Tom Hiddleston 10 (1000)

473 Name: Anon. : 2016-07-07 06:01 ID:34K6L3Sw

And on their way to Oz apparently.

I feel like a month, maybe two, is going to tell us everything we need to know about TayTo. After the mad whirlwind romance, they're actually now heading into the pressure cooker. He'll be working, she'll be spending a lot of time with him (and his colleagues) - unless she has an Australian squad waiting for her. It's going to almost be like real life - ish.

If she spends a significant amount of time down there with him and isn't constantly arranging pap strolls during his downtime from work, but instead is building a solid relationship based on quality and quiet time spent together - then I'm going to hang out my 'TayTo 5evah' banner and say this one's got some legs.

If she doesn't spend a lot of time with him and/or continues to publicize the last ounce out of this relationship, I'm going to continue to give it a major side-eye until they get married and have children (then I'll end the side-eye).

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