Thread to talk about the actor Tom Hiddleston
>>550 speaking of "smart as a box of rocks."
TH spent every waking moment with this guy until he discovered TS. Maybe we should have seen the signs that he was as shallow as a paddling pool.
>>550 In a way, what else can JVR say? He has a beef with TS, then he remembered that maybe it wasn't such a good idea to voice that publicly, then someone gave him the receipts. He may already know she will be joining them in SD, and he definitely knows he'll see TH, but he still can't say, "I revert to my original view that she is a thriving conniving bitch." She would knife him.
Thieving, even!!
>>551 Really the signs have been everywhere. He hasn't exactly sought the company of Rhodes scholars. We were all falsely lulled by his wordy wordsmith interviews when in fact he hangs with bro's and says 'yo'
>>554 I will never forgive him for Selena Gomez dad dancing. NEVAH
>>550 once I would have wondered if it meant that TH was also in LA, now I only want to know the brand of Olly's tshirt.
>>547 Yep, he will do this exactly. I'm going to remain strong and just stick a picture of him in the TS vest to my screen to ward off any relapse.
>>558 Yes, that's why it felt familiar! Thank you :)
The Daily Beast took my idea and ran with it. She supports Trump, guys.
How long do we give this relationship?
>>560 !!!!!!!!! Honestly I think it's already over and he's just riding it out until an appropriate breakup time.
Is that firenbrenie our Lex? I looked at the acct and there isn't a 'blonde whore' comment in the bunch. A lot of anti-TS retweets and tweets but not any hate like EO got. There's also no cuckoo declarations of love for TH which I think people mentioned being on her original twitter. If it's our Lex, she's being medicated now.
What is 'firenbrenie' anyways? Is that a name that someone would want to scoop up after it was abandoned? And there's no pic of Lucille, instead it's an actual selfie...of a blonde woman!
Finally the tweet she sent before the receipts was: 'The back peddling makes my hamstrings ache in sympathy. Hopefully you stretched before this tweet.' Isn't that too clever and grammatically correct for our Lex?
Everything is getting soooo strange. This is some Looking Glass level shit.
>>560 I think the problem here is that both Kushner brothers are rather liberal - or as liberal as two good, Jewish boys from the UES can be. The Observer - the paper Jared owns - is fairly moderate to liberal in its reporting and op-ed pieces as well. Yes, one has had to 180 because he married Trump's daughter, but I think the one dating K Kloss is still the very definition of a champagne liberal.
I'd look more to her friends who released the 3 Couples pic. Those two are, I believe, official Trump supporters and more indicative of the childhood/adolescence TS would have experienced, and how it would have formed her political views.
I thought it was TS people deleting the snake emoji from her account, instead it's instagram, going as far as banning people.
>>561 Contract, PRmance, showmance, real - whatever it is, I don't think it's ovah. I feel that the wearing of the t-shirt and the allowing her to go/taking her to Oz was TH digging his trench. Sure, the shelling is pretty fierce at the moment - I mean Ardennes forest fierce - but I don't see him as the sort to give up now. Remember: he trotted his mother out to give this relationship legitimacy. That's too big an investment to end it after a month.
>>565 I think that article is just reiterating what we have spoken about here- that TS most likely paid for preferential treatment on IG to have the emojis removed. It is not standard practise.
I noticed some fans complaining that they couldn't upload any photos on the #tomhiddleston page and just checked. The newest photo is 12hrs old. Same with #taylorswift.
Make of that what you will, tinfoilers!
I genuinely don't know what will happen in Hall H or at NerdHQ, but neither does TH. And that's where my schadenfreude comes in. Sure Luke will have given him some best case scenarios. He may have even given him some worst case ones. And Luke may have placed very strict 'don't mention the TS' restrictions on both of those events. But at the end of the day, TH can't account for the actions of unknown human beings or every human being...and that must be killing him.
Both may run as smooth as silk but the anxiety he is experiencing now is the rod he made for his own back.
>>563 "Together and happy" isn't exactly deep, though. I think his lone pathetic statement about the relationship was another sad attempt to discredit the media's stance that Hiddleswift is a big sham. It doesn't seem to have worked though, especially now that the Kanye footage has been released and the timing of the RI pics coincides with Kim's initial interview about having the video. It's all very suspect.
The two reasons I can come up with for him sticking around are PR and/or sex. I don't believe that there was ever anything beyond surface level attraction between the two of them, and if there is any physical relationship I'd say it's mediocre at best - I base this on how they interact with each other, with slight support from comments made by her exes. And, like Taylor's relationship with Calvin, it will likely be over for weeks before they make any kind of official breakup announcement in People or whatever - give the public and the tabloids time to start speculating, and then confirm it. When this will happen is anyone's guess, though. Weeks, months, who knows.
As much as Tom's former image appears to have been manufactured to an extent, I do think his few political comments were genuine. Pro-Bernie, pro-Corbyn, anti-Farage, anti-Trump. If it is true that Taylor is far-right politically and a Trump supporter, he wouldn't able to tolerate her for any significant length of time - or vice versa. I believe there's always room for compromise and whatnot, but I just can't see a relationship working between two people whose worldviews are so disparate.
>>567 Whoa. I do NOT like this. Frankly, this is more shameful than the damn shirt.
I've seen it mentioned that sometimes her page is "locked" because porn IGs are spamming it - and you know, THE CHILDREN, we have to think of the children! If this is the case, they block the page and put up a notice saying that something strange is happening and all will be back to normal soon. But has TH's page ever been locked? Is this Turkey? China? Social media is meant to be about a democratic sharing of images, thoughts, ideas. This is Sha-dee.
>>566 I agree, but at the same time walking out now might be the lesser of two evils, for him, which is why he won't.
>>567 somehow I remembered reading it was people in her staff. Ha, money can buy a lot of silence.
>>568 yep, I mean Luke can't do anything if there are people wearing "I used to <3 TH" tanktops in Hall H. Right now, not knowing where the attack might come from must be a torture.
>>569 Me neither, but first time in 5 years he admits he's dating, that's deep for him.
I'd go with PR because I've never bought the sex part, mainly because before this started I think TH might, in small measure, have snapped his fingers and picked his favourite. I agree that the whole thing might end way before it becomes official, unless we are once again misjudging him.
Funny how all of a sudden they don't want to be seen together anymore.
>>570 It's one thing to lock down Swifts IG since she has been bullied but it makes no sense at all to lock down TH's. Is this a deliberate ploy to shut down social media prior to SDCC? Less photo leaks... more control of the narrative.
Also much easier for them to Houdini outta Oz
>>570 I just checked for myself and it is locked down when viewed via the UK as well. That page normally updates super frequently, like every 30 seconds, with all manner of spam that people tag him in.
Well, well. I was also super pissed off to see that not only were snake emojis removed, so were the posters' accounts. It's like social media for communist China.
If we want to see him/them leaving Oz I guess it's Twitter. I wait with bated breath to see how the Swifty stans manage to spin his escape from Oz totally without pap attention.
This gets worse every day, like really Hiddleston? You went along with a lock down on instagram? He must be very afraid.
Anyway, there are others social networks, they can't lock them all, and people will know if they do.
And for what? So that people won't know she is with him and buy tickets for Nerd HQ? Because it's not like people need to prepare if they have decided to ignore you at the panel or not engage when you speak.
Instagram hashtagging is currently broken - no tagging has worked for approximately 11-12 hours.
#taylorswift is also on lockdown. Same as TH's, the last upload for her was 13 hours ago.
Mission Flee Oz must be underway. Such a contrast to their fanfare filled LAX departure and Oz arrival. But I can't figure out if it's because the two left together or left on separate flights going to different destinations. If they left together, I figure they'd wanna be seen. If they've broken up, then they'd want to keep everything quiet until they're ready to release the statement.
>>576 Ahh, okay...unless she broke it!!!! ;) Nah, it was probably Chinese hackers. It's always Chinese hackers...or 14-year-old boys in their bedrooms.
>>576 thank you, because I'm all for tinfoil even with this heat, but it sounded so absurd.
>>576 You're right. Damn well there goes that theory that they're controlling their hashtag.
Pity about our hash tagging theory!
However NewAnon is right that TayTo would surely wish to be seen boarding the love plane back home, so we plebs can imagine them canoodling and drinking Dom Perignon in first class and know that TH lurves her still.
If not, it is either because they have split, or because she's so traumatised by the events of the last few days that for the first time ever she doesn't want to face the press.
Just thought as I typed this. If Olly is in LA he is presumably returning to Oz with TH after ComicCon.
Does this indicate that TH will be reverting back to the previous MO of renting a house and living with Olly in it? I can't think TH would need Olly when he's got all TS's people to help him, or want Olly there while he is hanging with her (always assuming no trouble in paradise, ha ha). Also, the old suite must be getting a bit crowded.
So my guess is: takes TS home, possibly shows her off at SDCC (though am undecided as to whether he will,court publicity this way), returns solo with Olly.
>>582 Makes sense. It would be weird for Olly to fly all the way to L.A. for 24 hours at Comic Con.
As far as TS is concerned, I'm going to bet on her flying back to the U.S. with Tom in some sort of ridiculously papped manner, complete with sad "Kim and Kanye are mean" faces, but then Tom goes to Comic Con alone. You know, for the "work." I can't decide if I think she's going to do some solo papping in San Diego or if she's going to disappear to one of her residences on her private jet after dropping Tom off.
I'm gonna risk getting jinxed and put it out there. I think they're over. I think Tom bailed a day after the tape released. That's why no pics, no new leaks, no airport fanfare. That's why Olly is back on scene to go back with Tom since Taylor won't be going back with him. I don't know what they'll say in the breakup statement but I think they'll keep quiet until then and lay low, letting ppl think they're still together. Tom's work schedule is providing the perfect excuse and cover right now.
Is Olly gay?
>>586 yes
>>585 Ditto.
NewAnon, it would explain the lack of pap stroll (why not now when she actually needs some good publicity?). I could well believe that she has been a holy terror this past few days. He probably believed her version of events to a degree (young love) but I expect his sympathy wore thin when he saw that she was a vindictive monomaniacal control freak as well as a spoiled little princess. I bet she has been hiding out in that suite obsessively reading Twitter and the gossip mags, screaming down the phone to her lawyer, and waiting for him to get back from set so she can rage over 4000 hate tweets from famous people.
>>586 >>587
Tweet referencing a girlfriend in 2012:
https://twitter. com/ollyauld42/status/167722271903973377
Bi maybe?
Remember guys that Olly drove all the way to wherever it was, juts bring him his jaguar so he could show it off for TS. And that Luke flew all the way to RI for the 4th of July party.
It's not over until TayTay sings.
>>587 Is he? I knew Luke was. Does TH have any straight male guys he spends time with (Cumby doesn't count as he barely sees him)?
Runs to anonsy's tinfoil shrine and begs to be admitted.
>>589 Oh! I remember him having a profile photo on twitter once where he was snogging some guy. Do you remember it anonsy?
>>592 Unfortunately I think that's the sort of thing Olly might regard as a "joke."
>>593,594 hahaha could be. But I'm now wondering if maybe the boy was in fact a girl.
interesting comment on May 20
Truth is Tom, Olly, and Luke are an on and off poly couple. Tom and Olly are bi but Luke is gay. Tom is the one with the crazy gfs and Olly is the wild one while Luke tries to keep his sanity in the midst of it all. The sitcom premieres on ABC in the fall.
>>590 Do we know for sure Luke was in RI? Or are we going off the Kaylor tumblr analyzing that video? I always thought it was that pretty brunette hugging him that you see a Polaroid of the two of them floating around. She's wearing the same watch and bracelet, and was standing near Tom and moved towards him right before the hug happened. The height differences were too much for it to be Luke, that's why I didn't buy it. Unless there's a different piece of evidence showing Luke was there.
Yes I'm ashamed to say I studied the video and GIFs in minute detail and yes that includes rewinding and forwarding in slow motion hangs head in shame
>>596 He changed that caption recently. It wasn't there before. They're taking potshots at Tom and this whole Taylor thing now.
>>597 I don't think any brunette, blonde, red, brown is allowed to hug TH as long as TS is around. That being said, no I don't have any other piece of evidence except for the bracelet, the height doesn't seems convincing enough to debunk it, and it did look like the hug he usually gives to people he knows.
>>598 So, I'm not the only one who thinks Olly's friend is doing that, there was anther one recently, a photo of TH and the caption said something like "remember when you were too drunk and we had to call a taxi" and then he added @ TS
>>599 Maybe that's why Taylor made Ruby's gf delete the video lol There can be no evidence of Tom with another woman! Because he only has eyes for Taylor and if she's not there he has no aim in life and doesn't know what to do. That Polaroid seems to have disappeared too. At least the close up of it. Good ol' Taylor. Never change. I expect her to be pushing 40 and still be exactly the same and churning out high school nostalgia songs.
To the girl who keeps me grounded and loves me for me -- happy birthday, @ollyauld42. Here is a photo taken 20 minutes after we met.
"My wife is in town"
>>602 Nice, at least JVR's assistant has some guts.
>>602 and didn't delete them! Unlike Jason M. Jordan's assistant is on a mission to squeeze in as many Swift jabs as possible before the breakup lol
JVR benign asked if he will now delete the tweet accusing KW of plagiarism. Someone tweeted a link to this I thought very depressing story about an artist being deprived of the right to her work:
I'm going to get my prediction in: I think TH flies in solo and she stays hunkered down in Oz. He then returns to her and radar silence resumes. I'd like to be wrong, but I think one of the reasons she went in the first place was to be somewhere far, far away from the fan when Kim threw a bucket full of shit at it. The 'search' feature on the Notes post she made tells us that she knew this was coming. Oz is as good a place to stay out of the limelight while her team conjures up a strategy and puts it into action.
I know she's a narcissistic famewhore but that was when she was riding high. Being that she's lower than low now, I don't think she'll want to put herself into the very public and media rich arena that is Comic-Con.
Olly is likely traveling back to Oz with TH (maybe he had a vacation which is why he was absent before - not that he needs a vacation from 'work'). But there are other rooms in that hotel; I don't think it's a clear sign that Tayto is no mo' (little rhyme there).
This is coming from my realist's mind. I much prefer NewAnon's theory!! >>584
>>606 This is the fox story I mentioned earlier. It makes me wish - even in my 'delicate condition' - for 30 seconds (that's all I'd need) in a dark alley with TS. 30 seconds, universe, that's all I'd need.
>>609 Oh I missed that mention! The more I have googled the more I have found to really dislike. This really isn't a bunch of bitches looking for any excuse to diss the GF. This is actually, I am shocked what a horrible person she seems to be.
I was thinking back to EO. People doubtless will say we just don't like any GF of TH, but what struck me was that we criticised many of the same things. Chiefly - toying with the media with pap strolls, kicking over the traces of a cheaty start to the relationship, leaking like a sieve to US Weekly, wanting us to notice the relationship when it suited them, but then being all about the Wirk (him) and/or disdainful that we care (her). The only personal criticism that anyone made was that she seemed a bit empty. But nobody, absolutely nobody said or thought that she was a bad 'un.
>>610 So he's been connected to KUWTK and he's been mentioned on TOWIE. Great. Something to put in the scrapbook.
>>611 I did call her a piece of beige cardboard. And I still stand by that, she is very beigey and cardboardy. But that was only in comparison to his one, true soulmate (sign of the cross) Ave Jarthy. When compared to the blessed Jane, all other women are but shadows on the wall of the cave.
>>611 True and with the exception of the media use, we were making fun, not criticizing. I think the worst thing I wrote about EO was asking if she had a nose job.
TS is just a terrible person and the fact that there is so much and it is so easy to find, makes it harder to still have a good opinion of TH.
Apparently Tom made it into L.A. without being spotted?
https://twitter. com/RKRmedia/status/756133051373981701
>>615 Wait, I'm wrong, this looks to be taking place in NYC, not Los Angeles. Still, no paps.
Could the show be 'live' streaming but TH's segment be pre-taped. He's talked to this guy a few times.
>>617 That seems more likely than Tom and maybe TS making it to the U.S. without being seen.
>>560 Not sure about the rest of you but my FB news feed is lumping today's Donald Trump articles with Taylor's various troubles. If that isn't a loud enough warning bell for her fans and for Tom then I don't know what is.
If he has made it to the US without being spotted I am logging straight into tumblr and you will all know who I am because I will SLASH AND BURN.
>>620 LOL! I kind of hope he has just so I can witness this.
>>620 (Anon, Anon, are you okay?)
>>622 I love the longer version of this gif where it starts with its his face as he holds the pizza box!
According to the Behind the Velvet Rope Facebook page, there was some kind of "technical difficulty" and they will be broadcasting the show after they sort out their issues.
Crisis! Mr Anon borrowed my laptop and he has been reading the board!!!
>>626 Shit. #LaptopExposedAnonParty!! Does he know which one you are?
>>627 It doesn't matter...we're all crazy 'bitches.'
If you didn't want to be called a 'bitch' please remove yourself from my narrative. I know you didn't ask to be a part of it. #characterassassination
There goes TH's enjoyment of tennis: 'Does this one like me, Tom? What has this one said about me, Tom?'
>>627 I don't think there was anything on the current page identifying me. Well, there is now (scuttles to erase history on laptop and locks iPad in sock drawer).
Mr Anon seemed strangely up with the Kimye saga. I said laughingly was it on the front page of the Telegraph. No, he said, I have been reading one of those board things. Oh, I said, did you find a link via the BBC. Oh no, quoth he, it was on your laptop. Pause. There are some odd people out there.
Could this be TH's out? Our out? It is a blind, so pass the salt, please.
>>631 CDAN has been reading this board. I think you said those very words.
Hi Mr. Anon! Hi Mr. CDAN! Hi hi! Please help yourselves to as much tinfoil as you need.
>>630 Why does your sock drawer have a lock? NSFW
Bless Mr. Anon's little heart. Hilariously, this board has become more TS/Kimye than TH. The story of his life now.
>>633 Mr Anon is NEVAH reading this board again if I can prevent it. Imagine if he had come upon it in the peaceful days when we spent hours discussing the willy gifs from High Rise. No man wants to know that his wife spent an hour squinting at a gif of another man's penis trying to see if he is circumcised.
>>634 Its's where I keep my vibrator collection!
Edit - just clicked on your link - hahahaha!
Scarily there actually is one! For gents. Is this how Tom reaches those spots that Taylor won't explore?
I think TS is coming back the US, not hiding out. Whether she's with him is anyone's guess, she sure has the money to hire a long flight private jet if she really wants to dodge everything and everyone, land at Bob Hope Airport in Burbank to avoid LAX, and run to her home in BH or Malibu (not exactly sure where; I've heard both mentioned so maybe she has two) rather than follow him to SD. I haven't expect her to stay past this point unless there was a specific work reason. It was partially due to the throwaway line - last sentence of this article when she visited the children's hospital : and partially because she's coming up on an album release, tour and, sooner, her BFF Karlie's birthday on August 5 which she would never miss according to Swifties and the beard conspiracists. Olly's arrival in LA seems to point to this scenario.
>>638 Yes that might be right.
I'll be interested to see if she decides to stay in Oz. I feel like this is a tricky moment for them to have a 2 month separation. Would you want to leave his side just at the moment when he might have dimly started to realise that you are a fruitbat?
>>639 "...when he might have dimly started to realise that you are a fruitbat?" You made me laugh so hard I snorted.
>>637 I'm sure she bought him one! Or this little gem that supposedly fits in his 'undercarriage' - I was just looking at the other stuff on the site - Charlie Sheen is advertising their condoms? He made a 2,5 minute video.
Behind the Velvet Rope stream is airing now. No Tom yet, but they are cutting to previously recorded interviews with other celebs so Tom's will likely be previously recorded as well.
>>639 If you want to cut your losses, you find an excuse to get out of the same city and call in a business associate from the UK that must be at your side from here on out for various reasons, making things too crowded and busy for intimacy to be nurtured further, and let the separation help things fade away.
>>640 Anon owes me a keyboard to replace the one I just spewed coffee all over. :)
>>641 Come on, she surely bought him this since she's so wealthy, innit?
Or, you allow Little Hiddles to talk you into 'needing a break' and make plans to have said associate consult with BFF to pick a ring to present to her before the Emmys so you invite the press to turn the Red Carpet into your own personal engagement announcement. And ruin your career.
>>642 Tom's segment is on, previously recorded at Tribeca Film Festival. Talking about TNM.
>>644 ANOTHER COFFEE SPEW!!! Taking guess on what initials she had it monogramed with. TH? MB?
presumably TS. She's already fucked his career in the arse, so why not him too?
That's why I was thinking MB for My Bitch.