Tom Hiddleston 10 (1000)

974 Name: anonsy : 2016-07-13 10:43 ID:Z/gAwoKf

Just saw Tom's tweet and knew there would be good discussion over here. :)

The Guardian article's commentary on "clickbait journalism" is relevant to a lot of the gossip sites that are publishing headlines like "Tom and Taylor already talking marriage and family! She thinks he'll be a great dad!" compete with plenty of unverified "sources" (also mentioned in the Guardian piece).

>>969 Maybe it's some sort of cry for help. "I know we were canoodling on Instagram, but please stop reposting the photos! It's not what it looks like!" All joking aside, I do think it's important to note that the "real" media has been just as skeptical as social media regarding the legitimacy of this relationship, if not moreso. Plus there's a large number of Swifties and Hiddlestoners all over Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr who are already planning the TayTo wedding and making face-morphs of what their future children will look like (yes, this happened), so it's not like the response has been one-sided in favor of PR stunt. Tom is surely aware of all this, so if his intention is to criticize the denial of Hiddleswift on social media, well then he's really lost it.

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