Thread to talk about the actor Tom Hiddleston
>>350 and the Hiddlestoners. They are struggling to reconcile the latest, most monstrously thirsty pap stroll of all with the previous comments about some things are sacred, it's all about the Werk etc etc.
PS we have had rock and stroll. Can I name this one The Mama and the Papas?
I wonder if moma Hiddles knows about TayTay's reputation with men.
Om my! I shouldn't be so invested in this. I'm starting to feel like a crazy Hiddlestoner but this is so entertaining and I'm in bed with a broken leg and too much free time.
>>352 Oh no!!! Get well soon! 💐
What is happening to us? Pregnancy, major dentistry, broken leg. This board has more drama than TT's love life (and that really is saying something).
Thank you. :)
A 'source' for TH i.e. TS's PR, which means she's making him do her dirty work, has 'spoken out' about Kayne's video - it's classless:
Not that HL is a reliable source - I'm sure they make up stories and this one is just as suspect - it would be something TH would say in private but not make an explicit or veiled statement about to any press or 3rd party to pass to the press.
I found a link to the video last night, and it's ... weird. Naked wax figures in bed. Bizarre.
>>356 I think the real reason Swifty is annoyed is because the wax figure is less wooden than her.
>>357 snorts if the rumors about her sex drive are true. If not, I hope the two of them are having the best sex of their lives, and can't wait to get to the privacy of his home in London to have more, because that's the only good thing about all this PR fuckery.
>>358 I read so many rumours about that. The funniest one was on the bycycle that she doesn't like the noises, so Calvin had to get his rocks off in silence!
>>359 I saw that and had a laugh. Is that anything like $cientologists needing to give birth in silence? I'm surprised no one (as of my reading it a couple of days ago) countered with, if the pregnancy rumor is true, she's probably got the sex drive of an 18 year old boy. I know I did for the first half of my pregnancy.
Amazingly, I don't think we're going to get anything today. It seems even famewhores rest on the Lord's day. Could be that they are resting up (pap strolling is hard on the legs and dignity). Could be that they might actually start to behave like a normal couple now that she no longer needs to overshadow Kanye and Kim.
New pics with the rest of the family and children.
>>361 Hahahahahaha!!! Or not. We didn't have a pic of Saturday's activities - except now we do. I bet we get church shots tomorrow.
Woah. Do I dare believe my eyes?? There are pics of them NOT holding hands??? Is that allowed?? And Tom isn't smiling?? Did Kanye tweet him or something?
And yup there's children. I hate it when she uses other people's kids. And Tom letting his niece be a part of this mess.
I've noticed they release pictures every 12 hours on the dot.
She looks bored. I think Tom and his family are enjoying this more than her.
And did you notice her jacket matching his?
I spoke too soon!
>>365 Wasn't she photographed with Gyllenhal's niece or something, Maggie's kid, one nanosecond into the relationship? This is all the same MO. Can't believe that the families always fall for it.
>>366 It's a Barbour jacket. And she has borrowed some green wellies from somewhere. In fairness the weather yesterday was absolutely atrocious. I had to go and buy a hoodie. I am not surprised she was unprepared, though the shameless style copying is also part of the MO.
TH says he goes there to decompress, and he is with his family, whom he adores. And he has his new girl. No wonder he looks happy. I am surprised she looks as bored as she does given that she is supposed to enjoy antiquing in New England or whatever. I haven't been to New England but I imagine the olde worlde charm to be similar. Maybe when she said this she meant her interior designer did it.
>>365 They release something every evening at around this time, I did notice that. Of the previous day's activities.
The infamous ring is now in another finger. It's still on the right hand but is gradually moving.
>>368 New England beach town culture (Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Cape Cod, Nantucket, Martha's Vineyard, Maine) is very similar. I spent summers there. Cool, jacket weather, though people do swim and sunbathe.
>>368 Yeah she does. It's honestly a low point for me and I don't get how families just let her use their kids for her pap walks.
In comparison to how hard they were selling it before, he seems more toned down now. It's a lot more normal looking now than the try hard efforts before. But to be quite honest, I'm surprised he's got his hands in his pockets most of the time and isn't glued to her hand like before lol
correction: "ON another finger"
I know that all relationships are different. I also know that people mature and change and tend not to make the same mistakes in relationships. is a timeline of TS's relationship with Harry Styles. I got it from the Daily Mail but it jives with other timelines I've seen. Does anything sound familiar...or should I ask, does anything look different?
-October: Harry tells an interviewer '[Taylor]'s a really lovely girl. Honestly, she couldn't be a sweeter person. She's a great girl and she's extremely talented.'
Days later Taylor splits from former love Conor Kennedy
-November: When Taylor makes a guest appearance on the X Factor, Harry arrives to watch
-December: The pair go public on the 2nd, with a visit to the zoo in New York
-January 2013: The pair split after an almighty row while on vacation in the Caribbean. She left alone on a boat, he stayed to continue the vacation.
In between she met his mom, in America and in the UK I believe. He met her mother. And they were papped walking all over NYC, kissing on NYE in Times Square, walking around with the infant daughter of his make-up artist.
>>374 Spookily similar. I didn't know she dumped the Kennedy guy and jumped on Styles so soon after.
Here is a priceless DM article shading the Madonna-esque transformation into an English lady. Worth it for some priceless pics of her glowering at TH as she is being loaded into Mum's car.
By the way, Covehithe is a very remote village about an hour's drive from Aldeburgh. It is notable for having a ruined medieval church that is slipping into the sea. Very romantic and atmospheric. I'd have believed that old Tom would want to bring his GF there. If she didn't like it that may explain the grim expression. Or if the paps are now following them everywhere whether summoned or not, he may finally - finally! - have woken up to the fact that this is not ideal.
DM says this is today. So mummypapstroll on Friday, beach in stripey top on Saturday/out with ginger brother in law, beach again on Sunday. I take it back - we are being fed material every day on the day it happens. And no rest on the Lord's day either.
>>377 He looks actively grim in the DM photos, even more so than the JJ. Are we into phase 2 of the Swifty relationship timeline, aka the bit where the victim/hostage realises he has made a terrible mistake?
>>376 So that's her eye-daggers look, complete with a smirk. I'll look for it more often.
At least the DM blocked out the pics of the niece's face compared to JJ. She's a cute girl.
Covehithe is one of my husband's favourite places in the world. I showed him that pic of Swifty's face and he doesn't want to go antiquing with her in New Enhalnd anymore.
>>376 These are probably like the paps for the beach stroll yesterday - not hers, not called, but expected after the show they put on Friday (Thursday?).
Welcome to your life, Thomas. Called, uncalled - they are now a permanent fixture.
>>382 My husband is skulking round the holiday cottage, muttering disconsolately about the suffering of a fellow classicist who took a girl to a gothically beautiful ruined church and she didn't like it. All I can get out of him is "nice chap really" and "terrible mistake" and - God help us all - "intervention". I may be in the paparazzi pictures tomorrow, wringing my hands while my husband tries to lure him into the back of our car using a copy of Polybius.
>>383 Is he going to lure him into the back seat of the car by throwing Polybius in as incentive? Is that when the intervention starts? 1. Catullus or Horace must be preferable. 2. My mother used to do this with the family dog to get her to the vet (she ALWAYS knew we were going). Mother used bacon.
Do it, Anon. Plan an intervention. Maybe find sexy Classics major - use her as bait!
Anon, I love you (and your husband). Thank you for making me laugh.
>>385 My pleasure!
>>384 I think the idea is to chuck the Polybius onto the back seat and when the dog, I mean Hiddleston, clambers in to investigate, tail wagging, we slam the door and burn rubber all the way back to London. We may stop at the vet en route for a sedative. Then we liberate him back into our house and reintroduce him gradually to books and classical music. He can talk to my husband about classical things and geeky things (quoth my husband, and this is not a joke, "I just know he would have enjoyed our trip to the lighthouse today. She wouldn't, I can tell"). I can be simultaneously mothering and sexual, which they will both think is normal because, you know, classics. He will not be allowed to read the Daily Mail sidebar of shame.
I am starting to get into this idea!
>>386 "I can be simultaneously mothering and sexual, which they will both think is normal because, you know, classics." HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! applause
In some of the pics on IG, you can see what looks to be a police cordon, or at least officers present. WTF?
Do we think they're making 'the beast with two backs' while staying with mummy? That could explain TH's sour I'm Not Getting Any face. My husband - I LOVE it - and I did our honeymoon right! And it was ridiculous because I could have been hit by a truck and would have popped back up smiling. We hadn't even had a proper bonkfest in the beginning of the relationship because of work and conflicting schedules.
It's now been three-ish days with mummy and family. That's a long time to go without having sex with Taylor Swift but having to still date Taylor Swift.
They brought along the videographer for this one! Shit.
>>390 Wow. Yep, this is getting pretty ridiculous now lol
I know a lot of us use Torrilla, but I've found this site a good alternative. They're about as quick and perhaps more accessible than weibo.
>>389 Unless Mum is progressive and doesn't mind them staying in the same room (i wouldn't put any money on that) I bet he's dying to get back to London and the privacy his place. Or her hotel room. Unless they're not doing it yet.
His niece...Poor Sarah, but I see she is having a laugh (did she divorce? She's back in England, no husband?) He has no right to look pissed at the paps presence, he brought the madness into his family life.
>>386 Go Anon, you and your husband have our blessing, clearly his family is in no condition.
>>389,390 Wouldn't that be even more reason to hold hands?
He's wearing his running shoes for a walk! Blasphemy!
>>374 At CB I saw a pic of TS alone on a boat leaving the Virgin Islands after th row
>>374 That's why we all said from the beginning the point here is not TS, she does what she always do, everyone knows, the reason why we find a recurrent pattern it's because it's always the same story. And since nothing happens spontaneously in her life, everything with TH from the beginning was carefully planned (it's also why I don't think TS is ever going to marry him)
The real problem here is TH, not only for his 180. Harry Styles was what a minor when he started with TS? I get his family going along or the Kennedy's boy (who apparently was the one who put a stop to TS madness when she bought a house near theirs), Jake Gyllenhaal was 29 so less understandable, but TH is 35!
They were holding hand at some point after all, the photo is indicative of the family's opinion
>>377 (aren't those his eyeglasses) But yes, gloomy faces
Goodness, why is he looking down? Is it dawning on him the mess he's in?
“The jet has 12 seats, which means she has plenty of room for her entourage when she tours—or, simply to scoop up her boy toy du jour. Page Six reported that Swift flew Kennedy on the jet from the Hyannis Port Kennedy family compound to her hometown of Nashville, simply because she “missed him” after not seeing him for merely a week. God forbid he have to take a commercial flight! We feel his pain.”
A fawning publicist-written "article" from Gossip Cop, via Theoanons:
However it includes this: "As for the public pictures [in RI], that was the most efficient way of letting the public know Swift and Hiddleston are now dating. It was also easier for getting the message out than having to hide their new relatipnship, and be chased by papaprazzi until their romance was discovered."
So yeah, a backhanded admission that these were totally staged. Like we didn't know already. The not subsequently being chased by paparazzi didn't work so well.
>>401 Whenever I read anything on Gossip Cop, I end up rolling my eyes the entire time. They seem to me to always be either making their stories up as they go along, or relaying some bullshit handed to them by someone's team.
>>402 I totally agree. I think this is the line they are relaying via TS's team - they wouldn't otherwise make a claim that approached suggesting that the pics were staged. I think it's a case of TS's publicist being forced to admit this as everyone knows, and trying to spin it positively. We only did this to PREVENT press intrusion, guys.
>>401 lol that's great they let the public know but now that we're all well aware, what is the point of the daily pap strolls? Can't they just date and get to know each other and their friends and families quietly?
Taylor can obviously hold back pictures and videos because she held back an official MET pic of her and Tom dancing quite cozy and then the videos of Tom arriving at the after party in Taylor's car with her guards and then leaving with Taylor in her car. All this forced staged publicity of her and Tom out and about so happy enjoying such great family time is so unnecessarily extra eyeroll And they are going to be so extra at Wimbledon too.
Obviously the majority if not all these photos were staged- they were intentionally visible. Yes there's more paps around now but they have enough security to manage to stay out of the firing line. Wide open beach: 'Oh no, how could they intrude in this private moment.'
I can't believe there's idiot fans crying 'guys, give them privacy. That's all they want.'
It just occurred to me this is likely to last far beyond my reasonable tolerance for bs. We are talking about the actor who goes above and beyond duty to flog dead horses. He will enthusiastically promote and gush over projects that have completely tanked with his hopes and dreams lying in tatters at his feet. He can't let this mess go now. He'll play the perfect bf and go down with the sinking ship to the sound exploding fangirl hearts.
>>406 Agreed - but her face says that she might not! She seems to have no compunction about kicking her boyfriends to the kerb the minute they stop being satisfactory.
Comment on CB from someone who tried to track TS's private plane. You can't. It's made private by request of owner. The most that Swift"s fans can get is notification from plane spotters who see the tail number once it has landed - I bet there's a site where they go to post this stuff! But not in time for the paps to see unless they have been tipped off or are hanging around the airport on spec (unlikely).
Possible role in Much Ado, directed by Branagh:
>>409 Branagh said something similar before didn't he? Either way it won't happen before 2017, possibly well into 2017, with the possibility he's also in the Infinity War films and Kong's promotion.
2 weeks ago this would have been more exciting...
Hahahha no wonder the sour faces:
'Tom's mum was very excited about Taylor coming to visit at the weekend', an insider told LOOK exclusively. 'But she had one rule - she said she was 100% putting them up in separate rooms!'
or maybe that's how they're trying to account for the sour faces in hindsight
>>412 hahaha I was also wondering is TS is clearing the table and helping out cooking.
>>413 I bet mum's testing them to see if their relationship has any depth beyond a sexual connection. Clever mum.
Can you imagine Tay trying to wash a dish.
Nothing new mentioned, but I did find it fairly humorous.
Side note - where does this 24 hour thing keep coming from? I know I've seen it before, they seem to have been in the UK quite a bit longer than 24 but it's still being mentioned.
>>415 it's like one of us wrote this article! Variety is not falling for their PR and is making fun. Ouch.
>>416 There is a bit of a sizzle isn't there? >.< Perhaps the chilly weather over there will cool the burn.
Variety is definitely NOT having it though.
>>414 I want to see Tay being made to cook lunch on the inevitable Aga. Even British women have failed this test.
>>418 I googled it, is it really that difficult to use?
>>419 They're a nightmare. They are on 24/7 and throw out a lot of heat which is why they are popular with people who live in big draughty farmhouses. They have 2 or more ovens but they are each at fixed temperatures, so they are very unresponsive. One low, one high etc. And the hot plates are the same - one low, one high. And if you use them too much the ovens start to cool down! They were designed in the 1930s and it shows.
>>420 Goodness, they ARE a nightmare! Why people still buy them?
>>421 They are the posh thing to have - and like I said, if you live in a big draughty old house in the countryside they keep the whole house warm. They also have a lifespan of 40 years so it's not uncommon to buy a Josue that has one in.
A house, even!
Aaaaaand today: they are in Italy:
Her jugs look enormous in this one. I wonder if she is up the duff.
>>425 with all the drinking I'm still iffy, so I'd go with a padded bra or more flesh on her bones (I doubt she would have had the time for another plastic surgery).
>>425 I notice that she looks happy the fan took a photo he looks horrified, because he turned around at the last moment. Does TS have a radar for cameras?
someone joked on IMDB that this is the Hiddleswift tour but now it's really is beginning to feel like one. Next stop Paris! And a proposal there.
btw, the fact that they could leave the UK and land in Rome without any fuss once again confirms that the photos at the airport in England were tipped.
At least these aren't full blown pap pics this time. Or maybe those will be released later lol
They certainly are not there in incognito, I see staff from the Colosseum following them around.
Well, Taylor sure looks relieved to be away from Mama Hiddleston.
We are continuing the whistle stop tour of what is in their respective brains: her, "classy" swan pastries and Selena Gomez. Him: traditional England and classical culchah. I guess this is the bit where he tries to convince himself that her tiny peanut brain can embrace everything he most holds dear.
>>427 I said it before - she matches Amal Clooney in her ability to spot a camera from a mile away and mug for it. I saw a hilarious clip of Amal in court (!!!!) in Egypt doing exactly this. She was defending some poor journalist who had been imprisoned by the regime and all she could do was give the camera the full Princess Di.
PS do you think the bodyguards stand round the bed while they screw?
>>434 I totally do, probably they got a rest when they were at Mrs Hiddleston's because ToTay were in separate room.
>>435 Taylor probably has learned after being followed by paps for ?12 years.
Amal I suspect needed no encouragement. Before she met Clooney she was a completely unknown very junior barrister with distinctly average academics, and a few juicy cases on her CV in which she had been 5th junior (chair). When she got with him she hired a publicist (not a frequent accessory in legal London) and rewrote herself as an "internationally renowned human rights lawyer". (OT rant, but I am speaking absolutely first hand here).
>>437 Well, it might be OT but I for one I'm glad to hear it, I read a couple of posts about her at CB when they got married and I was mystified by why people would think she was internationally acclaimed when nobody had ever heard of her.
I know I said I don't think she'll ever marry him (he's not rich or A-list or youthful enough), but if the next stop is Venice, we might have to start to look for a new ring on her hand.
Lainey has a funny post, shading TH as is right and proper (sorry for the snark, but I think I'm reaching the point where I want to slap him as soon as I see his face)
>>438 The starting point is how many human rights lawyers can you name? Lawyers basically aren't world famous unless they happen to defend OJ or marry a movie star. Nor are they usually even internationally renowned within the profession. Their reputation will be within their own jurisdiction where they work (even human rights lawyers who appear in international courts will do the majority of their work in their own jurisdiction). So the internationally renowned stuff is bullshit right out of the gate.
The second part is that AC got a 2:1 from a not very good college in Oxford University, having spent her time driving around in the Jeep her parents bought her and hanging with the other trust fund kids. On that cv her now chambers Doughty Street wouldn't have given her the time of day.
So she went to NYC and started doing internships - commendable, but also only affordable to her because her parents are loaded. After a while she got a job in a NY firm, and started moving towards human rights law.
Fast forward to 2010 when she gave a talk at Doughty Street and the head of chambers was so immediately smitten he offered her an "extraordinary pupillage." Also known as a pupillage she didn't have to compete for on merit with all the other applicants, and, I hear, a major source of embarrassment to some at DS. It is a very right-on set and is meant to be all over the equality of opportunity stuff. She then got tenancy and did a bunch of cases where, as I said, she was the most junior of a team of barristers. They sound great on the cv but what they actually mean is that someone called DS and hired the QC and maybe the first junior, and then said "give us another 2 bodies". It says nothing about her reputation personally. She was not and still is not recommended in the legal directories as a leading practitioner in her field.
At that point she met GC and the rest, as they say, is history.
>>439 Not 100% convinced Lainey has looked at all the pics. He didn't look into it in the pics yesterday.
found this at CB
"@fiddlefaddle, I don’t know how they do it, but I’ve stumbled on a Swift blog that gets flight path data for Taylor’s jet from an anonymous submitter – they’ve been right every time so far and pegged the jet headed for Italy hours before the photos appeared. Someone is able to access the info."
I leave it those of you on tumblr to find this blog, so we can prepare properly for our next press tour stop.
So. No stop at his house in London (that we saw), no stop at Wimbledon, no trip to the Serpentine Summer Party, no Romeo and Juliet play with Kenneth Branagh in London, no dinners out in Mayfair? What does it all mean? Deliciously confused! Is this just a romantic whirlwind travel tour for fun? Or just a random choice? Is London to remain untarnished of this romance? And why would he endanger his family's personal privacy, but not his own personal space in the city? Blah?
Hopefully, the multiple drinking incidents indicate that she is not expecting. And TH already went to Rome with his college gf where it looked like a "Fellini film!" Weird. And why aren't they just off the grid on a private Greek island away from all of us? They've spent more time traveling and getting photos taken then getting to know each other. What does it all mean?
I feel like they're putting on a show. The more stuff comes out everyday, the less it looks like a genuine relationship to me. The way they pick very public spots, the way the paps are always there if it's a private or off the grid spot, the way the tabloids put out written pieces with the pics, it's all too manufactured and controlled. I don't know the point of it. Maybe to make Calvin jealous? Maybe to make herself look amazing? Maybe Tom thought it would up his image but he's just getting reamed everywhere.
>>442 I think he looked less than happy in yday's pics because he may have realized he's crossing a line and how unbalanced the family aspect between him and Taylor is. She didn't let her family get papped the way she let Tom's family. She's kept her family safe in her IG but his family who had been kept safe and away has now just been revealed to the entire world including where they live and everything. And his family doesn't have the round the clock security that Taylor can afford to give hers. That may be it. But now he's back to his happy form because the family part is over.
I just know that if I spent so much time in queue under the sun to enter the Colosseum just to be forced by her security to give them room, I'd be immensely pissed.
>>445 or maybe TS scolded him for his poor performance, I mean TH knew very well that bringing paps to his family would have meant full exposure in the UK.
And here she is again, mugging for the camera:
>>446 That death glare of hers from the family outing pics was her warning to get it together lol Tom strikes me as after the fact guy. He does it and then realizes with revulsion that it wasn't what he thought it was. Like ISTL.