leading lady for six hours straight.
I thought that MA divorced at the end of 2013/start of 2014. I don't remember where I read that. He was married as late as 2012 when he mentioned speaking to his wife about TH.
Do not compare my queen Arthy to that piece of celery EO. NEVER!
Arthy was waging war on two fronts during her TH time: smiling at Wimbledon and in the Bora Bora pic, AND favoring and trolling fan girls on twitter. EO couldn't even manage to not hide her face when grabbing a taxi.
Arthy would have pole vaulted into that taxi and sat her ass down on TH's lap - like the goddess she is.
I'm afraid to wander into the veranda (CB comments).
Can someone give a summary of the overall tone? Are they defending TH or has he already been put into the basket a la The Wicker Man?
I wonder if EO knew about this article coming out (perhaps the author would have contacted her for a quote or touched base with her reps.)?
Maybe the 'He ended it' and 'I want to focus on my career' and 'he's living it up big time in Hawaii with the hula girls while I'm trying to recover' are meant to garner some sympathy for EO.
Because, damn, she could use some after this article. Even if she didn't know his best friend had died - an engagement should never be ended over the phone. And that's not because Emily Post says so, that's just being a human being.
Michael K at Dlisted...take it away.
Don't slip on the verandah and accidentally deliberately get pushed into the bayou. The owner of the verandah is screaming "I told you she broke up with Boyd before the US Weekly article! I told you!" (ie the Perfect Disney Prince doesn't do overlap). This somewhat overlooks the month of 6h rehearsals.
1) debate is raging over whether EO was an utter bitch to dump Boyd on what must have been a bad day, or just "being honest with her feelings" (a phrase only used by women and only in my experience 0.00001 seconds before they do something utterly sow-like. But I digress).
2) quite a few people are saying "I don't get their PR." Me too.
3) quite a few people are saying "it still looks so shady/juicy." Ditto.
4) mad nanny stuff about none of this being anything at all to do with their PR. Ever.
TH not yet under bus.
>>618 Yeah, you're right. The jarthy would have been giving TH a Lucille style seeing to while grinning into the camera.
>>621 I love Michael K and would divorce and remarry him without question, (were I part of his stated sexual preference group).
>>623 I love that she gets a definite article. I agree that she deserves a definite article.
Oh, no, you don't.
I'm already plotting to kidnap him and send him to one of those Christian re-programing camps. AND then, I'll invite the board to our intimate wedding - catered, at his request, by In-N-Out burger. It will follow Lex's wedding to TH.
My fiancé already knows he is on the outs if MK suffers a head injury and wakes up from his coma transformed into a heterosexual. He'll show up at my place to find it empty with a receipt for a one-way ticket to Cali.
>>626 If Michael K wakes up with a sexuality-changing head injury we'll know whodunnit!
Did you buy the bag, by the way?
I did! Went with the cream. I've sworn an oath to reduce my carbon footprint in the new year!
The EO and BH story has been picked up by the DM - front page - right under the headline story - of the online US version. Same place in the UK version, but hidden as the second story on the scroll bar.
>>629 Cream! You can use it at your wedding to Michael. So versatile ;)
Yeah, I've found that suspicious too. It also struck me as a little weird that she held his hand at TIFF then walked arms around each other later. But with Hiddleston, she covered her face immediately during pap night and had a freakout.
People magazine and E!Online has also picked up the Boyd and EO story. Oh boy, is it going to be the battle of the exes now? And is TH going to be a casualty in it?
>>633 AND Perez and JustJared.
Poor Tom - I don't type those words often. Maybe casualty is too strong, as I don't think - neither do I think you do - he's going to come limping out of this.
However, he's certainly smack in the middle of the mess, especially since the articles I've skimmed mention their (EO and TH) 'relationship' coming hot on the heels of broken engagement. None I've seen outright say that TH was the cause of the breakup or that it was 'an affair' in the true sense of the word.
Whether the 'reason for' or the 'rebound after' - TH is certainly getting some column inches - probably not the type he'd like though.
I bet he's happy to be on a tiny island with lots of jungle right about now.
>>634 (previous 2 not me - or, I think, "our" Couch. Where are you, Couch Potato? We miss you!).
He must indeed be so happy to be hidden away in the land where nobody photographs you even when they see you with EO (allegedly)(heheh!). It hasn't exactly panned out as someone hoped when they started leaking like a sieve back in May. Though if true, the circumstances of the broken engagement do provide some rationale for leaking - try and manufacture a sense of a decent interval, because otherwise the breakup story is even worse. Over the phone on the day your friend died AND because I've been cheating. I can imagine that she might have wanted to get ahead of that story by controlling the PR.
>>634 BTW the comments on those articles are interesting. I know that anyone who comments on an Internet article is to a degree "invested" in the story (to use that hideous word). But they are perhaps less of the fandom than Celebitchy regulars or (gasp!) us, and without any of the truly exhaustive analysis in which we have engaged, they have concluded: the engagement ended because THEO were shagging on set; they then milked whatever was going on for all it was worth while ISTL looked like it might be a thing; now ISTL is a dead duck, so is the relationship. I would say that if this is the consensus outside the fandom, it has harmed TH's image.
>>635 Isn't funny that I didn't think it sounded like you and said as much in my response? I thought, Oh, she's been at the mince pies and Sherry. I'll check IDs more carefully.
No it isn't Couch Couch - she's a blue link.
>>636 It is a reasonable and logical conclusion, and thus the most likely one for those 'less invested' observers.
Whether THEO started during the engagement or very soon after it ended is unknown, but I think 'the chemistry' between EO and TH certainly played some part in the engagement coming to an end.
But I'm not going to fault EO or TH for that - not that they'd care! We've posted about this before: even if her engagement was rock solid when rehearsing and shooting started - she's only 25, her fiancé is a 1,000 miles away, she's filming emotional scenes with a charming, handsome man who can work a British accent AND a Southern one. Then, because the town's so small and the cast's so small, they're going to cafes together and spas together and everywhere else together. It was almost inevitable under those circumstances that she would start to wobble in her engagement.
TH was coming off Bora Bora with The Arthy. He needed to rebound hard and fast after letting such perfection slip through his fingers.
So, yeah, the timing was bad and they didn't handle their attraction, entanglements, relationship in the best, most straightforward fashion. But - that's life and they're human. We here know he's no Prince Perfect, so this messiness (again, messiness = life) shouldn't come as a surprise.
>>636 It will be interesting to see how this pans out image wise.
The He's a Prince and Can Do No Wrong group will explain it all away in some fashion or another. They're floating down De Nile and they like it there. So his image won't change with them - they'll still hail Kong as a masterpiece when it hits theatres.
The Realists understand that he's a man and life is complicated and he's not a monster - overlap or no overlap. They'll - I'll - still watch his movies and be interested in him.
But those are the two ends of the fan spectrum. What the in-betweens will do will be most fascinating.
Forgot to add - I wonder how Luke's weekend is going?
>>641 Haha. I wonder if Tom is going to just keep him around forever regardless of whether or not he does his job well. I think this EO thing has been a minor catastrophe for Tom, and though I'm not a PR expert I feel like something should be done about it. I don't know what, but pretty much anything other than what is currently going on.
>>640 Watch this space.
I don't personally think it is inevitable or even likely that a relationship would falter in the circumstances you describe. Brie Larson is also young, a long way from her boyfriend, in the arms of the charming Mr H., and on a pretty much closed film set, which I imagine is an intense and bonding experience. Will she kick her fellow to the kerb for TH? I doubt it, unless the relationship already has issues. My own perspective is that the engagement breakup was a sign that things weren't meant to be, sooner or later, and if it wasn't TH it would probably have been somebody else. No blame for that, and it's probably for the best in the long run (if I had married the man I was with at 22....don't go there!).
Where I do give TH a hard stare is what happened after. Most people have a messy relationship from time to time and that's fine. It also is understandable given how the press write about people's private lives that he might wish to control how that story found its way into the public domain. However, where I part company with it is when it starts to look a lot like exploiting the relationship (or exploiting a friendship that people thought was a relationship) in the interests of publicising your movie, until precisely the moment when it becomes clear that that movie is a dog. And the reason I give that a hard stare is purely because it was accompanied by a lot of guff from TH about being principled and straight and not playing games and (per the FT article her wrote recently) about not generating click bait! it seems to me that if you are going to play the game, that's fine, but don't then pretend you're not.
I DARE someone to tweet a link to this page to Luke!!!
PS I will still heart eyes when I see his bare bottom in HR though!
>>643 True. But BL is - as we've mentioned - seems a lot more grounded, worldly and mature than EO. And I've seen BL's man - he's a musician, dark, scruffy - and drop dead gorgeous. Boyd is pretty much TH (similar color, build, features - just with a smaller forehead). It's like EO wanted to do a straight swap. Switch the one that's not there for the one who looks exactly like the other but is around/new and shiny.
I just can't with the whole publicity mess because I genuinely can't separate the PR and purposefully planned/leaked stuff from the straight up tabloid. Some called it a set up pap walk - but then why did they behave like that? And the majority of articles didn't paint either in a good light, so were they leaked? Which ones? Was that first pic planned/leaked? What is going on!?!
I do think that TH is playing some type of 'game' but he (and Luke) are playing so poorly that it's almost like he isn't playing the game. It reminds me of the time I agreed to join a Saturday football league but only if I could play goalie because then I could stand in goal and smoke and not have to actually run around, play, try. I wasn't playing a game - I was just smoking in goal.
I need a dozen Christmas cookies to wash the muddy taste out of my mouth.
This will end at some point, right?
>>645 Don't forget - according to the Asia producer for AMC - the bottom makes at least one appearance in TNM. Maybe more. Hell, maybe he Porky Pig-s it through the whole six parts!
A Tom snippet from Jason Mitchell's IG.
If you haven't seen Brie Larson's IG with Jason Mitchell's chopstick tutorial, check it out.
(Is that EO in the cupboard?) Just kidding!!!
So, Sunday Topic:
What tattoo would TH get? Where?
Obviously, it would be a quote - a long one. TH does not know how to self-edit - in so many ways!
It would be philosophical, maybe an entire Loeb's page worth of Marcus Aurelius or Seneca or Heraclitus?
It wouldn't go on his arse, because that's been his money maker of late. Got to keep that canvas blank for the cameras.
>>646 We've tried to answer so often and always Epic Fail. But I think the May article in US Weekly came from one of them (probably her). Nobody on nw3 or the bicycle could confirm they had seen them together in London before then, and certainly there was no rumour in the press about them as a couple - in other words that info probably came from within. I imagine at that stage it had more to do with managing the messy engagement breakup than anything else. Then the sneaky from behind pic - that originated with the bicycle so I doubt they had anything to do with it.
Then the dreaded Pursegategate. Now I very much doubt that was a staged encounter - as you say, given their reaction it looks unlikely. But I do still think they must have anticipated they were like to be photographed, just not the extent of the feeding frenzy. There are plenty of very fancy restaurants in London where paps don't hang around outside, where mobile phones aren't allowed (so no tweeting to tip off the paps) and where your driver could collect you from a kerbside door. Maybe it was just defiance - we won't let the paps run our lives - but celebs who get a lot of pap attention tend not to tweak the dragon's tail unless they are prepared to take the risk that they might be seen. So I do feel like they were playing games - but mostly a game of chicken. We might be seen, and if we are we'll keep them guessing with our weirdly ambivalent body language. TH lives in London and he is not a complete baby about this (cf ability to hide the Jarthy away after initial attention). I think he knew what the likely outcome of that dinner was.
After that - who knows about the later articles. US Weekly I still think came from the same inside source, but by then they had enough material that they could make stuff up and sound convincing. The rest were just voices in the echo chamber and all seemed to derive from US Weekly. It is quite noticeable though that they didn't confirm or deny the rumours until TIFF. Previously EO had been very keen to deny she was seeing Jeremy Renner. I think she specifically denied that on Gossip Cop. That rather begs the question, if you were ultimately going to deny you were dating TH, why wait until mid September? The only answer I can think of for that is because the gossip served a useful purpose.