Tom Hiddleston 9 (1000)

1 Name: Anon : 2016-06-24 07:25 ID:vWSNZn5Y

Thread to talk about the actor Tom Hiddleston

151 Name: NewAnon : 2016-06-25 08:08 ID:ixRvQFyw

>>145 If only. He's just exchanged the dancing bear persona for Taylor's dancing bear persona. At least the first one was endearing. This is a massive joke. Didn't an article call him Taylor's dancing monkey? Yeah it was the Slate -

I think Tom had a mental breakdown when they rejected him for Bond and now he's gone completely off the rails.

152 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-06-25 08:09 ID:Heaven

>>147 is that even possible these days? If it's not tumblr, it's be instagram, I mean that every new artist will become the darling of some social network or the other. He would be the only one making such a big fuss about it. After he courted that

153 Name: Whatsinaname : 2016-06-25 08:20 ID:A/1EwO8E

I guess he thought that mearly getting a serious gf wouldn't push away the rabid, 'crazy' fans - he had to push people away. And it's certainly elevated his recognition - he is #3 on imdb as someone said earlier.

154 Name: Anon : 2016-06-25 08:23 ID:IL6vAiQW

>>149 I get the "trying to change your image" bit. (Though into what? A famewhore and Taylor's side piece?). But if you wanted space is this what you'd do? That Vulture piece someone posted yesterday was from a recent sit down with NY Mag (and seemingly others - in about April I think) - and he was tired of the publicity yes, but his reaction was "some things are sacred" - ie leave me the hell alone and don't ask about my personal life. From that to this? I don't get it.

155 Name: Whatsinaname : 2016-06-25 08:23 ID:A/1EwO8E

>>151 Exchanging one dancing monkey for another - that's it New Anon

156 Name: Whatsinaname : 2016-06-25 08:24 ID:A/1EwO8E

>>154 He/his publicity thought they need to burn the house down and rebuild it.

158 Name: anonsy : 2016-06-25 08:30 ID:dYPpRuCh

>>156 It's just such a 180 so quickly... and I never would have dreamed he'd bring his family into it.

159 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-06-25 08:33 ID:Heaven

This article is recent, 3 days ago, but it mentions ISTL as Oscar material

160 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-06-25 08:35 ID:Heaven

>>154 yep, that's the difficult part to digest, that it wasn't a 180 at all, that his answer were fake.

161 Name: anonsy : 2016-06-25 08:36 ID:dYPpRuCh

>>159 Oh God, is THAT what all this is about? Did he get word there might be an Oscar nom for good ol' Hank even though the movie was a train wreck? So he's dating Taylor Swift, spending time in Nashville, meeting up with Hank's granddaughter...

162 Name: Whatsinaname : 2016-06-25 08:36 ID:A/1EwO8E

>>157 And the article concludes that this press bombardment is all about - not Calvin - but to deflect from Kim/Kanye and her alleged lying about the video.

163 Name: ?? : 2016-06-25 08:37 ID:INLrnF7w

>>156 Maybe that's it indeed, burning down the house. It's been surefire, fairly quick, and increasingly successful. While boosting his name recognition if not his reputation, and he isn't having to do all that terribly much. Any hint of a return to normalcy would most likely be welcomed, so a free chance afterwards to become a new man and change some of his public persona?

164 Name: ?? : 2016-06-25 08:39 ID:INLrnF7w

>>159 >>161 I haven't seen ISTL, but it was critically panned and flopped at box office right? Does it really stand a shot at an oscar nom, or does his role? I know there were some things that said he did a good job but... ?

165 Name: Whatsinaname : 2016-06-25 08:40 ID:A/1EwO8E

>>163 So this is a PR relationship of mutual benefit. He retools, she deflects.

166 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-06-25 08:41 ID:Heaven

>>163 it seems to me he did an excellent job with his old PR, I mean here we are in the face of evidence that he stooped down to such a low level, and we are still trying to find a reasonable explanation to justify his choices. We are just refusing to admit we were the victim of a PR manipulation.

167 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-06-25 08:43 ID:Heaven

>>161,164 I have no idea, yes his performance was praised, but by the time of the Oscar next year there'll so many new films that his will be long forgotten, so I don't really see this being about an Oscar.

168 Name: anonsy : 2016-06-25 08:45 ID:dYPpRuCh

>>166 I know you're right. It's just so disappointing. And I don't like being played.

169 Name: ?? : 2016-06-25 08:45 ID:INLrnF7w

>>166 Oh no doubt, his old PR is the reason I became a fan. And I'm not a fan of anyone, like.. ever. I don't follow shows or movies or people so it was a rarity - aaaand I've been a fan for just a few months. In time to attend WW in PA and see this trainwreck. Which is reminding me why I tend to hold that all celebrities are by nature, batshit. (Sorry for the rant, but yeah. I loved the PR of who he was, he seemed like a legitimately cool AF person worthy of respect. )

170 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-06-25 08:52 ID:Heaven

>>168,169 I know, and this we are doing isn't even the worst part, I bet that in a small corner of our brain we are all hoping this will end fast with the usual TS's way, so that we will maybe manage to save some respect for him and be able to go back being fans, dismiss everything as a momentary craziness. And I bet he knows that.
But the truth is that we were or we are being played. Even if before he was truly thinking those things, now he doesn't anymore. So how can you trust any future statement of his?

171 Name: ?? : 2016-06-25 08:58 ID:INLrnF7w

>>170 You can't, after this is over or I get bored I'm legitimately out of the fandom. Not because of his relationship, I'm a-ok with that. Or the PR part because we all have public faces, and they don't reflect who we are privately. Lord knows if you talk to me at work, I'm a professional. And so are they.

I'm just a moralistic snob and he lost me at the cheating. There's no way around the timeline where there wasn't at least emotional cheating, and he was on board with it. But no, it's business you can't trust a thing and shouldn't. He probably has a basis of the qualities everyone admired. But those don't make a complete person, just an aspect that was focused on for the professional mask. He's changing that, showing more or simply using the sudden shift as tinder to bonfire the entire thing and start from scratch.

172 Name: Whatsinaname : 2016-06-25 09:06 ID:A/1EwO8E

>>171 if sources around his ISTL extracirricular relationship with EO are to be believed, this is not the first time.

173 Name: anonsy : 2016-06-25 09:08 ID:dYPpRuCh

>>171 The same thing probably happened with Elizabeth Olsen too. She started working with Tom and then suddenly broke off her engagement over the phone. At the very least, it gives the impression he's sitting there waiting to be a rebound. (That is if we're going with the idea that this thing with TS is at all legitimate.)

Well, I for one am going to look on the bright side - maybe we'll get another Michael K article tomorrow.

174 Name: ?? : 2016-06-25 09:09 ID:INLrnF7w

>>172 And the sads just keep on being given.

175 Name: ?? : 2016-06-25 09:13 ID:INLrnF7w

>>172 >>173 RE:Sads That just blows giant chunky bits. Didn't know about that. I would say thanks for the headsup... but. Boo. Lol.

(Also, thanks. But still, booooooooo. Shoddy sir. )

176 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-06-25 09:20 ID:Heaven

>>171 I ignored everything Hiddles for the past 4 months, I'll go back to it as soon as this is over too.

God, imagine if he forces his what? 75 years old father to do a papstroll? yew

177 Name: ?? : 2016-06-25 09:25 ID:INLrnF7w

>>176 I still can't get over how fishbowl everything is, 360 view at all times. But if they're doing Da, it would most likely be soon. He's running out of days to be photographed on before Thor. Unless he'll be flying the family and TS out to do a set visit Photo Op there. Hmmm.. merit.

178 Name: Whatsinaname : 2016-06-25 09:28 ID:A/1EwO8E

>>175 Well, the brightside of it is that he thinks he's a Knight in Shining Armor (or Amour) for these two sad, sweet ladies.

Rationalization is a hell of a drug. And he may be hitting rock bottom.

179 Name: ?? : 2016-06-25 09:32 ID:INLrnF7w

>>178 I hope not, rock bottom is a shitty place to be. :(

180 Name: No One : 2016-06-25 09:38 ID:w+lPTzO+

IMO he was coy about his private life was to protect his girlfriends from crazed internet fans. Now he has met someone who doesn't need protection, someone who cannot be hounded off the internet or intimidated. And now he can do what he always wanted, show off his partner and be shown off.

181 Name: anonsy : 2016-06-25 09:40 ID:dYPpRuCh

>>180 I get where you're coming from, but 1. this has gone way beyond "showing off" a partner, and 2. it goes against everything he's said over the years not just about his love life but about wanting to be taken seriously as an actor and keep the focus on his work.

182 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-06-25 09:42 ID:Heaven

>>180 No. This is bs.

183 Name: anonsy : 2016-06-25 09:43 ID:dYPpRuCh

>>182 I love your bluntness. <3

184 Name: ?? : 2016-06-25 09:47 ID:INLrnF7w

>>180 I could totally see once as him feeling free to express his love or whatever. But we're working on literally something every 1 to 2 days. It's intentional, but he's not the one really showing anything off. Besides meeting his mom, all of the dates have been her turf.

And with >>181 Completely against the principles he's repeated for the past several years. Discretion seemed to be important.

185 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-06-25 10:23 ID:Heaven

>>183 ;)

I get desperately wanting to give the man the benefit of the doubt and wanting to see all this through pink coloured glasses, but let's not bend facts to theory.

If TH was ever that kind of person he would have opened his articulated and eloquent mouth to tell his fans to back off Susannah or EO, the way Charlie Hunnam did for his gf.
TH has sold out his private life, because make no mistake both TH and TS are making money out of these papstrolls.

186 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-06-25 10:36 ID:Heaven

In the meantime, Chris Hemsworth yesterday published a photo with Taika Waitit saying they have been discussing Thor3. Which means they are both already there busy with the film.

And then there's this article with some set photos and that says "Principal photography on Marvel’s Phase 3 Thor sequel, Thor: Ragnarok, the biggest movie to be made in Australia this year, will begin on July 4 and continue until at least the end of October."

Is it mean that I hope THor3 will be a great success and with very little TH in it? =P

187 Name: Savvy : 2016-06-25 10:52 ID:Zv86HB22

Taika Waititi said in a recent interview that Thor3 should be more focused on Thor's character instead of Loki.
Maybe they only included Loki in a few small scenes and Tom was not pleased. Maybe that's why he's engaging in all this showmance. I wonder how Marvel is going to deal with all this.

188 Name: Anon : 2016-06-25 11:05 ID:yrxXSD8V

Look at photo 3 of 25 of the DM pics with mummy. Not an iphone in his pocket. Cigarette packet?

189 Name: Savvy : 2016-06-25 11:08 ID:Zv86HB22

How were the paps allowed inside the airport?

190 Name: Anon : 2016-06-25 11:10 ID:yrxXSD8V

>>188 And actually looking closer he has the phone in his hand. Couch, you called it right. He's smoking (again?). Maybe he never stopped.

191 Name: anonsy : 2016-06-25 11:11 ID:dYPpRuCh

>>188 You know I noticed that and thought it looked like a pack of cigarettes, but promptly forgot about it as I sat there gaping at my computer screen, muttering "his mother. his mother? his own mother. his MOTHER?" in stunned disbelief.

192 Name: anonymous : 2016-06-25 11:13 ID:bBHFg7pf

Papping his mother is very weird indeed and probably an indication of how much leverage TS has in the relationship.

They both imho, need to lay low a tiny bit for a tiny while .. I was kidding about the next Friday engagement announcement but i see that with the discussions about rings and babies what .. 14 days? into the whole thing, I might've been a bit ah .. late.

Anyway - I hope for Tom's sake that the bigger picture - whether it be Bond or everlasting love with the (A-list) love of his life, is worth it. He and his PR have managed to make some form of mincemeat out of his former brand .. the new one remains very suspiciously plastic.

193 Name: Anon : 2016-06-25 11:13 ID:yrxXSD8V

>>189 I am guessing because they were there with the rest of the team. See my post above about them being "papped"" at the petrol station. That photo was taken because the paps were travelling with them.

194 Name: Anon : 2016-06-25 11:20 ID:yrxXSD8V

>>191 More evidence that his public image may always have been very carefully controlled. I cannot recall a single pic where he has been caught smoking or an interview that referred to him smoking during the meeting (there was one where he said he had smoked during ISTL). Even that pic at the ES Awards where Anon. thought he was smoking outside with Helen McCrory was cropped so the cig wasn't visible. But that is a cigarette packet, I am sure.

195 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-06-25 11:25 ID:Heaven


left hand:eyeglasses+iPhone
left pocket:car keys?
right pocket:cigarettes packet, definitely.

either he never stopped and he has been lying about it, or he picked it up again out of a moment when he is not supposed to be stressed.

196 Name: ?? : 2016-06-25 11:36 ID:INLrnF7w

>>195 Maybe just got bitten by the habit again during ISTL and it never left?

197 Name: Anon : 2016-06-25 11:38 ID:yrxXSD8V

Someone who comments on CB has totally been on here and has stolen both my name and almost word for word the comments I made about the Hiddleston house being off the main road and it being illegal to photograph people in their gardens! And my comment about the pap being with them at the petrol station!!! FFS....

198 Name: anonsy : 2016-06-25 11:38 ID:dYPpRuCh

If I were Tom right now, I'd take up smoking too. And I've never even touched a cigarette before.

199 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-06-25 11:40 ID:Heaven

>>196 I think there was a radio interview during the promotion of ISTL this past month (in NY I think? I condensed so much info in a week I can't remember exactly) and the dj flat out asked him if he is a smoker and he actually smoked while filming ISTL and TH's reply was that "No, I'm not a smoker. The one in the film were fake cigarettes".

200 Name: anonsy : 2016-06-25 11:42 ID:dYPpRuCh

>>199 He LIES! Everything is lies! He's a lying liar who lies!

201 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-06-25 11:43 ID:Heaven

>>197 Really? Well, take it as a compliment, at least it wasn't twisted into something else, and it was a good comment. But I saw a few poster at CB using the "anon" or "Anon" username so that maybe wasn't stolen.

The THEO blog is off the train too.

202 Name: ?? : 2016-06-25 11:48 ID:INLrnF7w

>>197 Ugh, that sucks with the no credit. But it is really good info, so I can see why they nicked it.

>>199 Oh, um. Nevermind then lols. Gonna agree with >>198 and yourself on that one then. Sometimes, you just need a smoke and this looks like entire days comprised of nothing but those moments.

>>201 I saw the THEO post and was like shit, it's bad when the person running the gossip site is just like #nope.

203 Name: Savvy : 2016-06-25 12:10 ID:Zv86HB22

The pregnancy theory doesn't make sense. She was in a relationship with Calvin for 15 months, they surely had a normal sex life and she was probably on the pill or other contraceptive method. Even if she was indeed pregnant, how could they know for sure the baby was Tom's and not Calvin's (unless she didn't have sex with Calvin)?

I have a different theory: their Met dance-off was such a success worldwide with everybody saying "aw, look how adorable they look!" that they thought they would get a similar reaction if they started dating. But the general reaction was negative and even serious newspapers like the Guardian called them fake and started mocking them. Even Taylor's fans were calling her a slut. Her PR team quickly came up with a plan to convince everyone that the relationship was real and serious and that could only be achieved if their respective parents were involved.

204 Name: Anon : 2016-06-25 12:21 ID:vWSNZn5Y

>>199 >>200. Yes he did say flat out "I don't smoke" in response to a direct question. So, as CB sometimes says, he opened his mouth and spoke lies. I do not think TS is a smoker and he has taken it (back) up since they've been together. She really doesn't look the type. I think he has been a smoker all along and he pretends not to be. I can't see what else that thing in his pocket is.

205 Name: Anon : 2016-06-25 12:37 ID:vWSNZn5Y

I just read theoanons' post. She seemed like us - funny and a bit snarky, with the odd tinhat theory, but basically a fan of Tom and definitely not there to rain down hate on him or any GF. She has really tried to say over the past fortnight - it's genuine and the publicity circus is just what all celebs do one way or another.

So if she is off the reservation and now thinks he is a thirsty desperate famewhore, then - he really is.

Come and hang out with us, theoanons! You seem nice! Work through your trauma with fellow-sufferers!!

206 Name: Sosorry : 2016-06-25 13:08 ID:D9gQVHva

Hi-- I had an experience with a family member who had a miscarriage after a plane trip Across the country, while she was in the first trimester. No flying is allowed for a woman in the first trimester, so no pregnancy b/C TS been all over the place. Plus, she's been drinking hard core at the restaurants (wine with swan pastries, and reports of multiple cocktails w holly Williams and espresso, and no caffeine allowed during pregnancy either.)

I personally think that Taylor may have been pregnant with CH, and decided not to have the baby. And this whistle stop tour, not to say TS and TH aren't very infatuated, is the only way to establish that the rock formation paps weren't a terrible idea. No one, not even TS, wants to be perceived as a liar. And if TH is a smoker, yes he lied which is awful, but this is a darn stressful situation on all accounts. And you can't smoke near a pregnant woman either, btw. due to second hand cancer.

207 Name: Savvy : 2016-06-25 15:25 ID:Zv86HB22

She's still wearing that ring even in the new photos from this morning at the beach. It really looks like an engagement ring.

208 Name: ?? : 2016-06-25 15:35 ID:INLrnF7w

Every damned day? Really?

RE: New Photos link from ONTD comments

209 Name: ?? : 2016-06-25 15:45 ID:INLrnF7w

Also, thanks for info >>207 :)

210 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-06-25 16:02 ID:Heaven

With his mother again, and the paps. Is this an attempt to shut down the UK press? We sell our romance but you stop writing mean things about poor TH?

211 Name: Anon : 2016-06-25 16:29 ID:yrxXSD8V

We didn't go to Aldeburgh but apparently it is now crawling with paps, according to owners of a boutique that has a branch there as well as the one we went to in Southwold. All the staff know his mother as she shops at the Southwold branch. FWIW they all think TH is gay! (Not I think having brazenly asked mum, just what they think having met him).

212 Name: Savvy : 2016-06-25 16:29 ID:Zv86HB22

Is this Tom's brother-in-law, Emma's husband?

https://twitter. com/taylorsnextsong/status/746739683086970880

213 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-06-25 16:30 ID:Heaven

This is Emma's husband isn't he?

There are going to be pics with his niece too at this point?

Then Oxford, Wimbledon, G&W, what else?

214 Name: Anon : 2016-06-25 16:32 ID:yrxXSD8V

Is that guy he's with a relative? They look pretty similar about the brow.

I know he has half siblings from his father's second marriage that he never, ever mentions in the press. From mum's side too? Or a cousin?

215 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-06-25 16:32 ID:Heaven

>>211 That's curious, their impression of him would be that.

>>212 and he's holding balloons so a birthday is on the way? Or some kind of party.

216 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-06-25 16:33 ID:Heaven

>>214 that's Emma's husband, for sure.

217 Name: Anon : 2016-06-25 16:33 ID:yrxXSD8V

>>213 So she picked someone who has a family resemblance! Ha ha. Happens quite frequently I guess.

The whole clan is gathering...

218 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-06-25 16:36 ID:Heaven

>>217 engagement party?

219 Name: anonsy : 2016-06-25 16:38 ID:dYPpRuCh

They look like balls of some sort rather than balloons.

220 Name: Savvy : 2016-06-25 16:38 ID:Zv86HB22

Not balloons. Tennis balls for children.
So there will a family reunion this weekend at his mom's to meet Taylor. Maybe there will be a wedding announcement.

222 Name: anonsy : 2016-06-25 16:54 ID:dYPpRuCh

>>214 His dad has more kids? I didn't even know he had remarried. Interesting.

223 Name: Anon. : 2016-06-25 17:02 ID:vqQuPn8c

>>214 His father married again? I didn't know that.

It does look like the whole family is gathering. For an engagement party? Not if they want us to buy this at all. If they spring an engagement on us this soon there's only one thing people will be talking about: timeline!! They will try to sell the 2 week whirlwind courtship ( love, romance, he's the one) but people will talk about when this pairing really paired up. Because even arranged marriages take longer to negotiate than 2 weeks. It might just be people online but with how the mainstream media seem to be treating them, I don't think it will just be CB and DListed pulling them out on the carpet for a good talking to

Loving the phone pic on theoanons's tumblr.

Gay - I would have said no before but now I'm not so sure because this relationship looks cooked up in a science lab? Famewhore - would have said no, but not now.

224 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-06-25 17:07 ID:Heaven

>>214,222,223 caught in the enigma of the balls I missed the detail: his father remarried and had other children?

>>223 Me too, I would never have said he's gay and famewhore but now everything seems possible.

225 Name: anonsy : 2016-06-25 17:14 ID:dYPpRuCh

>>223 >>224 Agree about him possibly being gay. I'd taken him at his word before because I thought he had a certain amount of integrity, but apparently anything he's said may or may not be true. Especially considering the weirdness of this relationship stunt, I wouldn't be surprised.

226 Name: Anon. : 2016-06-25 17:17 ID:vqQuPn8c

Forgot to say. I'm starting to think they deserve each other in a very deep and meaningful way. The hunger for fame, the tendency to manipulate, the shallow surface, the eagerness to use anything and everything for publicity. It makes me wish for an engagement and wedding so that we can watch it all crash and burn in 3-4 years. (Hoping baby doesn't absorb my bitchiness)

I think he's been this hungry for fame all along but never had the chance for a true PR-filled life and romance. Now that TS is around, he is grabbing the opportunity with both hands. It's going to get worse before it gets better.

227 Name: Savvy : 2016-06-25 17:22 ID:Zv86HB22

This comment from CB:


I have yet to see him pose with any of his parents and/or family members at a movie premier and yet we get these gems."

228 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-06-25 17:34 ID:Heaven

>>226 I also want to see this crash and burn (waves to baby I know she/he can see me)

229 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-06-25 17:37 ID:Heaven

Established that TH is doing this at 99,99% for PR purposes, the remaning 0,01% would be for maybe infatuation/beard/the nerd who never scored. Let's say that in a few weeks TS is bored, she doesn't want to adjust her clothes to his anymore (I respect the dedication she has, modelling herself after the guy she is with) and she dumps him.

What is TH left with?
A bad PR job that brought bad results
A reputation in pieces
A new waves of jokes at his expenses as a 35 years old who fell for TS's games involving his family in the process.

Did I leave something out?

230 Name: Savvy : 2016-06-25 17:39 ID:Zv86HB22

Part of another interesting comment from CB:

"I don’t usually jump on the pregnancy bandwagon, but I think Taylor might be pregnant. Something looks different about her. And if she is, I can only say, well played, Mr Hiddleston! The English upper classes have never turned up their noses at rich women, and his child would be heir to $280 million and counting. Well played indeed."

I think he's in it for the money. That's why his mother is so happy. Without her millions, Taylor Swift would just be a slut not worthy of her son.

231 Name: Anon : 2016-06-25 17:49 ID:vWSNZn5Y

>>223>>224 I will have to find the receipts for that. I am sure I read about his father and the half siblings when I first joined the fandom and noodled around looking at old interviews.

The mother's remarriage - or not - I know nothing about. That was speculation as to who this ginger bloke might be. She is wearing a wedding and engagement ring but a certain sort of English lady does even after the divorce. The house in Aldeburgh, bought within the last 5 years, cost £2m. Unless Papa H is utterly utterly loaded that would have been a very large divorce settlement especially considering they split back in 1994. I assumed second marriage possibly. I suppose TH could have bought it but given that his own property cost a couple of million I thought that unlikely. He isn't so big bucks yet that he could afford to buy several properties at that level.

232 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-06-25 18:00 ID:Heaven

233 Name: Anon. : 2016-06-25 18:03 ID:vqQuPn8c

>>232 The real story appears to be that his sisters have had sex changes.

234 Name: NewAnon : 2016-06-25 18:06 ID:ixRvQFyw

He has brothers now? Lol

My genuine question is when are they finding time to bang in all jet hopping? They are photographed going out and about so much. You can't peddle The One and "couldn't their hands to themselves" and give them zero downtime where they're getting it on. Maybe they really are bearding for each other.

235 Name: Anon : 2016-06-25 18:08 ID:vWSNZn5Y


{also waves to baby} I think baby will need a healthy dose of scepticism and snark to deal with a world in which TayTo is a thing.

1) Timeline beggars belief if there is an engagement this weekend. I will take off my (tin)hat to those who said it had been going on for some time because I just do not accept that TH of all people would commit to marriage after 2 weeks. If they met at the Met Gala and shagged then I suppose we are approaching 2 months. Even so....

2) Unless she's pregnant. This brings me back to TH being an idiot, except now I can put my finger on exactly why.

4) if she is I want to see the timeline on that. What's the betting she will mysteriously disappear and the date of the birth will be the only thing in this whole damn relationship she doesn't put out there.

236 Name: Anon. : 2016-06-25 18:21 ID:vqQuPn8c

>>229 After all this -- and there will be an 'after' - he gives up acting in lead and supporting roles and goes into stunts - because he was born for stunts.

237 Name: Anon : 2016-06-25 18:21 ID:vWSNZn5Y

>>226 Also yes to this. They seem to be an appropriate match for one another.

Has Tom been waiting all his acting life for a relationship that was worth pimping out for publicity? Was he in fact in a relationship with JArthy for a year but never admitted it because there was nothing in it for him? I bet he did tell that Elle journalist that she was his GF and she assumed it was no secret and mentioned it. Then he realised very suddenly that his relationship wasn't helping him with his internet fanbase so he kicked poor old Jane back in the closet.

Was he responsible for the USW article about THEO and PurseGateGate, when he thought he had a romance that might buy him Oscar glory? It would certainly explain her otherwise mystifyingly bad reaction to the paps. Then when ISTL bombs EO is back in the closet too.

I think he is gagging for this - the attention, the column inches, the lifestyle and his perception of himself as the stud who got Swifty.

238 Name: Anon : 2016-06-25 18:26 ID:vWSNZn5Y

By the way, the beach where they were depicted is very flat and long with no cliffs or dunes and nowhere to hide. They may not have called the horde of paps who descended on Aldeburgh after the photos from the first lot. But they are complicit in these photos too. At the very least they are fully aware that they are being photographed.

239 Name: Savvy : 2016-06-25 18:32 ID:Zv86HB22

I've changed my mind about the pregnancy theory. It might be true.
His mother may be happy with Taylor's millions but it may also be because of the pregnancy news.
Also, when you're dating someone new, you feel a bit insecure but Tom looks very sure of himself and is acting as if he owns her cars and HER. It's almost as is he was sure nothing can take her from him, as if she's the one who needs him desperately.

241 Name: Anon : 2016-06-25 18:45 ID:vWSNZn5Y

>>240 Sorry it is Martin - still worth it. Michael K is presumably lying in a darkened room with a wet towel over his eyes. I know how he feels.

242 Name: Anon. : 2016-06-25 18:46 ID:vqQuPn8c

>>240 Heartbreakingly, that is Martin - the weekend guy at DLIsted. He's okay, but not as good as Michael K - my child's future godfather.

243 Name: Anon. : 2016-06-25 18:46 ID:vqQuPn8c

>>241 Great minds.

244 Name: qaz : 2016-06-25 18:50 ID:Me4dUJY8

>>237 I think you nailed it re: JArthy. And I could absolutely see this version re: THEO PurseGate. And now I think that he definitely sees himself as the stud who is worthy of only the best, and the best in his opinion, as it turns out, is a multimillionaire mega-famous music/movie/other A-list star, no less.

P.S. I am still lurking and agreeing with pretty much everything all of you say, just a bit speechless myself, lol. I certainly did not expect the pap stroll with his mum.

Now I want a ridiculously cheesy wedding with carriages, doves, white horses, prom king and queen crowns, TH pushing TS's cats down the aisle in a stroller, her squad in matching bridesmaids' dresses, etc., etc., and then I want to never hear from them again. Meh.

245 Name: Savvy : 2016-06-25 18:57 ID:Zv86HB22

>>240 This is so good! Please tell me that DListed is a very famous site and Tom Hiddleston will read that.

246 Name: Anon : 2016-06-25 19:05 ID:vWSNZn5Y

I would believe almost anything right now including a whoops baby. Only two things make me think this is not a pregnancy:

1) TS strikes me as a girl who has PLANS. Mistakes don't happen in Taylorworld, especially with legions of tweeny fans and their churchgoing moms to think about. Extramarital pregnancy combined with a very unfortunate cheaty overlap are so off the wall for someone who controls her image so fanatically. And even if she does vanish for a few months she will struggle to make the maths right. If she shows up with a full term baby in 6 months time nobody will remember the story of the whirlwind courtship we are currently being spun.

2) Call me a devotee of stereotype but 99.99% of men don't want to get their GF up the duff in the first few months of a relationship, no matter how infatuated they are and no matter how much they want kids in the abstract. They like to feel they are making a choice. The whoops baby dad looks a lot more hangdog than TH in these pics (exhibit A: step forward, Mr Cumberbatch).

I think we are possibly searching for a plausible explanation because this is so nuts compared to how TH claimed he was. If we throw everything he said about the ephemeral nature of fame and his privacy in the bin, and start as if we didn't know him, we would just say, TayTay is a hungry famewhore who uses every relationship for $$ more than the last, and she has totally found her match.

247 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-06-25 19:08 ID:Heaven

>>236 LOL

>>237,244 Maybe that was the way with all his past relationships, a lot of PR and no sex. Do you remember Susannah's reply on fb when she denied she was married? Her friend told her "then fuck" and she said "Fuck yeah". Then Sian who was so besotted with TH she didn't dare asking for anything more than tail after him. JA who thought she hit the jackpot except the guy was always away and busy with his work. EO who probably thought she met a great guy, but no, PR and laser tag - I'm still not convinced about PurseGate because he looked too pissed, but it could be he thought she exaggerated it.

248 Name: Anon : 2016-06-25 19:09 ID:vWSNZn5Y

>>244 Hey qaz, nice to see you! I apologise unreservedly for Brexit. Also to anyone else on the board who is European and thinking WTF (M I think!)

249 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-06-25 19:10 ID:Heaven

>>246 nods in agreement.

I miss the days when we were content to make fun of his clothes. I laugh so much at TS only wearing flats now because she needs to look simple, when with Harris it was all high heels.

250 Name: qaz : 2016-06-25 19:19 ID:Me4dUJY8

>>248 Those were such unexpected results, and a sad morning, I won't lie. But hey, you definitely have nothing to apologise for! Everything will work out, one way or another. You hold on there, too :)

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