Thread to talk about actor Tom Hiddleston
Tom Hiddleston 1:
Tom Hiddleston 2:
Tom Hiddleston 3:
Tom Hiddleston 4:
What, you mean applying rational thought and actually believing what celebs say about their relationships in interviews, instead of accusing them of being liars and hypocrites?!
Never gonna happen.
From Carrie Crowell's IG:
Like flags, that shirt needs to be given a proper send off and buried...perhaps with a 21 gun salute - it has done long, good service.
>>352 How is it that he is such a skinny minnie and wearing a loose shirt and the buttons are still gaping? I also love that he has again got it open down the the navel. He truly is a man of the 70s.
Just for information:
Happy Friday all!
Well, he's alive, and playing Laserquest. Looks very young in this pic for some reason!
Oh and that is Olly on the far right. Who is a more constant presence in his life than any blonde we know Luke, arf arf.
Looks like TH unlikely to attend the Evening Standard awards tonight: Gillian Anderson is to present Best Actor and Jeremy Irons Best Actress:
Well, the ES arts correspondent is on the red carpet apparently without a camera, and is tweeting things like "Ralph Fiennes arrives" with no accompanying pictures! Clearly you had to be there (or maybe nobody is there - picture or it didn't happen etc.....). S/he has not tweeted about TH.
>>361 Just curious to know why we think that Tom would leave Hawaii in the middle of a shoot, to walk the red carpet for a theatre awards show, given that he hasn't walked the boards in the last twelve months..
>>363 Well I personally didn't!
However some had suggested (on tumblr, not on here I think) that he would present the award given that he won last year, and given that he flew from Shreveport last year during filming.
>>355 Now pulled following a rather unusual slash and burn takedown by the film company, which contacted numerous bloggers and told them to remove the pics (unlike Legendary which left the whole pirated CP love scene up without complaint). There followed a slightly irritated chorus of "well release the flippin' movie then!"
Two new highrise posters just put up -->
Happy Thanksgiving - especially to the Stateside folks on here that I know about - Anon. and anonsy - and anyone else who celebrates it of course x
Thanks, Anon.
I'm thankful that Turkey (oh, the Thanksgiving irony. See! Americans DO understand irony!) and Russia haven't started WWIII - yay!
I'm not thankful that my travel/Thanksgiving plans were scuppered by Turkey and Russia pretending to start WWIII - boo!!
I'm leaving the office just now (I'm sharing a train carriage with a group of women headed to camp out for Black Friday sales - they have folding chairs and sleeping bags and are cackling like crazy hens). Where I should be is on a couch in an ensemble that features an elastic waistband, with a turkey leg in one fist and a pint glass of wine (I'm a classy lady) in the other. Either dressing or mashed potatoes should be flecked in my hair, and my mother should be trying to shove homemade rum balls into my mouth.
I do have a TH 'treat' but I'll need to get home to post it.
Hope everyone else is close to friends, family, good food and football (American)! Happy Thanksgiving.
Anon. here (now with wine and cookies - just like the Pilgrims ate).
So, before I left for work this morning, I saw a tweet from a guy who works at Radio 2 telling TH to check out a country music program. Turns out it featured a song from the ISTL soundtrack: Why Don't You Love Me. Or as I call it, The TH and EO Post Pap Night Question Song.
It starts about the 49:40 mark in the show.
Interestingly, they apparently recorded the soundtrack using equipment available during HW's lifetime.
I think he sounds sufficiently 'country.' He's twangy, for sure.
>>368 Enjoy your escape!
I so wish the British celebrated Thanksgiving. Back in the day at Cambridge I had a lot of American students and I ate several turkey dinners over the years. Very happy memories - if you want to fall in love with all that is good about America, a Thanksgiving dinner is the place to start.
My dear Texan friend showed me how to top sweet potato mash with melted marshmallow. Sounds disgusting (to English ears), tastes like mortal sin.
Also, if you're not following Marc Evan Jackson on twitter, who should be.
If we get a BTS TH tweet, if could very well come from this guy. He's already featured Brie (she seems a good egg)
https://twitter. com/MarcEvanJackson/status/667562089343377408
and has recently thrown down the karaoke gauntlet to TH and the rest of the cast/crew (sounds like they're already indulged and are gearing up for a second go!)
https://twitter. com/MarcEvanJackson/status/669976329807200258
or 'you should be!' It's the wine and long days typing!!
>>371 Brie, according to her Twitter, reads Scientific American (unlike EO who we recall had no time for "free reading"). She also forages for mushrooms. I secretly or not so secretly think that she should seduce the boy. She strikes me as genuinely nice and normal. A good egg as you say.
>>372 Anyway, go, get drunk and shovel food down your throat - and take some time off from being a real Avenger who saved the world from marauding Russians, turkey legs etc xx
>>370 The escape is for a few hours - we'll be back tomorrow and probably through the weekend. I guess that's why I make the big bucks (I don't actually make the big bucks).
Start a petition! You've had a civil war, that's when ours came back into style. Two holidays with turkeys - the British turkey farmers will love it!
I'm not a sweet potato sort of girl, but I can happily co-sign the American tradition of happily including marshmallows with most desserts. And pecan pie is proof that God exists, and he loves pie.
I bet TH is enjoying a Hawaiian flavored Thanksgiving, maybe with some poi. Or Thanksgiving with the Olsens...kidding, the Olsens don't eat, they're fueled by cigs and bad fashion.
>>375 The real proof that God loves pie is pork pie....
>>373 Did she actually say that? What is she doing on all those long haul flights to fashion shows and to see TH? She's got nothing but time to read.
Off to the boy's. His shift is ending soon (mostly kids caught in the cross fire as their parents try to deep fry turkeys!) and he's promised to make me a grilled cheese - even said he'd cut the mold off the bread AND the cheese before cooking. Ahhh, he's a keeper.
>>377 There ya have it: she only has time to read scripts and doesn't read books for entertainment:
Enjoy your cheese! I am about to toast your freedom from the royalist oppressors by eating my first mince pie of the year washed down with a glass of cheap fizzy pink wine.
Don't lean on any big red buttons at work tomorrow in your hungover state.
>377 Maybe EO thought that statement made her sound too busy with work to 'free read'? Short-sighted of her; someone needs to tell her that being a well-rounded adult is a good thing. All I know about her is acting and fashion.
>>378 Sadly, they don't let me near the launch codes. A serious lack of judgment on their part.
Mince pie and must be Christmas! My old British boyfriend and I used to treat mince pies (M&S if he was buying, Tesco/Co-op if I was) like an advent calendar: one a day starting on Dec. 1. We just ate them with tea - your method is preferable!
Speaking of 'evolved,' this tweet says TH spent Thanksgiving at le cinema. If true, this raises some questions:
https://twitter. com/reeltourshawaii/status/670297774890463233
Speaking of CP and turkeys, it's official: Forbes put out their list of the biggest box office flops of 2015. CP came in at 15.
But TH shouldn't feel too bad as Blackhat (Hemsworth) came in at 3 and Jupiter Ascending (Redmayne) came in at 13.
https://mobile.twitter. com/reeltourshawaii/status/670383693320458240
He sends emails! He wears shorts!
He's probably writing fan-fiction, or a novel about a misunderstood actor who does really good impressions but can't find love.
Or he's clicking on one of those Russian bride pop-up ads. Don't do it, it's a scam, Tom, a scam!
Thanksgiving go karting: https://mobile.twitter.
>>388 It's all in the bone structure, dahling. As Jackie Stone said in AbFab: 'It's just bone structure, Pats, my whole body hangs off these cheekbones.'
His whole body hangs off those cheekbones, his body...and murder weapons.
I bet he's looking down at his shirt in that pic and thinking, Can I sneak open a few more buttons, my fans want to see all 43 chest hairs.
A few things:
Sorry, I've forgotten my trademark (.) in the last two posts. I'm slipping!
Forgot to add: Olly, of course.
>>391 You're going to have to fit me for Brie! She is very cool.
The leather jacket is (surprise!!) not a new purchase. It dates from at least 2013, if not earlier. After a month or two of Newclothesnewclothes he is back to doing what he does best, ie ferreting through his wardrobe to put together a whole series of identical outfits:
Olly is increasingly omnipresent. I am sure he didn't used to take him on location.
Fight. Autocorrect fail.
In the words of Harry Hill...FIGHT!
Yeah, I recognized that jacket from...every other time he's worn that jacket. But then, that's what leather jackets are for, for forever. I think it's reasonable for him to wear a leather jacket from before he molted. But in Hawaii? It's 82F there.
Maybe he thought it would've protected him if there had been a fiery crash on the gokart track?
>>396 When you only own 5 things it is easy to make the same fashion mistake repeatedly; in his case the mistake is to assume that every item in his wardrobe is suitable for, well, any, occasion. This is a man who wore that turned up collar coat at Purse Gate in July. He wore exactly the same outfit at Letters Live in March when the wind was blowing from Siberia.
>>396 But then part of his not charm is that he is not a materialistic man, and also although handsome clever and rich, with a comfortable home and a happy disposition, is a tad hopeless with it. I imagine if one popped round to his place for tea it would take him an hour to make - you know the type. A lot of pattering to and fro with packets and jars without much being achieved.
>>398 and waits until Olly walks in and offers to do it. I suspect that there's a bit of headshaking when TH is out of view.
As some of you know, I'm a big fan of Michael K at Dlisted. Well, he's waded in again on the TH and EO Star magazine article.
PS This is his second appearance in Star. God, help.
I'm currently on a cake-detox (yes, I have a problem. yes, I'm trying to face up to it), so the ONLY interest for me in that pic are the cakes behind them.
Those two could be making the beast with two backs in that pic and I would still ONLY be interested in those cakes. They look really delicious.
Lord, give me strength against refined sugar and white flour!
>>401 Was there a Star article? I note that Dlisted says, possibly not without irony, that the ultimate "source" was Classicalite!
Pity me for I have eaten 6 mince pies in (cough) 3 days and It Is Still November. Mince pies knock some chocolate cupcake crap into a cocked hat.
Speaking of EO, has anyone managed to find the source of those alleged sightings?
>>403 Apparently the article was in the print version of Star and not online, so Dlisted can't link to it. They're linking to an article that cited it instead. It's actually from the Star but 'via' the clickbait site they mention.
>>403 'Pity me for I have eaten 6 mince pies in (cough) 3 days and It Is Still November. Mince pies knock some chocolate cupcake crap into a cocked hat.'
I hate you. I hate you so much. ;)
>>404 No, and the "source" on Instagram likely didn't exist. Some people on Twitter have been intentionally trying to wind up a certain intense Hiddleston fan we all know and love by mentioning sightings of Tom and EO that never happened.
>>403 There was a short breakup article in Star this week. Someone on tumblr scanned it, I think the wthanon and teatime blogs both reblogged it at some point.
>>406 They were from Marks and Spencer as well, and from their gold box range. Oh yeah. My husband smelled my breath after I ate one and asked suspiciously if I had been drinking!
>>367 Thank you! :) I also ate too much pie this week.
Interesting. Who knows?!? It seems an easy thing to search for stuff on twitter or IG, however, enough accounts are set to private that you only get a sniff of possible sightings from responses and not directly from the sources.
I think that HI might be a place they could actually go 'undercover' and get away with it. We've only had a few pics of him since he got to HI, and only one was from a fan (the sneaky pic of him in shorts - and even that one took a month to surface). Everything else has been from people connected to the movie. And the number of non-pic sightings of him have been few.
So, if she were to show up, maybe it wouldn't make the airwaves.
>>407 Ah, it has appeared in Celebitchy:
The comments make for interesting reading.
>>410 my pleasure!
In England it seems we now have imported Black Friday and Cyber Monday without the bit beforehand where we say thank you for our blessings. The papers were full of pics of angry shoppers fighting over flat screen TVs.
>>413 Ahhh, the Special Relationship. To quote TH, 'I'm sorry, I'm so sorry' that my country has exported those twin commercial monsters - Scylla and Charybdis - to your shores.
I don't think they were there when I was around. At least, I didn't notice them. Recent?
>>407 She who must not be named? Is she on twitter? It wouldn't take much to wind her up on there. We get attacked and we are pretty middle of the road for fandoms. Twitter would be a mine field!
>>411 Interesting theory!
That said the fact that it's being filmed there seems to be relatively big news, and TH is coming off a lot of recent publicity in the press. Plus his fans are on social media a lot and are by and large interested in his relationship status. I would expect more pics if all these sightings were genuine. I'm not saying she wasn't there at all but if they are "homemaking in Hawaii" (I have sold the movie rights to this title btw) I would expect something by now.
It also seems odd if she was cosy with him out there given the Star Mag timing, which I read as coming from her team (the Dlisted guy certainly thought so).
Unless - CRAZY CONSPIRACY THEORY TRIGGER WARNING - she went out there a few weeks ago and that's when they actually split up.
>>415 Are you kidding me?!! Of course she's on Twitter! My recent spat with her was because she tracked down and sent an abusive tweet to the woman who first tweeted the EO/TH sighting in HI, after it was mentioned on here. She is the person the tweeter is responding to in the screen cap you posted.....
>>411 There's still that one deleted tweet about them being spotted in Hawaii, which seemed legit imo.
>>414 I noticed Black Friday a bit last year but in a sort of embarrassed English way (dove gray Friday, more like). Cyber Monday has kind of been a thing for a few years, as it happens to be the day when most is spent internet shopping in the UK. It's the first year I've seen it really linked to big online sales though.
>>418 yeah, I agree, hence not suggesting she was never there at all.
>>416 I'm drinking a concoction of whizzed up lettuce, spinach, pear and lemon juice, so my brain isn't functioning correctly, but I like your crazy conspiracy theory!
She went out there in order to ask him to be her +1 to her sister's wedding. She innocently mentioned that there would be a cigarette theme to the nuptials. TH pictured EO catching a bouquet made completely out of Marlboro 100s, and said a quick no...but probably not before having a quick quickie... and ended their love affair.
We may actually get more pics/sightings soon. HI is the number one holiday/winter vacation spot for US celebs - and they start to head out there during Dec/Jan. With more paps and locals being 'celeb aware' we may just get a few TH, EO, TH and EO sightings. (I hardly ever use an Oxford comma, but I thought it was needed there.)
>>417 Ohhhh. I didn't connect the two. I thought she came on here to attack us because I mentioned them being in HI.
Now I know. I'll keep an eye out during my trips through twitterland.
>>422 Couch Potato made the connection a long time ago, as did anonsy. Can't take credit for that. She's independently active on Twitter, but she also lurks on here, snaps up unconsidered trifles and then goes off back to Twitter to hunt down the EO believers.
>>421 Knowing the Olsens they probably left the cigs in the packs and pelted their guests with them before leaving. I saw the wedding pics and she looks like a woman trying hard to minimise the appearance of an age gap.
So about the tenth Celebitchy comment - after all the veranda nonsense - is about EO starring in a West End play. WTH? Where is that coming from?
If she does get herself a gig in TH's neck of the woods, we'll know that TH and EO are real and her thirst is real - even if he's going to be in Australia for the next few months.
>>424 And there wasn't a dry eye in the room...because of all the smoke.
Looking at those two, and knowing what I know about them (he's French and in his 40s, she's a former child star in her late 20s), I would've thought that cigarettes would be the only thing they did have in common, so why not make it a theme for their wedding.
>>425 During the A:AoU press tour she said that she would love to star in a West End play.
>>425 Did you read the claims one poster made about multiple Twitter sightings (not the poss troll baity ones on the screencap)? Did you see any of those? They haven't surfaced on the bicycle, who has been onto this since the first tweet you mentioned, or on tumblr. I was wondering if you caught anything in your feed since you keep it to manageable levels due to all the blocking. No need for names etc
>>422 BTW this rather informative CB comment thread also says She Who Must Not Be Named has now locked her Twitter. Indeed she has. It either takes a special talent to become known as nut in chief here, on the bicycle, on tumblr and on CB - either that, or the actively posting internet fandom of TH could actually fit in a mini.
And - AND - there is a series of fascinating abusive tweets to TH just now posted on the bicycle (I assume it is the sugar rush from all the thanksgiving pies that has led to this flurry of activity all over the hiddlesphere).
Tweets abuse TH for shagging EO against his kitchen door and then having some kind of row in his garden. Very similar to a previous series of tweets when he was allegedly having it away with JA. I would take all of that with one ginormous pinch of salt except for a single solitary piece of local knowledge which I hereby bestow. There is a 1 bed lower ground and ground floor flat in that complex, with the same number as TH's house. It's a rental. I did wonder whether its current occupant is a light sleeper who does not appreciate being disturbed!
Wouldn't it be hilarious if real-life Tom was into romantic vanilla sex and not at all the wild kink monster the internet makes him out to be?
>>427 Well, in a way, she did (on a pap video). Maybe that's why they did the pap stroll. Now she can say she's performed in the West End! When she said it, did she wink (a secret signal to her British luver!)?
>>428 I've seen a few tweets about TH (all minus pics) - the Macy's bags one, a burger joint, a few malls, one girl who had him come into her place of work - a restaurant from what I could figure. Finally, there was one other EO one beside for the Marvel fan. It was not one of those mentioned in anon1's post (from what I can tell). It was from the Monday after the first one. TH wasn't mentioned, only she was.
I should add that Facebook is another place they may be showing up but not filtering out. Apparently, after date night in July, a few people came out on twitter saying that TH and EO had been all over the Facebook accounts of Shreveport locals during Nov/Dec of 2014. Seems they showed up together at every cafe in the town and people did take pics, but they stayed on Facebook and didn't make it to twitter or IG.
>>429 FEEECCCKKKK. Up against a door!! TH, you go, boy!! However, kitchen door still resides firmly in the city limits of Vanilla Town.
I once got frisky against the remains of the Claudian aqueduct in the Italian countryside. Now, that's leaving Vanilla Town for Kinkyburgh.
>>428 It's probably for the better that she locked it. That's probably a dark, dark place.
>>429 Those tweets are strangely specific. 'Specific' very often rings my legit bells. I'm naive like that.
This is so dirty and juicy.
Anon, using your insider knowledge, does the rental have a view into TH's garden (where the EO smoking and consoling took place - allegedly)?
>>431 Depends on whether or not he knew the neighbors were watching. (Of course that's assuming the tweets were true, which I doubt.)
>>432 The CB person implied there was a lot more than that - seen holding hands etc. Oh it is all such fun speculating. They know how to keep us guessing. Who but EO could release a "she dumped him" leak and STILL have us playing he guessing game?
>>434 I had a look and it was indeed. A mix of stalky fangirl (pretends to live in London, follows a load of stuff he follows), plus the odd death threat to EO and accusing the French fan of being a hooker.
>>435 I don't know where it is in relation to his house or garden. But as I said it has the same number so presumably close. On a summer's evening with the windows open, in a small gated complex off the road, I bet you would hear quite easily. Also, if it is a basement flat with the same number it is probably a conversion. Those usually don't have great soundproofing.
I too thought it was oddly specific. Sounds like a pissed off neighbour who thinks he is a bit of a knob. And 2 mins! Ouchie!!
>>430 I've found that a man tends to lift to the level of the woman he's with. If he's naturally vanilla but is with a woman who willing to get a little kinky, he'll happily oblige. So, if she - allegedly - wanted it up against a door, door it is.
But I don't think TH is naturally inclined toward kink - despite all the tumblr fantasy that floats around. And I don't think EO is at a kitchen door level either. Both seem very much bedroom, bed, low light sorts - which is perfectly fine. It all gets the job done.
>>439 There was a very similar series of tweets about him
having it away with JA a couple of years ago (different Twitter acct). That tweeter directly tweeted JA saying TH was using her. Though I do love the idea that she rents a flat in his basement and surfaces like Banquo whenever he bring a someone home. She and EO could share the odd cig...
>>440 Oddly enough my friend who went to Nuffield reported (on the basis of no evidence at all, natch) the very same impression. She remarked that he probably thought 2 seconds of cunnilingus was the dirtiest. Thing. Ever. Also that if you whispered "Shakespeare" in his ear at any point he would immediately orgasm. And then apologise a lot.
>>438 I'm surprised some wealthy fan hasn't tried to let it. There must be some serious vetting that goes into keeping the loons out.
'...bit of a knob' and '2 mins.' - I see what you did there, Anon, I see.
Now two minutes - there's where I start to doubt. The running, the yoga, the desperate - almost intrinsic - need to please - no way is that boy falling in the lower range of the egg timer.
>>439 Jane, you gorgeous girl, come back into our lives! All is forgiven!
>>442 Remember from CP: he only does implied cunnilingus.
Well, yes, the word 'Shakespeare' would induce spontaneous orgasm. I'm assuming doing a Pacino impression - making him think he was De Niro in Heat - would have the same effect.
>>443 There we disagree. I think the anxiety to please translates into straight anxiety in bed and hair trigger trouble. I also don't think he actually gets that much. Evidence for this is the constant excitement boners at the age of 34. That I associate with much younger/less experienced men. They've usually learned to control it by that age.
PS aqueduct sex? Hot, hotty, hot!
Not sure what this means if anything, but those kitchen door sex tweets were sent almost three weeks after Purse Gate happened. EO was well out of London by then. The tweets reference the paparazzi incident, which makes the timing kind of strange.
>>447 The first set (aka door sex tweets) is from August 1st, so maybe a week after date night. That is a while after the fact to be bringing it up for the first time, however, the person who sent them in said that there were others that couldn't be screen captured. Maybe they were earlier?
The second set is from August 14, and EO did show up in LA around this time. But, in this set he's asked where 'the dumb American slut' is, i.d., she hasn't been seen smoking in the garden or having sex against a door lately.
Mind you, having written all this, I give these a 20% chance of being authentic. Could be closer to 15%.
PS EO could win an Oscar (for Kong v. Godzilla, of course) and I'll always think - affectionately - of her as 'the dumb American slut.'
>>446 Yeah, until you end up with mild brick rash on your palms and forearms.
Learn from my mistakes, ladies.
>>448 Good sleuthing skills. Although would you tweet the guilty party while he is actually on the job? I would have thought that reduces to zero any remote chance he might see them. Anyway, just a bit of fun - I would have consigned to the bin immediately were it not for the existence of the rental.
BTW the flat seems not to have been on the market since 2012. I guess it was less of an issue then. Though the London property market is so rapacious they would probably let it to the highest bidder!
>>449 at least it was only your arms...