Thread to talk about the actor Tom Hiddleston
I am copy and pasting this from CB because it struck me as really rather perceptive:
"Not only a high profile match, but also a super-rich wife. I think Tom is gunning for that. I had something of a ‘d’oh’ moment earlier when I realized that OF COURSE he’s aiming high in the marriage market. I wonder how I missed it before: he fits the type exactly. Since his schooldays he’s been living the somewhat uncertain life of the English gentleman who doesn’t have quite the money and the status to fit in with his Etonian peers. He has the image of the aristocrat, but he isn’t really an aristocrat. His family is wealthy, but not rich enough for a lavish lifestyle.
I do think he’s in love, but love isn’t always blind. Taylor is perfect for him – not only in terms of the fame game, but also money and status, on top of being beautiful and (presumably) fun. Money and status aren’t necessarily something he seeks consciously. I’ve seen it before in similar circles. When you subconsciously crave something, you’re more likely to fall in love with it when you meet it in an attractive package. His sister married up in terms of social standing, too.
I think the engagement is coming much sooner than Dec."
hum... I wonder where this ex-girlfriend is coming from... and why.
>>252 To combat the 'Is Tom Hiddleston gay?' google searches?
He's played with the fame and notoriety fire and now he's likely to get burned. The people who couldn't be bothered to share or sell stories about him are going to come out of the woodwork.
>>251 Well, first he needs to convince TS to marry him, second TS will come with a prenup. If he manages to be cast in film for great money he won't need to marry into it, and I think the man is enough of a showoff to want to be considered rich of his own.
Look at these 2 side-by-side pictures of Taylor Swift, one from the Met Gala and the other from this week. Her face is rounder and fatter in the second one. Her whole body is fatter.
I forgot to include the link to the photos:
https://twitter. com/news8magazine/status/746805774261846017
I'm not saying she's definitely not pregnant because honestly at this point nothing would surprise me, but I think the slightly different angle of her head and the makeup are what's causing the difference. Plus celebrities are notorious for doing cleanses, detoxes, laxatives, and all kinds of other weird things leading up to big red carpet events so they look their thinnest, and I doubt Taylor's an exception.
I really don't think she's pregnant. She was drinking white wine in that Rhode Island tea room report. She can't be that careless. I think it's all a lot simpler.
This is really fast paced almost like they are on a time table. I believe this is all scripted and to be over by mid July to early August, during the time period he's going to be working.
It's her story mostly. She wants to look good in the media, more specifically she wants to look good for her fans. Her breakup and Kanye controversy left her looking not so great. Tom and her probably were flirting post breakup or mid breakup and she decides why not and he thinks yeah we got great response after the MET gala they'll love us. She may or may not also have the ulterior motive of pissing off her ex. Tom realizes along with banging a hot young woman, he'll also benefit from visibility if his name is attached with Taylor's, and he's fine with her publicizing it. However the response isn't that great for Tom and they realized well it's fun but it ain't gonna last at this rate because their careers matter to both first so they're fast tracking it all to give a fairytale scenario to Taylor's younger fans but to any adult it's a classic Taylor being Taylor and rebounding, no harm no foul. Tom has always said its hard for him to do relationships properly because of his work ethic so he's got a built in out that it was good but unfortunately work took its toll on us but we continue to be friends who respect each other. We're already seeing US mag peddle his id make a bad boyfriend story. And Taylor's fans are supportive because TayTay will find love again and Tom will get back the part of the fanbase that's willing to forgive.
That's my story and unless some really INSANE development happens like she starts showing a pregnancy belly tomm, I'm sticking to it.
>>252 I loved the shade in this story! First time ever the Sun has preferred a brainy non famous brunette to a blonde famous airhead.
They also found the shade for this one - having had a pick of 2,000 photos of TS thinking "this beach is bullshit. The weather is bullshit. His mom is really boring and my mom is thinner and has a Louis Vuitton purse."
I go out for a massive bender and come home to MORE PAP STROLLS.
Oh stahp puleeze
Why does Tay Tay's face look like mine will in a few hours when I suddenly regret my recent life choices, am incapable of dealing with present trauma and stifling the need to vomit? At least I will have memories of a night of pure hedonistic joy and laughter, she looks like she sat on a pole and swivelled while making a mental shopping list.
She does look chunkier (shameless body shaming).
I can't quite comprehend why she would want to go through all this famewhoring, potential marriage and a life with a family that bores her to death for a Hiddlespawn conceived on a first fuck.
I'm also thinking of migrating to the datalounge TH is ghey board (in lurk mode 'cause they scare me)
>>261 If you do go over to datalounge, you have to come back here and tell us if they come up with anything noteworthy. A bunch of them think Tom slept with Kenneth Branagh.
>>262 Well, I saw an interview during his recent US promo tour in which the interviewer was talking about the importance of Branagh in his career and Tom's lip twitched visibly when Branagh's name was mentioned. It might just have been because he's aware of the rumour or because the rumour is true.
Well everyone, it's been hours (HOURS! I can hardly believe it!) since the last paparazzi photo essay about the Romance of the Century. Shall we start betting on what their next totally-not-staged appearance will be?
>>265 Are we sure they won't burst into flames if they try to walk through the door? Will they reserve a special pew for her bodyguards and paparazzi?
Yup! I was gonna say church too. And then brunch with the whole family including Tom's "brothers" and pics of Taylor playing with his niece. Or someone's kid. Expect perfect shots that look like movie stills. I really hope they don't drag someone's child, especially not his niece, into these thirsty pics. This is becoming so over the top. Why does Taylor Swift do this? I watched the Harry Styles and Kennedy kid romance unfold and it was more or less the same. Especially the Kennedy kid. But it wasn't this fast.
>>267 I think she did the "meet the families" thing after only a few weeks with Harry Styles, didn't she?
>>268 Yeah but no pictures. Just tabloids leaks about it. She got papped with Harry more towards the end of their relationship. Literally last month before the breakup.
Getting papped at this level, it was the Kennedy kid where almost every activity she did with him was papped including going to church with him and his family and then visiting his mom's grave who had committed suicide earlier that year. Even if the mom has passed away, Taylor will visit her. Shows commitment!
Small question, anyone else read the opinion dominion on tumblr? It seems to be gone now and I was wondering if something was said or if that just.. happens?
>>270 A bunch of fans reported her to tumblr staff for "invasion of privacy" or some nonsense and got her deleted because they didn't like what she was saying.
>>269 Thanks. I've never followed her too closely, but I do remember the Connor Kennedy relationship being pretty crazy. The paparazzi visit to the mom's grave annoyed me.
>>261 >>262 On datalounge they think he's ugly and fake; even though some of them love his body, they're a superficial lot. I lurk there, did a search on his name and there was no real new gossip, only threads regarding the Bond race. There were 2 or 3 old threads from the Coriolanus days that maxed out at 600 comments due to an influx of fans from LSA and CB who were blasted by the DL regulars. They don't like women there, no surprise, especially straight ones. So i continue to lurk.
>>270 I just discovered that site yesterday. Format-wise, it seemed no different than any other anon ask / reply site, plus she wasn't nasty to them like the bike.
>>271 That absolutely sucks, I liked that one. Though I'm not hip on where all the gossip or news comes from. I only knew about that one, THEO, and from theo -- here. Lol
Thanks for the info Anonsy. :)
>>264 At Wimbledon on Monday, maybe a glimpse today in London pulling into his gated driveway. No pap with his father.
Regarding The Opinion Dominion, I just remembered, a couple of hours before tumblr pulled it, she posted a very long submission from an anon about TS's history with the press - not just dating, celebrity feuds, problematic quotes, shady things she allegedly did. That's probably what broke it.
>>260 she does look bored and I love the Sun for the shade
>>277 The opening match features the reigning champion and is high profile - but bad tennis as they are usually playing some poor unseeded player whom they demolish. My guess would be the middle Saturday.
I guess church today - it's round the corner from the mother's house so a nice excuse for a stroll, ha ha. Possibly dinner at a local restaurant tonight then back to London on Monday.
I wonder if she will stay in a hotel - he didn't stay at hers, remember, and also the mancave is probably not up to her exacting standards. Or many women's exacting standards. This is a man who bought furniture along with the house.
This is a good one -
A subtle "please calm down with your circus thank you you have the talent calm down this is embarrassing"
>>278 They probably will do church, won't they. I guess after you exploit your mother, exploiting Jesus is the next logical step.
I'm going to go with hotel, since he stayed in a hotel in NYC and Lizzie stayed in a hotel last summer when they were doing their thing. Besides, I don't think he has enough guest rooms for all her bodyguards and photographers.
>>278 The finals will be after Thor starts filming so I thought they might catch what they can when they can, starting this week. We'll have to wait and see.
Remember that look on Jarthy's face when she was leaving the G&W in those shots from a month ago? I wonder if he told her about Tay - JA looked like she was in shock. (just kidding)
>>279 If he knew he was still seriously in the running for Bond, would he still bave agreed to this high profile relationship? Someone said earlier in this thread that he probably found out he lost the role and said fuck it, I do what I want now.
>>282 Maybe they told him he lost the role because he wasn't high profile enough, and he snapped. "You want high profile? I'LL SHOW YOU HIGH PROFILE!!!"
>>279 I have no access to the article. It's subscribers only. :(
>>284 Don't worry their paywall is terrible. You get 5 free articles a week and then they try to block you. But if you clear your history or switch to a different device it should be fine.
That article in >>279 suggests the underwear pics helped his profile more than Hiddleswift paps; he should proceed with caution.
>>285 Hopefully mom spoke (or slapped) some sense into him / them. The dour looks on the beach aren't for nothing.
My capcha: exarth
>>284 Clear your history and it should let you access. I'm not a subscriber and I can access it. All in all though it's basically advising him to cool it with the Taylor circus and just keep doing what he was doing before career wise and stick to his previous philosophy of discretion because being a scandal or something else unsavory may come to light with all this extra high profile coverage.
>>285 where little hiddles his is ego or his PR, because they spent more time on planes and papstrolling than in bed.
Funny thing, this isn't even helping his self-esteem or in confidence.
He never used to have any problem at being photographed with his eyeglasses, now as soon as he is in public he is holding them in his hand. And he is smoking.
>>280 but I presume she is staying at his mother's house right now, are the bodyguards there as well?
>>291 I guess we can't really know, can we? Since the photographers have their scheduled photo ops, maybe after the first day they were told "no more pictures of Taylor and her people coming or going."
Someone on the DM Suffolk article commented that they saw Tom and Taylor on their way to see Lionel Richie at the Colchester stadium last night. I guess that's where the next pap shots might come from.
Also Glastonbury is happening. They might hit that. He's gone to it before during the JArthy era.
>>289 I created an account but it still ask for my credit card details. If I get 30 days free, why do they ask for my credit card details? I don't want to give them that information.
>>294 Lionel Richie in Colchester (not the sexiest city in the UK). If someone took me on this date I would dump them immediately.
>>296 I think they want to start billing you as soon as the 30 days is up, in the hope you will forget to cancel. It's easier to clear the history I think. PS you can surf as much as you like on an iPhone without hitting the paywall. They seem to have decided that they don't care about you squinting at a tiny screen for free.
>>297 this is was clearly his choice (are we sure he is 35 and not older?Lionel Richie!) as revenge for Selena Gomez.
"perfect cookie cutter leading men like Tom Cruise"
What?! Tom Cruise has no shoulders!
>>297 My thoughts exactly. But hey, they they went to a Selena Gomez concert which is much worse.
I think Tom wants to get into the music world and Taylor wants to get into the cinema world (her few film appearances were irrelevant). This relationship will be beneficial for both.
Also, as someone has mentioned, she wants to marry a British from upper class with high connections and he wants to have money to be at the some level as his ex colleagues from Eton. She brings the money to the marriage and he brings the class status. Everyone will forget her slut reputation (or so she thinks).
Maybe her bored face in the photos with his mum were because she's realised that he's family is not so upper class as she initially thought. There's no ancient mansion or friends with noble titles.
>>296 Someone copy pasted the article on Tom's IMDB message board. You can read it here -
>>301 She's aiming for Prince Harry. Tom is just a stepping stone lol She'll get her chance at Wimbledon when Tom introduces her to Camilla.
Some more beach shots which I'm posting for the obvious juxtaposition to the caption 'SHE LOOKS SO AT PEACE, BEAUTIFUL AND HAPPY 😻👫❤'
Is that an eyeroll that's progressed into a full head roll?
This is absolutely terrifying.
>>294 Selena Gomez to Lionel Ritchie in a week. How's that age gap going guys?
>>305 That hand holding...she always holds hands with all her guys the same way. There's never any variation. Always the interlaced claw.
>>305 That pic of him is terrifying. Stockholm Syndrome anyone?
She meanwhile still hates the bullshit beach.
Richie vs Gomez has nothing on the charms of Aldeburgh in festival season. As my husband said when he saw the pap pictures, maybe the bodyguard will take one for the team if it looks like someone might get run over by an electric wheelchair.
>>307 LOL
>>308 I think his mother would probably think Lionel Richie was a bit moderne. She is a doyenne of the Aldeburgh Festival and has been on the organising committee several times.
The news about his first serious girlfriend is everywhere. I'm sure it was his PR team that leaked the story in order to stop the "Tom Hiddleston is gay" rumours.
Th showing her his domain and TS thinking "Where's my jet? My SUV? My horse, my horse, my kingdom for a horse!"
I want to share this comment from DListed because it's ON SPOT:
This is the original Stockholm Syndrome photo, so basically TS was saying "Guys turn to your left for the paps please, I didn't pay all that fuel for my jet to walk aimlessly on this beach"
>>314 Oh my.
Honestly I would love to see fan photos, or any other type of photo than pap photos. And how blatantly there are they? I know there were photos of paps outside the house, but I dunno.
Are they called now, or is it just ants on sugar since it's a supposedly quiet sort of location?
>>315 probably both? Like Anon said the first batch of paps were called because they were there the very instant things were happening, now of course others flocked because it's worth it.
>>315 Here's a pic of the beach. Nowhere for a pap to hide - so at the very least on those beach photos they know they are there.
Torrilla has a pic of paps at the end of the street - but that pic was taken the day after the original meet mum pics. They have all descended now she is known to be here. The original pics were staged - mum didn't wait at her door and greet TS once she stepped inside, like any normal person welcoming someone into her home. She came out of her house, through her front garden, out past the high walls surrounding her property and into the street. If they hadn't called the paps and she didn't want to be photographed there was no need to have been.
Anyone know how I can post screencaps on here?
>>319 I think you may have to upload them elsewhere and then post links, but I'm not sure.
>>319 like anonsy said or there is an image board
>>321 thanks I will experiment later with the image board. Have to pop out now.
More photos from the beach papstroll
And then this, preparation for the 4th of July party?
I missed this detail in the DM's exclusive article with TH's mother, but I read it again in the new CB post, this was supposed to be a "quick, 24-hour trip" That explains the bored face on the beach.
No sightings of them at the Lionel Richie concert. The only thing I found was a comment on a DM article from a guy saying the he had seen them at a Colchester petrol station and they were heading to the concert. How did he know they were going to the concert? I'm sure they wouldn't tell him that. Maybe they were heading to the airport to get on her private plane or maybe they were going to London to his place.
>>323 have they cropped his mother out of a few of those? They look familiar but missing her.
Don't crop mama out; she's the only thing giving these shots legitimacy.
>>326 Poor mama, forced to do a papstroll, ignored by her son's gf for most of the walk and then cropped out!
>>324 The concert venue is next to the petrol station. He might have seen them going in when he was parked up to get petrol. By the way it is the same petrol station as he was spotted at getting coffee on the way down to Suffolk! He is a creature of habit all the way!
>>328 They'll spin this like the other concert: He's so in love that he went to her friend's concert; now it's time for her to enjoy some of his 'more mature' music.
I wouldn't be surprised if we get pics. They seem incapable of going out without pics being taken.
I still think they were not at the concert. That's the petrol station near the highway to London and to the airport where her plane is.
>>330 Seems like they might still be in Suffolk
PS I love how people refer to Suffolk as 'his hometown.' Let's count the ways in which this is incorrect.
Here's a community service post for anyone with residual doubt that the maternal pap stroll was staged, or in some way foisted on the Hiddleston family without their consent after sneaky paps saw Taylor's plane land and trailed them all the way to Aldeburgh.
Here is a picture of Mama H welcoming TS: And here is a much wider street view of the same place: Look at the single storey building on the left and the black and white gable behind it.
Immediately in front of the single storey building is a parking space, and I am guessing that the DM pics were taken after TS and her entourage parked there. She and TH are headed towards the house on the extreme front right on the street view. Yes, the one which is completely invisible and well set back behind a giant hedge. I think I was wrong and the drive belongs to next door. So TS couldn't have driven up to the front door and got inside in total privacy. But what you can see, I hope, is that Mrs H has come out of her house, out from behind her massive fuck off sized hedge, and walked about 20 yards along the road to the parking place, despite the fact that her son was holding his mobile phone and presumably could have called and said "don't come out mummy, the paps are everywhere." It does not therefore seem to me that this was an unwilling pap encounter. Perhaps I am unduly cynical in my old age.
>>332 No, you were duly accurate and fair. He forced his mum to go out to meet them precisely because the DM's paps were there.
>>333 I should also have mentioned that the road where the paps were standing is dead straight and wide - as you can see a bit from the street view. They weren't hiding behind a bush, folks!
And don't forget that that is a private street only accessible to residents. There are electric barriers and I've seen at least photo taken by a resident the day after their arrival showing the paps outside the barrier.
>>335 What an excellent point. It is accessible on foot, and there is a manual barrier, but only at one end (there's no guard so I guess bona fide residents want to drive in and out without stopping to fiddle with a barrier). The manual barrier is where the paps were standing. But the whole encounter took place on private property - you're absolutely right. Which means that the paps only got in with permission.
Here's the tweet with the photo taken yesterday that shows the paps outside the electric barrier. You can also see the same barrier on Google earth so it's that's means it's not a recent security measure.
She had to come out to get papped.
>>334 It's also interesting that that's the only time the paps took photos near his mother's house, they didn't when they left for the beach walk, they didn't when he went out/came back with his brother-in-law. So yes, completely staged.
This would be the photos where you can see the paps (a pap photographing other paps, delirious)
>>337 sorry I posted my link before seeing yours
>>338 That's the barrier I mean. You drive into the street from the other end where there is no barrier. You can actually see the black and white gable in the pic - so even assuming the paps were photographing the encounter from behind the barrier (not allowed because it would be a photo of them on private property), they would have been completely visible to TH and TS.
I know it's just a blind item, but...
I've never needed proof that this was set up - or all the other pics are from paps they've called and worked with. The beach pics were laughably obvious, the others have been as well.
>>313 Savvy that comment was very interesting. It's why I keep coming back to wondering exactly how the breakup with her and Calvin went down, and the timeline.
>>342 I was talking about the RI beach pics but the UK ones are laughably obvious as well but probably from paps that sensed blood in the water rather than from 'her team.'
>>342 I know, I know. Who in their right mind would think a posh elderly English lady would meet her son's girlfriend of 5 minutes and immediately walk with her arms round both of them? But I have been getting very pissy at all the tumblr nutjobs screaming "they followed them off the plane at Stanstead! They even hounded them at their private family moments in a tiny seaside town!"
>>344 Doesn't matter if she called them, they knew they were there and willingly posed for these pics in circumstances where the money shot was totally avoidable. I think she did call them. It would be difficult to follow them by car on the route from Stanstead to Aldeburgh. It's an hour and a half on fast roads.
>>341 Well, if it's because of K. West, it's not working. If you search Tom's tag on twitter you get all the showmance but if you search TS tag you mostly get news about K. West's video.