Thread to talk about actor Tom Hiddleston
Tom Hiddleston 1:
Tom Hiddleston 2:
Tom Hiddleston 3:
Tom Hiddleston 4:
ISTL trailer has appeared. Shameless use of "TH cuddles newborn baby" paydirt.
Fascinating how all those gossip mag articles and old "THEO" Twitter sightings just happened to surface in the days leading up to the ISTL trailer release. What a coincidence!
>>452 Anonsy I hadn't even had time to make that connection. I bow down and kiss your cynical feet!
Thanks for the laugh guys - your comments are hilarious - and for all the links; I haven't visited the Bicycle site for a long time and would've missed this gem.
To put my two cents in the whole discussion - I'm with Anon here. When I encounter those wild erotic fantasies about TH, it always makes me chuckle a bit, because I myself get a distinct impression that he's not a very sensual person by his nature. Don't get me wrong, I certainly don't see him as a virginal unicorn prince, but when his fans make up those scenarios where he's some kind of a sex-god, and a night with him becomes the best event of their lives ever - yeah, I don't think that's what happens IRL. For some reason I have a feeling that he is a person who connects more to other people on a friendly or an intellectual level.
And there's nothing wrong with that, BTW :)
I would tweet during the deed - knowing that TH might actually stop and look at the tweets! Or, going by your estimation, by the time the tweet reached him, he'd be done and enjoying a little post-coital social media-ing.
It wasn't just my arms....
Anonsy knows the game! She is currently flicking the wool from her eyes. I love it!
They (respective PR camps) are playing us like a six-string!!! Who would have thought PR people would be so manipulative?
>>456 I am spitting out my tea here!
It wasn't just my arms
Or, it wasn't just my arms?
Yeah, he does seem like one of those 'I want to make your brain' type of guys.
But two minutes...I'm still going to give him more credit than two minutes.
>>457 So, straw poll!! Which do we prefer?
1) no relationship - it was all made up for publicity purposes.
2) genuine relationship - but it was exploited for publicity purpose.
I am so glad that their publicists are, at least, a match made in heaven!
>>459 You're carefully ignoring my "constant boner at 34" evidence. Which is fruity, I know, but scientific. When did you last go on a date with a guy whose constant and obtrusive and puppyishly excited boner translated into a 2 hour expert bonkfest?
The latter. My Italian boyfriend at the time got away scot-free - the bastard. I don't think it was the first time he'd tried such a stunt, though he never admitted it. It wouldn't surprise me if making whoopee on an ancient monument was an Italian right of passage.
Italians - can't make the trains run on time, can convince you to do sexy times against an aqueduct.
In American speak: awesome!
'...obtrusive and puppyishly excited boner....'
I know Oxford does a word of the year, but do they do a phrase of the year?
Okay, maybe not two hours, but two minutes? Twenty, or ten - at least - if only because his sexy talk is probably in complete sentences, with multiple subordinate clauses - because he only knows how to talk in subordinate clauses!
>>463 I don't know. Perhaps I should enter - which is more than the puppyishly excited boner usually does, hahahaha.
Seriously, have you not seen this phenomenon lift the restaurant table opposite you in your younger days? In my experience it was usually attached to a sweet nerdy boy who wanted to talk me to death.
>>464 I could well believe the whole encounter would take more than 20 minutes. Perhaps it is a definitional thing - I don't count the sexy talk in what one might call the Sonny Corleone door time. That part I can well believe might only last 2 mins.
I genuinely think there was/is a little somethin-somethin going on. There was just so much smoke for there not to be a bit of fire. But relationships have so many different levels that it's hard to tell what the somethin-somethin was.
Given their geographical distance - and his work schedule - a FWB scenario seems a possibility: we're on the same continent, there's a kitchen door close by, we go for it!! But neither needs to stick around if it doesn't fit into a personal schedule - hence her leaving less than a week after date night.
Mind you, if it came out that they were just friends - no benefits - that wouldn't surprise me either.
>>465 I went to an all girls school, and then I didn't have a serious relationship until I was 20 - and he was 27. So, thankfully, I missed some of the more puppyish years. And I've never seen one lift a table - those British boys!! :)
Ok, I have to actually go watch the trailer. I haven't yet. I am going to skip his twitter tag - it has over 2000 tweets. Quick 'no' to that.
The people who make trailers must make BANK, because on the trailer alone you wouldn't think that this has a 27% rating on RT.
I think we know how a certain segment of the fandom is reacting to the love scene between TH and EO. His neighbor will be surprised to see them in a horizontal position - and with no door in sight.
And this gem. Look at him work those blankets!
>>469 Was this picture taken in Ikea?
(Tho actually ikea has been sending flat pack houses to refugee camps, so maybe...)
I am delighted to see the return of the grandad cardigan and that blue t shirt. I feel like equilibrium is restored :)
You know how sometimes you get caught in a vicious internet link maze - one link leads to another and another until you've wasted 30 minutes of your life? That just happened to me - the TH edition.
But look what I found...
Funny but also frightening. I've said it before: Tom, girl, you in danger.
That is bizarre, I have to say. I went in late January when the fan fever was said to ha e been well established and I didn't see a thing. I wasn't into him at that time but my friend was, and was well switched on to Internet madness surrounding him, and she would have pointed it out I'd have thought.
Looking back on it I was so bad. I was on the front row right by the shower and I was just ticked off that it was all so extra - this is the Donmar, why are they pandering etc. I didn't realise it was meant to be a great treat. Then in the robe of humility scene I said, probably horribly audibly, "he's wearing A JOCK STRAP under that robe" (which he was). I also failed to realise who had parked his big blue Jag in the almost empty car park near the theatre where I had parked, until much, much later, after I read how he had been forced to drive after people stalked him to the tube. I didn't see him while I was collecting my car, which is probably a good thing as I imagine he would have decked me for the jock strap remark.
>>460 I'm going with the 2nd one. I always had a feeling there was something really going on, even when they denied it, only we didn't know what exactly. It could definitely have been a FWB situation.
I think this pic looks like TH, but the TH that didn't become an actor, the one that became an IT or bank manager from Stoke-on-Trent.
So, I made the mistake of checking out his twitter tag (I know, no one to blame but myself, glutton for punishment, especially since he tweeted and that always brings out the worst in people!).
The tweets are even more ri-donk-a-donk than usual. But I'm going to help you compose your own perfect tweet to Mr. H.
Select one from each of the following categories:
Opening Salutation:
3. A buttload of exclamation points (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
4. An emoji featuring heart-eyes
Over the top emotional reaction to a 2 minute (coincidence given the kitchen door tweets?) trailer:
Certainty of award:
TH ego stroke:
I'm a fan; I wouldn't be here otherwise, but some of these ladies need to keep their damn panties on!
In honour of this fine post I have devised a board specific Tom Hiddleston tweet generator.
Opening salutation:
1) Hello Mr Olsen
2) Hello Mr 2 Minutes
3) we do still love you but sometimes you make us ROFL
4) Heart eyes
Reaction to trailer:
1) Where is the High Rise trailer?
2) We prefer you with a bit more to hang onto
3) The accent is actually pretty good
4) The thing with the baby gave me the feelz. Bastard.
Certainly of Oscar glory:
1) Never gonna happen
TH ego stroke:
1) We're grown women with proper jobs and we're all here. What more do you want?
2) We don't all believe it was only 2 minutes.
3) Really none of us want to stroke your ego.
TH looks like a mannequin in this one I think!
A beautiful mannequin (heart-eyes)! It's those Brezhnev eyebrows.
You just know GdT was buttoning up his shirt: 'No, no chest hair. We're saving that for the Blu-Ray release.'
'We're grown women with proper jobs and we're all here. What more do you want?' Truer words have never been spoken.
'We don't all believe it was only 2 minutes.' (Raises hand) I firmly believe it clocks in at a solid ten - as long as you don't think of tennis or Shakespeare or the movie Heat. And your ridiculous appearance on Chatty Man shows us that you've - at the very least - got a good stroke game...ummmm, Tom, have you ever seen the remains of the Claudian aqueduct outside of Rome....
>>480 And the wild Romantic hair (heart eyes!). I'd so love to see him play the young Liszt.
see what I mean?
>>481 "I firmly believe it clocks in at a solid ten [inches]."
My smut-o-meter just melted. I am sending you the bill.
TH dreams he gets an Oscar:
Helen - aged 88 - shares her opinion on TH and one night stands.
EO's got some competition.
>>484 Oscars should just fly into a winner's hand like in that scene! It would make the ceremony bearable.
He's going to need to keep on least for a little while.
Speaking of awards...the BFI awards are on Sunday. Here's the nominee list for best actor.
Thoughts? Chances for ole TH?
I saw Macbeth. It was playing in the Hamptons at a small festival. I like MF as an actor, I like his face even more, but I thought his performance was flat (odd for Macbeth, I know, but it was a little beige, especially when he didn't have beautiful scenery around him).
I saw Legend as well. It had the most limited of limited releases at an art house theatre near me. It came, I saw it, blinked, and it was gone. If Hardy gets it, it will be for playing twins, i.d. doing double duty, and not for his overall performance. He was very over the top with one of the twins - which I'll concede is probably needed with East End gangsters - but it still put me off. And his overly puckered mouth upsets me.
I haven't seen the others. Has anyone on the board seen them?
I doubt TH will attend, he's got a monkey to wrestle into submission. And it might be his visitation weekend with EO (kidding!!).
>>483 Maybe he has some form of priapism and we're (mostly Anon and I) laughing at him. We'll feel terrible when he writes his autobiography and details his struggle with this affliction!!
It's not his fault! It's a condition!
>>488 I don't mock his condition! I am in awe of his condition! If he lived in ancient Pompeii we know he would have lived in the house with the terracotta willy sticking out of the front wall.
NSFW!! Ancient smut to follow:
TH's living room wall painting:
TH's oil lamp:
TH's pendant:
To be fair to the ancient Romans, this symbol was meant to ward off evil spirits / bring about fertility, but willies are funny, and I still giggle like a school girl when I see them around ancient sites.
>>490 I saw some of these in the Secret Room in the Naples Museum. There was a candelabra made entirely of willies and a 3 legged coffee table whose legs were willies; also a cup with a willy that became visible as you drank. I was surrounded by Serious German Academic Men (shorts, sandals, beards, biiiig cameras) and I was laughing so hard the tears rolled down my cheeks. They didn't laugh - but as my (now) husband pointed out, what possible inner kind of reaction were the Romans looking for with that coffee table? I wanted to take it away with me so badly!
Inner? Other!
>>487 So is Twitter full of alleged sightings of TH travelling to the UK for the award ceremony?! We need to know...!
>>493 No airport sightings. Sadly, I think that sort of journey is beyond even our little globetrotter.
Strangely, there were two sightings of him in Oregon. (Shrugs shoulders) Who knows!?!
>>494 I'm putting my money on mistaken identity for the Oregon sighting. I saw two tweets about it - one girl whose family member might have helped him in a store, and one that was in reference to the first tweet and not an actual sighting itself. Could be true, but it seems like a strange place for him to pop up.
>>495 I would agree...but maybe he and EO have a Portland love nest. All the big stars they don't.
It's unlikely...but stranger things have happened with this guy.
Good God. Tom was filming till 5 am last night he can't be in Oregon.
>>497 May I ask how you know this? Not to dispute that he might not be in Oregon..
There is a person I know very well who is in production so that's how I know. Plus this logically if he is somewhere right now (not on set) is London, not Oregon.
I did however see this on tumblr this morning:
The "6 December 8.30am" is when the blogger screen capped the tweet, not least because at the time of writing (9.55 6 December UK) it is not yet 6 December in HI. So when the original tweeter says "last night" he is referring to Friday night not Saturday night.
Go Scarlet Pimpernel Tom! Leap on that plane to Oregon (probably not...!!)
>>501 Yes,thats right. 8-35am ( 6.12) UK time is 8-35pm ( 5.12) in Hawaii, so "last night" is probably 4.12 ( Friday).
>>500 Didn't think you were that "Anon" - even Anon, can tell that anon a mile away..
Good for him wherever he is. Hope he is having a ball and enjoying himself with the ladies.
>>503 Yes I hope so too. Sounds like it is a fun shoot. Probably good to have the variety. This time last year on ISTL he was eating one lettuce leaf a day, smoking and getting a trifle intense. I personally would prefer laser tag and Maui!
>>496 I googled "Elizabeth Olsen Oregon" for shits and giggles and look what I found lmao :
Relationships and family are indeed very important to the Avengers: Age of Ultron actress. She's already thinking about having kids with Holbrookâthough she's not sure where she'd want to raise them. "My mother would love it if I was in L.A. with kids," she said. "I loved growing up in L.A., but I always think about places I've never been to before, like Oregon."
Still hoping he shows up at the BIFAs (even though it's unlikely). I want to have a closer look at SkullIsland!Tom.
>>505 They are NESTING!! I can't wait for them to go public with their love, get married, have babiezzz, and make organic soap in Portland!
>>505 I bet EO is enjoying Skull Island TH!
>>497 Lex/Cabbage Anon/ Anon - Do the decent and reasonable thing and use a name different than Anon(.)
We ALL know you by your posts - you're not anonoymous in that respect, so you might as well give yourself a set name that is different from an established board member.
This is going to be a long one, ladies. I apologize in advance.
Oh, Lex, what a tangled inter-web we weave...
You KNOW someone in production, do you? That's such a coincidence because when I headed over to The Town Bycycle (to see the reaction to the Door Sex Tweets) there was a ridiculously long submission attempting (badly) to debunk all connection between TH and EO.
That poster claimed to know someone in production as well. The poster also had a VERY distinctive grammar pattern. Now, I'm a language girl - that was my area of study and it's part of the job I do now, so I'm sensitive to language and the use of it - and as I was reading that post, I thought to myself, This is familiar. Very familiar.
AND then the poster used the phrase 'yellow pages.' Now to someone born in the US, yellow pages refers to a phone book's business directory. The same in the UK, I think (correct me if I'm wrong, Anon). But the poster used it to refer to tabloids. YOU"VE used it to refer to tabloids - Thread 3, post 156 - even though you were born in London and live in London. Remember, Lex, you were born in London and live there.
(Puts on NATO hat and researcher hat) Since you asked (even if you didn't), I'll tell you who uses the phrase 'yellow pages' or 'yellow magazines' to refer to tabloids: People from Russia and people from the areas that used to belong to Russia. So I would say you weren't born in London, I would say you were born in Russia, or maybe Georgia or Armenia or one of the Stans. Your language use supports that: Russian, Georgian and Armenian, they all have a case system (like Latin, Ancient Greek), and your grammar and syntax tell me that your native language is an inflected one. It is not English.
And 'Lex,' well, that's probably short for Aleksandra (always a popular one in Russia and Georgia and throughout the Caucasus.). Maybe you should use Alex or Aleksandra for your name here.
And as for knowing someone in production - no you don't. I don't need to give evidence for that, it's just common sense.
Shhhhh, got to keep my girls at 4-chan in the loop. Here's my boss' schedule for the weekend:
Friday Night/Saturday:
1.Meet up with EO
2. Catch flight to Oregon
3. Join Mile High club
4. View houses to fill with our love and babies
5. Stop off at local mall for skin care items (got to look good for the red carpet)
Signed, Olly, who is defo NOT Anon.
>>507 wow. Sherlock. Wow. You surely have time to write "ridiculous long posts " dont you? I have an excuse - I'm on vacation and have nothing to do now, but what about you? Language girl, sure, you know things unlike me. I have a good laugh how you hate to admit I am right about THUNGS generally . I wasn't even going to prove that what I say is legit. Time will tell. Like it did about Olsen and Tom.
And I'm sorry to disappoint you but my nickname Lex comes from Latin lex, my name is Maria, if you are interested. Just fyi.
And don't make your self look stupid, Russian and Armenian are indoeuropean languages when Georgian is not. Language girl. Sure, I can see that.
Unfortunatly to you I really do have a friend in production. But you will better tear your ads apart then admit I was right.
'...eating one lettuce leaf a day, smoking and getting a trifle intense.'
No wonder he thought he was making a masterpiece: 20 calories a day, 200 mg of nicotine, his hat keeping all the heat around his brain - the poor boy was delusional.
HI and then Australia aren't such bad places to be during a Northern Hemisphere winter.
Just one reply, and then I'll ignore her. Scout's honor.
You have an excuse for writing that long post on the Town, you did write it. Thanks for clearing that up, even though it was completely obvious.
My excuse would be that it's Sunday.
Sure, Maria, sure. You selected lex, the Latin for 'law' as your handle on a message board. Nope, not buying it. Your name is Aleksandra or Alex or Lex, or even Lassie...but nice try. God loves a try-er.
And now we know that you are Georgian because you've given us a fact about your own language. But, just FYI, while it's not fully Indo-European, it does share many characteristics (because its linguistic predecessor mixed with Indo-European).
Ah so you have an exuze, good, good, I can sleep now.
I'm sorry to sound rude, but you need to see a specialist in mental disorders you know? All you say is such a crap that I ask my self why on earth I engaged in conversation with you. Eye roll. And when I say every thing I mean it. Including your language "studies". As I said, time will tell as it did already. And don't care if you believe me or not. Somebody asked, I answered. So go to hell language girl.
And as for my nationality, sorry, I'm Russian. All my knowledge comes from basic school knowledge. If you are that clever then you have to know thAt Russian system of education gives a basic knowledge that is far better then American. Language girl, lol lol. Please, I seriously ask you, read some books, please. You are even more stupid then I thought
>>507 All of this.
>>105 As Couch pointed out here, we know that Lex, cabbageanon and FakeAnon (as I shall call her) are the same person as all round Twitter and fandom favourite Firenbrenie. She initially insisted she wasn't but she's stopped denying it now. At >>297ff I described firenbrenie's Twitter description as hers and she didn't demur.
And, as I pointed out at >>322, Firenbrenie lives and works in - drumroll please - Tblisi (from her Twitter before she locked it). Which is in Georgia (the one which was formerly part of the USSR). I too spent a lot of my time studying inflected languages and FakeAnon's use of English is entirely consistent with Russian or one of its relatives being her first language - and, I'd venture, with it being the language she speaks first every day. Immersion doesn't eradicate all traces, but it softens the edges. In short, Lex wasn't born and raised in London, and she doesn't live there now. The yellow pages reference bears this out - I didn't pick up on that. Good spot. You are right - it is to any British person the large yellow phone book with adverts for plumbers and such.
The interesting thing is that you don't need a degree in linguistics to work this out; it gives itself away to any native speaker, especially when there is (to put it mildly) a lot of comparative material available. A lot of people have told the tea girls on tumblr they think the crazy letter to Toby came from firenbrenie:
I'll just leave one final thought for our resident troll, courtesy of another Toby (the one in The West Wing): "When even the internet doesn't want a piece of this, you have to ask yourself, how far from the pack have you strayed?"
>>513 Thanks for confirming, finally, that you are Russian and were educated in the Russian system. Let's take a look at what you you said at >>311 (also using the name Anon and the ID RQNfBWIu). Oh, you were born and raised in London. This is like shooting fish in a barrel. You can't even keep your story straight on the same board. I think we all know which of you and Anon. is the stupid one.
And to think that Anon. was Lex's final and very patient apologist... But lo and behold, she managed to antagonize even her.
You do. When you look at yourself in the mirror.
You started first. I tried to be nice and wasn't insulting anyone. But hey why do I bother? You are dumb and there is no sense in talking to you.
>>517 The being nice and not insulting anyone part lasted about 5 posts into Pursegate before you started screaming at us and calling us over invested fangirls, issuing death threats to EO and telling us to "eat shit" on your Twitter. Don't try my patience and make me link back to all this. We all remember anyway because we didn't come down in the last shower.
Lex/Firenbrenie/FakeAnon - if you want acceptance here then at the very least stop posting under multiple names and stop telling such preposterous Munchausean stories. Revel openly in your status as the craziest person in all the TH fandom - after all, it's a title awarded from a very competitive field!
Ok stepping away from the underside of the bridge now. Promise.
>>514 It is all rather obvious, isn't it. I'm not surprised we weren't the only right-thinking individuals to notice.
West Wing THAT"S a mic drop!
>>516 Even my patience has it's breaking point (and I'm an oldest child with several younger siblings which basically means my middle name is Patience)...and I wrote it before morning coffee! So...reasons.
' the craziest person in all the TH fandom - after all, it's a title awarded from a very competitive field!'
I'm laughing so hard I can barely type.
>>518 Let's get out from under the bridge and talk about a really important topic: purses!
I'm thinking about replacing my T usting bag (bought in 2005 and still going strong, but starting to look a little shabby). Some of the stores around me have a few but not the one I want, so I'd need to order on-line. The exchange rate is unfavorable and then I'd need to fly it across an ocean (sorry, planet, sorry, ice shelf!).
So, Anon and anyone else, talk me out of it (totally talk me into it!).
This is more on CP's non-release in China. The author - like Anon - notes all the mentions of ghosts in Chinese literature and cinema. He thinks the sex scene (and incest theme) might have been a real reason CP wasn't released in China.
If it was more for the sex scene, my response would be: FOR THAT? For two seconds of arse, implied cunnilingus, a bit of around-the-world hip. It's not integral - cut it and give the movie a chance in one of the largest box office markets on the planet.
For those who want to watch the BIFA awards (I mistakenly called them the BFI - sorry), here is a link for a live stream:
Like we've said, TH probably won't be there, but HR might just snag a few awards.
>>522 I have lived in the UK all this time and I swear I have never heard of this brand. Ok, ok, I confess, I'm actually an agrophobic from Nebreaska, ya got me.
Seriously, they are so nice. The orange tote, drool drool. And the tweedy Vivienne Westwood type ones.
Nebreaska?! I am losing my mind. My excuse is that I have just been slut shamed by my mother over the phone for not making my own mince pies.
The bag website says they have a "vibrant" workforce. You have to buy one out of admiration for their unashamed butchery of the English language. Anyway, keeping your previous bag for 10 years? You're the most eco friendly person on the planet.
They are lovely, but sooo dear.
I was thinking of the Kimbolton tote in orange or cream. My original one is red and it gives me LIFE. One of the old, three-piece suiters (as we colonials called them) in the Foreign Office once referred to me as 'the American with the red handbag.' I'm thinking about putting that quote on my grave.
I think I may need to go for it.
>>523 - in fairness that 2 second shot of the TH botty did cause tumblr to grind (haha!) to a halt for several weeks!
I agree though that they could easily have cut it, and the fraternal handjob shot, out of the movie had they wanted to. However, as demonstrated at ComicCon, the person with the biggest stiffie over the sex scenes was GDT himself, so I imagine he said no.
>>527 think of it on a price per wear: say 300 days per year x 10 years....
Also you NEED a bag for Margaret Thatcher impressions, date nights with TH etc.
I am an Internet enabler. If I were coming to NYC this holiday I would smuggle one over for you, strapped to my body, and insist we met under the clock at Grand Central Station for a handover, before going out and getting tiddly on martinis.
And here are the IG and twitter accounts for BIFA - if you're more of a non-moving pictures sort of person
https://twitter. com/BIFA_film
Enjoy! Fingers and toes - but never legs (that's how he likes it) - crossed for Mr. H!!!
>>526 Not making your own mince pies!! You'll never snag TH as your second husband with those tarty ways.
TH expects that his mince pies will be made with your grandmother's WI pastry recipe and with mince you've made with peel from your organic garden's fruit. And don't forget the brandy you've distilled in your antique copper still.
Up your game, girl. We all know TH has high standards when it comes to his puds/pudds (spelling?) - puddings.
>>524 Well according to tumblr Luke is there! Could of course be supporting another client. Watch this space.
>>524 Well according to tumblr Luke is there! Could of course be supporting another client. Watch this space.
Youtube live stream - working well.
>>533 Ooooo, good sign. But maybe for E. Watson. That seems to be his only other A/B+ lister.
>>531 Abel and Cole's home made mince pies are more expensive per pound than gold, but when dusted with icing sugar and served in a low lit room (!!!!!) nobody would know the difference, not even TH. I do actually make my own sloe gin (no joke) - one glass of that and he would have no chance.
The irony is that when my dear mama rang, I was shredding kale in the manner of a vrai domestic goddess - an activity I had to pause in order to answer the s*dding phone.
Okay, even if TH doesn't show up, my day has been made by seeing Mrs. Purchase on the RC! I love Toast of London.
>>537 Gosh seeing people pose in front of the advertising boards makes you realise just how posed those pics are. To me they look more spontaneous when you see the photos.
>>535 maybe Luke is there to accept on his behalf if he wins! Secret looooooove!
Well, Ben Wheatley just confirmed there's no TH - in that he might need to given an acceptance speech for him.
Ben Wheatley is a hoot. He said that he takes these awards more seriously than in the past, and thus tries to stay sober during them! That's honesty.
'Also you NEED a bag nights with TH etc.' I see what you did there - every girl needs a good sized purse to cover her face when out with TH.
I'd prefer you strap a bottle of your gin - or two - rather than a purse. I've got priorities.
Also, Domhnall Gleeson (who was just interviewed on the red carpet), once I'm done with TH, I'll be moving into your fandom, so get ready.
>>541 did you try real sloe gin while you were in the UK? Most stuff you can buy in the US is synthetically flavoured, but the home made stuff, made with real sloes, is divine. Contrary to its name it is also fast acting!
>>541 I'm working, so no livestream BIFA for me, but I keep glancing at this board for diversion. And oh yeah, Domhnall Gleeson. I've noticed him after Ex Machina, prior to that he was absolutely off my radar.
Similar tastes in men (or actors)? Which is probably no wonder, since we're all here, on the TH board.
>>543 I'd never heard of this guy so I just googled him. Ooh no. Too much of the Weasley family in him for my taste!
By the way qaz, in light of earlier discussions, I should say that until you mentioned you were Lithuanian I had no idea!
>>544 I have a thing for redheads :)
That's really nice to hear from a native speaker, thanks! But I'm a translator currently, so I suppose that goes with the job.
And now that I've made that confession I'm completely self-conscious about all the mistakes I make and usually notice only once I've hit 'Reply' without re-reading. I'm more mindful with my work, I swear, lol.
>>543 qaz, when you get to a monitor of some sort, check out DG's acceptance speech for his father Brendan. LE didn't win for best supporting; he was actually HR's best bet according to those who'd seen the movie. Now I'm not so hopeful for TH :(. DG's speech was hilarious. Also, check him out in Frank - he's very good in that as well.
>>544 He's got those Irish ginger genes, to be sure, but - like TH - it's all about the personality, baby. He's off the charts funny, and seems like a good time.
>>544 qaz isn't from Lithuania - she's from Nebraska too! The lies! Kidding. Both qaz and Couch (who I also think is a non-native English speaker) take names and kick arse when it comes to speaking English!! So good. And the true test is they both can be funny in English - not an easy task in a second language (or a first, really!).
>>545 I like redheads too (Damian Lewis - and I have actually met him in our local coffee shop, as well as once almost running him over when he walked behind my car while I was reverse parking, tsk). Mr Gleeson looks like a very dear friend of mine who happens to be gay, so maybe my subconscious is saying don't go there. Human attraction is a funny thing. I often wonder how TH manages to push so many buttons, especially after sporting a number of dramatically different looks in the last 5 years.
Are you UK based? You have a real ear for idiomatic English.
>>542 The old Italian boyfriend - yes, he of aqueduct fame - used to make me sloe gin fizzes during the summer.
After a few, I'd agree to most anything (reference aqueduct story above). He would get the gin from Fortnum and Mason (I would hope that it was a legit concoction, given what he probably paid for it).
A few red headed pretties for my dear 4-ch friends!
And my all time fave pic of TH as a redhead (with bonus Josh Horowitz clearly thinking "why do my man parts feel funny near this bloke?") :
Well, Tom won...Tom Hardy. Happily, he and his overly puckered mouth weren't there to collect it (frighten me.) Actually, DG collected it for him as well - so that was a win!
TH needs to do some twin work - that award bait.