Thread to talk about the actor Tom Hiddleston
>>646 I'd say yes and no. She does need security, because very often pop idols have obsessive fans and very often it ends in tragedy, if I were her I'd also have bodyguards around.
However, while she didn't upped her security coming to Europe, it seems to be the same as in the US, it is too much, especially the guns. No pickpocket would ever approach her with those bodyguards and like Anon said the use of guns by her bodyguards would cause more problem to the bodyguards than the perpetrator.
'my endorsement of Hiddleswift is akin to the Leave campaign pledging £350m a week to the NHS – it’s simply not true. No matter how much I hope it to be. I can’t, and won’t, get on board here – even as an ardent Tay loyalist, who stood by her through those holiday pictures, that Vogue interview, the time she took a Vogue photographer to her best friend’s wedding, her Victoria Secret’s appearance. ...
for the first time the mirage has cracked for me, I’ve seen behind the veil. I can – or I am allowing myself – to hear the whir of the PR machine.'
>>652 It never occurred to me that 30 years old women based their "moral, emotional and psychological philosophising" on TS's songs.
Since we still don't know where the Totay-Whirlwind-Tour will bring us, I remembered that TH once said in an interview that if he had the money he would have enjoyed cruising the Greek Islands.
>>653 I know some surprising Swifties in that agegroup. The normcore's embraced her a few years ago and suddenly she was being played at parties with no irony.
It is fascinating that the older Swifties are feeling duped much like the older Stoners.
Tumblr Swifties tracking her plane are saying it took off from Italy a couple of hours ago and it's headed towards Ireland, but not necessarily to stop there. (Who knows, maybe they'll stop in Paris.) More likely is that she's / they're headed back to Rhode Island where she throws an annual 4th of July party (this year on Saturday July 2nd).
New article about the romance. So much backtracking on timelines. So many dubious quotes from friends.
>>656 RI seems more likely if they are headed to Ireland to refuel.
So no Florence, no Venice. I should have expected that, when you visit the Vatican and instead of having a Stendhal Syndrome you look like they are draining life out of your body, clearly you want to go back to a life of inflatable slides.
>>658 Lol. I'm dreading any pics of him at her party.
I read this at theoanons, the brand for TS's purse in Italy was Elizabeth&James, that's the brand named after EO by the twins.
Jesus Mary and Joseph he got off lightly in the W Magazine spread.
Here is Sarah Paulson NSFW!!!
There's another anxious in pants photo of a man described as "Taylor Swift's latest paramour":
>>662 Not really, that particular photo of Sarah Paulson kinds of makes sense, and everyone else's photos are normal, Anthony MacKie, Damien Lewis, very normal photos. TH's were just plain ridiculous, especially the one with his legs open.
>>657 I LOVE this!!
1) TS is the kind of bee-yach who only starts texting her friends again once she breaks up with the last man.
2) The RI pap encounter "was the result of a very successful first date" - in RI!!! "He went up to her house in RI and the financial incentive to date her just bloomed pretty instantly" (I might have misquoted slightly there)
3) TS and Calvin "were already talking about breaking up." Ok.
4) "They were together all night [of the Met Gala]". Bit of a Freudian slip there, I think.
5) Even if all this is true Tom is still that creepy guy who calls you the day you break up with someone else.
6) I am never going on holiday to RI. That swan pastry looked shit and the joint closed at 9pm.
7) Nashville is "more private". Oh rly?
8) "They aren't boyfriend and girlfriend yet. but they're seeing each other". What the actual FUCK? Then what exactly have we been sold these last 2 weeks? I thought he was the One. Does TS mean by this, "the one who is boning me at the present nanosecond"
9) [tin hat on] Or is this last sentence confirmation that this is an extended summer shag with publicity benefits which NOBODY expects to go further?
>>664 10) [tin hat on] Or like we said earlier in the thread, they haven't had sex yet (which would be a waste of hotel rooms and jet fuel) but the PR is the sexiest thing of this Whirwind-Totay-Tour
From CB "So her plane has been tracked. They have left Rome. Plane made a stop for couple hours at London Luton Airport and now is enroute over Atlantic back to USA. So we’ll know soon if she dropped him off in London and returning alone to USA for 4th of July weekend or if he is still with her. Either way I’m sure the saga and snark will continue."
(I wish someone would post the damn link to the damn tumblr that posts this)
>>664 I think your no9 is interesting indeed, the narrative for what they're doing is all over the place. From the one and soulmates to not even dating.
No matter how you slice it, it's weird AF though. Who brings a fling home to the parents?
>>666 I'll dig for it, Couch. The message I posted in >>656 was reporting what they saw somewhere else on tumblr without mentioning the actual tumblr.
>>664 8) "They aren't boyfriend and girlfriend yet. but they're seeing each other" Labels aside, why post something so ambiguous? There's a time and place for leaving people guessing in PR-land, but this isn't it if they want to sell a romance hook-line-and-sinker.
>>666 haha sorry I wasn't referring to you of course, but the poster at CB, it's the second or third time I see someone there writing about a tumblr blog that has an insider that always tips them off on the plane whereabouts.
that was for >>668
>>665 Someone on tumblr had posted their take on TayTo earlier when this had all first started and she'd said they're not headed towards wedded bliss at all but they will do everything to make you think they are. The whole post was a good observation of how being in the spotlight right now with this public romance is benefitting both their images right now albeit that Tom's didn't really go as envisioned. And now after reading that US Weekly's "we're not together but we're seeing each other" response, I'm not gonna be surprised if she shows up to RI alone and Tom is seen in London alone followed by statements in tabloids that they had a good time but it wasn't the right time and that they continue to be friends and respect each other. I also won't be surprised if this is the last we see of Tom and Taylor together.
Setting the stage for the last act - The Breakup perhaps?
We started out with body language experts who indicated tenderness and sincerity and long term potential. And now we have relationship experts predicting doom.
>>671 An early break-up won't improve TH's situation though (not that I think TS cares about his situation).
I think if that's going to happen they'll wait at least until August, when we'll get a long interview with TS on Vogue where she'll say that it was a whirlwind romance, but they both prioritize their careers and that inevitably the distance and the wrong moment (read: age gap) made it impossible for it to become anything more. But she'll always treasure this memorable experience, that enriched her as a person and allowed her to better understand what she wants from a relationship. She has nothing but affection for TH. The End.
They should hire me as PR.
>>673 Nothing will really improve his situation tbh It could worsen like how we're seeing him go from laughingstock to opportunist.
You forgot to add in the part about how she'll say this summer romance and double breakup with Calvin and then Tom have made her realize just how vulnerable being in love is and how it's really inspired her to get back into the studio and watch this space for new album release lol
>>673 I think you're right. He wouldn't have risked his reputation for something that would end so soon. It'll be another couple of months yet at least.
I think this is an extended shagathon that both of them needed for various emotional reasons quite aside from publicity (read: rebound sex). I don't think TH was thinking straight or gave a crap about his reputation, or thought for 2 seconds about whether it was good for the relationship to go public on day 1. I think she was calculating as ever about using the relationship to row the career along, and said this is what we do about "getting it out there" - so he said yes. And he has been going back and forth about the advisability of that ever since, so some days: ThirstyMum!photos; and others: AngryTenseJawTom!photos.
Ok I am calling it - today will be our first pap or anecdote-free day (I don't recall pics on Swan Pastry day). Strangely the same day as they say they are not BF a and GF, despite having given the world that idea for the last fortnight. Is this the beginning of the climb down?
>>678 if as it seems they are headed back to NY or RI yes, we might have a day free of photos (somehow I think that if TH were back home in London someone would have spotted him)
If it was never going to last, it might also end just before SDCC, to avoid questions from journalists.
>>679 I reckon so. I think we will have a day off, but after that she will not be able to resist showing him off in RI or NYC now she has escaped from Rome and all those ghastly museums. Then I think it is a slide down to July 4 party and after that he will head off to Australia.
Here's the flipped image from W (why did they reverse it - makes his face look odd). I had missed the rather obvious cock outline:
Now these 2 I can totally buy that they are shagging, they actually feel happy to be together and who cares about the paps.
Video from the Colosseum visit
>>666 Trying to wade through TS's teen fanbase to look for the 'source' is exhausting. Jeez.
>>683 They seem happy and in love and normal. I also like how he totally owns his shortness and doesn't care she has heels on - I met him in a burger joint once and he was no taller than 5'6". He was with his kids and he was very sweet with them, and also very hot!
>>685 I had a look with tags like "Taylor Swift jet" and got nowhere. I imagine this is because the blog is aware that the source is doing something deeply illegal!
[whispers] I still want to know though!!
I just saw on theoanons a pic of EO really looking, as the blog put it, like she dodged a bullet. I still don't see the attraction that she had for TH (save I suppose that we know he likes much younger blondes who aren't readers and who have just broken up with someone, ha ha).
But I do feel guilty for jumping to the conclusion that she was the thirsty one. Everyone, but everyone, in the fandom assumed she leaked to US Weekly, that she was primarily responsible for the pap stroll and that she was full of it when she said she hated the paps, wouldn't buy a house in LA because they were so bad etc. I feel bad! TH really did a number on us and it may very well be that he wanted the publicity and she didn't. As Anon. said a while ago I am rally beginning to believe that TH and TS are perfect for each other in the sense that there is a special place in famewhore hell for them both.
It might be one of those secret password tumblrs that only the most hardcore of the Swifties have the password too. To hide the illegal activities. Or it's a secret blog because it's run by the interns from Taylor's PR team and they don't want anyone figuring it out lol
>>686 That's nice to hear, I read that he also had some personal problems in the past.
>>688 I do not, because I don't think it was the same situation. The PR leaks weren't very positive for TH after Hawaii and USWeekly was the mag with the exclusive about her engagement, plus her behaviour on papnight was rather strange. TH's PR stunt now doesn't change that. I think that EO, like JA before her tried to go public and TH not wanting a stable relationship stopped that. I think that's the reason why EO at TIFF flat out denied their relationship and gave him the cold shoulder. When he still wouldn't commit after Hawaii, we had articles dragging him (he was fooling with extras on set I think it said).
But I'm glad she decided he wasn't worth it.
Speaking of TH's ex gf, Susannah next year will be on American television with a tvshow whose name I don't remember, and I'm very happy for her.
>>688 I wouldn't feel too bad Anon. Olsen has her own games she plays with the paps and the media. It's not at insane control levels as Taylor but she's not averse to getting papped and leaking certain things when it fits her agenda. TH's thirst wasn't part of Olsen's game plan for what she's aiming for. And getting pegged as a cheater wasn't worth the effort when the movie was DOA and admitting a relationship publicly who's origins were shady when her ex had admitted how her breakup happened wouldn't have done Olsen any favors.
Taylor and Tom, he's the real thirsty one and Taylor is taking advantage of that for her benefit right now. He's the main joke and she's just Taylor being Taylor. Her tight control over her image and loyal to a fault fanbase makes it easy for her ride out the cheating whispers especially since her ex took the fall for dumping her. She's built a perfect victim identity and it's much easier for her to shake off any unsavory allegations or what have you thrown her way. She'll toss aside Tom once she's done with him. He's just a pawn to her.
It's all a game. Some play it with more subtlety and finesse whereas others prefer to do it out loud like Taylor and make it seem like it's all organic when it really isn't.
>>693 also true
>>692 The show's called 'The Great Indoors' -
Also, all of Susannah's pictures are taken down from her IMDB page, save one group photo with the cast members of the new show. She's 3rd from the left.
As is beanup's page (devoid of pics)
>>666 Hmmm. A small plane like that needs to refuel before going back over the Atlantic - I did it once on a chartered NATO flight, Bern to Cork to Nov Scotia. But I guess refueling in London works as well as in Ireland.
>>671 I don't think the stop in London was TayTay dropping him off. He's on that plane. He's going to that 4th of July party...they are going to ruin Independence Day for me. He is IN this to WIN...whatever 'winning' entails.
>>682 Urgh. Why? Why? So many people in their right minds would have looked at these/ heard the concept and said 'fuck no.' Why did they say yes? Why?
And I don't buy people saying that these pics are colored by the TayTo fiasco, i.d., we would have be salivating over them if there'd been no TayTo. No. No. The Tayto fiasco is its own separate fiasco. These pics are shit irrespective of TayTo. I actually cringe when I see them.
>>698 They are independently awful irrespective of TayTo. He looks so sad and uncomfortable. He has such a great body but he is standing there like a little boy who has been bullied on his first day at boarding school (he probably was! W Mag has given him PTSD!). Even the Hiddleconda doesn't look its usual jaunty self.
>>698 Though Couch is right, he is the most naked and badly shot of the men. There is a guy in there wearing sweatpants and a vest, for god's sake. They aren't all standing there showing off their dick prints, like the fans would have us believe, so TH still looks by far the most idiotic. He and Paulson are duking it out for thirstiest nekkid person. I didn't need to see her titties either.
>>700 I am surprised the list said "Tom Hiddleston, Crimson Peak" and not "Tom Hiddleston, boyfriend of Taylor Swift."
Seriously, he gets this because of Avengers and CP? I don't think he deserves it. He has never been nominated and his last 2 big movies bombed.
Insight - nothing we didn't already know, but it's from a journalist who is not an invested Taylor stan:
"The far too rapid emergence of Hiddleswift reminds me of a conversation I once had with a top Hollywood power player. ... the bigwig argued ... the more we cover certain celebrities’ private lives, the more we are unable to suspend disbelief when it comes to their professional life.
In this case, the power player is right. I no longer see Tom as the thespian-with-a-double-first- from-Cambridge-University; instead I feel like I’m watching a soufflé collapse.
And I certainly no longer believe Taylor is just like you and me when it comes to love.... On Monday, as Taylor and Tom ... paused so she could wrap her arms around his neck and kiss him, it was all for the cameras.
For the first time, I feel somewhat manipulated. This love story feels disingenuous. I am not saying her feelings for Tom are not real, but the public telling of their romance feels inauthentic.
It makes me wonder if she didn’t actually feel the depth of emotion she told us she experienced through her songs because if she did then how could she be so careless with her ex’s heart… unless Calvin did something particularly terrible."
>>702 CP because it's Del Toro (even if he flops people still recognize his talent) and Avengers because that's his main biggie. Those are the credits but it's also taking into consideration him as an actor and professional. He's schmoozed enough people in the industry that he would've made it through the considerations and all his coworkers have nothing but praise for him.. And honestly before the Taylor fiasco he was respected, High Rise and TNM were his saving graces this year before he decided to wreck it all for the biggest thirst stakes.
Maybe if he had just waited for a little instead of going on a bender with this Taylor thing, this would've been great news. But now it's mixed feelings because of his famewhore ways.
>>701 They should've just stopped at the nice shot of him with his shirt open and maybe lounging in bed or near the window like that like Liev Schreiber. Or lying topless in bed with the covers on his lower half staring at the ceiling like his many pensive Jonathan Pine shots and close ups.
>>704 TNM is tv - which the Academy sets its face against. I do take the point that he is liked and respected (or was) for being a nice down to earth guy and a serious actor. But he needs a hit, doesn't he? I loved HR as you all know but it wasn't a huge box office hit, or an unmitigated critical success. CP foaled badly to make good on its vast marketing budget, ISTL was a stinker of epic proportions and TNM didn't do so well in the US....
>>700 Does anyone care? Will anyone notice?
>>701 I want to see her tits out but only if she is wearing the Marcia Clark wig. ;)
>>702 It's not exactly a Who's Who of HW talent. I mean, Daphne Zuniga from Spaceballs? Dakota Johnson couldn't act her way out of a paper bag.
>>703 There is officially nothing sadder than watching a souffle sink. It happens all the time in my kitchen.
Thinking back, we should have seen this coming with the stylist. We laughed it off then, but it was a frightening portend of things to come. A sad grab for attention using clothes that seemed to fly in the face of his usual style, clothes in which he either looked a tit or looked uncomfortable.
I blame myself. I was there for the Time Talk. I saw that tartan monstrosity close up. I should have recognized the signs of an impending breakdown and done more...more...I let the team down.
>>708 I saw it coming when he said he loved "Fast and Furious" but I didn't think he would takes the change to THIS level.
It's been coming on for a while. Remember the TDW tour when he travelled with the orange makeup lady? And we have had other troubling signs such as taking guitars on planes (how the other passengers in first class must have laughed with delight when they heard they were to be serenaded!). Not to mention all that nudity for feminism.
>>711 If he is the Academy's poster boy for diversity, they are doomed.
If The Night Manager has a second season, Miss Swift will be his Pine girl.
>>712 No, that'd be Idris Elba. Him and John Boyega and Oscar Issac are going get pushed more as the new names in the class.
And this is why those W mag pics are terrible - in any situation. This face. This face! It's worse than the other faces, which were terrible - but only 'entry level' terrible; these are 'advanced level' terrible.
Little did he know at the time that he was perfectly predicting what his fanbase's collective expression would be at the end of June.
>>715 Is that a manip??? Why would they print that 'I just ate warm fresh poo and I don't know why' face?
Just catching up with the 100 or so posts!
If the plane stopped in London it was surely to drop him off. He has to pack at least two washed outfits for Oz and I can't for the life of me picture him fitting in at her tweenybopper party. The photos would top him dancing at Selena Gomez though so please make it happen.
They just came out and said it:
'Also a big thank you @twhiddleston for coming along to our costume exhibition. Such a pleasure talking with you about my work. It was unreal'
She did drop him off in London.
Naturally there were no sightings from the airport. TayTo were only seen by paps last time they landed (insert eyeroll)
Is Taylor in London with him? Wimbledon tomorrow??? Will they sit with Camilla? Will Taylor and Camilla fight over the Night Manager?
>>721 According to the Swifty plane trackers (who have yet to be wrong), her jet stopped briefly in London and then headed back for the U.S., so she's probably in Rhode Island inflating her Taymerica bouncy castle for her squad party.
>>716 It is. But doesn't it perfectly sum up that shoot and the fans right about now?!?
>>720 I want my country's greatest holiday to be untainted but I also want them kissing while sliding down an inflatable slide and holding sparklers. Nothing says love like a slide-kiss with sparklers. Hoping she sends the plane back for him. Hoping she sends the plane AND a bodyguard back to make sure he gets on the plane.
>>723 You have obviously never mixed inflatables with pyrotechnics before
>>721 >>722 They probably had a Wimbledon pap stroll planned but then had an audience with Pope Francis at the Vatican. Il Papa took TayTay aside and said, 'Girl, you need to pump them breaks.' Next thing you know, the plane makes an unscheduled stop in London for TH to deplane and raw cookie dough and ice cream to board.
>>725 I have actually. Sparklers and pool floats don't mix well, but if you're drunk enough, you don't mind the smell of burning plastic!!
Has anyone else noticed that all of the HD images from the dailymail review of their Rome trip that were published today, were also from the same "image direct photo company"' that the Rhode Island kissing pictures were from, as well?
In suspense as to whether he got off the plane in London, or not. Not sure if I can handle TH pics on the Tayamerica water slide. Also confused by the we are not bf and gf yet narrative. So much to be confused about. Yet, he's leading the entertainment news on every channel. Is this a secret stroke of genius?
You'd think he's heading off to work, hence the surgical procedure to separate their hands. But I have a feeling that some of the Swifters on tumblr are going to grumble about Tom 'not supporting TS when she needs him most' - at her pool party. They seem the sort to not understand how real life works: what do you mean he chose a contractually obligated deadline over our Tay? If he really loved her...blah, blah, blah.
>>728 Crazy like a fox? It changed every other day, but today on TV entertainment shows it was back to people in the know saying they believe the two met long (weeks or months) before the pre-MET dinner i.e. TS cheated.
>>728 Most of them have been. I saw the Theoanons tumblr mention that with the concert photos a few weeks (yes, it's only been a few weeks!) back.
I guess it's a company that acts as a clearinghouse for independent paps -negotiating prices and the like. Considering those first shots (now semi-verified? via GC to be staged/sanctioned) were through them, some have wondered at the connection to TS.
>>728 A woman in London thanked him for attending her costume exhibition a couple hours ago (thanks Anonon >>720, no idea how you managed to wade through his tag on Twitter to find that). She apparently had a full conversation with him, so it was most definitely him and not one of those mistaken identity sightings. So he did get off the plane.
>>729 I can't handle tumblr anymore. Too much terrible logic, too much insanity, too much immaturity. It's not worth it for me personally to sift through all of that just for the handful of blogs that make some sense - especially since even those are being inundated with crazy anon messages now.
Tom due to arrive in Oz on the 1st
>733 How have we managed to avoid the cray crays here? I can't help noticing posts from this blog doubling up in other tumblrs so there's a lot of cross reading and mutual lurking. There's only three tumblrs I glance at now who have maintained the snark
>>733 Someone mentioned on the Theoanons that a good number of Swifters were 'invading' the usual TH tumblr places. She said she'd had to deal with them too but that she could smell them a mile off as they stunk of apologists!!
They seem to have a swarm like mentality coupled with the maturity and real life experience of 12-year-olds.
>>734 I think the Australia rumor was one of the first ones they put out - something about him giving her an open invitation to visit. The interesting bit of that article is that he's going so soon. No pool party for Tom!
I'm not sure about the tumblr thing. Maybe we're just not cool enough. ;)
>>734 I guess if she's willing to hit up every grey, rocky beach in England for him, she'd be up for a few more beaches in another country - sure, it's winter, but they're less rocky!
I can see her TayTaying her way through the 4th before packing up and letting the powerful magnet in her palm find its mate.
Unless this is true love, I think the worst thing a girl could do would be to travel to a guy at his place of business, doing all the work for him. If this is real, TS flew him round the world on her plane, and now she has the honor of flying herself out to Australia to be at his casual beck and call? TH must have pretty good game. This could turn into the usual scenario where a hookup girl doesn't get the hint that it's a hookup, and she tries to turn a one night stand into a relationship, when really it was only supposed to be a relationship of convenience. Except this version had a five star trip involved. Now I'm kind of worried for TS! I must be spinning. But that breakup would make a pretty good song, if they were bf and gf, which apparently they're not...
>>738 This whole "not boyfriend and girlfriend" thing really has me scratching my head. It's completely incongruous with the narrative they've been attempting to sell us for the last two weeks. Maybe they are unhappy with the way things are going (personally or professionally) and are trying to slowly back out? They can't just say "never mind, everyone is right, this is fake/stupid/whatever and we're calling it quits," so they start slowly dropping little hints like "not boyfriend and girlfriend." Then when they do "break up" in 3-6 weeks, it won't be completely out of the blue - people will think oh, well they were never officially boyfriend and girlfriend anyway, guess it just didn't work out.
>>739 Yeah I think they're getting ready to end it. So they've downgraded from "true love soulmates he's the one!" to "not boyfriend and girlfriend". I wonder why Taylor did this. And why would Tom trot his mom and niece out just for a publicized fling? They could've done it all in London instead of his mom's. The presence of his family for the sake of a big summer fling makes no sense to me.
>>740 I'm sure they weren't anticipating the relationship being so poorly received by the press and the public, so they kept trying to go along with their initial plan of selling it as a whirlwind romance - meeting friends and family, romantic vacation, etc. thinking that eventually everyone would start going along with it. Since that didn't work out they are moving on to plan b, laying the groundwork for an easy end to the relationship.
>>739 - That article was written only after the first pap shoot. I suspect htat after the whole "meet the parents" business, we can safely assume that they are indeed, "boyfriend" and "girlfriend".
>>738 It's Taylor Swift, she seemingly ALWAYS does the worst thing a girl can do in a relationship. I'm not sold on it being a one-night stand or hook-up given the very public and very 'romantic' campaign. One wouldn't think they'd (and it has been a joint TS/TH operation) publicize a hook-up so doggedly.
>>739 That was from UsWeekly, right? I think that was their storyline in previous print articles, that it was casual (it sounded so much like the EO story last year) and they were just seeing each other and getting to know each other (even though that was ridonk given the past few days). Online, I think they've just sorta reported on it all without all the gushy, lovey-dovey of other publications. Am I not remembering correctly? It's a blur.
I thought it was People, ENews, and GC selling the true romance/he's The One line.
Also, does she use UsWeekly as a quasi-official mouthpiece like she does with People and GC?
I could be wrong (couldn't we all with this unpredictable crap), but I don't think they're through - not with each other, not with us, not with the PR. I don't even think they want to parachute out. They may be enjoying it, they may just be slogging through with moments of enjoyment, whatever the case, they seem invested.
>>743 It is a blur. I can't keep anything straight anymore. Perhaps it's just wishful thinking on my part that this is on the way out, but even if it is, they can't just abruptly cut it off after the events of the past two weeks. So yes, you're correct, we are in this for weeks - maybe months - longer, regardless of whether or not they've decided what course the relationship is going to take.
I think this is a short toothbrush break due to necessity. She has her serious hedonistic pursuits and he has his serious werk. The fat lady isn't singing yet
>>743 They're starting the rollout and laying the ground work for the breakup. It'll probably happen sometime in Australia. Mid to end of July, maybe early August. To put things like "not boyfriend and girlfriend" isn't a mistake. It's deliberate. I'm also seeing "rumored romance" thrown around as their tour is recapped. So it's on the horizon and it'll be soon. I don't think we'll be seeing too many new paps of them, not at the past 14 days level.
I think they thought they would get the big happy response. They didn't anticipate everyone including the tabloids calling them out. It's not worth the effort to keep up appearances anymore so they'll gradually taper out from the public eye and then issue something work related broke them up or something.
>>744 >>745 >>746 The break may be because her private pap has called off with exhaustion! They're wearing the private snappy-snap out!
The boyfriend/girlfriend thing is from UsWeekly; they've never gushed about love and fairytale romance. They've been fairly neutral, surprisingly. If People starts to dial this relationship back, then I'll start to believe that there's a light at the end of the tunnel.
>>745 I feel like the lady isn't even fat yet! She's only just started her vocal lessons and gone off her diet. That's how far out we are. I hope I'm wrong, I suspect I'm not.
>>748 Wouldn't it be amazing if it timed perfectly with your gestation. You could be the phantom hiddlespawn
I go to sleep for 8 hours and I wake up to find the hostage has been let off the plane!
Why didn't he take her to the show at RADA? I wanted pictures of her looking bored and holding his hand in a vice-like grip!