Tom Hiddleston 9 (1000)

1 Name: Anon : 2016-06-24 07:25 ID:vWSNZn5Y

Thread to talk about the actor Tom Hiddleston

551 Name: N8Anon : 2016-06-28 09:58 ID:IkF6ezI7

>>549 Yes, my exact feelings too. Nothing would surprise me now for what happens next. He's totally love blind I think.

552 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-06-28 10:05 ID:Heaven

I think these papshots are the ones described in the tumblr blog here >>516

>>551 I don't even buy love blind, like Anon said they should be all over each other.

553 Name: Anon : 2016-06-28 10:18 ID:O1O8UEm4

Oh look HQ pap shots. They still managed to leave Stanstead and arrive in Rome without a single papshot though. Odd that, if the stans' narrative is correct and the paps are following them everywhere because every single photo is worth $$$.

554 Name: Anonon : 2016-06-28 10:21 ID:kHhK/0LX

The uncropped version tells a different story.
You can't tell me that any couple, famous or not, would choose the only open space in the area rather than dry humping up against that high wall shielded from the public.
So candid, so spontaneous, so in love.

555 Name: Anon : 2016-06-28 10:21 ID:O1O8UEm4

So where next, guys? My guess is that TayTay will have had enough culchah fairly soon and that they will return to the UK for Wimbledon and so he can show her his hood.

556 Name: Anon : 2016-06-28 10:23 ID:O1O8UEm4

>>554 It also tells me the close up shots of that moment are pap shots. Good quality from that distance.

557 Name: N8Anon : 2016-06-28 10:26 ID:IkF6ezI7

>>554 I thought that too. So convenient that they are standing by the only gap in a massive wall, so that the paps can get a clear shot.

558 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-06-28 10:37 ID:Heaven

>>555 Florence/Venice/Milan, or a combination of these? Then London and then back to RI for the 4th of July celebration (I don't believe for a moment that TH will be in OZ on the 4th)

559 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-06-28 10:38 ID:Heaven

>>554 it's like the scene of a cheap romcom.

560 Name: N8Anon : 2016-06-28 10:42 ID:IkF6ezI7

>>558 I expect so. Maybe chuck in a quick trip over to somewhere chi chi like Capri to get engaged.

561 Name: Anon : 2016-06-28 10:55 ID:6SVQ0Pil

>>560 I've been to Capri in August and my god it was crowded. Opportunities for more "intimate" moments.

I don't at all think he will be in Australia on 4 July. And I bet he should have been but has tried to get his people to move his start date. Idiot.

562 Name: M : 2016-06-28 11:02 ID:DahZBTq9

Weird. Very few people at the Colosseum in full touristic season.

563 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-06-28 11:05 ID:Heaven

>>562 it depends on the moment - I visited last year in a quiet moment, when I left the queue to enter was long - it's also a big place. And I suspect someone, Totay, asked for personal space, there was an Italian security person walking with them in one of the photos.

564 Name: N8Anon : 2016-06-28 11:18 ID:IkF6ezI7

>>562 Is it just me, or are the people in the far right, kind of hiding in between pillars, holding big cameras?

565 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-06-28 11:22 ID:Heaven

>>564 you're right

566 Name: N8Anon : 2016-06-28 11:26 ID:IkF6ezI7

>>565 Or have I just totally lost the plot?! This thing is like a car crash, I don't want to keep looking but I can't stop myself.

567 Name: N8Anon : 2016-06-28 11:27 ID:IkF6ezI7

>>561 Uh huh, I wouldn't be surprised. Unless his role is significantly smaller in this film and he isn't required for start of PP.

568 Name: Whatsinaname : 2016-06-28 13:10 ID:A/1EwO8E

>>519 Wendy's always got it out for TS's man-hopping, though. Nothing but criticism over the years. That she's never heard of Tom means she won't make a dent in his US reception.

569 Name: Whatsinaname : 2016-06-28 13:11 ID:A/1EwO8E

The rooftop shots of TH/TS are looking really romantic today. Finally, some natural behavior?

570 Name: Anon : 2016-06-28 13:42 ID:6SVQ0Pil

>>569 the ones at the colosseum? Or the ones at the restaurant where he has finally put his phone down and is kissing her hand?

571 Name: Whatsinaname : 2016-06-28 13:53 ID:A/1EwO8E

>>554 Anonon to see that IG pic I just followed that account...

572 Name: Whatsinaname : 2016-06-28 13:54 ID:A/1EwO8E

>>570 Anon the ones in >>523

573 Name: Whatsinaname : 2016-06-28 13:57 ID:A/1EwO8E

>>572 Except, where's the deep tongue kiss? And I wonder if they're in the same or separate rooms ?

All very 'tomly' says my capcha.

574 Name: NewAnon : 2016-06-28 14:09 ID:ixRvQFyw

575 Name: NewAnon : 2016-06-28 14:18 ID:ixRvQFyw

576 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-06-28 14:28 ID:Heaven

>>575 I wonder why he insists on keeping his eyeglass on his shirt or in his hand instead of giving them to her. What does she have a purse for?

577 Name: Anon : 2016-06-28 14:31 ID:6SVQ0Pil

>>575 I feel emasculated looking at these photos and I don't even have any man parts. She must be paying for all this, right? The fancy helicopter ride and the whole shebang. while he stands there in a pair of Vans that should quite frankly have hit the bin a long time ago.

578 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-06-28 14:34 ID:Heaven

>>577 hahaha indeed, but look at him, behaving like he's in control - Poor Olly took the few garments left at home a brought them to him, but he couldn't do miracles.

579 Name: Anonon : 2016-06-28 14:47 ID:kHhK/0LX

>>575 The chavette and her bitch face uncle trying to blue steel.

The bodyguard is hot.

580 Name: NewAnon : 2016-06-28 14:51 ID:ixRvQFyw

>>577 It's embarrassing. I don't see how anyone can be envious of them or find them desireable as a couple. The only thing I'm envious of is their ability to vacation wherever they want at the drop of a hat in that jet of hers.

He's never going to live this down. Unless some strange miracle catapults his career back into the respected area it was in originally.

581 Name: Sosorry : 2016-06-28 14:59 ID:D9gQVHva

No ring on Taylor's right hand anymore in these new pics in the DM.

582 Name: NewAnon : 2016-06-28 15:36 ID:ixRvQFyw

His worth shot up from $8 million to $20 million since this romance started. So even if his reputation is getting trashed, his value is going up. If his aim is to up his visibility in between now and Kong to prove he has leading man/ BO value then this stunt might just work. Serious actor? Not anymore I guess.

583 Name: Whatsinaname : 2016-06-28 18:00 ID:uee2vtYi

>>581 She's got that mouth-glued-shut-behind-sunglasses face. Dickmatized? Or growing bored?

Oh capcha, 'be' is not helpful.

584 Name: Anon : 2016-06-28 18:37 ID:HP6q6wCo

>>582 Where is that figure from? Is it "worth" in the sense of marketability? That doesn't translate into cash in the pocket - or not yet, and I will be interested to see what the next project after Thor 3 is.

585 Name: Anon : 2016-06-28 18:46 ID:NZvOjPbL

More petrol station pics and in the top photo I think you can actually see the outline of the lid of the cigarette packet.

And yet we still have not seen him light up once, notwithstanding they are followed by paps everywhere. He really can control the image that gets out there.

586 Name: NewAnon : 2016-06-28 19:19 ID:ixRvQFyw

>>584 I'm not sure. I always thought it was in terms of projected/ estimated annual income. It used to say $8 mil on here and just overnight it changed to $20 mil so maybe it's a combined estimation of this year's earnings (as both actor, producer, plus endorsements, lotta product placement going on in this TayTo Summer of Love 2016 tour)

People exclusive about how much Tom's mom LOVES Taylor. What's the ETA on this proposal in Paris now lol,,21015460,00.html

587 Name: NewAnon : 2016-06-28 19:22 ID:ixRvQFyw

I don't think I've seen a couple, a supposed power couple at that, get mocked this much in the media. Even the tabloids they are giving exclusives to find a way to slip some snark or jab in there. This one is hilarious

588 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-06-28 20:08 ID:Heaven

>>586 "Tom's mom is just gushing about Taylor," a Hiddleston family source tells PEOPLE exclusively. "She thinks Taylor is the loveliest. She was so happy to meet her."

-A family source? Now the Hiddlestons have a source?

"Taylor was almost immediately part of the family,"

-Almost immediately? LOL

I noticed we get plenty of leaks about how she feels, but none about him.

589 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-06-28 20:09 ID:Heaven

>>586 it's an estimation for the future, otherwise you would have found his name in Forbes list for last year.

>>587 that was funny!

591 Name: Anon : 2016-06-28 20:17 ID:IL6vAiQW

>>590 He does look very sweet in the pics where he's kissing her hand, though.

592 Name: Anon. : 2016-06-28 20:43 ID:vqQuPn8c

>>585 I can't keep up! There's like 70+ new messages overtime I check back in! I have baby brain - take pity on me.

Are we done with Rome? Are people still laughing at them? Does TH have ANY more fans left?

593 Name: Anon. : 2016-06-28 21:03 ID:vqQuPn8c

>>590 'The couple have proved that they are serious about their relationship.' That's the intention but ain't no one buying what they're selling.

TMZ seems to have CH on speed dial/ be his mouthpiece. They also gave us the infamous 'America's Sweetheart - my ass!'

I just don't know how they're getting to know each other. When they're out - which seems so often - they're surrounded by 2-3 bodyguards at all times!. That doesn't allow for conversations, for flirting, for sexy talk. Sexy talk - you know how good that is! It's essentially foreplay. Sexy talk while walking the streets of Rome? Not in front of the hired help. Sexy talk in the helicopter (loud sexy talk it would need to be)? Not in front of the 3 bodyguards. Maybe they're attached at the palms because that's the only way they can be affectionate.

I can tell you this, these two aren't going to replicate the 'quality time' I and the Italian had with the remains of the Claudian aqueduct. Not with 3 bodyguards 25 feet away.

And where's Lex? I thought for certain this would rouse the beast. They may have had to put her into a medically induced coma - the plan being to bring her out post-TayTo.

594 Name: anonsy : 2016-06-28 21:16 ID:dYPpRuCh

>>587 That article has now been scrubbed from the internet.

Forget tinfoil hats, my entire body is wrapped in the stuff at this point.

595 Name: Anon : 2016-06-28 21:20 ID:IL6vAiQW

>>594 "forget tinfoil hats, my entire body is now wrapped in the stuff" HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

596 Name: Anon : 2016-06-28 21:26 ID:IL6vAiQW

>>593 The almost total lack of alone time will prolong the relationship though. He will be sorting through the contents of her brain for months before he finds that all it contains is Instagram, cats and Gigi Hadid. She, meanwhile, will spend months listening to his guitar playing and it will take her ages to realise that he only has 3 Hank Williams songs in his repertoire because he won't ever get to the end of a song before the bodyguards come in.

597 Name: Anon : 2016-06-28 21:36 ID:IL6vAiQW

Thinking of guitar playing - I mock TS for having the mental acuity, emotional maturity and leisure interests of a not very mature 15 year-old - but she is a talented guitarist and lyricist. If she ever grows up emotionally she could be the next Allison Krauss (who, by the way, has won more Grammys than any other singer or female artist - suck on that, TayTay).

What on earth does TS think of our hero's guitar playing? Has he even tried? Does she inwardly cringe and whimper as we did when we watched all those interviews where he tortured people with his singing and strumming? Has she explained that really good guitar players like her don't take their guitars everywhere they go? Why isn't People Mag telling us the answers to these very important questions?

598 Name: Anon : 2016-06-28 21:48 ID:IL6vAiQW

>>593 PS [whispers] I don't think Lex is very far away.

599 Name: NewAnon : 2016-06-28 22:35 ID:ixRvQFyw

>>589 made funnier by the thought (or sad reality) that Taylor probably is that controlling about her pap pics. I genuinely think she goes through them and selects the most perfect picturesque ones to be sent out. Only the most staged and perfectly orchestrated.

>>594 No surprise. Taylor Swift isn't exactly known for her sense of humor. I'm sure her team was on it as soon as it came to their attention. But hurray for copy paste and the beauty of sharing through social media
In case others didn't get a chance to read.

>>593 I'm actually loving how Calvin won't sit quiet or just disappear. He keeps poking with a stick, providing conflict to this week's episode of Edgemont High.
Sexy? Taylor Swift does not do sexy. She does romantic and whimsical and whatever the definition of a sappy romance is. Honestly, the pap shots all look like background images and art for one of her newly released albums.

600 Name: Anon. : 2016-06-28 23:08 ID:vqQuPn8c Still in Rome apparently. And with no bodyguards or paps in sight in sight! Could it be?

601 Name: NewAnon : 2016-06-28 23:09 ID:ixRvQFyw

The associate editor of Paper mag. They may have taken down the article but his tweets on them are comedy gold! I hope he tweets more!


602 Name: anonsy : 2016-06-28 23:11 ID:dYPpRuCh

>>600 I don't think that's them. The woman has too much hair, and the man is too short and his calves are too muscular.

Also, here's some Michael K:

603 Name: NewAnon : 2016-06-28 23:13 ID:ixRvQFyw

>>600 GASP! Actual one on one time? I thought she needed her bodyguards no matter what. They are reading our boards and all the comments across entertainment forums and boards. We should test them. Put up something that is ludicrous to the mind of an adult but absolutely appealing to a 15 yr old and see what pics come out next lol

604 Name: Anon. : 2016-06-28 23:15 ID:vqQuPn8c

>>602 I thought the same, but those Swifter accounts are so stanishly obsessed that I just figured they'd verified using their TS tracking satellite. You know they have one!

605 Name: anonsy : 2016-06-28 23:18 ID:dYPpRuCh

>>604 Hahaha, seriously. I just looked at it again and compared it with other pictures, and I'm positive it's not them. Even when she's wearing heels she's not that close to Tom's height. And that guy definitely isn't Tom.

606 Name: NewAnon : 2016-06-28 23:27 ID:ixRvQFyw

>>605 The height thing is the only thing that doesn't click. She never goes above him in even her highest heels. Also I really don't believe she'd go anywhere with Tom without her bodyguards. I'm convinced she talks to them more than him and needs them around to fill in awkward gaps of silence whenever Tom goes off on a pretentious acting tangent.

607 Name: anonsy : 2016-06-28 23:32 ID:dYPpRuCh

>>606 Yes, and the woman looks to be wearing medium-height wedges at most. There was one photo from when they were visiting Tom's mother where I saw Taylor and thought, "oh, for once she's seeming natural and animated" and then I looked at who she was talking to and it was one of her bodyguards.

608 Name: NewAnon : 2016-06-28 23:41 ID:ixRvQFyw

>>607 I know exactly which picture you're talking about. Based on her facial expression, I thought she was talking to the niece but nope, the little girl was in the back and it was the bodyguard. That one bodyguard of hers is really hot. I wonder if Tom gets insecure because of him...

Tom will be at SDCC btw. Will TayTay be there? Sitting next to him on the panel, holding his hand, fondling his neck and hair as she twists her arm into a pretzel?

609 Name: NewAnon : 2016-06-29 00:11 ID:ixRvQFyw

They are being mocked so much. Apart from his and her stans, no one is in awe of this pairing. An agony aunt letter the Daily Mail cooked up for Tom

610 Name: Anon. : 2016-06-29 00:24 ID:vqQuPn8c

>>608 He must be sweating already. I wonder if Luke will put an embargo on all TayTo questions. Because if you've famewhored this much, why stop? Ask away, let's hear it from the horse's mouth how wonderful lighting speed true love is!

If there is an embargo - you know, for The Work to take center stage, TH will probably still be shitting a brick wondering what reporters, colleagues and fans will be thinking about him.

611 Name: Anon. : 2016-06-29 00:25 ID:vqQuPn8c

>>608 'He will return to the convention under another guise:' TS's boyfriend.

612 Name: anonsy : 2016-06-29 00:26 ID:dYPpRuCh

>>610 I'm still holding out hope that this will all be over by the time we get to Comic Con at the end of July. Please, God.

613 Name: ?? : 2016-06-29 00:30 ID:INLrnF7w

Or maybe that's just where he'll propose....

614 Name: ?? : 2016-06-29 00:30 ID:INLrnF7w

Or maybe that's just where he'll propose....

615 Name: Anon. : 2016-06-29 00:32 ID:vqQuPn8c

>>609 Jan Moir was the columnist who asked him to put his trousers back on. She seems to have a thing for TH...or at least she used to - common story really.

616 Name: Anon. : 2016-06-29 00:35 ID:vqQuPn8c

>>609 I'm okay with the public flogging. I want more. Much more. How else is he meant to learn? Did you play with fire? Did you get a 2nd degree burn? Lesson!

I'm going to make a great mother (sarcasm...shit...I need to start reading some books or something.).

617 Name: anonsy : 2016-06-29 01:01 ID:dYPpRuCh

>>615 We should invite Jan to our board. Join us, Jan!

>>616 At the very least, Tom needs to learn that he should hire better PR if he's going to pull stunts like this. But hopefully he'll learn to STOP. Stop, Tom, just stop, and don't ever do this again.

618 Name: NewAnon : 2016-06-29 01:24 ID:ixRvQFyw

>>610 There will be an embargo. Like how it was with Ben Affleck when he went to comic con during his very public cheating and divorce scandal. Maybe someone might try to sneak one in but I imagine it'll be shut down. I hope he shits bricks and sweats bullets through the whole thing though. I wanna see ripe pit stains because he's freaking out someone will ask him about her. I want her to be there too because omg Taylor at Comic Con. Can you imagine? Her fans all say she's a total geek need and a dork so she should fit right in.

>>615 Ah. She was very disappointed in him. Hey her disappointment is our entertainment. This TayTo wouldn't be as much fun without the daily floggings lol

>>612 You and me both. It's beyond cringe embarrassing now. But at the same time, I'm really enjoying the public reaming. Here's hoping the breakup will bring its own series of snark and drag.

619 Name: Whatsinaname : 2016-06-29 02:10 ID:A/1EwO8E

>>614 Bite your tongue!

620 Name: ?? : 2016-06-29 02:47 ID:INLrnF7w

>>619 Deepest apologies, sometimes my jaded knows no bounds. And the lovely couple does seem to enjoy the spectacle of it all.

621 Name: Anonon : 2016-06-29 03:09 ID:kgW+V0dO

Realising they had to come up with something unique in this pairing, welcome to 'soulmates'. When being in love and meeting the parents within 3 weeks just isn't enough...

It seems they have finally taken note of public demand and flown that helicopter to obscurity. Please, for all our sakes, stay there and don't post any photos.

Also 620 posts in less than a week. EPIC

622 Name: Anon. : 2016-06-29 03:24 ID:WETVbxeq

623 Name: Whatsinaname : 2016-06-29 03:28 ID:A/1EwO8E

>>620 LOL. I hope they have fun wherever they've run off to, and give us a day of rest.

Hey, before they left, they went to Vatican City. Conda is making an appearance, and the Lady looks entranced. Or bored. I can't tell.

624 Name: Whatsinaname : 2016-06-29 03:29 ID:A/1EwO8E

Anon. jinx!

625 Name: Anon. : 2016-06-29 03:36 ID:WETVbxeq

>>621 Hollywood Life is such clickbait nonsense, but not as laughable as this line: They both feel like they have known each other for a hundred years.

  1. And sometimes it shows on their faces
  2. And sometimes it FEELS like we've known them for that long
  3. They may feel that way; in reality it's been barely two months

>>621 You think? Just when I think they're going to call it a day and go to ground...up they pop like PR hungry whack-a-moles.

626 Name: Anonon : 2016-06-29 03:38 ID:kgW+V0dO

Spoke to soon. They are never leaving the public eye. It's like a Dorian Gray scenario where the mirror is the media

627 Name: NewAnon : 2016-06-29 03:40 ID:ixRvQFyw

Soulmates. Alright. I've reached my limit with this fanfiction. Anything from now on is overkill. I know I know, it's all overkill but soulmates in 3 weeks is laaaammmeeee! I wonder what kind of influence this romance is having on Taylor's younger audience? Those poor young girls are getting such a warped view of what love and relationships are all about.

Are paparazzi not allowed inside the Vatican? Or will we see these released in about 4 hours from now in all these romantic whimsical glory because fan pics just can't capture their larger than life true love? God it's just so extra...

628 Name: anonsy : 2016-06-29 03:40 ID:dYPpRuCh

Tomorrow will be two weeks since their Big Debut. Can you believe it? Two weeks already, and they've only been photographed 3,019,224 times!

629 Name: NewAnon : 2016-06-29 04:12 ID:ixRvQFyw

>>628 The number of photographs exceed the hours they've actually been together. Watch them celebrate their two week anniversary like they're 12. I wonder what Tom will gift her. Another gas station cup of stale coffee? So romantic!

630 Name: Anonon : 2016-06-29 04:16 ID:kgW+V0dO


Ah, the public burning at the stake by the industry begins

631 Name: NewAnon : 2016-06-29 05:30 ID:ixRvQFyw

>>630 Well with increased visibility through a stunt like this and all, it's not a surprise. Hope Mr. Hiddleston has thick skin. I was reading fans on tumblr making plans that at SDCC they'll ask all questions to Brie and other costars and completely ignore Tom, as in you want attention you're not getting any.

People are out to hurt...

632 Name: Anon : 2016-06-29 05:31 ID:IL6vAiQW

we love you Jan Moir (words I thought I'd never say!).

I've seen too many paparazzi pics of Tom Hiddleston (ditto!).

633 Name: Anon : 2016-06-29 05:36 ID:IL6vAiQW

>>621 "She (Taylor) texted her close friends and said, ‘I think I am in love and I never felt this way before!'” Was it sent to everyone in her address book? Did any of you get one? Am I being excluded?

PS I followed the Opinion Dominion when I saw it was back up. I will support any blog that TayTay's stans try to have shut down, in my present mood.

634 Name: anonsy : 2016-06-29 05:38 ID:dYPpRuCh

>>632 I know, it's a weird feeling, isn't it? It used to be such a treat when there was a new photo or a sighting, but now he's just everywhere, being Mister Fakey-Face PR Boyfriend. I tried to avoid it for a few days but it's impossible. You can't even look at normal respectable grown-up news publications without seeing it.

635 Name: Anon : 2016-06-29 05:46 ID:IL6vAiQW

I love the Vatican pics. TS is wearing exactly the expression she was wearing in the first round of Aldeburgh beach pics when she is not aware she is being photographed - totally bored but trying to look intent and interested for the BF.

636 Name: anonsy : 2016-06-29 05:54 ID:dYPpRuCh

>>635 She has to at least try to look interested... after all, you never know when a fan with an Instagram account is nearby!

637 Name: Anon : 2016-06-29 06:06 ID:IL6vAiQW

Lots more info in this article as her publicist continues in super overdrive mode. Apparently their bodyguard had problems at the barrier at the Colosseum as he was armed (what? Is that even legal in Europe?), and they are staying in a suite at the Hotel de Russie (I hate them). She is really pushing the boat out on this one, isn't she?,,21015339,00.html

638 Name: anonsy : 2016-06-29 06:16 ID:dYPpRuCh

>>637 Wonder if she's making Tom sleep in the optional adjoining bedroom. It would explain his grumpy face.

639 Name: Anon : 2016-06-29 06:17 ID:IL6vAiQW

>>637 BTW if the bodyguard was carrying a concealed weapon in the UK (which I bet he was as he could have got it into the UK on her plane) he was almost certainly breaking the law. Unless he had a shotgun down his trouser leg, it must have been a handgun, and it is illegal to own handguns in the UK. You also need a licence to carry a concealed weapon which I would guess he didn't have. Maybe y'all will laugh at me with your constitutional right to bear arms, but I disapprove of this more than anything I have read so far.

640 Name: anonsy : 2016-06-29 06:20 ID:dYPpRuCh

>>639 No laughs from me. If you're in another country, you respect that country's law. That's my opinion. Handguns illegal in the UK? Leave it home.

641 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-06-29 06:23 ID:Heaven

>>637 What a hit for <TH, that it's her fans who are gathered not his.

642 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-06-29 06:25 ID:Heaven

>>639 I think the same it's true in Italy, as in most European countries really, gun possession requires a licence (you need to pass an exam) and you need to tell the authority what kind of weapon you own. I don't know if the law is different for bodyguards though.

643 Name: Anon : 2016-06-29 06:44 ID:CHmqCvmg

>>640 It's pointless anyway because if you kill or injure someone with an illegal weapon you will be the one who ends up in serious trouble.

There is no exemption in the UK for bodyguards. It would make the legislation pointless especially as private bodyguards are unregulated. I bet it's the same in Italy.

It's pathetic. Even the police in the UK are unarmed. What makes her a special snowflake?

644 Name: Anon : 2016-06-29 07:09 ID:CHmqCvmg

645 Name: anonsy : 2016-06-29 07:13 ID:dYPpRuCh

>>644 My favorite part is how the comments from their "sources" are literally just descriptions of the paparazzi photos.

646 Name: M : 2016-06-29 07:50 ID:DahZBTq9

I don't get it. Does she really need security, so much security?

647 Name: anonsy : 2016-06-29 08:10 ID:dYPpRuCh

>>646 I think she travels with more security than President Obama. So no, I highly doubt it. The entourage of bodyguards is part of the Spectacle.

Also, here's this rumor popping up again:

648 Name: Anon : 2016-06-29 09:07 ID:6SVQ0Pil

Calvin isn't taking this lying down. Are these the same as TMZ has or new? I don't know but enjoy the fako-fako pic of Taytay sitting on an inflatable swan with her toes pointed.

Also: would you rather be with TH in Rome or with CH on the yacht? I have always thought CH was a prize tit but I am thinking yacht parteeee at this point.

649 Name: Anonon : 2016-06-29 10:22 ID:kgW+V0dO

>>648 Oh give me the yacht with prize tits any day over a snooze cruise of major tourist sights!
I'm the kinda gal that travelled for 4yrs straight taking up every exciting last minute opportunity on the way. The sort of adventures people write novels about. I hardly saw any tourist sights but the experiences and friendships made along the way were incomparable.
These two seem to have had all the passion, spontaneity and joie de vivre sucked out of them and what remains is like watching a couple of mouldy peaches slowly roll downhill. THE THINGS I WOULD DO IN THEIR SITUATION!

650 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-06-29 10:49 ID:Heaven

>>609 Thing is in this article she makes it sound like TH is a poor victim of TS, instead he is a more than willing participant, because TS is being TS and she's not pointing any gun at his head, all his choices are his own. In fact I would say that while I get US media not falling for her usual routine, it is her usual routine. TH is the one that deserves all the snark for going along with press tour.

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