Tom Hiddleston 9 (1000)

1 Name: Anon : 2016-06-24 07:25 ID:vWSNZn5Y

Thread to talk about the actor Tom Hiddleston

751 Name: Anon : 2016-06-30 06:13 ID:IL6vAiQW

>>734 >>735

Tumblr has gone nuts. My fave blogs have mostly not commented but have gone dark, or are posting a few pics without comment. There's some snark (my dash this morning was asking how this helpless victim of the paparazzi managed to land in England without being photographed) but there is also a lot of stanning from some other regular TH blogs along the lines of how dare anyone find it odd that he says one thing and a month later does down thing quite opposite. A lot of shrieking of get out of the fandom from our favourite Stan who asked the crazy question in that q@a in Berlin. Good luck Tom - a few more months of this and she'll be the only one left.

752 Name: Anon : 2016-06-30 06:22 ID:IL6vAiQW

Just one thought re photo agencies - some of what I thought were fan pics are now on the DM as being from an agency. Agencies do steal photos off Twitter etc - I know this because a friend of mine's child died a couple of years ago and the circumstances made it into the DM. All their FB photos suddenly appeared in the DM with "copyright Rex" across the bottom. They had to take legal action to make the agency stop selling their family pics as its own.

753 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-06-30 06:24 ID:Heaven

>>703 a sinking souffle! Beautiful!

>>750 Yeah, me too, RADA, he went to a safe place in incognito, and no photos! WTF!

I think most of his fangirls are hoping for this to go away soon, so they can dismiss it as a summer fling, a momentary craziness and go back believing whatever bs TH will start selling again, pretending he never pimped out his family for PR. Thing is, his fangirls might go for it, but media and others not so much.

754 Name: N8Anon : 2016-06-30 06:28 ID:IkF6ezI7

>>751 yeah same here. Although I mainly use mine for film and vintage Hollywood stuff, but the Hiddleston side had gone very quiet. Those that remain are very divided. It's all quite Brexit actually.

755 Name: N8Anon : 2016-06-30 06:30 ID:IkF6ezI7

>>753 I think you're right Couch and I get the feeling they're going to be quite disappointed on that front. I feel this has only just begun, far from over yet.

756 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-06-30 06:31 ID:Heaven

If he has to be in OZ on the 1st, he either left right after that RADA exhibition or early today. No Wimbledon this year, surprise surprise.

757 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-06-30 06:35 ID:Heaven

I hope I'm not reposting something, I'm losing track. It's an estimation of how much the Whirlwind-Totay-Tour might have cost with some snark. I think it might actually be a bit higher than that.

758 Name: N8Anon : 2016-06-30 06:38 ID:IkF6ezI7

>>756 I'm not sure how accurate that report is. I'm still holding out hope for some Wimbledon Tom and some lovely snark on his companion, or lack of.

759 Name: Anonon : 2016-06-30 06:56 ID:0FYoOZ+W


'Taylor Swift & Tom Hiddleston make me miss Ted Cruz & Heidi.'

760 Name: NewAnon : 2016-06-30 06:57 ID:ixRvQFyw

>>753 The media won't let him forget it. Jake Gyllenhaal still gets questions about Taylor and why he didn't marry her lol One thing though TH can't ever use his privacy and discretion line now without getting a good deal of side eye.

I'm still in shock that we went a whole day without new pics. It's giving me separation anxiety. Beach pics in Australia though. They like beaches and holding hands there. Will the Hemsworths and their babies join the photoshoot this time?

761 Name: anonsy : 2016-06-30 06:58 ID:dYPpRuCh

>>759 OUCH.

762 Name: NewAnon : 2016-06-30 07:00 ID:ixRvQFyw

>>759 LOL! We'll always have Rome and the Colosseum.

763 Name: Anon : 2016-06-30 07:00 ID:TNzIzXVH

>>760 Maybe we'll finally get to see the Conda in speedos (trying to look on the bright side).

764 Name: Anonon : 2016-06-30 07:03 ID:0FYoOZ+W

>>763 NO PLEASE! Not speedos. That is not a bright side.

765 Name: Anonon : 2016-06-30 07:05 ID:0FYoOZ+W

I think TayTo will go dark for a short while while their PR teams take more mushrooms to come up with a better idea

766 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-06-30 07:05 ID:Heaven

>>758 he only goes to see Federer or Murray, maybe Djokovich, so he doesn't have many options.

>>759 SNAP!

>>760 Double date, certainly, at the Hemsworths. Please Ruffalo don't stoop down to that level, please! - Jake was considerably younger than TH when it happened, late twenties, and people still gave TS the benefit of the doubt.

767 Name: NewAnon : 2016-06-30 07:18 ID:ixRvQFyw

>>765 TayTo and her team are all on a Skype conference call right now trying to figure out the next move. Luke is there but he's on mute because as Taylor said, "Luke I feel like your vision is not in line with mi- ours. How about you listen to the brainstorming today and it'll help you with feedback at the next meeting, hmm?"

768 Name: N8Anon : 2016-06-30 07:24 ID:IkF6ezI7

>>767 OMG, yes, exactly this. Hilarious.

769 Name: NewAnon : 2016-06-30 07:28 ID:ixRvQFyw

>>766 Maybe not Ruffalo but I can see Taylor, Elsa, and Sunrise having a girls day out with the kids while the men work. The Swifties would LOVE that!

>>768 Paper Mag did it so beautifully. The imagery was On. Point.

770 Name: Anonon : 2016-06-30 07:28 ID:0FYoOZ+W

>>767 Ok correction:

ALL PARTIES involved in this recent fiasco are to take a hefty dose of mushrooms and reflect on the past fortnight.

Imagine tripping with Swifty. I bet she'd go all single white female psycho then wallow in a pool of self pity over her father not loving her enough and you'd have to lock her in a room for your own safety

771 Name: N8Anon : 2016-06-30 07:34 ID:IkF6ezI7

>>769 Yeah, it was excellent. More of that kind of thing required!

772 Name: NewAnon : 2016-06-30 07:38 ID:ixRvQFyw

>>770 She's a baking girl. You know she'd bring brownies to the meeting ;)

Oh jeez I'd rather not. I don't even think she'd make a fun drunk, simply because she's too much in control and wound up tight to go beyond a little flush in the cheek tipsy.

773 Name: Anonon : 2016-06-30 07:46 ID:0FYoOZ+W

>>772 She'd be that bitch that says 'you look nice' while her face says 'you're ruining my selfies'

774 Name: Anonon : 2016-06-30 08:09 ID:0FYoOZ+W


Buzzfeed journo burn.
I almost feel bad for enjoying this.

775 Name: anonsy : 2016-06-30 08:28 ID:dYPpRuCh

>>774 Yes. Almost.

776 Name: NewAnon : 2016-06-30 08:36 ID:ixRvQFyw

I just hope these burns don't incite or invite actual hate towards Tom Hiddleston. I just read on tumblr that some part of the Hiddlestoners are planning to boo Tom at comic con and make him sign a photo then tear it up in his face and some even want to kick him...


What is wrong with these people? No wonder Taylor Swift travels with bodyguards. Jeez...

777 Name: anonsy : 2016-06-30 08:40 ID:dYPpRuCh

>>776 I saw some of those posts a few days ago and got the impression that they were mostly joking around. The only semi-serious one I saw was a post encouraging people not to fawn over Tom at Comic Con and to direct questions to his costars instead.

778 Name: Anonon : 2016-06-30 08:49 ID:xLRFWXLr

>>776 >>777 I hope the unhinged ones don't do something stupid. It will make me start a pity party for him and he doesn't deserve that either

779 Name: qaz : 2016-06-30 09:04 ID:Me4dUJY8

>>776 >>777 Tumblr is extra as usual. I hope there will be no dramatic tearing up of Loki posters or, God forbid, kicking or shoving (??!! I hope it was a joke).
Although it would be interesting if the reaction to him was more or less reserved instead of the usual head over heels excitement.


780 Name: NewAnon : 2016-06-30 09:15 ID:ixRvQFyw

>>779 That's the thing with tumblr. When they say stuff like that I can never tell if they're just kidding around or scheming.
We'll still get head over heels excitement. Swifties have become his fans too. Maybe they'll all go to support Taylor's boyfriend.

781 Name: qaz : 2016-06-30 09:32 ID:Me4dUJY8

>>780 True, even if a few juvenile tumblrites go through with this booing thing, there will be hundreds of other people who will cheer, so it's probably going to be all right.

782 Name: Anon. : 2016-06-30 10:10 ID:vqQuPn8c

>>751 Yeah. Get out of the fandom so I can have him to my unstable self.

783 Name: Anon. : 2016-06-30 10:30 ID:vqQuPn8c

>>749 before the madness post-RI, I wondered here if it would outlast my gestation. A few weeks on, I think baby will make an appearance before the end of TayTo. They just seem too invested not to keep this going.

With my luck they'll end it just as I go into labor and I'll have to watch the tumblr Swifters collapse in on themselves between contractions.

784 Name: Anon. : 2016-06-30 10:30 ID:vqQuPn8c

>>779 Qazzzzzz. (Got to try to keep up tradition)

785 Name: anonsy : 2016-06-30 10:35 ID:dYPpRuCh

>>783 If that happens, you must name the child TayTo. It will be a sign from the heavens.

786 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-06-30 10:36 ID:Heaven

>>781 and even if that happens TH will play victim, doing puppy eyes and saying that people always mock him for his passion. I'm starting to think that we might not get another photo Totay until after SDCC, creating enough doubt to make his fangirls think it might be over. And then after SDCC, there'll be more.

787 Name: Anon. : 2016-06-30 10:50 ID:vqQuPn8c

>>786 'I've come back to you and the work, my dear fans! Your love for me has helped me escape that evil succubus.' Public event passes. 'Haha, got you! Enjoy some more TayTo beach shots!'

I wouldn't have though it possible before but that was before.

788 Name: Anonon : 2016-06-30 10:51 ID:120kLj1w

>>786 They would be fools to keep parading and pap walking so obviously they will continue to do so.

>>783 >>785 Aww little TayTo. I love that we will be constantly up to date on the couples progression through your gestation. I assume you've been nauseous of late, especially in public. Let us know when they start kicking.

789 Name: qaz : 2016-06-30 10:52 ID:Me4dUJY8

>>786 Yeah, his recently discovered passion for famehoing. eyeroll

>>784 Anon.!!! :) Actually, I think it's OK to give up that tradition in this hard time, lol

790 Name: Anon. : 2016-06-30 10:53 ID:vqQuPn8c

>>785 I often buy Tayto crisps from the British market, so my husband would think I'd lost the plot and wanted to name the child after potato chips.

791 Name: Anon. : 2016-06-30 11:03 ID:vqQuPn8c

792 Name: Anon. : 2016-06-30 11:08 ID:vqQuPn8c

>>788 No nausea, but I now insist that my husband hold my hand everywhere and publicly display affection by touching my bump as often as possible before throwing his head back and laughing maniacally. Strangely I'm also now able to spot a camera a 100 feet away and smile smugly for it.

The power of a gestation running concurrently with TayTo!

793 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-06-30 11:14 ID:Heaven

>>791 LOL does TS have also a personal gym on that private jet of hers, or the heavy lifting is her?

794 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-06-30 11:16 ID:Heaven

>>792 hahaha Tayto's love taught us all the secret ways to true romance and an education in camera spotting.

795 Name: Anonon : 2016-06-30 11:37 ID:120kLj1w

>>791 This seems to be a positive spin on the usual 'so and so is getting fat' article. Both of them appear to be a little bit porkier rather than uber buff. Lets face it, they've been living on a steady diet of pizza, pasta and swan pastries for nearly a month.
They haven't even disappeared off the radar for long enough to have epic weight- loss sex marathons.
I bet he won't be able to fit into his Loki costume.

796 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-06-30 12:11 ID:Heaven

Today is Thursday, but instead of a traditional #tbt I thought about a ThrowBackTom, and in honour of the abusive use of private jet:

TH joining Vivienne Westwood and Greenpeace to campaign against climate change for the Save The Arctic campaign from 2 years ago, back when he was chummy with ELLEUK fangirls

797 Name: Anonon : 2016-06-30 13:11 ID:120kLj1w


Yes I was wondering what was going on under that tablecloth too...
'computer, enhance quadrant 17'

798 Name: ?? : 2016-06-30 13:21 ID:INLrnF7w

>>797 I must be missing something, it doesn't look like anything to me? >.< Even with the zoomed version. What am I being blind on?

799 Name: Anon : 2016-06-30 13:42 ID:6SVQ0Pil

>>798 I can't see anything either. Is he hiding an enormous boner or something?

800 Name: Anon : 2016-06-30 16:16 ID:6SVQ0Pil

I thought this article was fascinating:

The best part for photographers and agencies, besides the money? All the photos have been fairly simple to obtain. When Swift met Hiddleston’s mother in the small seaside town of Ipswich, England, the couple didn’t appear to mind that photographers were following them around on the beach.

“It’s only as easy as [the celebrities] allow it to be,” Ken Goff of Goff Photos said, explaining the challenges of photographing stars. “Because if they had gone there and stayed in the house and not come out, that’s as hard as it can be. So really, whether it’s in a small town or village or in a major city, it can be difficult anywhere or easy anywhere. It just depends on the subject and how much they don’t want to be photographed.”
None of the agencies would confirm exactly how they find out where Hiddleswift will be next — the Image Direct, which first snapped the photos of the couple making out on the Rhode Island beach, declined to comment.

801 Name: Whatsinaname : 2016-06-30 16:50 ID:A/1EwO8E

Here's some info we were looking for yesterday on her plane - a photo of the tail numbers is featured in this article from 4 years ago:

802 Name: Whatsinaname : 2016-06-30 17:05 ID:A/1EwO8E

I checked FlightAware, and her tail numbers were made private so they're not available for tracking by the public. Anyone claiming to be tracking her has inside information.

803 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-06-30 17:11 ID:Heaven

>>802 it doesn't show even on flightradar

804 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-06-30 17:12 ID:Heaven

>>800 that is interesting and it confirms what we have been saying all along.

805 Name: Anon : 2016-06-30 18:11 ID:IL6vAiQW

806 Name: sosorry : 2016-06-30 18:22 ID:D9gQVHva

Good research on the plane info! I imagined a super secret blog w a password.

The most recent update of the dailymail presents TS as TH's new gf in its title. But how does a relationship w TS increase TH's sex appeal for general audiences? If TH was with a single Scarlett Johonnsson, or a younger and single Angelina Jolie, or even just a gorgeous and visible SI model like Chrissy Tiejens, I would see that. TS has a pretty face and an amazing figure. She's a consistent song writer for her demographic of fans and a keen business woman. But she never has ever tried to be seen first and foremost as a provocatrice. I would consider the secret trip to RH as a saucy first date (if the pics hadn't been so staged.) But its countered by the immediate visits to a Selena Gomez concert. And the visits to their families make her seem as if she's up to her warp speed dating-as-usual tactics and cementing her "good girl" image for her fans. And the pap-walk family visit makes TH seem like he has changed his image completely from the serious artist/artisan who craved privacy. Luckily for his TH, I can't imagine that the press would stalk his young gorgeous niece or Mom. The most they'll do is stalk TH on his next R and R trip to visit them, though. By contrast, his neighbourhood in the City is still safe.

I certainly think that the couple likes each other, but this a masterful way for TS to dominate the headlines between albums. And I think that TH simply didn't want to vanish like a ghost in work like he always does till Thor 3 ends Nov 1, and just hope that that his next movies connect with audiences.

Hopefully leaving his schedule blank is a strategy, b/c Emmy and Globe nominations for TNM could raise the bar for the film scripts he is offered. He needs cohesive well-written scripts attached to directors who can sustain dramatic narrative tension for two hours. Except for TNM and HR, his other projects were more about concepts and characters than narrative.

I predict one San Diego CC romantic dinner with TS, and maybe one trip to Australia with a few pics. And then maybe a taper by summer's end. But perhaps that's just me fighting for his former image in the serious British press. Do you think that TH expected to he remonstrated so cruelly on both sides of the Atlantic in the press? Or did he assume that would be the case, and does TH just think he needs visibility and the money from the embargoed pics, no matter what? Last thought, that daytime Roman lunch pic would have been steamy had TH had a hand gracing her thigh.

807 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-06-30 18:38 ID:Heaven

>>805 goodness, her fans are as bad at relationship as she is, no wonder they dig her songs.

what about this one?

Btw, I'm pretty sure some of them are writing at CB because all of a sudden is full of people rooting for this relationship to be true and them to get married because it's true love.

808 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-06-30 18:42 ID:Heaven

809 Name: sosorry : 2016-06-30 19:01 ID:D9gQVHva

And we have TH reputation damage control in the dailymail! I'm hearing Streisand singing "The Way We Were" in my head. I wonder if this is by Luke and Co.? So wild.

810 Name: NewAnon : 2016-06-30 20:20 ID:ixRvQFyw

>>808 That's how her fans track Taylor?
Maybe it's just me but I find it really disturbing how they track her actual plane.

811 Name: Anon. : 2016-06-30 21:06 ID:vqQuPn8c

>>809 Which article? In which way is it damage control? Has it managed to turn back time or erase our memories - because that's the only damage control that would work at this point.

812 Name: NewAnon : 2016-06-30 21:33 ID:ixRvQFyw

Apparently the Swifty jet is on the move again according to her fans. En route to pick up Tom for the big 4th of July bash? Will we see their social media debut this weekend?

813 Name: NewAnon : 2016-06-30 21:47 ID:ixRvQFyw

According to this little girl learning code in Karlie's class, Karlie Kloss herself confirmed Tom and Taylor are spending 4th of July together


814 Name: Whatsinaname : 2016-06-30 22:04 ID:A/1EwO8E

>>808 Couch, I must be missing something so obvious. If I click on a Playback button I'm redirected to a map with hundreds of planes on the move, not just one (or one that is highlighted in the field of many planes).

What am I doing wrong.

816 Name: Anon. : 2016-06-30 22:06 ID:vqQuPn8c

Great minds, NewAnon!

817 Name: Anon. : 2016-06-30 22:10 ID:vqQuPn8c

>>812 Is it!? That is properly creepy that it can be tracked so easily.

>>812 I wouldn't be surprised if we get a social media debut. Strange times, kiddies. Strange times.

What was so important about the RADA thing that he needed to be dropped off?Or maybe he was packing and will go on to Oz from RI? But why not just have Olly bring a case to the airport so you don't have to deplane?

818 Name: anonsy : 2016-06-30 22:12 ID:dYPpRuCh

Well damn, I was really hoping Tom wasn't going to show up in the bouncy house.

819 Name: Anon. : 2016-06-30 22:17 ID:vqQuPn8c

>>818 I'm only surprised that he was dropped off in London! What was that about? I thought for sure they'd just jet back to the US together.

Like I said, he's in this to win it. The immaturity of a bouncy castle and being surrounded by her squad aren't going to deter him.

820 Name: Anon. : 2016-06-30 22:25 ID:vqQuPn8c

>>813 I also love that TS's friend is essentially ticking off the guest list to a random girl she met in a class: Yep, they'll be there. Go ahead and post it on social media, and if you have relatives who are paps, send them to this address. Wink, wink! I have a feeling there may be a lot of cameras out in this secluded backyard...all the better to publicize you, my pretty!

821 Name: sosorry : 2016-06-30 22:26 ID:D9gQVHva

Wow. Like in it to win it like marriage? Or in it to win it like long term relationship and PR and Hollywood exposure?

822 Name: Anon. : 2016-06-30 22:28 ID:vqQuPn8c

>>820 Or maybe they'll just quietly celebrate without any hubbub or photos. Spend some quality time together away from the public's gaze.

823 Name: Whatsinaname : 2016-06-30 22:29 ID:A/1EwO8E

>>819 why would it - a party like this is right up his alley. Remember the first silly MTV stuff with Josh where he was wearing a fake mustache, pulling pranks and they had a 'sleepover'?

824 Name: Anon. : 2016-06-30 22:32 ID:vqQuPn8c

>>821 I said before that I have no idea of what 'winning' means exactly. I don't even think he has a clear idea!! But like everything he does, he's going full bore with this one! Work that bouncy castle, TH. Work that inflatable swan. Work that stars and stripes onesie.

His only complaint the whole weekend will be that his onesie wasn't tight enough to properly show off his package.

825 Name: Anon. : 2016-06-30 22:35 ID:vqQuPn8c

>>823 But that was for promo on a movie. Being silly and fun for promo work is one thing, hanging around on a bouncy castle in a non-ironic way when you're 35 is another.

826 Name: anonsy : 2016-06-30 22:36 ID:dYPpRuCh

>>822 LOL! You're hilarious, Anon. ;)

827 Name: Anon. : 2016-06-30 22:39 ID:vqQuPn8c

Dropped off 6.29 and is going to be picked up again on 6.30 or 7.1. WTF? I'm amazed how she uses a jet and engages in transatlantic flights likes it's the family Volvo making the school run.

828 Name: Anonon : 2016-06-30 22:40 ID:NfOQYgdp

Please wear this Tom. Around inflatables and sparklers. It'll really help dispel those gay rumors

829 Name: Anon. : 2016-06-30 22:40 ID:vqQuPn8c

>>826 I didn't even bother writing 'sarcasm.' I knew you'd all know it was!

830 Name: sosorry : 2016-06-30 22:41 ID:D9gQVHva

How do you use the tracker of the plane? And where is the plane right now?

831 Name: Anonon : 2016-06-30 22:46 ID:NfOQYgdp

It just occurred to me that if TH stays with Tay Tay who is mostly tits, teeth, silicone and rhinoplasty, we are going to witness an incredible transformation. I'm predicting hair plugs, botox and and a return to the glorious radioactive face

832 Name: Whatsinaname : 2016-06-30 22:55 ID:A/1EwO8E

>>825 True that.

>>828 You owe me a new keyboard, Anonon

833 Name: NewAnon : 2016-06-30 22:56 ID:ixRvQFyw

>>816 high five

>>831 Oh god he'll look like Hugh Hefner among TayTay and her young model squad

834 Name: Anon. : 2016-06-30 22:57 ID:vqQuPn8c

>>828 He mostly resembles Uncle Sam actually. Tall, thin, can't grow a proper beard, looks of retirement age (that was unnecessarily cruel - I apologize). I predict TH as Uncle Sam: I WANT You...for an over publicized relationship.

This will be my first July 4th without alcohol since I was about 20. I do not need this shit on top of what's already a non-margarita and Corona chaser holiday. Bite me, TayTo!

835 Name: Anonon : 2016-06-30 23:07 ID:NfOQYgdp

>>834 Can I suggest we all drink heavily so you can live vicariously through our slurry updates.

836 Name: NewAnon : 2016-06-30 23:25 ID:ixRvQFyw

Woah. I almost didn't recognize Tom without Taylor attached to his hand

837 Name: anonsy : 2016-06-30 23:32 ID:dYPpRuCh

>>836 "Where is Taylor?" Yes, Tom, this is your life now.

838 Name: Whatsinaname : 2016-06-30 23:53 ID:A/1EwO8E

>>833 Re: your second comment - if I see Hugh Hefner's name in any TS/TH related article from here on out I'll know the press is lurking here.

839 Name: Anon. : 2016-07-01 00:35 ID:vqQuPn8c

>>831 I don't think she's mostly tits, teeth and rhinoplasty but I DO think she's mostly immature and crazy, especially in respect to her relationships. Sadly this has already rubbed off on TH, or at least unlocked the secret crazy vault he had hidden so well. I would have dealt with hair plugs better than pap strolling his immediate family.

>>835 Do it! The friend whose party we're attending has promised me 'mockaritas' which she assures me are just as tasty as the real thing. I, in turn, promised her an afternoon of my eyes burning her like laser beams every time she tries to serve me a mockarita. Margaritas without tequila are like unconsecrated communion wafers - no damn point.

>>836 Calling the gf to see when his ride is picking him up? Looking back at two weeks worth of memories and selfies? Approving the pap schedule for the holiday weekend - those totally natural pictures aren't going to stage themselves?

840 Name: Anonon : 2016-07-01 01:25 ID:xLRFWXLr

>>839 Any cocktail that contains the word 'mock' is cruel.
At a cursory glance she has had a lot of work done for a mere 26 year old: new boobs, eye lift, nose job, teeth makeover, rumored butt implants.
Saying that, TH certainly has a celebrity smile and frozen fivehead.
I'm suddenly hoping they stay together forever so we can watch them surgically mimic each other a la Liberace and Scott Thorson.

Is there any credence to the 'source' that was tipped off by the Kloss? Sounds a bit baity to me.

841 Name: anonsy : 2016-07-01 01:29 ID:dYPpRuCh

>>840 It was a fan on Twitter, so it could really go either way.

842 Name: Whatsinaname : 2016-07-01 01:47 ID:A/1EwO8E

" looks like the British actor could be moving in on Calvin Harris' Armani deal "

843 Name: anonsy : 2016-07-01 02:00 ID:dYPpRuCh

>>842 Oh how interesting. I guess the Armani deal is one of the perks of the contract?

Here's this too:
I wonder if when they do eventually break up, they'll use the invasive paparazzi excuse. Hilarious, considering they invited them along.

844 Name: Anonon : 2016-07-01 02:13 ID:xLRFWXLr

Freaky foreshadowing....!

This combined with the fanfic is just TOO MUCH

845 Name: NewAnon : 2016-07-01 02:24 ID:ixRvQFyw

>>844 hahahha! Down to ITALY! It's eerie!

You know sometimes I feel like Taylor was a tumblr Hiddlestoner and MET was her fangirl dreams come true lol Who knows maybe she wrote that fanfic herself 😂

846 Name: Anonon : 2016-07-01 02:34 ID:xLRFWXLr

>>845 By all accounts she used to be very active on tumblr so there's no doubt she was well aware of TH and the obsession over Little Hiddles and probably read that story.
In light of this showmances blatant fakery combined with this video and that fanfic I'm removing my foil hat and declaring she was shrooning with the team and came up with most of the storyline. It's like she's branched out from songwriting to penning romance fiction to showmancing her romance fiction irl.

847 Name: NewAnon : 2016-07-01 02:57 ID:ixRvQFyw

>>846 That's right she was. Damn. Combined with the response to the MET dance off and everything Tom she may have read/ found on tumblr, she very well could using the fanfic and the Hiddleswift shippers wet dreams as a guideline. Or at the very least, being on tumblr she very well could've just ended up crushing on Tom shrugs

Actually I have no idea. With that said, this whole relationship so far though DOES look like a TH fanfic come to life. Seriously.

848 Name: Anon : 2016-07-01 05:33 ID:IL6vAiQW

>>843 This article sounds like it was translated into English from the original Serbo-Croat: "Recently, Swift was seen decked up typical like a British countrywoman. She also sported a matching wax jacket akin to Hiddleston"

849 Name: Anon : 2016-07-01 06:01 ID:IL6vAiQW

I'm not feeling the Botox:

He's definitely had his teeth done, but I think braces, not caps. Here he is with his retainer:

They still aren't totally straight especially on the bottom jaw.

850 Name: qaz : 2016-07-01 06:09 ID:Me4dUJY8

>>823 I agree here, he has no problem to be silly at parties - we've seen enough photo booth pics of him wearing silly hats, clown glasses, making faces, etc. I totally see him jumping in that bouncy house, lol. He would look ridiculous, but he'd be up for that, I have no doubts. I hope there are photos!

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