Thread to talk about the actor Tom Hiddleston
Well... if somehow doubt that these are the headlines that either publicist was hoping for (apologies for the source)
>>551 lol this is backfiring pretty bad for Tom. There's no "what a cool couple! I wish I was them". More like "God I'm so glad I'm not them"
>>552 Well .. from her side .. if the rumours are true that she was dumped, then if she wanted to upset her ex, she seems to have succeeded if his reaction on social media is anything to go by.
For him though .. I guess he gets the much needed US publicity.
In any case, I guess we know why he was in the US so often these past few weeks.
For work. Obviously. ;)
.. and truth be told, half the reason I bought THEO but am finding it very hard to swallow whatever this is, is precisely because it was so low-key (argh. sorry).
Ah well.
Called out by the trade journalists too ..
https://twitter . com/THRMattBelloni/status/743435032941891584
Saw this on Tumblr...accidentally.
The post says this photo was taken weeks ago.
Now, I haven't been following TH for a while, so I have no idea when and where this was. If not correct, my apologies for dragging it here.
>>556 Oh, did some Google search, and it's some Met Gala related party, so not really news.
https://twitter .com/JaguarUSA/status/743485084364267521
>>558 Sony Picture Classics had a similar post yesterday about ISTL, tagging them both.
Radar got some fan made video of what is supposed to be Tom on Taylor's balcony
Bit of a rehash and of course gets some facts wrong (the year of the Jarthy for example) but puts the finger on the oddity of the PDA - apparently the beach where the photos were taken was minutes away from the privacy of Maison Taylor:
Scrap all those London sightings. Here he is boarding TS's private jet- with TS.
If I were them I'd be escaping to a deserted island right now to get away from this shitstorm.
Since TS has declared she is on a lengthy hiatus I am predicting she will soon be vacaying in the Gold Coast.
I really hope she buys him some new clothes, that outfit has become a uniform.
>>563 I wonder how he will feel about having a GF on set (one that isn't in the movie). A new thing for him and I get the impression he can be a bit intense when working - the SI shenanigans seemed to be a new thing for him.
>>564 The greatest irony is that the SI antics were a direct copy/ parody of her squad. It still causes me great lols to think of TH now earnestly trying to join in with the real thing.
He is acting unusually publicly enamoured with TS and she has a reputation for obsessive cling. Perhaps the mojo is strong enough for him to enjoy her company 24/7 and she can always bring her squad along to Oz to entertain her while he's on set.
It saddens me that he will likely become a high maintenance actor due to his entourage but he sure wanted this level of fame, so here it is.
No more airport sightings unless it's boarding her private jet..
>>565 I somehow think hanging with her squad and getting instagrammed on a daily basis is going to get old pretty fast.
I also wondered when I saw him climbing into her private jet how he will cope with being the less dominant party. He has a Pygmalion-like tendency to go for lower status women. Apart from Jarthy they have all been younger, and they all even EO earned less, and were less famous and less educated. I think many men like to protect/dominate their partners and that the urge is particularly strong with him - he's vain and he likes to dominate any conversation (as we've seen so many times on chat shows!). I know Swifty is younger but she is so hugely successful and super rich to boot. Is following her onto her private jet like a lapdog going to lose its appeal after a while?
@566 Theoanos said something like this. I think you are both right if different ways. P.S. She is calling the pap stroll rock and stroll. LOL
>>566 >>567 I am reminded of the photos with Kat Dennings which to this day remain the most wtf, out of his league, starry eyed, awkward deer in headlights of all his supposed romantic dalliances. Her fame surpassed his at the time. He is capable of puppy love adoration and appears pussy whipped enough to carry this on for a while.
It will be interesting to see whether he continually lurks in her shadow or has finally found a woman who will proudly parade him with confidence.
Last night was "date night"
They held hands and she showed him pictures and texts on her phone! How long before they make their relationship Facebook official? Do you think they'll go to prom together? Maybe they'll be homecoming king and queen, all the other teenagers will be so jealous!
The press is really not having it. The tabloids are printing and reprinting but press like Guardian, Telegraph, Atlantic, even Daily Beast are just not buying it. I don't think Tom will be able to handle this for the long term. Everyone seems to be laughing at him. I don't know how long these two will last once Tom gets a full idea of how people are reacting to the news. I'm probably being cynical but if they end up being a long term couple, I'll be genuinely surprised.
>>569 I imagine he will have to spend an inordinate amount of time looking at and posing for her social media. The man does love selfies though.
Do you think he has only intellectual smarts- that in fact he's socially vapid, juvenile and entirely stimulated in her company. I think this possibility may the the reason my face keep contorting into a cringe.
>>195 I just remembered my ridiculous theories after the Met Ball and I think in hindsight they were not at all ridiculous!
Point 3 seems rather likely now and certainly explains EO's sudden and inexplicable absence despite being in NY and invited. It also explains why TH was a hungry bitch on heat smothered in Tay Tay glue at the Met. They'd already dirty danced.
Perhaps the cheating was from both sides. I'd forgotten about EO.
Dum dum duuuuuum
"Either way, Hiddleston does not come off well in the relationship. Maybe he thinks this is a move that will help him make the leap to leading-man parts, or even score him that coveted next James Bond role. But lounging on those Rhode Island rocks, he just looks like he’s gone from the media’s dancing monkey ... to Taylor’s."
And actually a sensible comment from tumblr (no link as it was a quote within a quote so not sure exactly who it was):
"This is sad because the accolades that Tom was receiving for his acting and hard work are now being wiped away. Now he’s becoming known as Taylor’s PR-orchestrated love interest, side piece, and a career opportunist. This narrative is not being pushed by the fans, but by the media. The media always controls the news cycle and from the articles I’ve read (with the exception of a few) Tom is being written off as a desperate joke."
"My first instinct when seeing the pictures of Taylor and Tom is that they are definitely staged. But I’m friends with the paparazzo who is credited with those images and he is one of the best in the business when it comes to capturing sneaky pictures."
>>575 Very prescient!
I never actually saw a guest list, just rumours EO would attend, I guess because she was available and has previously been. if she did bow out I wonder if it was because she and Tom had recently split and she didn't want the attention. The timeline on that is pretty murky, non? One thing TH has successfully done in terms of "protecting his privacy" is kick over the traces of when they split. Is he just as much of a serial monogamist as Swifty?
>>579 The pap they interviewed in that article is basically like "you see, my friend who took the pictures is really good at getting sneaky shots... but a lot of times the celeb tips the paps off themselves, and if photos look really awkward they're probably staged."
Oh Vogue! The snark!
"It’s hard to imagine that Swift accidentally let the paparazzi catch her making out with a new beau just two weeks after her break-up from DJ Calvin Harris. It’s also easy to imagine that if Swift’s team knew Kardashian West’s comments were about to break a distraction might be necessary. Which worked. Ask yourself how many minutes you spent yesterday talking about Swiddleston as opposed to Kim Kardashian West’s interview?
Also keep in mind it’s not just one or two photos of Swiddleston that appeared online but a handful – way more than we ever saw of the mysterious Talvin.
Furthermore, consider Harris’s Tweet yesterday – easy to misinterpret as a nod to Swiddleston or was it really a comment on Kardashian West’s interview?
The only question really left to ask:
Is this a perfectly engineered relationship or are Swiddleston our new favourite couple?
Only time will tell."
>>581 He's basically saying they're so so fake while trying to avoid being sued.
>>580 I think my point 1 may have some validity too- that the change of hair color for TS signified an emotional ending with her bf.
All TH's relationship timelines are incredibly murky. He appears to spend so much time alone when apparently seeing someone it's a wonder he can maintain any sort of emotional attachment.
With TS now on indefinite vaycay and the two of them joined at the hip this appears to be a completely different narrative for him. How long before he runs back to his mancave begging for space?
>>579 Fascinating. He hasn't 100% come off the fence, I guess because he doesn't want to deprive his friend of credit for the scoop. But he does give credence to at least the half way house scenario that TS's people tipped them off. So the pics look candid because the subjects don't know exactly what moment they will be taken, just that at some point they will be.
I personally don't buy that the paparazzi got lucky. You'd have to be very committed to fly to RI which everyone says is not a pap hangout, and if you did wouldn't you then sell them to more than one outlet internationally, or auction them off to the highest bidder? There wasn't much time between taking the pics and publication for the Sun to have won a frenzied bidding war. And on what "lucky hunch" did the pap go there? This fandom is great at finding TH before the paps do (Lizzie in London in July) and not one person that I saw speculated that he was with Swifty in LA, or in NYC (where, BTW he and Swifty managed to evade being photographed altogether).
I have a question: is there any proof that these photos were taken when the paper says they were? It's possible they were from earlier and just released now, right? And I'm sure the employee/owner (I forget what she was) of the Date Night restaurant could be persuaded to hold off on tweeting about her frequent celebrity customer TS until a certain date. If this involved anyone other than Taylor Swift I wouldn't question it this much, but I know she has the influence, celebrity and money to orchestrate these things the way she wants.
The reason I ask is that there was a now deleted Tweet about Tom being on a BA flight, a photo of what really looks to be Tom from behind at the London vigil for the Orlando attack on Monday, his UNICEF video (which could have been recorded at any time, but he does have a tendency to post those right away), and the sighting of him at the Aladdin premiere.
I think the Rhode Island paparazzi pictures were very carefully staged and released on a specific date - maybe having something to do with Kim K's comments, maybe to make it seem less like there was relationship overlap - but it seems like it could be possible that the photos were delayed and the London sightings are accurate as well.
Disclaimer, so nobody misunderstands: I'm not crying conspiracy, I'm not saying the relationship is fake, I'm just speculating about the timing of the relationship debut.
>>585 YES!! The timing has been questionable from the start, now even more so. While it is surely being used to deflect from Kim K, he was in NY for over a week I think so it's possible they were taken earlier.
The only spanner in the works is that blurry balcony video apparently taken the night after Taylorgate by a fan.
He would have had time to fly back to her by then though.
>>585 I think he hasn't left the US yet and that the UK sightings were wrong. I say this for 2 reasons: first the Aladdin premiere was Wednesday night, and the DM did a big photo article on it. TH wasn't in it. Given the Swifty news a pic of him back in the UK supposedly the day after the canoodling would be big news, but the DM never posted one, leading me to think he wasn't there.
Second, he was photographed getting into Taylor's private jet on Thursday morning. Those pics looked like genuine non tipped off pap photos, so I guess Taylor could not control when they were published. I imagine they were taken and released on Thursday to take advantage of the story.
That doesn't mean the rock pics weren't taken a few days ago and deliberately released on Wednesday night. Just that the sightings of TH in London on Wednesday look to be wrong.
>>586 Even that video though - whichever paper published it (was it the Sun? I can't keep track) could have received it, say, last week, and then sat on it until the time was right for the narrative they were selling.
It would explain why Tom's been wearing that wrinkled Ralph Lauren jacket everywhere - nothing can be dated by his clothing!
>>588 It was first published by Radar. The Sun stole it after (!).
>>587 Perhaps he avoided the red carpet. In and out the back door of the theatre. He's done it before.
>>590 Maybe. But then how does he get back to RI to be seen climbing into Taylor's private jet on Thursday morning?
Don't get me wrong, I am not at all dissing the possibility that the pap stroll pics were taken days ago and deliberately released Wednesday night. It's just that since then he has probably been hanging out at Taylor's mansion not being spotted, and that the Aladdin sighting was an error.
>>591 Were those definitely Thursday?
Here is a Tweet from the London vigil on Monday evening. Andrew Garfield is facing the camera in the bottom right corner, but the man on the left side of the photo is almost certainly Tom:
https://twitter. com/misszing/status/742423884247490560
For comparison:
Of course he could have been in New York, gone back to London for 24 hours, and then flown back for a rendezvous with Taylor.
>>592 He's never been afraid of putting in the mileage. It must be a breeze in first class.
In light of recent staged pictures I would suggest that Tay Tay filmed his UNICEF video from her tacky mansion and they photoshopped his library into the background
>>593 Or maybe she flew out to London and picked him up in her private jet. ;P
>>592 Plane pics are from Splash and TMZ published them on Thursday. I would speculate that as soon as the story broke some pap went to RI to see what they could get. With the story huge all over the world there would be no benefit in hanging on to the plane pics for a few days so my guess is they were taken on Thursday.
Not sure what I make of the back of head vigil pic. Looks like him but really it could be anyone - and he is wearing a black t shirt which I have never seen (not the RL coat!!). Also the vigil was packed - but nobody got a face shot, and he is usually ok with posing for pics with fans.
>>594 I can categorically say the plane pics aren't London - left hand drive car in the foreground!
>>598 Laughs I think.
Please let this be fake, it's just soooo corny and gushing and OTT and unnecessary and does this mean he's about to do a whole spate of interviews on his new love milking it for all it's worth?
I'm calling BS if that's the case. In fact I may even swing to the double bearding camp.
>>595 Oh, just an impersonator, lol. I almost believed it :D
>>600 wait that wasn't Tom in the interview? It sounded like him...
>>Phew. I think the foreign language gave it a weird legitimacy or perhaps I dropped my brain on the floor
>>595 I think my brain just exploded. Did Mr Privacy seriously speak to Belgian (??) radio for no other reason than to confirm his relationship with TS?
PS he said lots of laughs I think. Presumably referring to all of ours.
I am dying of secondhand embarrassment here. He's so thirsty. It's so cringeworthy.
There's a little note after the audio (I also didn't notice it at first) which says according to Google translate "(The real Tom Hiddleston was sure whether the answers follow the questions really, we can not confirm:.. P)"
>>600 Was it an impersonator? The laugh sounded pretty like him, though it is harder to tell on the phone. The boring theatre anecdote also sounded authentic.
Points against:
A Belgian morning show (why?)
If he is in the eastern US this would have been about 4.30am or something
Please baby Jesus let him not be so lacking in self respect (ok not actual evidence, but still)
Did they splice together previous legitimate interviews?
I guess we'll know soon enough cause every damn media outlet worldwide will be contacting him for comment and if he's started giving interviews they'll show up any minute.. .. .. ..
It's a really good impersonator if that's what it is.
Please don't make me join the double bearding camp Tom
That reminds me of this Tumblr
Really sounds like him, doesn't it?
Ok it's a splice together job using genuine TH comments from a different interview.
The bit at the bottom translates as: "this was the real Tom Hiddleston. Whether his answers followed our questions, we cannot confirm" - in other words, we have cut genuine answers from him into an "interview" we just made up.
>>609 Damn you google translate, you let us all down. Thanks Anon
>>609 That's a really good work! It would be so cringe-worthy if it were true. But isn't it telling that we pretty much believed it at first (me included)? This showmance was just so unexpected from him (but he did it nonetheless) that I'm basically ready to for anything.
>>610 It is fake, it's some kind of an actor who was trying to gain his 15 min of tumblr fame, but for my ears their voices are rather similar.
>>611 I got it when I saw that google translate missed out the full stop. When you realise it is 2 sentences it suddenly makes sense!
So, if this is a pasted together interview, what's the explanation of his conversation with the hosts? Has he spoken to them before? Did they happen to dig up footage of Tom talking to people named Martin and Dorothy? I have so many questions. I wish I knew the language.
>>614 I reckon so. I think the comments "she's got a wicked sense of humour etc" may be from the post Met Gala interview with another outlet altogether where he mentions TS.
>>615 I actually googled Tom's name and the phrase "wicked sense of humor" and it's something he said about Natalie Portman during TDW promo. He may have said it again about TS as well, he does have his go-to phrases he likes to use.
>>616 I just looked up the post Met Gala interview I was thinking of and it wasn't taken from that. He said he'd watched her videos and that she was "cool". But I am very sure this is a cut and paste job.
>>617 Thank God it's not real. There's only so much of this strange new version of Tom I can take.
"A spokesman for Tom Hiddleaton said, 'we never comment on our clients' private lives' "
Hahaha! Who needs to when the pics have been put out there?
I think we were ready to believe this because everything Tom has done recently is so out of character.
>>571 I was going to answer this before we got diverted onto other things. Yes, I think it is entirely possible that he is "socially vapid, juvenile and entirely stimulated in her company."
I think he probably was uncool and nerdy at college - hence the good grades. He was also not that hot - massive hair, not great skin and his teeth needed fixing. I by he didn't actually get laid a lot. So I reckon he is on the one hand this slightly monkish, intellectual guy who spends a lot of time alone, but also he hogs the limelight and he desperately wants to be the cool kid he never was - I mean, he is trying at 35 to be the groovy guy who takes his guitar everywhere. The guys I knew at college who wore a lot of leather and took their guitars everywhere are all now investment bankers! So yeah, I think he is juvenile in that he doesn't have the self-esteem to be who he is: good looking and successful but also earnest and uncool. He has mentioned how uncool he is and easy to mock in enough interviews that I think it is a sore point. I imagine being with Swifty makes him feel like he is finally the cool guy, getting down with her squad. I am sure he can't see how she also gets mocked for being earnest and uncool.
I just tried to read up on TS since to this date I've found her music and public persona nauseating.
As usual the Urban Dictionary delivered gold:
>>621 Or perhaps they recognised each others uncoolness and earnestness through the power of interpretive dance at the Met and that is why they 'fell in love'. They're identical!
I'm absolutely mortified. He wasn't supposed to be this vacuous. Such a low blow to discover he's just not all that and most likely thinking with Little Hiddles
Did anyone post this?
It's a shocker. Loving the sarcasm though. I've said it before this incident- the Guardian really can't stand TH.
Luuuuke, where are you?
>>622 I don't think it is just little Hiddles. I'd find that easier to deal with. After all, he's 35 and it must be the pits to be the internet's sexiest man and still not be getting laid. If he's screwing around and having fun, even with an empty vessel, then good on him.
It's the conscious element of all this that I think is a low blow. Playing the media game, wanting the column inches, wanting us all to know that he is the guy who is shagging TS. Not being the guy he said he was a mere 2 months ago (anybody remember the "some things are sacred" interview?). Either he really is crazy in love and it's all gone out the window and he's like Tom on Ophra's sofa. Or - more likely - he doesn't want prying save on his terms; but when it suits him to shill his private life for publicity reasons, he will do it.
And I get that. If you want to be super famous then that may be what you have to do. I recall Cumberbatch posing after the Oscars for some amazingly staged shots at a petrol station. He was snogging Sophie Hunter while actually using the petrol pump. They make these shots look almost natural. But if that's the world you live in at least be honest. Or shut up about your privacy and your authenticity.
I found them just for a laugh. Tell me these aren't staged - did a pap go to that particular petrol station on a lucky hunch and then wait and hope they stopped there instead of 50 miles down the road?
>>623 This is the second Guardian article on them isn't it? TH must be dying. The guardian is his newspaper of choice (he's been papped - genuinely - picking up a copy).
>>624 It's unfortunate. As much as I enjoyed speculating about his personal life, his desire for privacy and authenticity was a big part of what drew me to him. This social-climbing, tabloid shitshow has really disappointed me - I liked to think he was "above" this sort of thing. Oh well. I don't see it lasting more than a few months, but the fact that it's happening at all... I'm over him. Not upset, not angry, just... eh. Turned off.
I'll still see his films when they interest me - he's a great actor, that hasn't changed. And I'll still hang around here, mostly because I kind of love all of you regular posters. Plus I can't help but rubberneck at this absolute wreck of a PR backfire. But my heart-eyes for Tom are gone.
(Sorry, this was all a bit dramatic, wasn't it? Lol!)
>>627 Yes this. I enjoy the work, the fact that he's cute and laughing with you guys about the silly stuff like his dress sense, while also speculating about his love life.
But you are right, he always seemed to have something else. For me it was being a genuinely clever and intellectual man who when he gave a serious interview was interesting to read or listen to in a way that most actors frankely aren't. He seemed to have a niche whereby he didn't want play to the lowest common denominator - and didn't have to because he was successful in Hollywood even though he didn't fit the mould. I suppose he still is a clever intellectual thoughtful man. But the events of the last 48 hours suggest to me that he is also, in some way I can't quite articulate, an idiot.
I will still be coming here for all the reasons anonsy said!
The shock is such that I can no longer spell "frankly."
>>628 "But the events of the last 48 hours suggest to me that he is also, in some way I can't quite articulate, an idiot." LOL! Yes. I know exactly what you mean.
>>627 My 😍 have also been replaced with 😵 💩.
Disappointment is the word that lingers and the first word that popped into my head once I saw those photos. I gather that's a bit of a chorus amongst fans.
This whole scenario is fascinating from a media standpoint and I'm boggle- eyed watching it unfold. It's a media smackdown. He's getting KO'd
>>630 And I should emphasise it's not intellectual snobbery about TS because she doesn't have a college education. No flies on her. She is a smart and savvy businesswoman and he would be so lucky to have such a tightly controlled public image.
It's his reaction to her, if you see what I mean. He's an intelligent 35 year old man acting like a teenager.
>>632 I absolutely get what you mean. It is all very teenage - which is part of her image and what appeals to the bulk of her fanbase, but it's not what we've been conditioned to expect from him at all.
>>628 An idiot. Yes, that's articulated perfectly. Juvenile idiot.
This is what happens when Luke isn't around to monitor him constantly.
Somehow I'm reminded of a crush in my university days who was the most dazzlingly handsome, fascinating, intelligent and witty man I'd ever met. We danced around our flirtation for so long, the build up was volcanic. Finally when we fell into bed and I unzipped his trousers I understood why he was single. I was so shocked and disappointed I sprinted out of his house through the park with him chasing me begging me to come back and fell over a log and actually I was the idiot here now I think about it but the DISAPPOINTMENT was there
It seems like the only thing he gained is the number of twitter followers, from 2.91 mil to 2.7
Did anyone post this one? I can't remember. Ouch again.
2.7 to 2.91
sorry :)
Anyone want to take bets on the next PR pics?
I say:
Location: Caribbean
Theme: Summer romance
Medium: Instagram!
(release date: eh tomorrow?)
New pics of rock and stroll
>>640 1. they look even more awkward 2.what's the deal with that rock formation? I see rock-thongs personally..
Peeks in. Waves. Hey guys. Real life hit me hard over the past month which explains my absence.
Married, honeymooned....knocked up. Yeppers. I was before I went to Libya but didn't realize it. Sorry I put you in so much danger, zygote, and exposed you to all those stress hormones! We already think the kid's going to come out suffering from PTSD. Thankfully I wasn't showing at the wedding so I didn't need to pull a complete Sophie Hunter with the dress.
Will Hiddleswift follow my example? Or Cumberbatch's?
I don't know what to say really. I was okay with him being with the previous piece of beige cardboard so I guess I'm okay with this new piece of cardboard. The beach pictures sure make a change from Pursegate Gate. He's either really in lurve as only a man can be with the sparkly unicorn that is Taylor Swift or he's had pap stroll and PDA lessons. Both perhaps.
I'll check in as often as I can.
PS Let's see if this relationship lasts as long as my gestation!
Forgot! Hail Jarthy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If only for a moment.
>>642 Anon.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Welcome back! We missed you! So glad you're ok and that everything is well.
I was beginning to worry that the ISTL/TNM press tour had wrung out every last ounce of TH-related fondness from you (not to mention having to actually sit through ISTL).
And what marvellous news. Congratulations! Much more important than some snog on a beach. The board will have a baby! There's only one thing to say to that. Have all the 😍😍😍 that we've got going spare at the moment. Xxx
Our first official statement from Calvin Harris, courtesy of TMZ:
"America's sweetheart my ass!"
>>644 >>645 Thanks. We're excited. We've already picked out some names: qaz, Dottie, Kareha, Lex, THEO. A true board baby. My husband's a III, so if it's a boy, sadly he'll be a IV, which is ridonk. But I'll secretly call him THEO. ;)
No my baby is NOT more important than Hiddleswift. Let's not let real life interfere with important board business. Priorities, people! In a few months I'm going to be knee deep by dirty diapers and attached to a breast pump; I'm going to need an escape from reality. Enter Hiddleswift! Although I do wonder if TH will still be Liddle Hiddles deep in TS by that time!
I am looking forward to the social media side of this relationship.I think it will reveal the level of their 'soul connection' and who's wearing the pants. If they are plastered all over twitter and instagram, she's wearing the pants and he's got major heart-eyes. If it's social media lockdown, he's wearing the pants and she's got major heart-eyes. Now it seems like he's doing what any guy would do at the start of a relationship: agreeing blindly to anything as long as it gets him some nookie. Yes I'll fly London to LA to see you. Yes I'll fly London to NY and RI to see you. Yes I'll ignore the photographer on the beach. But we get to have sex right? In this case WERKING IT is more important than the WORK.
We didn't get a set visit from EO in Oz but we are defo going to get one from TS. She could also just send her plane to fetch him and deliver him to a destination of HER choosing.
>>647 Are we voting on baby names? If it's a girl, may I suggest Jarthy?
>>642 Anon.!!!!!
So great to hear from you, and such great news! Congratulations on all accounts. :)
At least Hiddleswift did one thing right - made you take a peak here!
>>647 Now you're pregnant can I have Michael K?
Also is it just me or does this swan pastry look like a cock covered in whipped cream? Did Taylor,order it because happy memories?