Tom Hiddleston 10 (1000)

350 Name: Anon. : 2016-07-06 00:23 ID:VYDBP5jA

>>346 I think it's the 'besotted' thing that kills the 'realness' for me. In that pic there's one 'normal' non-celeb couple. They've got their heads together and are smiling at the camera...because a camera is there and normal people look at a camera when being photographed.

The married celeb couple aren't looking at each other and are doing some 'photoshoot, model looks.' He looks a little sheepish, she's giving that 'I'm looking off into our future' look.

TayTo look to be doing some 'we ARE in a relationship' posing. What couple touches their foreheads when they know a picture is being taken - and they will have known that a pic was being taken (see behavior of non-celeb couple). What woman twists herself into a pretzel to touch his hand at her waist? I would say those that want desperately to be IG romantic.

I've always said that I think this is more than a straight-up publicity stunt. There's a relationship here - what type, with what motives, I have no idea. But their selling of this 'crazy in love' narrative makes it seem so fake. Not what a relationship naturally is but some idealized version of what a relationship should be.

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