Thread to talk about the actor Tom Hiddleston
>>350 who has the burden of proof for slander in the US? The DJ or TS?
>>349 I think so too. I think he might have convinced himself that since he got his Emmy nomination in spite of the backlash, all of this won't have any affect on his career.
>>349 I still don't think he's going to go all the way with this. If he does, I'll be convinced he's gay.
>>352 He has the burden of proof on the stuff he alleges (slander). She has the burden of proof on what she alleges (assault).
>>354 is is going to be a variation of retail rules (you broke it you own it). Like, we saw you walking all round the shop with to in your basket so now you have to buy it?
>>353 *affect effect
>>348 The article I read was lenient towards the accused. He claims it was his boss who groped her ass, not him, which is why video proof has been demanded.
While I used to be a flag carrying feminist demanding every perpetrator of menial harassment is dragged to court, my tune has changed.
Honestly, who hasn't been groped at least 50 times? Not that I condone it but such things should be dealt with immediately with a slap on the cheek and some really harsh words. On Japanese trains it's so common there's an established etiquette whereby you grab the man's hand and hold it up for everyone to see so he's publicly humiliated.
He runs with the trainer, but aren't those 2 dudes in the back TS bodyguards?
>>358 My thoughts exactly. End the guy's
We don't have depositions at all in the UK. But my understanding is that taping them is totally routine in the US, as is having the other party attend during the deposition. So she wanted special treatment, which she has been denied.
Not sure what the reference to video proof is about (unless it was a confused reference in the article to taping TH deposition). If there is video that his boss groped her then one would think her claim is hopeless.
>>362 Tom has been bribing Trainer with balcony breakfasts and takeout food to help him escape. Taylor caught wind of his plan and stationed two bodyguards to keep an eye on Tom in case he and Trainer decided to make a break for it.
>>363 Well, there was video of her talking to Kanye and she lied about that anyway, so clearly the concept of video evidence means nothing to her.
Holy fuck. Kat Dennings liked KKW's tweets...does anyone outside the squad like TS?
>>355,363 whether or not the groping happened, she is going to have a hard time proving it without a video. While he on the other hand can easily prove that her accusation cost him his career. And if he has video proving that it was his boss, then she is in trouble.
>>367 So far I've only seen The Gomez, who's been dragged for racism amongst other things and Chloe Moretz, who has been dragged by one of the Kardashians for displaying her arsehole:
Neither display the ability to string a coherent sentence together and both are using the same excuse that people should be focusing on real world events (as opposed to this totally fake drama)
The interview with JH on Happy Sad Confused.
Only listened to the intro so far but it is WEIRD. JH seems to say:
1) Tom contacted him for an interview (or JH implies this - he say something like "Tom wanted to talk about his nomination")
2) They didn't actually talk about TS at all in the phone convo
3) Tom gave him a quote for his print article.
4) Josh sounds kind of embarrassed having to explain all this.
>>370 TH: "worth staying up for". So he did stay up to see if he's been nominated....!
>>370 Josh says "He is apparently dating Taylor Swift." LOL
Just listened to the intro. That was the most uncomfortable I've ever heard Josh Horowitz sound. As a matter of fact, his tone was verging on downright annoyed when he was talking about Taylor Swift. Wow.
"We caught up literally moments after he had been nominated because he wanted to revel in his fun moment, and who am I to say no to that?
....We don't talk about that [TS] in this conversation. It was brought up, partially because it's so in the news he kind of wanted to, I think he wanted to address it in some way and he wanted to acknowledge that this, you know, is a thing, we ran an article in MTV're not going to hear me talk about TS in this, that wasn't my agenda, that wasn't his agenda, I don't really care that much to talk about that kind of thing and I don't think he does either. The quote he gave me was, I think, simply to nip it in the bud, hopefully, and hopefully not, like, to turn it into a bigger thing than it already is."
So there was a private convo about TS in which TH made Josh his media bitch by foisting on him a quote about something Josh would have been too much of a gentleman and a friend to ask TH about. That's my reading of this anyway.
I read a comment I think on ONTD (one of millions so I can't find it) which rang true about this whole scenario.
The commenter suggested that this whole relationship rollout was rushed to distract from this explosion which at the time appeared imminent- the Kardashians were threatening to release the recordings with the magazine article. The kissing on the rocks photos would have sufficed in smothering the release of the tapes.
So TayTo kept going and kept going, maintaining headlines, with the shitstorm on their tails and still nothing happened so Tay tagged along to the other side of the earth where she can remain in hiding from what she knew was coming.
Kim waited until the pap strolls and TayTo headlines died down and the very week they did she released the tapes, voiding all distraction efforts by TayTo. They have been obliterated (for the time being).
Just a theory...
>>373 Yes, Josh didn't sound quite so heart-eyes for Tom as I've come to expect.
>>374 That is frighteningly plausible. KKW gave the interview to GQ print magazine, so because of the turnaround she would have had no way of knowing what TS might be up to 2 months hence when it was published. Whereas when it is imminently about to be published TS gets a heads up from her publicist and she buries it.
KKW sees this and so she waits till the news cycle has died down and then she wreaks her revenge.
BTW I noticed that TS's original reaction to the "she approved it" was to deny there was a conversation. Then KKW said, I have the tapes, and she said there was a conversation but KW didn't say what he says he said. She says she told KW that the song was misogyniatic and counselled him against releasing it. Now the tape has come out and she says "ah, I was right, he never mentioned the word "bitch" to me". Which is narrowly true but where is all the rest?
>>374 I can buy that, I don't put anything past TS after all I've been reading. Is the fact that TH agreed to it that irks me to no end.
>>375 For the moment. I bet KW did tell her about the bitch part too and KKW will release it in due course. TS would have been better off admitting to it or saying nothing. But she is too childish and petty.
>>377 >>378 Project TayTo Fail is just so sad if it is true.
Zero credibility for TH
Project "We fell in love at the Met and publicised the shit outta our love" is still sad with the added sting of a melty heart and that moment of terror when you take off the beer goggles and see that the woman you're enamoured with is a two- faced bitch
>>379 Uh-oh, did you get permission before you called her a bitch? Miss Swift doesn't approve of the b-word. Watch out or her next Instagram rant and/or hit song will be about "that meanie-head Anonon."
And Harry Styles:
I'll love the Swifty apologists trying to spin that one so they are rilly rilly good friends.
>>381 Ha! In his young age Styles might have been wise enough to not want to drag on a pointless fight, but that doesn't he was ok with her shading him in her song. And without his consent. Talk about double standards.
>>382 Pharrell too? On twitter? Wow!
Here's Selena embarrassing herself
The woman who wrote this article has problems of her own
>>386 I saw. She is competing with the tumblr crazies for most butt kissing fan of the year award.
Still if the guardian wants him to go to the Hite House Correspondents' dinner or give them an interview ever ever again, I suppose they have to run this shit.
>>387 Given the present situation, I doubt the Guardian will ask him to represent them soon. TH on the other hand might need to go back into the Guardian's good grace.
The only thing I agreed with this imbecile was that it's unfair to claim that TH is a poor victim of events.
I've never checked TS instagram but I read she removed all of TH's photos. I only remember the veranda photo, were there others?
>>389 No. It's an error. TS never posted a single pic of her with TH. even the veranda pic was posted by her friend. It's still there:
>>363 Can't the DJ just ask her to stand up and turn around in court? This would conclusively prove that she has no ass, and thus no one could have grabbed something that doesn't exist? Or did she get ass implants as well as breast implants?
>>369 CM recently dragged Kim for using sex to sell her image...but then CM posted a load of bikini shots to her IG and was called out for it. That, I would think, brought about KhK's pic.
It really is a spider's web of shit.
>>370 No conversation about the relationship? Just for the print edition? Bitch DID NOT want to go on the taped record with talk about this relationship. He obviously realized the trouble that could cause....
>>345 'Please god let KKW have a photo of Taylor snogging Tom at the Met Gala. Please.'
YES. A thousand times, YES. Okay I need to go to church today because NOW I have something to pray for.
I loved this. Tinhattery backed up by science!
>>373 '...One we all know and love...' Oh, Josh, this isn't true at all, is it? We don't know him and the love is gone too.
>>393 Yes!!! What with the TS shenanigans today that very revealing little intro from Josh has not received the analysis it deserved. Bitch:
1) stayed up for the Emmy nominations
2) rang Josh screaming "interview me, little token gay friend monkey! I DEMAND it!!!"
3) Foisted on an unwilling Josh the quote.
4) Declined to own his shit by making sure it was for a written piece only.
>>395 That one is a gem. Who keeps a list of reply statements just in case? A paranoid PR centred person.
>>397 5) reused comments from the ISTL promo tour.
>>386 I noticed that the author was called out for her failed logic in the comments which were then quickly closed. All's right with the world.
>>401 pfft at the Guardian
>>401 The impeccable ability of the British far left to show tolerance for dissenting voices by silencing them.
By the way, there might be video of the whole lot. KKW said that a videographer was filming the recording session:
Really?! Talk about double standards, shall we send this to the idiot at the Guardian?
>>407 I fully believe that his genitals are currently burrowing up into his body in some sort of defensive move. He's going to end up curled into a ball like a potato bug soon.
I understand being British and non-confrontational but I just feel like he needs to nail his colors to the mast - in some respect. That quote he gave to JH and THR did naught but bring more scorn. At this point I'd up-vote a tweet in support of TS (God, help me!) because at least he'd show some fucking balls. Where are the balls, TH? Get them out...or at least one of them!
Luke - at this point in the story - is regretting his life choices as much as TH. His mother probably wanted him to be a doctor. Awww.
>>408 His balls are currently inflating Taylor's new girls. And I don't think she's giving them back anytime soon lol
Now that it's become obvious from Josh's podcast that Tom was pushed into sharing his Emmy headline with Taylor, I'm waiting to see if she'll try to ride on his coattails again, using something that's about his work to get some lip service from him for herself. This whole showdown with Kimye also makes me wonder if Taylor went for Tom with the sole intention of using him as a shield. A willing shield who didn't really understand the extent of the shitstorm he was about to get pulled into.
Story made up by Taylor's publicist, who must be hoping like Anon. that he will grow a pair:
>>411 Actually, I think Us is floating its own stories at lot these days; wasn't it the one that gave us 'engagement watch' before GC shut that down?
And this is a pretty pathetic 'supportive boyfriend' article. He's 'telling her to be calm?' Yeah, because he doesn't want to pay for anything else she breaks in the penthouse!
Where's the 'he's running her baths with lavender oil?' Where's the 'he's giving her head massages and spooning ice cream into her mouth?' Come on, Us, make up better shit.
If you thought the sex was non-existent or bad before....
>>412 "We've had it this week and it's not your birthday!"
Is Jason Mitchell on the ComicCon panel next weekend?
lmao kim let that tea brew for months to bring out the flavor for taylor to enjoy 💀
real cannot be bought, created, manipulated, duplicated, manufactured or imitated. you either are or you are not 💯
>>412 I cannot actually imagine TH being of use during any crisis. Or of use in any practical way. He must be domestically quite helpless, surely? He has all the impracticability of the wafting luvvie, combined with being the man who owns 3 pairs of socks, one jumper with holes and precious little furniture other than a leather bean bag. Such a man usually owns a nice flat but turns it into a pigsty of his own making, in which he grunts around quite contentedly.
>>410 The main reason I think he was pushed into it because he only mentioned it in the print piece. Because Josh wasn't interested and Tom certainly isn't interested in talking about her going by his awkward "pliss my werk can we talk abt my werk". Also the line read too much like a scripted one than something a bf would say about his gf because he's tired of ppl dumping on them as a couple.
>>414 Will his costars make jabs during the panel? Oh jeez if they do...Tom will go all quiet and close off. He must be DREADING comic con.
>>416 Going by those tweets, Jason is clearly not a Swift supporter, in fact it would appear he can't stand her. I think it's safe to assume there will be tension.
>>416 Someone said on ONTD that Conan O'Brien is leading the panel. This means TH needs to worry about the audience, his fellow panelists, and the moderator. Conan is a comedian and no comedian will be able to fully pass up this opportunity, I'd think.
Luke's going to need to be under the table, holding his hand and feeding him answers through an earpiece. And they've probably asked for him to be in a harness so that if it gets too embarrassing, they can just haul him up into the rafters.
What most people have been saying all along. Which suggests he knew it all along.
Jon Voight-Roberts is now involved. SDCC is going to be messy.
Misspelled his name but you know who I mean
For some reason the live cut to a spiraling lobster? has me in spasms!
Wow. Really? Really? Comparing the murder of an innocent woman to Taylor's lying twitter(.)com/JosephKahn/status/755145643832713216
Is he trying to make the comparison that Kanye and Kim are trying to murder Taylor? What the hell is wrong with him? It's such petty crap and he's comparing to something horrific like murder.
>>420 He's taken quite a few steps back from his original tweet, making sure not to implicate Tay Tay.
I realise he has to be diplomatic for the sake of his films' promotion but his excuse that the creatives are entirely responsible for plagiarising isn't really valid. While the 'original' idea and content is formulated by the ad agency, TS and her team approved it. I don't believe TS had never seen the original viral video but I'll give her the shady benefit of the doubt that she may not have known they were copying without permission.
I'd even wager that the original video was included in style notes for the shoot.
>>423 Her defenders are showing themselves up to be quite a pack of imbeciles.
Meanwhile celebrities keep supporting the takedown... TS has definitely been stepping on toes.
This is like a Revenge of the Nerds fantasy
>>408 Ha, if he had balls, integrity and brains he would call quits now. Like others before him. We'll all know it'd be to preserve his career, but his fangirls and nannies will say that he finally realized that she is nuts and at least he'd save a minimum of dignity and reputation.
Instead he'll go for his usual low-maintanance approach: ambiguity. Act to make everyone happy, out of self-interest obviously. He can't take a stand and risk people thinking he approves of TS methods and make enemies as a consequence. But even having TS as an enemy is too much to face, he's not Styles, Gyllenhaal or Harris. Passive aggresive as he is, he'll probably create the situation so that is TS dumping him.
WB's panel is not just about Kong, the full list includes: Wonder Woman, Suicide Squad, The Lego Batman Movie, King Arthur: Legend of the Sword, Kong: Skull Island and Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them.
The panel is 2 hours long, from 11:30am to 1:30pm, that means 20 minutes each (though I think Suicide Squad might take more). Enough time to make a few jokes but not too many, but since the show will be streamed, WB might prefer to keep the attention on the movie.
Anonon yes Jason will be there. I pray TS will be too.;&sidebar=yes&bg=no
>>420,424 LOL, what's realy really funny is that when the original video was posted 3 years ago, Ruffalo tweeted it and TH RT it saying this:
>>425 I think I'll be joining anonsy in her tin foil cave because this is just getting too nasty now. Racism is starting to rear its ugly head and if Taylor goes with the "scary brute black man attacking the poor helpless white woman" narrative and Tom stays and sides with her in his usual passive manner, it'll speak volumes about him.
I have to ask though. I've been seeing this on tumblr now but do you guys think Taylor could be racist on some level and that's why her bfs check out so fast? Could it really all just be because she goes too fast? One of her close friends is an obvious Trump supporter. The close company you keep does reflect on you.
>>429 I do think she was probably raised that way, on the 'be nice and civil but don't let them get too close and NEVER DATE BLACK MEN' level. On the 'make sure you have a token at your 4oJ party for the pictures' level.
And yes, on the 'be nice to any scary looking black men and just between you me and the wall they are all scary except Pharrell' level. I'm not the only one who thought she was sounded like she was placating Kanye on the recording. There's a reason why she is rumored to be very popular with White Nationalists in the US - she only dates white guys and has white close friends (not sure if Selena is getting a pass on this or if they just don't notice her).
I would have liked to have been a fly on the wall when she met his niece. (And if his brother-in-law was there - (still married to his sister?) - I can't remember his name, and I therefore can't find his facebook that someone once linked to from tumblr).
I never thought of this as being a reason her bfs left soon - I would like to think it was a combo of going too fast and the accompanying PR blitz. Maybe the rumored sex drive issue plays a part. Maybe it's a whiplash inducing seesaw between 'I must be with you now' and 'I must be with my squad now'
I would be shocked if he stayed if something racist came out about her. And he'd lose me as a supporter since he's always spoke out against racism.
So there's this pic of Tom at what appears to be LAX that showed up Monday night:
And the poster (not 100% sure if it's the guy in the picture but it seems to be) claims Taylor took the pic.
Some tumblr detectives say it was taken in April due to his hair length then compared to now, and it looks like a selfie:
And a comparisonof TS to the 'everyone hates Anne Hathaway' months of 2012/13:
>>433 Bullshit comparison. Anne Hathaway did nothing wrong and got mocked for basically no reason. Taylor Swift is getting dragged because she's seemed like a phony for years and finally got caught in one of her backstabbing lies. Not at all the same thing, Business Insider.
>>427 I will be SHOCKED if TS goes. He works hard at those events- not a spare minute. If anything she'll fly with him to LA to sort out her mess of a life and hopefully stay there.
>>429 The company TS keeps and flaunts has I think been one of the main reasons his fans balk at the union. They are not exactly 'cultured' or 'evolved' and it's becoming apparent some of them are bigots.
It appears they would all prefer to swill champage, pretty pose, complain about their first world wealthy white problems and giggle round inflatables than discuss political, societal or racial issues.
They collectively have the depth of a childrens wading pool.
>>430 Whether or not he stays with her depends on the reason he got involved in the first place. If it was true love or for self serving promotion he will stay. He's proven his staying power with sinking ships with ISTL and despite the bad press he's receiving more name recognition than ever and an increasing army of Swifties who will pay to see Shit Island.
If it was just an intense summer fling or a short term arrangement he will leave.
>>430 It's an interesting theory. I have a slightly different one.
I bet she is a republican. Just because celebs who are democrats tend to be very vocal about it and celebs who are republican tend to keep it pretty quiet. I don't think she has ever stated a political view of any kind, and she certainly hasn't done anything so vulgar as support Hillary or Bernie, so I am guessing she is republican. It would figure as well given her background.
Not that this means she is a racist but the Republican Party is so far to the right of anything we have in the UK on any issue you care to name. That might explain why neither Brits not more "right on" American boyfriends such as Gyllenhall wanted to hang around. Particularly if her political views comprise regurgitating what her parents/older people around her have told her, which I suspect they do.
PS SG is probably an OK black friend for the white nationalists because as her tweet yesterday showed she is totally clueless about racial politics and thinks supporting BML is a case of "taking sides."
>>436 I can see that, for all the reasons you listed. And TH has voiced his dislike of and opposition to Trump on camera, so I wonder what those conversations are like between them, especially since they all end in "well, you can't vote in the November election anyway, so...."
>>431 If the pic was taken in April and Taylor took it......TINFOIL HOUSE ALERT. Possibly tinfoil over the entire state of California.
Of course the guy could be joking.
>>438 Tom was a Bernie fanboy, remember! And my guess is he is a natural Labour sympathiser (even if he may reluctantly vote with his wallet). He said something in an interview last autumn about how much integrity he thought Jeremy Corbyn had. JC is a lot more left wing than BS.
I cannot begin to imagine what TH and TS discuss full stop, let alone what they and her pathetic squad say about politics. This has always been a great mystery to me about their relationship. I'd say "well, it must be the great sex that keeps him coming back", only - yeah. And you do at some point have to get out of bed and start talking.
I can't imagine she will go to ComicCon.
But even if she doesn't he will surely get the piss taken mercilessly.
Here's a thought - if she doesn't go this will be his first time away from her since hat very brief stopover in the UK on 2/3 July, and only his second since 10 June (when seen in West Village). I wonder how that will go down, combined with the realisation that he has a relationship with a woman that a lot of his friends hold in contempt (I see you JVR - no use hiding behind those clarificatory tweets!!), or at the least make mock of. Will he double down or start to rethink his life choices?
>>441 Once he gets out of her sight, and if the bodyguards aren't there? INTERVENTION! Placing bets on how many people will pull him aside at SDCC for A Talk. Maybe they'll fly in his father.
Magic 8 ball captcha says 'dourness'
the bodyguards >>> HER bodyguards, I meant.
R⚡️ “Team Taylor faces some heat ” by @mic
>>442 Ryan Reynolds married Blake Lively in an antebellum styled wedding on a former plantation in the maybe not!
Bow down and worship the Kardashians' lawyer: no reasonable expectation of privacy because the call was on speaker:
She would be a prize idiot to pursue KW - what are the civil damages for being exposed as a liar? Nil, I would say.
>>447 Kaiser also makes a good point, if she didn't know he was recording her, why would her lawyers asked him to destroy all the materials months ago?
It seems to me that TS hasn't any ground for the phone call and the incriminated line, so I don't see any sensible lawyer telling her she can win. Then again, I don't think TS is mentally stable, she is a bully and like all bullies she only feels she won when she crushed her enemies. An honourable defeat is unknown to her.
>>448 He may have written through lawyers and told her to stop lying, explaining that he had recordings.
Apparently KW told People that there are more recordings, of her being told that the call was recorded and of her being told about the bitch line. Please let that be true! (It's not in the article that Kaiser links to).
And I kind of think it might be. KKW has surely not played every card she has yet. I bet she is waiting to see what new lie TS puts out before releasing more. She must be a great poker player.