Thread to talk about the actor Tom Hiddleston
>>450 This and THIS. I think TS thought - in an undoubtedly condescending fashion - that she had the PR and the lawyers to best KK and KW. She probably thought she'd come out smelling of roses and candy floss, as she had so many times before.
But, unlike TH, Kim Is.Not.The.One. She held on to that tape and sat on it like a mother hen. She might have released it alongside the GQ article, but that wasn't the right time (TayTo and their "true, organic romance" was all anyone was talking about) and then she had other opportunities. But no, she waited until a boring Sunday night (on the west coast so it could catch prime social media time AND some morning editions the next day) when there was nothing else going on. It had a lead-in from her own show where the TS/KW beef was mentioned. Then she teased it on her popular twitter account before releasing it on her lesser followed (though NOT now) Snapchat account. It should be noted that Snapchat users tend to be 13-24 (prime TS demographic).
I've seen NATO operations with less calculated and precise planning. In fact, I don't think I've seen a NATO operation AS precisely planned. Or as effective and devastating. Sure, TayTay will come back (her teenaged fans are both gullible and deluded) but there's no denying KK landed some fierce punches to the gut and won this round.
And hell yeah she had her lawyers all over that shit. Girl is lawyered UP. Her father was a lawyer, you don't think she'd have some serious legal power on her side? KK wouldn't have planned all this (with her mother and PR people) without consulting a lawyer.
And I don't think she's done either, Anon. I think momma hen is sitting on some more eggs.
>>452 Yep. I hate myself for typing this and I am surely going to hell, but GO KIM!!! If she has a photo of TayTo getting it on at the Met Gala I will send her actual money.
But "even" a video of TS approving the bitch line would suffice.
Did you see too how Mother Jenner lulled everyone into a false sense of security a few days before by saying she shipped TayTo and wasn't it sweet they were happy together? What she forgot to say: "Enjoy the Hiddleconda, bee-yach, because it's all you'll have to console you in a week's time."
I like the bile being spewed here...and the truth.
>>453 'Don't worry, Tay, we love you, we love you. I'm stroking your cheek with one hand...don't worry about what the other is doing, don'!' Hahahahaha. Someone got played!
A pic of Tayto kissing at the Met Ball would be glorious. And much, much harder for her robotically fawning fans to explain away...and his.
PS even if KW told TS she was being recorded, people are very good about forgetting what they said, until it is played back to them. I have seen on many occasions transcripts of what I said in court (so many arrests over the years!) (only kidding) and it is an odd experience. Some of it you clearly recall saying and some not at all - and it is my job to remember stuff like that. Butbit happensa all the time - so many cases feature at least one absolutely key conversation that two apparently normal people with no agenda recall completely differently from one another.
For someone who lives and breathes entitlement it would be even easier, I think, to tell yourself that you said this and that, and that you definitely didn't say the other.
James Corden may have to promise more leopards and penguins to get TH back on. The 'I don't know if she's dating someone' and 'she keeps her personal life private' bits will sting.
>>457 LOL but I doubt Corden would have to apologize, after all he did him the courtesy of not mentioning his name.
>>454 I know that most, if not all, highly successful business people get that way by being ruthless people. But wow, she really strikes me as a horrible, horrible person, who's been that way for a loooong time. Most successful people don't get to be this bad till they are aged at least 35.
>>459 She really is. I read some of that stuff yesterday and it made me realize that her fans must know it too, so the reason they adore her it's not because she is a nerdy, underdog (pfft her parents bought her a label company so she could début her yapping) turned into a swan, but because she is a bully who gets away with it by victimizing herself. How anyone could ever label her a symbol of feminism and a role model for young girls is beyond me.
What's worse, it took us, almost completely ignorant about her, a bit of googling to find out and we are not dating her.
Did someone already post these? Apologies if so. My brain has finally fuddled from a combination of heat and having to support KK.
Also from having to say, "yeah, this Bustle article really nails the squad thing."
>>460 Having observed her stans in the wild on Tumblr, I think they are mostly as emotionally and intellectually stunted as she is. And just chronologically young.
So, they are mostly too young to recall that the feminist movement has been criticised since the very start for failing to take account of non middle class, non white perspectives (or how you might address that and still be a feminist). Or to have read much actual feminist thought.
As a result they think that white non intersectional feminism is the real deal, and they worship its purveyor in an uncritical way.
They are too young to have been discriminated against on grounds of gender - my personal experience has been that it is only when you get past 30 that you really start to suffer in the workplace (there are fewer women in general as they drop out to have kids, so fewer female voices supporting a different perspective; you don't have that nubile beauty of youth that carries almost all women along for a while and makes them popular with old sexist guys; you start to speak with the authority of age and therefore represent a threat and cease to fit the "cute silent girl" stereotype).
Therefore they don't by and large understand the need for feminism or what it is fighting against (preferential treatment of young pretty blonde girls like TS matters a lot more when she is in your workplace and you are 35).
They want to fit in so they say "I am post feminist" so as not to appear threatening to boys.
They are idealistic. No bad thing in many ways, but they just don't have that ear for dog whistle racism (and other dog whistles that people might blow). They take people at face value.
>>462 Bless your heart. I would have gone with: They STUPID. I wouldn't have even wasted a verb on them.
>>462 Hah. They don't even know what post-feminist means.
>>457 Corden has very little chill when it comes to big media events and I love him for it.
>>461 The bustle article better states what I was rambling about in >>430 plus Anon astutely pointing out in >>436 that TS is likely espousing Republican values.
An aside, which help strengthened the bully/narcissist explanation. This 2 week old craveonline article, , gets to the heart of why CH and TS broke. Which I, needing details, was missing in terms of the timeline. In the second half of the article starting with "So, I guess the big news today..." it explains that she took CH saying in an interview when the song broke that he and she would not be working together as being disrespectful EVEN THOUGH she didn't want them to be seen as working together and went so far as to use a pseudonym. 15 months into a relationship and she snaps.
She needs to have things stated just so or she takes them the wrong way and gets table flipping mad and brings out her bully trifecta of 'my squad,' 'my bf' and 'my money' into the press like fingers-in-the-ears lalalalalalala ICANTHEARYOUOVERTHESOUNDOFMYAWESOMENESS. Borderline personality disorder, maybe?
TH has put two and two together and that's why he's so stifled regarding any mention of her. It's like invisible claws around his neck.
For the record, just because I speak out against TS doesn't mean I like KW and KKW. I don't. I feel sorry for their children.
Why is he so extremely pretty in this photo and such a tit in real life?
Not sure if this one was posted but Cosmo
really let Taylor have it and didn't hold back. Of course Tom's name was pulled into it but they didn't attack him, instead it sounds like they're saying she used him too
The most recent DM article is just a stream of word vomit based on the IG pic with the two young fans I posted a day or so ago. I won't bother linking to it.
Interesting though is that they're not accepting comments on the article. I've only ever seen the DM do that with articles about current legal cases or issues.
The comments on past articles were a few things: hilarious and consistently anti-TayTo. Hmmmm.
Sorry to report this, anonsy. I know you might be taking out a small loan to cover the tinfoil purchases at this point!!
>>468 I was just about to post this but then wondered if my computer was malfunctioning... so they do this for litigious cases only?
What has been noticeable since "Christmas in July' is the complete 180 turnaround in DM text. They went from complete shade to no shade. They've been bought.
We need some kind of tinfoil temple of refuge and prayer.
This combined with the wiping clean of snake and poo emojis and negative comments on IG says TS is attempting to wipe her slate clean
>>470 I just looked and there are plenty o' poos on her IG. Whoever's responsible for manually removing them - some miserable intern at her PR company - must be taking his 10 minute break.
The DM hasn't been completely kind. They posted about Piers Morgan appearance on morning tv, during which he suggested that they rename TS 'Pinocchio Swift.' But I'll be interested to see if comments are allowed on the next Tayto article and how they swing.
>>I assumed they'd clean up the poo while sweeping away the snakes. One emoji at a time I guess.. those poor interns.
Has Piers completely contradicted his arse- licking article defending TS in the height of TayTo? I had no idea. I've only seen this article and one other since news broke of the leaked tapes and both had the air of a daily Nazi bulletin. Blatant propaganda, made even more frightening by the removal of the comments section.
I also look forward to the next Tayto article.
>>472 I don't think the headline has changed but I may not have caught it early.
In regards to point 3, the fact that this PR piece is knowingly planting a fan photo from Sunday and using it to insinuate it was taken after Christmas in July broke (which is not true) makes me wonder if the other fan photo from IG of Tom and a fan in LA is in fact true and they are masking their Houdini escape.
If TH doesn't go jogging tomorrow then I'd say TayTo are in LA. Maybe they took a submarine
>>473 I doubt Tom would have more than a week to take off from filming so soon after arriving. It's easy to forget these days but he is actually working in Oz. Plus the hair in the IG photo was wrong.
>>468 >>470 I've taken out a small mortgage on my tinfoil cave to build a tinfoil chapel and meditation grotto in the backyard. Votive candles can be lit in prayer for one dollar each. Proceeds will go to the "Hire a Competent Damage Control PR Specialist for Tom Hiddleston" fund.
>>474 The Hemsworth has had this week off so it's not a reach that Tom has too. Actors are rarely needed on set 24/7, especially in an ensemble film like this where he has at most a bit part, he will have blocks off.
Also, I'm debunking the hair theory. Take another look at that fan photo from Sunday with the kids.
>>475 He does own other clothes, just never wears them. Who are we to know if he has an event in LA. I would have thought Tay Tay would want to flee back to the motherland the moment hell broke loose. Any supportive bf with time off would have flagged down the nearest stealth bomber.
Also, that photo could have been taken in the Gold Coast for all we know, the poster has not confirmed a location or a time, he's just excepted Swiftie gratitudes and deleted comments by doubting ex- Hiddlestoners
>>476 Tom's shirt is even weirdly wrinkled in the same places as in the Variety photo shoot from April, and I do still think his hair is too short now, particularly on the sides. Tom's body positioning and the framing of the photo are consistent with when he takes selfies. The original poster's friends' comments were along the lines of "LMAO" which to me says the caption about Taylor was some kind of inside joke. But more importantly, nothing will convince me that Tom AND Taylor managed to get through 2-3 airports and commercial airline flights without a more legitimate sighting - not a paparazzi pic, not a fan photo of the both of them, not a tweet from someone on one of their flights.
I wasn't aware Chris had an entire week off - I thought he was just at a resort for the weekend.
He does seem to be wearing the same jacket and shirt as on the Variety photos.
The hair didn't seem that different to me from how it looks in recent pics.
But I agree - how has he made it through 3 airports to LA without anyone knowing? Or, if he has, this is even more proof that TayTo are full of shit when it comes to pap strolls.
>>477 I agree it's highly unlikely they Houdini'd. I'll give you the wrinkle receipts and the unlikelihood that he's changed his clothes for the first time in a month but I'm sticking by the hair- that's the one thing I'm good at. I watch follicles and faces like a hawk.
Plus I severely doubt he would have been able to even fake a smile yesterday, let alone allow a selfie in the company of the most mocked woman in the world.
TS is probably up in that luxury suite Colombian line dancing like Scarface, throwing televisions off the balcony and dislodging the the basin from the wall. Like a real rock star. The new hard rock Swift will emerge, complete with a shaved head and running mascara.
>>479 Time to go on Twitter and follow the Emmys accounts. No time to tweet supportively of his GF. Way to go Tom. She must be furious.
>>479 Maybe Tom wears a hairpiece. I worked for a man once who had a very realistic hairpiece that sat kind of like Tom's hair does, now that I'm thinking about it. He still had his real hair on the sides of his head, but the top was very thinned out so he supplemented it with a piece. It was really high quality and blended well with what was left of his own hair, the only way you could tell it was fake was that the top of his hair always looked the same.
>>480 Has he really been on twitter? Pointing towards more of a dog eat dog relationship than true love.
>>841 This is something I've wondered but I don't think he's gone there yet. He wouldn't be able to jog and sweat profusely with a hairpiece. He's better off having implants and may have already started as it's a slow process.
>>482 This is my hometown and the second 'Taylor Smith' mural to burn my retinas. At least this one is smaller. She is very unpopular here, it's a lot like Portland with the overbearing hipster populace. They will turn out in droves to mock her.
I'm loving the number of commenters, DM writers included, who can't seem to grasp that the misspelling of her last name is intentional.
>>482 Lol! I wonder if the artist is telling the truth about the last name being a mistake, or if they knew of Taylor's tendency to sue people who offend her and used the wrong last name on purpose.
Here's an interesting little tidbit off tumblr. TS follows cheers-mrhiddleston. Isn't that a thing. She isn't very active on tumblr these days, so I would bet that that follow happened a while back. Has TS had a crush on him for a while? It would also explain the Twitter follow from years back. When he came on the scene in May CH never stood a chance, I bet. That might explain the warp speed (from her perspective anyway). She is always extra and now she is extra with someone she has had an Internet boyfriend crush on.
>>485 Just looked at cheers-mrhiddleston's tumblr. Whether it was as a crush or as a potential business asset, it looks like Tom's had a target on his back for two years:
>>480 He said they are together and they are happy, 5 days ago, he even used her full name! What more do you want? That he would actually take a stand? ;)
>>485,486 More than a crush I'd say a project, I bet she has a
lost of potential bfs to pursue when the time is right. I also bet that she planned everything for the Met Gala, the topics he would like, how to flatter him "ISTL is a magnificent film, those critics don't know shit!" the invitation to dance.
This is just weak. She could hear voices but she didn't know she was on speaker. Yeah, right.
>>487 *lost list
>>487 I second the list. Her bf's are always the men of the moment and she no doubt had a tumblr curiosity about the size of Little Hiddles. Hopefully TS didn't look up the bicycle blogs list of his sexual preferences and is only offering anal.
>>488 Surely going legal would be the nail in her coffin but she is the queen of petty. She won't sit this out or hide for much longer.
I wonder if TH was in attendance at the party where EO met TS and made a fool of herself... possibly back in March- she talked about it early May.
>>488 sounds like she is fishing to find out how much more material they have.
>>491 I think now EO doesn't mind so much.
>>480 Of course he's going to use his twitter account to follow Emmy accounts. That twitter acct is all business now.
Also he's not going to comment on his private life online...some things have to remain sacred. Duh!
3 mil followers
>>495 Bloody hell, where did they come from? Last I looked he had 1.9m.
Taylor must have spent a packet getting all the fake accounts that follow her to follow him. Still, they will only be temporary and when they split, the followers will all disappear.
A thought - he must be in his way to Comic Con now, surely? Where are the pap pics? Or has TayTay invested in a stealth bomber due to Media Intrusion?
>>496 It has been increasing at the same rate it was increasing before really, maybe slightly quicker but not much. How many are fake or how many are outlets that thought he used twitter I don't have the strength to investigate.
But considering the 70m following TS, he is still kind of irrelevant on socials. Let's face it, who made TH famous on socials were his fans not him.
>>497 he is due on Saturday, he might leave later today (Oz time), using the cover of the night.
>>496 Before the Swift affair surfaced he had 2.71 mil followers. I'm sure.
>>500 Maybe - I had recalled it was 1.75 but I haven't been keeping track so much as of his follows.
>>500 You are correct - I looked almost immediately after the RI pics came out because I knew I'd be curious to see how his follower count changed because of it.
hahahaha, please make this happen!
>>503 TH's soul would collapse in on itself like an unstable black hole.
The crush of TS/TH anons has toppled thiddyastro (
>>505 I didn't believe what she was selling but I am sad she has gone. It was a bit of harmless fun. And she got death threats? Give me strength.
>>506 I was surprised to hear she's quitting for good. I hadn't read her blog in quite a while, only a couple of times since the bomb dropped mid-June. I was reading her blog when she predicted late last year that in 2016 he needed to watch his back. At the time people were expecting that to be due to something with EO. That sounds like child's play compared to what's going on now.
>>502 His twitter has 2,999,142 as of this moment (hover your cursor over the 3M).
She is basically a bitch:
Apparently she has never taken legal action against any white supremacist organisation using her image.
Update on the mural (in response to several threatening letters from TS lawyers):
*double post, sorry M
Going back to JVR's tweets calling out the ad agency's plagiarism on her Apple ads, this article proves there was no ad agency involved, the concept originated from TS herself.
"There was no ad agency on this campaign, just Swift, Jackson and director Anthony Mandler...... Taylor came to us with an idea, and I protected it for dear life, because it's that good."
While on the subject of backtracking, fellow SI castmate Jason deleted his tweets in support of KK
>>512 Thanks for this. On more than one occasion she's used someone else's intellectual or artistic property without giving credit. I think someone mentioned the fox drawing controversy somewhere upthread. And this from someone who protects her own name, image, lyrics, etc like a overly litigious pit bull. It the usual 'one rule for Tay, another for everyone else' policy that she maintains.
>>512 Let's hope someone capped them and can remind him of them. It seems like The Taylor Swift Hypocrisy Express is stopping at all stations and picking up all passengers. Ticket cost: self-respect
And can't JVR put his foot in it and then quickly find himself up to his stupid neck!
I think Anon once described him as having the intellect of a peanut. Yep. I hope he features prominently in the marketing - the cringe will be magnificent.
I fear this means that all the fun during SI wasn't because he was running such a tight ship that there was a lot of room for fun, or because he wanted the cast to bond and relax and give a better performance. It was because he has the intellect of a peanut and someone foolishly gave him 200 million to make a movie and he saw it as an opportunity to be silly and have fun, as if he were at summer camp. I'd hazard a guess that JVR lives the life of a man constantly at summer camp.
The small part of my heart that can still produce sympathy in this situation doesn't want TH to suffer yet another flop on top of all the Tayto fuckery, but I'm worried about Shit Island.
>>513 There is nothing whatsoever ambiguous about JM's tweet:
lmao kim let that tea brew for months to bring out the flavor for taylor to enjoy 💀
He's been forced to retract. The question is who forced him: JVR, TS & Her Litigious Pit Bulls, Legendary or TH?
As for JVR, surely someone will point out his hypocrisy in deflecting his anger away from TS and blaming a non- existent ad agency. She has clearly ripped off his friend.
This weekend will be fascinating.
My money is on TS flying with TH to LA firmly clutching hands the whole way.
If he magically leaves Oz without any pap strolls then I will redecorate my entire neighbourhood in foil including the residents and assume TS escaped 10 days ago after her last sighting and is in hiding on a lunar orbital station and TH has mastered the art of ghosting
>>515 My money would be on JVR as he had his own Tayto problems and probably gave JM a heads up. And JM has retweeted one of JVR's tweets about not always watching Snapchat. HA!
This panel will either be boring because eveyone is going to be walking on eggshells and on their best behavior or it's going to be a disasterous mix of embarrassment and comedy.
In my dream, Conan introduces TH using lyrics and quotes from TS songs and continues to work them into the conversation. In my wet dream, Conan comes on with an I Heart Kong tshirt.
>>512 so I'm wearing my tinfoil bikini (it's too bloody hot for anything else) and say that if the idea came from TS I bet she saw that RT from TH about JVR's friend I posted upthread and made something similar on purpose.
Given all the backtracking I'd say TS is going to be at SDCC. Apparently nobody wants to spend money on lawyers because their castmate's gf is suing. Which means they are all going to be pissed off at TH for forcing them to be hypocrites.
she won't be able to press charges now, unless she admits to look like a gorilla.
>>516 The few times I've watched Conan since he went over to TBS, he has less chill than ever. He doesn't know when to/like to stop when he's irritated. This could end badly. And sadly, I don't even think I care as much as I might have last week.
>>518 But that's just cray cray. I can fathom TS accompanying him to LA simply because she needs a show of support pap stroll but actually turning up to SDCC! That makes no sense at all. Do any so's ever go? It's a work conference ffs. She would be such an unwelcome distraction. Unless he is using her for the films' promotion
She would deflect the narrative away from Shit Island onto her.
Way to piss off all his castmates.
That would be the frostiest panel ever.
>>516 I hope this Conan stirs some shit up too.
>>517 That's some reach there, you may be overheated, or you may be psychic.
The girl has AGENDA as her middle name
>>521 I know it's crazy, and most unlikely to happen, but bullies don't ever admit they are wrong, spoiled brat entitled bullies even less. I know it'd be absurd but I can imagine her thinking "I have to show I will not be cowered into a corner" and if she is there people will be afraid to make jokes in her presence.
TH doesn't have the balls to tell her no, he gave up wearing his eyeglasses when he is with her in public for image purposes!
I maybe be overheated, hahaha
So JVR has not only backtracked but he has tweeted saying that it is the talent that determines the content of pop videos; and that KW has stolen stuff from other artists; and that people should pay attention to things other than snapchat; and entered into dialogue with other users saying no he wasn't dragging TS, how very dare they (yes, I said he had the intellectual and emotional maturity of a peanut).
Where it gets fun: our old mate Firenbrenie tweeted him the article Anonon found. Waves to Firenbrenie! He didn't reply.
>>523 what a piece of cowardly hypocritical peanut!
But I'm not surprised, he is preparing the ground in case he gets asked about her.
What a hot mess.
>>523 I noticed an anon who I think was her on tumblr last week, somewhere that I didn't bookmark. I recognized her speech pattern. She said TH needed a wholesome girl.
>>523 >>524 Mexican wave to Firenbrenie!
In terms of acknowledging content theft though, that investigative journalism is not my own, credit goes to a tumblrite I chanced upon so kudos to them.
That peanut JVR needs to reel it in. Exactly how many music videos/ TVCs has he directed? I've worked on at least 200 TVCs and 50 music videos so beat that you imbecile.
It seems a case of the lady protesting too much, something ironically TS is famous for, to overcompensate for being caught out.
I'm going to go out on a limb and declare he knew what he was insinuating in his original tweet- the timing was too perfect and then his balls turned into bicycle wheels and back- peddled up his arse.
My personal theory is that both JVR and JM are basically stupid. So they tweeted these things without thinking. And then 24 hours later (or less for VR because people told him straight away!) they thought "oh shit, yeah, I am seeing TH later this week...."
I know it sounds simple. I just think these people live for the moment - they leap on Twitter to comment on the latest controversy and get some likes. And that's all they are thinking about. Then the penny drops. Just as it previously did for JVR when he posted that Hawaii pic (some sympathy for the shitstorm he got then, but to engage in controversy about TH's girlfriend twice shows he is as dumb as a box of rocks).
Not many in showbiz are as smart and as reflective as TH. Or as calculating. Maybe he and TS are made for each other.
>>525 There are no wholesome girls in the entertainment industry. I've even met Christian band campers who were messy drunk slappers.
If TS doesn't do drugs as she declares she's as wholesome as they get.
Some of her squad members/ ex bfs have collectively snorted Mt Everest so it seems likely this is just another aspect of her image control.
>>527 They both appear to have been hit with the stupid stick. I could see this being their inner narrative.
TS matches TH in terms of calculating, but smart? She ain't dumb, but she's not the sharpest tool in the shed. The sharp pretty tools don't seem to want to date TH though, so this may be his best bet.
>>523 >>524 I'm not surprised either. He's probably hoping to channel some of the TS attention into Shit Island promotion. I don't think for a second that he accidentally posted those pics of EO with the SI cast on Instagram either - he knew it would cause drama and get attention.
Also - this is something that REALLY gets on my nerves - I hate that the director of a KING KONG MOVIE is on TWITTER berating people for discussing a Snapchat video and reading TWITTER, the very platform he's using to bitch people out. Who does he think he is? Same thing when Selena Gomez was tweeting for people to pay attention to "important" things instead of the Kimye/Taylor drama. Like you do realize you're a pop star from the Disney Channel, right Selena?
AND - I get annoyed at the implication that because something is happening in the entertainment world it's not relevant. Entertainment and celebrities have a tremendous impact on culture.
It's just been announced TH will do Nerd HQ and signing!
He's game... what's the bet TS has enlisted him into making a supportive statement something along the lines of her squad
>>531 All we've gotten out of Tom is the same statement twice, in print - not even live. If he didn't talk with Josh Horowitz about it when things were good, I don't think he's going to talk about it with Zachary Levi now that things have turned bad in Swiftland. I predict there will be an embargo on Taytay discussion.
>>531 I'm so happy, it's a bit late as announcement.
>>532 Questions are not screened at Nerd HQ, but I suppose Levi could tell the audience to not ask.
>>529 I kind of meant smart as in low cunning. I think TH tries to see the chess board 10 moves ahead. He still gets it wrong because he totally lacks that sense that say Kim Kardashian has for how things will play out from a PR perspective. But he tries, and so does TS (with much more success than him until recently).
Most stars I feel are neither intellectually clever nor cunning/smart. A thought pops into their brains and they tweet without thinking of the consequences. If they are smart enough to think 10 moves ahead they usually aren't interested in doing so (eg I am sure Spielberg could see the consequences of a stupid ass tweet about TS but he isn't interested in that shit full stop). TH, KK and TS have in common that they play the game and are also aware that it has ramifications.
I suppose the problem for TH is that at the moment Little Hiddles is calling the shots.
>>532 I agree anonsy, I don't think he will want to comment in an uncontrolled situation and still less now there is a lot to comment about.
I am not sure that Zachary Levi would allow it either. He seems a good guy and tough enough to shut down any heckling.
I also think that people aren't actually likely to ask those questions in the smaller nerd hq setting. It's fairly intimate and well lit so he can see the audience, so social pressure is perhaps more likely to act as a restraint.
Hall H and/or the evening sesh with a less sensitive host - anything goes!
>>533 If he plays this well as he has done in the past he will win back a lot of his fans, it's a very smart move now I think about it, albeit a bit desperate.
>>535 KK is in another league as a player. I can't believe she let that tea brew so long, sitting on it while watching her pray slowly dig her grave.
TH could never play that kind of long game, not without a gag and a harness. TS strikes me as someone who gets her way all the time and if she doesn't, she or her gang will push you over in the playground and point and laugh.
TH must be having a panic session at the beauty salon right now:
'Give me all the needles, treatments and all the spare hairz you have.'
>>538 Hahaha! I look forward to your analysis of what he has had done before SDCC.
>>538 Preview of Tom's Comic Con look:
>>540 Oh that's perfect!
Will he rehabilitate himself by nerd hq, I wonder? My suspicion is not if he brings her with him to CC, or even if he brings her to San Diego.
>>540 Bwahahahaa yass
For reference- the last sighting in daylight:
Deep set frown lines, fairly solid and shiny forehead, frightening hairline and a look that would kill- literally.
JVR did reply to Firenbrenie!!
Hahahahaha!!!! Hahahaha hahahahahaa!!!!! I would love to be a fly on the wall when he meets TS and has to look her in the eyes knowing she stole his friend's stuff.
>>543 what a moron
>>543 HAHAHAHAHA!!! Oh my God.
At least he had the decency to (sort of) acknowledge he was wrong.
>>540 hahaha oh yes, he will bring his A game, tight shirt, blue colour, smiles, self-deprecating attitude, puppy eyes and "I'm a poor victim face".
>>547 You forgot to add, "and his panties in a bunch."
>>548 right! he wears panties now.
>>543 LOL is that all he's got? Welp...shit?
I would love it if he had a man to man with TH but it's not really his issue, it's his so's and they have work to do.
Hopefully TS lets him off the leach so he can get mercilessly drunk with old mates and cry.
>>544 I doubt anyone on this board will be swayed but there's a lot of fairweather friends in the fandom who can be won back with a charming smile, tight clothes and smooth talking: >>547
>>548 LOL again
Olly just arrived in LA