Thread to talk about the actor Tom Hiddleston
>>449 No, she made it public again. I think it must have been a mistake. She has a personal one which has always been private. I can't see the benefit to her of making an account with 100,000 followers private when she has a separate private one.
However EO was in NYC on 4 June and as of 6 June was back in LA:
So unless having had a vacation in Europe she flew back to the States and is now flying straight back to does look like there may be nothing to see.
>>451 no, my bad - all the pics were in NYC. Get First Lool originally had the Veuve Cliquot event as being in LA.
>>451 Ah! You are right ... yep. Nothing to see here. Move along :D
I've been MIA for so long. I missed you guys :( I thought the Bond discussion would be going strong here. Are we betting on Tom being the next Bond? What do you guys think? The speculation seems heavy that Tom had already been signed. I don't know how I feel about him being Bond. He doesn't really give me Bond vibes. And this is after having watched The Night Manager. He's too sweet and cute looking to be a convincing Bond but then again who knows how he'll approach the role if he does get it.
>>454 Welcome back, NewAnon! I personally am hoping all these alleged negotiations have been for Bond Villain rather than Bond.
>>454 We missed you too! It's been a bit quiet round here lately. He almost killed us off with 2 months of solid publicity.
Not sure how I feel about him as Bond. I doubt it will happen though, somehow.a
He was at Paramount pictures today which means work... it's not exactly a covert operation, whatever he's doing, but it is mysterious.
It's an extraordinary reach to think of THEO as a substantial relationship or even FWB at this point. Their genitals have hardly been in the same state or country together for more than a night or two in months despite the fact both have had the time and money. I think people are looking in the wrong hole.
>>455>>456 Thanks guys! :) Yeah I'm in the same boat as you two right now. Either that they approached him to be a villain (or maybe another part in the next movie, not so much the franchise) but Tom as Bond doesn't seem to be clicking for me. Then again public appearance wise he seems to be following how Craig was before he got confirmed. Craig was all the talk for Bond then he denied getting Bond and then a few days later it came out that he was the new Bond. Kinda like how Tom is right now. Being Bond will definitely give him that mainstream recognition he's been working so hard for. It's going to be such huge news though if he does land the role.
>>458 I just don't know. I didn't like Craig - too unsubtly thuggish - and Tom could be a more suave, intelligent Bond. But have we ever seen him do sexy? Like really sexually predatory? He has done sex scenes I know but even in CP (where the trailer made it look predatory) the actual scene was all sweet and lovey. He's he guy you take home to mum, not the one you have unsafe sex with in the back of his car.
Also Tom feels very establishment. In the books Bond was an outsider - raised abroad, didn't go to the right schools, not quite "one of us". That kind of got lost in the film adaptations. I feel that Idris Elba would play that very well - the corridors of power are not (quite) so upper class as they were but they are still very white. So a black working class Bond would be true to the spirit of the novels. And Idris = super hot.
There's something wrong with the relationship between Tom and Chris H. Tom seems genuinely happy to be with Chris and is always trying to include him in the conversation and saying nice things about him. But I don't see the same attitude from Chris towards Tom. Quite the opposite.
I think Chris H is jealous of Tom'success with fans. In the Q&A almost all the questions were directed to TOM.
>>460 Tom said in an interview recently that when he was filming SI in Australia he spent one of his off weekends at Chris's home with him and his family, so I'd assume their friendship is strong enough to withstand Tom getting more fan attention - after all, it's really been that way since the beginning. Maybe Chris is just done with the whole Thor thing. Or it was jet lag.
>>460 I got the impression Chris just hated a Wizard World. He looks like a cardboard cutout in all his fan pics. Evans, Stan and TH were goofing around and being game, but it really looked like CH loathed being there full stop.
>>459 Yeah Tom is sexy in a secure way, not the bad boy type. So if they do go for him as the next Bond, it'll be interesting to see how he taps into it and how he plays him.
I've never read the books and quite honestly, this is the first time I'm even taking interest in Bond in general. I've only seen Casino Royale and enjoyed it and thought I'd watch the other ones when they came out but never really got around to them. I do know that if they cast a black Bond, I will DEFINITELY watch.
Is Tom back in NYC? Or did this person just spot him at Heathrow while she was in transit to the US? https://twitter.
Meanwhile EO has flown back from NYC to LA (papped at LAX on 7 June). Are they now deliberately avoiding one another? (joke)
>>464 Last time I saw a tweet like that it ended up that Crimson Peak had been the in-flight movie.
>>465 Yes it could well be! Or she saw him from her taxi or he was off somewhere else or who knows what. It seems so unlikely that he would fly back from the US overnight on Sunday - back in London Monday morning - and then fly out again on Thursday. He does have control over his own diary one would have thought so surely he could arrange to have a meeting in the UK scheduled so he didn't need to do this.
Just leaving this here: https://twitter
>>467 She tweeted a few minutes ago that the pic was taken when he flew into LAX on May 31, so unfortunately nothing new or exciting.
>>468 Oh how bo-RING.
NB that TH is hard to track due to wearing the same clothes every single day!
Well, according to today's Twitter sightings, Tom is fist-bumping fans in London AND running around with a pizza box in New York City - a testament to the unreliability of social media.
Social media gets most of his sightings right. There are a few misses though lol If the tweet about the flight to NY wasn't about watching a movie of his or TNM then he probably could be in NY and the fist bumping in London could be mistaken identity. What could he be doing in NY though (IF he is there)? Work related for sure. But maybe Bond related? A new movie? Anyone with a better grasp on entertainment and Tom's future endeavors wanna hazard a guess?
Okay he is in NYC. @Christy_kats on Twitter tweeted a pic of him when she snapped him.
It's just occurred to me, since he's in NYC I wonder if he'll be going to the Tony Awards on Sunday? His buddy James Corden is hosting this year.
It's just occurred to me, since he's in NYC I wonder if he'll be going to the Tony Awards on Sunday? His buddy James Corden is hosting this year.
(Sorry for the double post, it told me I entered the wrong verification code!)
>>474 Or maybe a taping of another carpool karaoke?
Probably a random guess from some tumblr anon but a rumour that he will be at the Tony awards:
>>478 Either that or one of our lurkers stole my idea!
Eh.. the bike site is saying that he was spotted (reported on twatter) in an west side village haivng a meal, in LIzzie's neighbourhood.
Surely Lizzie is enough of a reason to ditch his beloved London for NYC... ?
>>483 Doesn't she live in LA with a friend? I've only ever seen pics of her shopping for groceries etc in LA.
>>484 She has an apartment in Manhatten (per a five second google search) and given how much money she has, I guess a bicostal real estate is not exaclty out of her means..
>>485 Really? Here she is leaving a hotel in NYC recently:
Seems a bit odd that she would stay in a hotel if she owns a place in Manhattan.
Here is a recent article in which she says she rents a place in LA with a friend and implies that she doesn't own any home at all:
Lizzie was photographed in Los Angeles on the 10th. She's not in NYC.
It was paparazzi so the pics are on a number of sites, date stamped and all. Here's one for reference.
She's been in L.A. since Tuesday the 7th.
>>485 >>486 She lived in a small apartment in the West Village while she was attending New York University, and then she and Boyd Holbrook moved to Brooklyn together some time after she graduated. He moved out when they split. No word on if she kept the Brooklyn apartment or not, but she hasn't had the West Village apartment since 2013 or 2014.
>>489 Eh. ok.
Tom is in NY for no good discernalbe reason what so ever.
(ie: hopefully having some private time with his private friends in a private manner.)
You guys seem to be really obsessed with keeping THEO alive by tracking every movement each of them make.The funny part about this is they are probably dating other people now while the fandom is still caught up in "what was".
@491 I would say the opposite. Most here want to prove that they aren't a couple. Anonsy did a whole dossier on Olsen to show they aren't together and only shows up when they might be together to toss cold water. Others do the same. I have lurked for a year and its not a pro-girlfriend site for sure.
I have been a regular contributor here for a year or more and I've seen a range of views. There isn't a party line, and I think most people recognise it for what it is - fun speculation about a subject about which we are all equally ill-informed.
So come on in, speculate away and feel free to disagree - but >>491 please don't come here to criticise other posters for holding the views they hold.
Really? The impression I get is an unhealthy obsession to keep track of their movements.This board is essentially THEO Anons's and Toby but without the Tumblr angle. A TH board where every other post is a version of: "where in the world is Elizabeth Olsen because if she's within 1,000 miles of Hiddleston well that's serious shiz yo!!!". Seriously?
What I am trying to say is, I thought this was a TH board to talk about him/his career not a board about some chick he used to/might still be/never did but whatever screw.
Why do people have an obsession with who this guy screws? @492.
Anyway back to lurkdom..
Are people taking out their anger of not being able to figure out what TH is upto on this board?
>>494 This is probably the only board you'll find where people voice their opinions and speculate about TH and the gossip around him in a completely non serious manner. His career is discussed but even then in a fun manner. No one takes anything here seriously about TH gossip except for those who quietly lurk. They seem to be the only ones taking everything on here seriously then having a fit and lecturing. This is space hasn't been ruined yet so please don't start. There are tons anti THEO and pro THEO and only Tom & his career boards so please make your way there if that's your thing.
This is something I don't understand about the internet. Why put yourself through repeatedly going to a website where you get so annoyed by what's being discussed? I don't care for the conversations and interactions in the Celebitchy comments, so you know what I do? I don't read them. I personally think Town Bike and some other tumblr blogs are a bit ridiculous, so I don't read them either. I don't troll around on Celebitchy and Tumblr posting messages and sending anons about how I don't like what they have to say, I just ignore them and leave them to it.
I've been here since the first Tom Hiddleston thread and have posted (very regularly, until recently) about much more than THEO. As a matter of fact, I'm sick and tired of talking about THEO either way. The point of my "dossier" >>492 was to put the NYC speculation to rest. If my fifteen minutes on Google had turned up paparazzi pics of her in NYC or confirmation that she still lived in the West Village, I'd have shared that information too.
Just popping by to defend this little corner of the internet (I'm away on holiday) but I post here occasionally and read often. It is definitely one of the sanest, light hearted places I've seen in terms of discussing TH and his work / life. We don't take things too seriously here, compared to the hysteria I've witnessed elsewhere.
Well, I have posted lengthy reviews of CP, HR and ISTL and have read with enjoyment others' reviews/posts about those movies. When TNM was airing it was pretty much all that we discussed - we couldn't wait to get on here on a Sunday night and talk about the latest episode. We've also discussed his work with UNICEF, his stage work and his taste in clothes. If that isn't "Tom and his career", I don't know what is.
We've also always posted Twitter sightings of Tom, right from board 1, so I don't get the sudden moaning about how we have an unhealthy obsession with tracking his movements. Until theoanons came along (with a source who seems to find most Twitter sightings) this was pretty much the only place you could get that. I bet it was and is one of the main reasons we have so many lurkers.
Yes, we've also talked about THEO (and before I was a regular, Jarthy), but what Internet forum hasn't? And we tend to discuss that stuff most when there isn't anything else to talk about - like now, for example. But anyway, so what? We talk about everything here and that includes Tom's love life - and his incompetent efforts to conceal (or publicise!) it.
I'll finish with this thought. Instead of de lurking for a good old moan about what a bunch of losers we are, or to cast shade on one of our regulars, why not come on here, introduce yourself, and start a conversation about whatever Tom Topic you want to talk about? You might find people talk back.
So Tay Tay and Tom are official!
This is hilarious and certainly explains his lingering mysteriously in the States. They have daggy dancing in common and earnestness bordering on cringe and no doubt a mutual love of Hank Williams.
TH really does love his women unattainably taken.
I think this is TH's first ever PDA pap and given her profile it's the first of many many more to come.
>>499 Mr. I Allegedly Like To Keep My Private Life Private is officially dating Ms. Make Everything Public.
Well everyone, it's been fun but I'm out.
https://twitter. com/chrisgeidner/status/743196426725908480
>>500 It's so ironic, yes. Especially in light of the 'squad' antics behind the scenes of the SI shoot. Now that he's joined the real squad he's about to be snapchatted and instagrammed by her and her squad like never before.
He suddenly seems less classy, I am leaning towards out too.
I also love the note on the bottom of that article about Calvin, who's also prone to public fits of rage and jealousy:
First he deleted the heartfelt tweet he posted the day after his and Taylor's break-up, which said: "The only truth here is that a relationship came to an end & what remains is a huge amount of love and respect."
He then followed it with a second tweet, which he also later deleted, adding: "Oh boy it's about to go down."
Oh jeez I really didn't think Tom would hook it up with Taylor. So much for Mr Privacy. This relationship is going to be epic in how much media coverage it's going to get Tom. He'll finally get the fame he craves. Also does he have a thing for women in relationships? First EO and now Taylor? He sure loves breaking up couples doesn't he? Not feeling it Tom. I'm out too.
>>502 It's also the second count of apparent "homewrecking" now, or he moves in for the kill as soon as a girl he likes breaks up with someone, or he's got a thing for vulnerable women - any of these are a big turnoff for me. When it was just EO I figured that it was a one-time thing, but this is two in a row now.
Oh Tom. You're that guy. Mr Trade Up. Mr "Every girlfriend is younger than the last one." Mr "All my girlfriends were with someone else until I came along."
Well, he will reap the whirlwind now. Like you have all said, his every move will be on Taylor's social media. But maybe that's what he wants. He managed to keep it on the down low when he was in New York (apparently she has a place in the West Village so I guess he was with her). Presumably therefore the decision to snog her in public on a beach right by her house was an equally conscious decision. Mr Privacy just became Mr Famewhore.
>>504 great minds...!
I am thinking homewrecker I'm afraid. She was still with CH at the time of the Met Gala because she was photographed with him a couple of days after. Then a month later she wasn't with Calvin any more. I wonder who'd been sending her Shakespeare quotes by text (or flowers, as a "source" has it) in the meantime? Total turn off I agree.
>>505 The timing of these photos is interesting. They obviously spent his recent US trip together in her NY lovenest and this Rhode Island mansion yet it's only once he returns back to London that they are released to the public.
Looks like a controlled press release to make it official before the homewrecker tagging starts. I don't see how anyone would believe he waited till she was single to take her on a date, especially after the Met Gala documentation and eyewitnesses saying they were also inseparable at the afterparty. I did think her squad afterparty shots were a desperate attempt to try to prove she went home alone/ with gal pals.
Couldn't resist this from Jezebel: "Serial breakup songwriter Taylor Swift and handsome snooze button Tom Hiddleston proved the old adage that what happens in Rhode Island immediately leaves Rhode Island, travels across the ocean, and finds itself on the cover of an English tabloid when photos of the new couple making out on one of the state’s teeny tiny beaches were published by The Sun late Thursday afternoon."
>>508 He tweeted another video from his home yesterday and was spotted on a plane previously. I'm making an assumption, the video could have been pre-recorded and the sighting false.
https://twitter. com/twhiddleston/status/742818529414504450
>>509 I'm just staying here to read the headlines, they are so funny.
UNFOLLOWS hahaha omg. It's like watching teenagers split up
>>510 The Sun said the pics were from Tuesday which is why I am slightly surprised he managed to get home by today. I did see that mention of him being on a plane. And also of him being spotted today in London! It is like playing Where's Wally. Or Where's Tom's Willy.
Oh. Sorry I was so cynical. Apparently Tom waited until she was single to text her and send her flowers:
"Tom wasted no time in asking Taylor out after he learned she was single. They were texting quite a bit and he asked her out.' Reveal magazine also wrote: 'Tom has had the hots for Taylor since the Met Gala. When he learned she was single, he texted her loads and even sent her flowers."
>>513 it's like THEO except with better PDA pics. Back then Tom's PR said he waited for them to break up before he called the next day and Lizzie's PR said they were takin it slow and it's casual kinda like how Taylor's team is doing. Except this time the ex boyfriend is famous and he's probably going to raise a stink lol I hope Tom knows what he's doing. This is Taylor Swift. And she has a fanbase bigger and crazier than his.
>>513 Sounds familiar - remember the EO tabloid blurb about how he "texted her the very next day" when he found out she was single? You can't use the same damage control article twice in the same year, Luke! ;)
>>513 Oh I'm crying, this is ridiculous! He must be the best sexter known to mankind, managing to woo TS and EO with his magical fingers alone (and flowers). Thats some hilarious damage control. "We didn't cheat, we texted"
It's quite glaringly obvious to TH fans that these exact lines have been used before to disguise the breakup of EO's engagement. At least this time he just broke up a long distance relationship. He's fast becoming the modern day Errol Flynn. Oh dear.
This one is an eye opener from VF (usually pretty sycophantic about its cover stars):
They immediately assume the pics are staged. In fact everyone (apart from the Sun which is pretending they hid behind a rock to get these pics) seems to assume this is - what? A pap sit down (as opposed to a pap stroll).
>>517 I say staged too, or why else would the Sun wait two days to publish them? It's not exactly pursegate- maybe rockgate or seagate.
I'm guessing the love is real and they wanted it out in the open or if you believe conspiracy theorists they're both gay and bearding for one another. For a gay woman she sure has a lot of boyfriends...
>>518 In love? 2 weeks after she broke up with Calvin? I've had a longer relationship with pantyhose.
But the "wanted it out there" part I agree with.
>>519 I had friends who were engaged after two weeks, it can happen. They're still happily married too. Not that this is what we are witnessing, it's all speculation as usual.
My pantyhose rarely last longer than two days
>>518 It's Taylor Swift. She doesn't hide her romances when she starts. This is one relationship of Tom's that everyone can keep track of. So much for the "some things are sacred" lol I think Tom wanted a very famous girlfriend and when he got introduced to Taylor he went for it. I honestly didn't peg him as someone who'd breakup relationships though.
I love you Michael K. In fact I think you just replaced Tom in my affections:
People magazine are suggesting a cheat scandal with the timeline!,,20981907_21013072,00.html
It does throw another light on his mysterious trip to LA before WizardWorld
Is it normal for the media to unanimously call out celebs on staging pap photos as seems to be happening in this case?
The Guardian has suggested that the photos "were staged for our prurient benefit. Each photo has a sickly sweet injection of performative chivalry."
Is it just me or does the Internet not seem too crazy about Tom and Taylor as a couple? There seems to be a heavy yawnfest element to them and people are all picking up on how desperately staged their coming out as a couple was. I think if it was done gradually and more naturally it might have gone down differently. Also the cheating thing puts a damper on everything. I personally feel like Taylor cheated and Tom can't help being a serial homewrecker in his pursuit of ultimate fame.
>>524 I would have expected the usual brokenhearted or outraged tumblr posts, or hating on TS, but instead it seems like it was just more of a general turn-off for Tom's fans. I think the serial homewrecker angle is a big part of it, plus the fact that the pictures are so obviously staged.
The most surprising part of it for me is that the press is having none of it.
>>520 True love in two weeks from a standing start I can believe - I took a vacation in Italy with my now hubby 2 weeks after I stated dating him (we were students - no money but plenty of time, ha ha).
It's the true love 2 weeks after officially breaking up with someone else that makes me raise my eyebrows.
Social media feedback is not positive; as one person commented, he's a laughing stock:
I kind of feel like it reflects badly on him and not at all for her.
TS has had a series of fairly short relationships. She jumps from one to another and she now has had one unfortunate overlap. She instagrams every aspect of her life. But she's 25 - all pretty normal behaviour for someone her age. She is also an international megastar who is hyper aware of her image and makes no secret of that fact. She has never as far as I am aware complained about being papped, and indeed uses it to control her personal narrative. When I see these pics I see Swifty doing what Swifty does. She's not pretending to be anything other than what she's always been. She offers us a manufactured insight into her private life and we accept it for what it is.
But TH as we all know bangs on constantly about wanting to be authentic in his interactions with the press/the fans/the world. He says what you see is what you get. He also says he doesn't want to discuss his personal life. However what we actually get is him participating in an obviously staged photoshoot pretending to be taken when they were unaware, and pimping out a relationship that on their publicists' timeline is less than 2 weeks old. It feels like he has been feeding us a line. It also feels like he is an older guy with a slightly dodgy tendency to home in on younger women who already have boyfriends.
Twice they sad he broke up relationships...he is losing his gentleman status
>>525 The press reaction is the most surprising to me. The press seems completely over them. If Tom was looking for positive press with the Swifty romance, things are getting off on the wrong foot.
>>528 I agree. It's all normal Swifty behavior. And yeah Tom is coming off as the guy who likes to steal people's younger girlfriends or fiancés. First Olsen and now Taylor. He's looking like a sad joke, and the homewrecker thing is a huge turn off. I'm going to side eye every single thing he says now because he seems very disingenuous now.
Apparently he is back in the UK! Spotted at the Aladdin premiere last night (he wasn't in the Daily Mail pics of the event though - is this a case of mistaken identity?)
I am almost certain TH followed Swifty on Twitter right after the Met Gala. He has unfollowed her now because that will totally keep this relationship secret.
>>532 He's still following her, but it's a little less recent than I remembered it being.
I'm seeing more TS slandering for moving on too quickly (perhaps overlapping), it's only TH fans who are sideyeing him for serial homewrecking. Fans of both and the press are extremely underwhelmed to the extent that the coupling has become the butt of jokes. It doesn't help that the staged photos read like a cheesy romance novel. Authenticity is out the window and their chances of being a cool couple are dwindling by the minute. More like stinky gorgonzola.
Lets hope they are much more in synch than their dancing. Perhaps TH can introduce her to intellectual pursuits such as theatre and Shakespeare and she can train him to change his clothes more often.
This article is fascinating. Yikes:
'As for Hiddleston, what was once seen as wide-eyed gumption and enthusiasm now reeks of career opportunism. His excessive campaigning to be the next James Bond seemed unusual, but also adorable. Who wouldn't want to be 007, after all?
But his current starring role as Taylor Swift's PR-orchestrated love interest sullies that. Now he just seems like a crass career-climber. And given the seedier elements of Swift's dating reputation among the internet's baseless gossipmongers—that she's often used as a beard for celebrities rumored to be gay—it could spark whispers about Hiddleston's sexuality as well.'
>>533 My bad. I didn't /scroll down far enough. I thought it was recent. And those who follows who things on the Internet don't work, then!
It would be totally Jarthy2.0 if he unfollowed her!
So Durex China did this:
I just read the news on Dlisted :D How are you holding up, guys? :)
I am in a cognitive dissonance here - loving it as a phenomenon and a hilarious gossip bit, disappointed in TH as a person and throwing up in my mouth a little from looking at these cheesy staged pap pics. I mean, look at Mr. Privacy! OMG... Oh well, he always said he wanted a role in a romantic comedy.
Anyway, if I ever meet TH in person now (not gonna happen IRL, but let's pretend), I'm totally gonna be like "Oh, you're that guy who dates/dated TS! Can I get an autograph?" :)
>>537 Haha, I'm pretty much in the same boat, qaz.
>>534 I think the Daily Beast article might be my favorite so far.
>>536 LOL. Oh no. Have you seen these?
https://twitter. com/mshaferschweig/status/743202253713084416
https://twitter. com/jimmyjohns/status/743210336484986880
>>537 Hello qaz! Nice to see you rejoining the prayer circle at this difficult time for all of us hahahahahaa!
I feel the same. Swifty is pretty, successful, hardworking and a bit earnest. The relationship itself I get. The desire on the part of Mr Privacy to go public after a couple of weeks at most - that I really don't get. I do think less of him for pimping out his private life like this. Is there anyone in the known universe who believes the Sun when it says the pics were the result of a lucky hunch?
>>538 Oh. My. God.
Tom as poster boy for erectile dysfunction. And, to add insult to injury, night time wee wee problems. From the internet's boyfriend to the internet's laughing stock.
>>539 Yeah, I agree. Celebrity and PR aside, I sort of get them together as a couple, but him chasing after her cough*fame*cough just after the split (IF it was AFTER the split), and this sappy erectile-dysfunction-ad-like (whahahaha!) photo shoot, and him agreeing to participate in it? I want to ask where's the real TH and what happened to him, but I guess this IS the real TH.
But maybe I'm being too harsh on him. Maybe she's something to write home about already!
Or maybe the "real" TH has changed. Fame does things to people I guess. He has always been ambitious and a worker but now he is so close to possibly huge fame, with James Bond etc almost in his grasp that I am sure that changes his perspective. He's also several years further away from real life and into a world surrounded by an increasingly large entourage that tells him this PR crap is what you have to do.
Pity he hasn't taken the Eddie Redmayne route to fame. He'd have a relatively normal private life, a pregnant wife and an Oscar by now.
>>490 I was wrong.
Tom was in NY for no good sicernable reason what so ever.
(ie: having some private time with his private girlfriend in a public manner)
Can I respect Lizzie a bit more now for not wanting the PDA?
I think Tom hooking it up with Taylor is indicative of him losing out on the Bond role. Don't quote me on it though. He thought he was gonna land Bond and be famous but it didn't work out so he set his sights on having a high profile public romance. I think he probably always wanted to date like this but maybe wanted someone well known to do it with. And Taylor is certainly well known. Though I'll be honest, I don't see this romance lasting too long. I'll be very surprised if it makes it to a year. I wonder what they talk about. Like does he listen to her whine and moan about squad goals and her Katy Perry feud? Or does she remind him of being a teenager again and he's making up for lost time? I honestly can't figure out what drew him to her. Her falling for him makes sense since she dates whoever is in at the moment.
>>544 As someone else online said:
"her 75 million more instagram followers" aka fame.
>>545 That's a little unfair. She's more than just Instagram famous. Taylor is huge in mainstream. Even if you don't follow her or her gossip, everyone hears about Taylor Swift. She's not a social media celebrity. Her social media presence is big because of her celebdom and not the other way around.
I am not sure what you are getting at - my point was that she is hugely famous, as you have also pointed out.
Tom needs to raise his profile in the US if he is gunning for the Bond role adn the A list status that Cumberbatch, Fassbender and Reymayne have achieved. Associating himself (as he now has) as Taylor's new boyfriend is one way to go about it, I suppose.
Problem is that when you also go on rabbiting on about how you want your private life to be private, staged pap photos (see also pursegate) just make you seem disingenuous
just to add ... I do think that the guy is a very talented actor - I just find it a bit sad that playing the PR game is how and his team feel he needs to get to where he wants to.
Tumblr has thrown up the dirty gem that Luke has just started following Swifty's publicist on twitter.
>>547 oh I thought you were implying that she's only famous on social media and that she's not really famous. Apologies that I misunderstood!
>>549 Really? Oh this is going to be a very public romance. It's going to get shoved down our throats from every corner and angle. This is probably this generation's Bennifer. He's going to be in one of her music videos and then they'll have a very public engagement and then they'll breakup. Or at the very least, it'll be like Henry Cavill and Kaley C showmance. I'm getting so excited! Tom's first public romance. I do hope someone asks him why he changed his stance on being private and whether some things are no longer sacred.