Tom Hiddleston 10 (1000)

188 Name: NewAnon : 2016-07-04 12:31 ID:QrAHUnpX

>>181 Lord, that veranda is really annoying. Her stance of men and women being friends every time TH is rumored to be dating someone was a whole different level of stanning. Now she can't use that excuse anymore and I'm loving watching her unravel lol

>>184 There's some from the pro-TH lobby that believe all publicity is good and that this is wonderful for Tom's visibility and career. They are probably the type who have no concept of quality.

My personal favorites are the ones taking the something to write home about and shouting it from rooftops quotes and saying this is Tom doing exactly that. Sure, I guess. If you still want to buy into that previous image he was selling.

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