Tom Hiddleston 11 (1000)

1 Name: Anon : 2016-07-13 12:24 ID:zRGlmuDi

Thread to talk about the actor Tom Hiddleston

651 Name: Whatsinaname : 2016-07-21 21:21 ID:XVu0oPjZ don't think she's his Dominatrix, like Wendy and Chuck Rhodes (Maggie Siff and Paul Giamatti) in Showtime's show "Billions" (the show with Damian Lewis).

652 Name: Whatsinaname : 2016-07-21 21:22 ID:XVu0oPjZ

'Cause I do.

653 Name: anonsy : 2016-07-21 21:23 ID:tmvu+J8S

If you people keep this up I'm going to need ten gallons of brain bleach. Or regular bleach.

654 Name: Whatsinaname : 2016-07-21 21:25 ID:XVu0oPjZ

>>646 I caught that the interviewer waited until the other guy came on to say 'Hiddleswift'

655 Name: Anon : 2016-07-21 21:26 ID:zRGlmuDi

>>651 I cannot in a million years imagine her as a Dom. She exudes sexlessness. I also think he would want to feel he was in control. I imagine they have a lot of missionary position sex that takes less time than Charlie's condom commercial.

656 Name: Whatsinaname : 2016-07-21 21:26 ID:XVu0oPjZ

>>653 I consider that high praise, anonsy

657 Name: Anon : 2016-07-21 21:28 ID:zRGlmuDi

>>653 Can you find it in your tinfoil cupboards?

658 Name: Anon : 2016-07-21 21:30 ID:zRGlmuDi

Speaking of which, here's what TH actually uses while in bed with Taylor:

659 Name: anonsy : 2016-07-21 21:34 ID:tmvu+J8S

>>656 >>657 If you see a headline reading "Woman found dead in tinfoil sarcophagus, drowned in puddle of bleach" - that's me.

660 Name: Whatsinaname : 2016-07-21 21:35 ID:XVu0oPjZ

>>655 My take on him was that when he's on a film he stays in control all day and needs to release that when he's by himself, and she's the ultimate control freak and wants to maintain that in the bedroom where she's absolutely sure she has it. But then, that's been my only experience. I DO see your POV for the same reasons, that it's the only place he can be in control and maybe she thinks he's the right guy, The One to melt her uptightness away.

661 Name: Whatsinaname : 2016-07-21 21:37 ID:XVu0oPjZ

>>658 Snorts Sorry anonsy I'll dial back on the kink talk.

662 Name: M : 2016-07-21 21:44 ID:mOu5YVXG

"They have gotten very close. She is enjoying the time off from working. She has been writing during her travels, and Tom has been an inspiration in her music."


663 Name: Anon : 2016-07-21 21:47 ID:zRGlmuDi

>>662 so no court proceedings then: "our source tells us that she has no intentions of partnering with him again. "She is not a fan of Kanye and won't ever work with him or talk to him again at this point," the source says."

Oh diddums.

664 Name: Anon : 2016-07-21 21:50 ID:zRGlmuDi

>>659 OK no more tinfoil sex toy posts.

665 Name: ?? : 2016-07-21 21:53 ID:Rzy2xCJ6

>>662 "Always Laughing" mmmkay, if you say so Eonline. Captcha - pawn.

666 Name: anonsy : 2016-07-21 22:01 ID:tmvu+J8S

>>661 >>664 The idea of TS inserting things in Tom's anus is frankly putting me off the concept of sex entirely. I may never be able to orgasm again.

Captcha is "pube." Go to hell, captcha.

667 Name: Anon : 2016-07-21 22:05 ID:zRGlmuDi

>>666 Comfort yourself with the thought that never in a million billion years would the princess of pop even say the a-word, let alone go anywhere near Tom's. Nor I suspect would he let her. He is a bit prim, I think!

668 Name: Whatsinaname : 2016-07-21 22:11 ID:XVu0oPjZ

From the eonline article: "Tom is not annoyed by the negative media attached to Taylor,” the insider tells us. “He knew that would come with the course of dating her. He has been supporting her and enjoying the time he’s having with her. They’re having a great time and are always laughing.” So she thinks her legal woes (don't forget the deposition on top of the Kanye situation) and Tom being trashed in the press are funny?

669 Name: NewAnon : 2016-07-21 22:53 ID:n8Ob+5ev

Her narratives are always so high school. I think she peaked in sophomore year and has been stuck at 15 since her homeschooling started. Any adult reading that E! article is rolling their eyes at the sheer ridiculousness of it all but her fanbase is probably making fanart going "omg she's so sweet and kind and she finally found someone who'll take care of little lovely heart"'
More like icebox in her chest cavity eyeroll

670 Name: Anonon : 2016-07-22 00:01 ID:216Sc04H

Great article by a rock journalist who was courted by Swift for the sole purpose of good reviews then unceremoniously dropped when she didn't give one.

'People in the business sought me out – off the record, of course – to unload their own stories of falling foul of the Swift machine. One pop star told me about ­losing a best friend to the #squad. One actor got so paranoid halfway through a rant that she simply stopped speaking. One high-powered manager emailed my negative review around, relieved to see an alternative opinion online among endless puff posts about Swift. Why were they all so scared of voicing any Swiftian dissent publicly? It was pathetic. It was odd.'

671 Name: Anonon : 2016-07-22 00:31 ID:216Sc04H

The mural has changed again!
Much better this time, I might have to take a look later today

672 Name: Anonon : 2016-07-22 01:10 ID:cK9Y/avg

According to Swifties on Twatter:

'Taylor and tom left on a private jet Lat night out of Oz to Hawaii for a fuel stop then to LA @taylorswift13 #taylorswift #tomhiddleston'

Anon, time to blow your cover on tumblr.
I've covered my kitten in foil, he hates me.

673 Name: Anon. : 2016-07-22 01:22 ID:BnzEW/6z

>>672 How do they knooooooow? Creepy.

So we now need to see if she shows at CC and if she returns with him. I really thought she'd stay out of sight, out of mind down in Oz.

Hmmm. Maybe she IS going to show at CC. For why? To hold his hand during his panel talks? To be doting? To be an 'outsider' and 'nerd' and gain sympathy from the crowds?

674 Name: anonsy : 2016-07-22 01:27 ID:tmvu+J8S

>>672 If this is true, they've rented a plane. Her personal jet has not movied since the 17th, and her backup jet hasn't moved since May.

675 Name: Anonon : 2016-07-22 01:31 ID:cK9Y/avg

If she turns up to the CC I suggest she goes as a Clingon

676 Name: NewAnon : 2016-07-22 01:33 ID:n8Ob+5ev

>>673 I'm positive someone from her team feeds her fans info. Plane tracking sure. But how are they tracking them from Oz? And knowing when they left and the stops? Media control she says and the light glints off her tinfoil crown

I'm gonna wait to see the pictures of them arriving together or being seen together in SD. Otherwise I'm going to believe they are over, and while he's off to SDCC, she's going to meet up with her lawyers and regroup with her team. She's got a defamation case to prep for and a strategy to work out for her Kimye mess.

677 Name: Anonon : 2016-07-22 01:34 ID:cK9Y/avg

>>673 >>674 If this is true then they have made every attempt possible to literally fly under the radar, so knowing the Swifties follow her planes their only option was to rent one.
Also, it would be contradictory to fly stealth mode avoiding all sightings and paps only to pap walk at the CC.

678 Name: Anonon : 2016-07-22 01:36 ID:cK9Y/avg

*klingon (failed Trekky here)

679 Name: Anonon : 2016-07-22 01:39 ID:cK9Y/avg

>>676 I hope for her sake she regroups with #teamswiftdamagecontrol rather than an inane and further damaging pap walk. She is obviously being advised to stay in her lady cave so hopefully that is where she will remain until she evolves into a Taymentor and sucks the life force out of the Kardashians and all who scorned her. Mwahahaha

680 Name: anonsy : 2016-07-22 01:40 ID:tmvu+J8S

>>677 Ah yes, stealth mode. You're right, if they're being all secretive about the flying then she's probably not going to show at Comic Con. That'd be nice.

681 Name: Anonon : 2016-07-22 01:54 ID:cK9Y/avg


The Twatter says she received this info from her friend who works at the airport,
'Pictures will emerge of her in the states soon enough'

682 Name: Anon. : 2016-07-22 02:11 ID:BnzEW/6z

>>674 Maybe Legendary ponied up for a private jet to bring their stars into CC (Taylor put her thumb out and bummed a ride!). Might have to do with flight schedules and filming for Thor.

>>676 Maybe. But her fans are properly, fucking SCARY with info about her. They probably know when she's ovulating. Christ.

This weekend is going to be interesting, and perhaps telling. But who knows with this clusterfuck.

683 Name: anonsy : 2016-07-22 02:16 ID:tmvu+J8S

>>682 We should do a drinking game!

1 shot for nervous laughter
1 shot for a "no comment" answer
2 shots for the blue quilted RL jacket
2 shots for the gray shoes
3 shots for San Diego beach photos

chug your whole drink if he says "we're together and very happy" again

684 Name: Whatsinaname : 2016-07-22 03:43 ID:XVu0oPjZ

2 shots for touching/rubbing his hair, neck or thighs

685 Name: Anonon : 2016-07-22 04:24 ID:cK9Y/avg

>>683 Due to time difference and the fact I'll be attending a wild party, I'll be having pre- emptive shots and will most likely be allergic to the smell of alcohol come SDCC.
I would also add to that list his latest obsessive tick which is touching his lips. Just 1/2 shot or you'll have to be hospitalised.

Another potential angle on the feud:
'Instagram and Snapchat are rivals. Mrs West uses Snapchat to drag Taylor Swift. Instagram protects Taylor Swift by cleaning up her mentions…
Coincidence or conspiracy?'

686 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-07-22 06:17 ID:Heaven

I stick with my prediction, they are going to be together at SDCC. Olly is in LA so they probably all going to SD together.

TH can't allow himself to be alone because he has just said how happy they are but then they haven't been seen together for a while. IF they are not together at SDCC he will be asked if there are troubles, if after it was fake and what he thinks of the snapchats videos.

TS can't allow herself to be seen weak (when it doesn't suit her) and since admitting she is wrong is not an option, she needs to present a strong image that whatever the world is saying about her isn't touching her and her love story is real and strong. Plus we al know she loves having the last word, but you can't have one if you are holed up in hotel.

That being said, I'll be totally fine if I'm wrong.

687 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-07-22 06:38 ID:Heaven

>>670 great article indeed. I detest her a little bit more every day.

688 Name: N8Anon : 2016-07-22 06:59 ID:3dNWdQHm

>>686 this is my feeling too. She's already proved to be a full scale clinger so she'll be in SD. I think she will want to present a united front to the world like she's not troubled by everything that has happened, TH gets to play the white knight, protective boyfriend, true gent role.

689 Name: Anonon : 2016-07-22 07:13 ID:cK9Y/avg

>>686 >>688 I'm voting against to be contrary and I feel it would do far more damage than good from both perspectives. They're pushing the show of unity through tabloids instead. She'll sneak into LA and stay in hiding till the shitstorm dies down.
Unless they are both stupid...

Another thorough shiftstorm from Vulture

690 Name: N8Anon : 2016-07-22 07:49 ID:3dNWdQHm

>>689 I totally agree it would do far more damage to both, but I still think she'll be seen to be with him in SD, maybe not at CC but somewhere somehow. They seem beyond caring at this point (although I doubt that is far, far from true). I think they might play the 'we're so in perfect, perfect love' card that they want to look like they don't care what anyone thinks apart from the other one.

691 Name: Anonon : 2016-07-22 08:00 ID:cK9Y/avg

>>690 I desperately hope she stays far far away and lets him get on with his WERK.
Her presence can be subtly acknowledged by flanking TH with her 16 burly bodyguards.

692 Name: Savvy : 2016-07-22 09:33 ID:Dt40svDx

>>689 The article is not available any more.

693 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-07-22 09:36 ID:Heaven

>>692 just add an "l" at the end

695 Name: anonsy : 2016-07-22 14:34 ID:tmvu+J8S

>>694 Blue quilted jacket! Gray shoes! That's four shots, everyone.

696 Name: anonsy : 2016-07-22 14:37 ID:tmvu+J8S

Hey Anon, I hope we get that tumblr slash-and-burn we were promised.

697 Name: anonsy : 2016-07-22 14:47 ID:tmvu+J8S

>>694 Anyone else find it interesting that his face is completely obscured in all the photos?

698 Name: anonsy : 2016-07-22 14:50 ID:tmvu+J8S

(Also, note that the photos are once again from Taylor's favorite paparazzi agency The Image Direct.)

699 Name: Anonon : 2016-07-22 15:03 ID:216Sc04H

Try to loosen your grips on your bags guys

700 Name: NewAnon : 2016-07-22 15:08 ID:n8Ob+5ev

>>697 Yeah I noticed that. His face is blocked off and hers is shown in full grinning glory. I don't think she can help herself. It's interesting they sat on the pics until after E! came out saying Tom is making her laugh and they don't care about the Kimye mess and the second one that came out a few hours later saying how Taylor will bounce back from it all. They prepped it all before releasing the pics.

I think they're adding more pictures though so we'll get the hand holding shots where they're both looking at each other (thru their sunglasses of course because that's how they exchange loving looks) and grinning and laughing.

God, he's turning out to be more fake and pathetic than I thought. If Taylor Swift is really the kind of person he wants to be with, it really speaks volumes about his real character and personality.

701 Name: NewAnon : 2016-07-22 15:18 ID:n8Ob+5ev

>>699 They're in it for the long haul it seems. Not just Emmy's but all the way into 2017 with Skull Island and Thor 3. We should ready ourselves for an engagement and the whole shebang.

I really don't think she believes in a thing such as overexposure. There's going to be a lot of pap strolls now. Back to our regularly scheduled programming!

702 Name: N8Anon : 2016-07-22 16:11 ID:3dNWdQHm

>>694 Ugh. voms everyhwere The cling continues.

703 Name: Anon : 2016-07-22 16:22 ID:zRGlmuDi

>>702 I just read on tumblr that her jet is on the move. So the chances are, she too will be in San Diego.

>>696 - I had told myself I would go nuclear if there were no exit or entry photos and they just magically appeared at SDCC. Unfortunately a fakely fuzzy pap photo at the airport released the day after it was taken is not quiiiite enough to make the Hiddleswift stans accept that this is all staged (for reasons that escape me).

704 Name: Savvy : 2016-07-22 16:26 ID:7OgODXPn

She must be paying him a lot of money. Or he's a gold digger and will marry her for her money. I'm sure he's enjoying the high life with the private jets, the bodyguards and vip treatment everywhere they go.

705 Name: Anon. : 2016-07-22 16:43 ID:BnzEW/6z

Boooooooring. I hope there are more pics of them enjoying a picnic in a 'secluded spot' to which all the paps have access. Or some more awkward closed mouth kissing shots.

Come on, how are we ever meant to forget that she's a manipulative liar? And remember that this is the greatest love story of our generation?

706 Name: Anon. : 2016-07-22 17:06 ID:BnzEW/6z

>>704 I would think that is the thing that would kill a genuine relationship. People have been hooting about them joining the mile high club and making out on her private jet and enjoying long romantic meals together. WHAT? Those three bodyguards are in that plane with them, and it's not like Air Force One, there isn't a separate bedroom for sleeping. Those guards are at tables next to them at dinner. Just everywhere. Imagine every conversation you have being listened in on, imagine kissing your gf in front of three burly men with earpieces...that's a scene from a porn movie, not a scene from a joyful and deep romance.

I remember that E said the meal in Oz at the Italian restaurant was long and romantic. And I remember asking at the time, what the hell do they talk about. Then someone from the local paper noted that there were three bodyguards with them AND their meal lasted under an hour.

Pass that fucking tinfoil, anonsy.

707 Name: Anon. : 2016-07-22 17:09 ID:BnzEW/6z

>>703 Man, or man!! Are they seriously going to walk the CC floor holding hands? Is this really going to happen? Or is she just going to get papped at the parties and after events. I think there will be events afterwards that she may want to get in on.

'Look, everyone (but especially the paps I hired), I'm not worried about this scandal, I'm dancing at a 'nerd' convention with my boyfriend!'

708 Name: Anon. : 2016-07-22 17:11 ID:BnzEW/6z

>>707 Man, OH, man.

709 Name: anonsy : 2016-07-22 17:21 ID:tmvu+J8S

710 Name: Anon : 2016-07-22 17:24 ID:zRGlmuDi

>>707 I am praying to Mary, Baby Jesus and the Blessed JArthy that they won't go to CC together.

She could be coming back to the States to work on her latest saccharine puff adder of an album. And she could have summoned her plane to take her back to Nashville.

711 Name: anonsy : 2016-07-22 17:26 ID:tmvu+J8S

>>710 I'll pray with you. I'm not even joking.

712 Name: N8Anon : 2016-07-22 17:42 ID:3dNWdQHm

>>711 Joins prayer circle

713 Name: NewAnon : 2016-07-22 17:44 ID:n8Ob+5ev

>>707 She likes to play the underdog and what's a bigger celebration of underdogs than Comic Con?

I want to see her at the industry parties and posing with the cast of Skull Island. Specifically Jordan. Partying with Tom and Jordan and Jason Mitchell, and posing for selfies and photo ops. That'll be glorious. Not only does she have any integrity, she has a way of making people forget their own.

714 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-07-22 17:51 ID:Heaven

"The pair emerged in California after flying in from Australia via Hawaii via private jet"

The same words used by the source you guys posted, this source was very busy.

Anyway, I told you guys

715 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-07-22 17:57 ID:Heaven

(the reply button has a life of its own)

she will be at SDCC. I'm afraid we have to stop parsing TH behaviour the way we did before, because he is not that person. He went and is going along with all of this because he is ok with it. He is ok with someone like TS.

(captcha says: bar, I do need a drink)

716 Name: N8Anon : 2016-07-22 18:01 ID:3dNWdQHm

>>715 I'm way ahead of you on the drink front. I agree too that looking at current TH through old TH glasses just isn't going to cut it. He is a different person now.

717 Name: Whatsinaname : 2016-07-22 18:06 ID:XVu0oPjZ

I was at Starbucks drowning my sorrow in an iced macchiato (delish!) and tried to post that I'd join the prayer circle but I typoed the captcha and then it was my turn in the drive-thru.

It appears you all are fast and effective. I check this tinfoil hat tumblr taytaysbeard every day for anything interesting, and they believe TS has already left LA for NYC, so if true they are officially apart for the first time in like 3 weeks. The LA pics from DM were taken yesterday and released this morning.

718 Name: Whatsinaname : 2016-07-22 18:07 ID:XVu0oPjZ

719 Name: Anon. : 2016-07-22 18:40 ID:BnzEW/6z

>>716 He probably was always this person but was selling a very different persona pre-TS: earnest, honest, not interested by the trappings of fame or Hollywood, rich in integrity and intellect. And he may actually possess or still possess those qualities but they have been superseded by less likeable qualities. (Sigh)

720 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-07-22 18:45 ID:Heaven

>>719 Coded racism I'm afraid is not something that goes along well with integrity, nor does admitting to be very happy with a lying, manipulative mean person. He was always this person, he just developed the rest to hide it.

721 Name: Whatsinaname : 2016-07-22 19:08 ID:XVu0oPjZ

>>720 I'm with Couch on this one. I can't wait to see how this weekend plays out whether or not she is still with him in California.

722 Name: Anon. : 2016-07-22 19:33 ID:BnzEW/6z

For Anon and Mr. Anon if he finds the iPad in the sock drawer while looking for...socks, yeah, socks.

723 Name: N8Anon : 2016-07-22 19:42 ID:3dNWdQHm

The latest photos of him getting out of her big SUV in his gym kit clutching a Starbucks are sad, when I think about him freely (ish) running the streets here around N London. I think those days are long gone for him.

724 Name: Whatsinaname : 2016-07-22 19:46 ID:XVu0oPjZ

>>722 This is as bad as Bennifer, and I wasn't even looking at social media back then.

My favorite part of dlisted articles are the names the commenters call themselves.

Dear gods they are so bieeeeeege.

725 Name: anonsy : 2016-07-22 19:46 ID:dOXrvpr8

>>723 I just saw those, and I was surprised to see them still in L.A. as TS's jet made an hour-long flight this morning at about 7:30 and I assumed it was going to San Diego. Although I suppose if those photos were taken at the crack of dawn (or yesterday, despite what Just Jared and others are saying) then it's still possible.

My feelings for him are ranging from disgust to annoyance to pity at any given moment. The photos of him with his dad Starbucks are pretty pathetic.

726 Name: N8Anon : 2016-07-22 19:49 ID:3dNWdQHm

>>725 Totally the same. Part of me just wants to switch off completely because he's acting like such a twat and the other part of me wants to clip him around the ear and take him down the pub for a good talking to over a pint.

727 Name: anonsy : 2016-07-22 19:53 ID:dOXrvpr8

>>726 I did have a bit of a giggle that they didn't go to the gym together.

"No! You can meet my family, you can come to Oz, but you can NOT come with me to the gym. Please Miss Swift, I promise I won't talk to any girls!"

728 Name: N8Anon : 2016-07-22 19:58 ID:3dNWdQHm

>>727 What? They're both at the gym, but separately?

729 Name: NewAnon : 2016-07-22 20:05 ID:n8Ob+5ev

>>720 You're right. If he really was the person he made us think he was, it'd be very difficult for him to be with someone like Taylor. Yet here we are. To fake at such a level, it shows some serious deceit.

>>725 I go from exasperation to disgust to annoyed. I don't feel any pity for him. The racism just threw away the little pity I felt. That really killed it. Even if these two were to breakup tomm, his credibility is shot in my eyes. I wouldn't believe a word he says. Which sucks because I really believed in his passion for his charity work. Now I'm wondering how much of that genuine and how much of that is because it makes his image look good.

731 Name: Whatsinaname : 2016-07-22 20:19 ID:XVu0oPjZ

>>730 So, no nyc for TS. And she's wearing a smirk as usual. ah well, i'll go back to not trusting info until there are pics.

732 Name: anonsy : 2016-07-22 20:20 ID:dOXrvpr8

>>731 Unless the pics of her are from yesterday and she asked her buddies at Just Jared to say they were from today.

733 Name: Whatsinaname : 2016-07-22 21:13 ID:XVu0oPjZ

A couple of articles say he's finished his filming - implying completely done - for his role. If so, i see no end in sight to the pap strolls. Does anyone know? Someone somewhere posted a supposed public calendar" for him that showed filming through the end of October. Do we know what the truth is?

734 Name: anonsy : 2016-07-22 21:16 ID:dOXrvpr8

>>733 I saw articles that said he was going back after Comic Con too. My guess is that nobody knows and people are just making assumptions. The articles I've seen that thought he was done filming didn't mention Comic Con at all, so they may have just drawn the conclusion that if he was in the U.S. that meant he was done, not realizing he had a commitment this weekend.

I'd be surprised if he was done after only two weeks, especially considering Cate Blanchett just got to Oz very recently.

735 Name: Whatsinaname : 2016-07-22 21:55 ID:XVu0oPjZ

>>734 Exactly - I forgot that at the end of the last movie, he was masquerading as Odin, so some of Loki's lines will be acted by Sir Anthony. But Tom (as actual Loki) will have to confront Cate's character and others later in the movie.

736 Name: Anon : 2016-07-22 22:01 ID:zRGlmuDi

>>734 Le sigh. I am guessing she will be at CC and then back to Oz with him.

I find it hard to imagine 2 weeks of filming is his lot. That is barely a cameo. I do not think that Marvel would allow such a short performance. After all, Thor 2 was not a huge success barring his performance.

737 Name: Anon : 2016-07-22 22:22 ID:zRGlmuDi

And yes, I guess he is as shallow as a puddle IRL. Insofar as we get to see RL at all, which has been cunningly packaged to us all as RL, but turns out to have been a fake.

The main part of my - what? disappointment? disillusionment? - is not that he owes us anything, or that he has to be a clever, principled, earnest, honest person. I like plenty of celebs who are nothing of the kind (ahem, Chis Evans, who is hot but strikes me as shallow), or about whom I really know very little one way or the other (Kenneth Branagh - very good at giving nothing away in interviews). It's that TH worked so hard to sell us a particular person, when the people he chooses to associate with, and the actions of he last fee months, suggests he is nothing of the kind. I feel like I have bought a pig in a poke.

Of, as the old line always goes, it's the lying I find so hurtful!

738 Name: Whatsinaname : 2016-07-22 23:40 ID:XVu0oPjZ

The thing that's been crawling up from the back of my mind are all the little rumors that have bubbled up over the past few years about him from people who dealt with him one-on-one pointing to shallowness that were dismissed because he has plenty of public, well-known supporters - all of whom would have been the recipient of his happy puppy face because they were involved in The Werk. Not talking about the big stories from thebyke but random things that showed up on Datalounge, ONTD, that came from one-off encounters. It's likely they could all be embellished for their intended audiences, but the seeds of those were planted by something either said or done in front of people he was around. I blew them off as 'no one's perfect' because they were not on the racist apologist / straight up liar level of his current 'gf' so I don't have bookmarks. But none of them seemed to point towards him being so shallow as to become a problematic fav. I feel like this is the last weekend I'm going to pay attention to him, and if there's no break from her after, I'm breaking up with my internet bf.

739 Name: NewAnon : 2016-07-23 00:22 ID:n8Ob+5ev

>>738 What kind of rumors about shallowness? Share share! You can paraphrase.

740 Name: NewAnon : 2016-07-23 00:45 ID:n8Ob+5ev

>>730 So if I'm reading this correctly, they're saying they both went to the same gym at the same time but separately? It says she went Fri morning and then he went that morning too lol what? Did the interns mess up on the article? Or did they go to different gyms?

741 Name: Anon. : 2016-07-23 01:35 ID:BnzEW/6z

>>740 Different gyms but probably because they were doing different types of workouts. But that doesn't mean they didn't want to get the hell away from each other!! I'm sure they could have worked out in her home gym (holding hands while on the elliptical machines) but they both probably needed some 'me' time. Also, TH was DYING for a latte!! Even TS doesn't have a Starbucks at her home.

742 Name: NewAnon : 2016-07-23 02:08 ID:n8Ob+5ev

>>741 Oh I see now. Thanks! Yeah I'm sure it's been eons since he had a coffee because she's been plying him with tea. You know because he's English and such a big tea drinker.

Now that they're away from the Marvel set and its strict rules, should we expect our regularly scheduled twice a day set of non staged perfectly natural pics? I sense a romantic and intimate dinner date coming up. With all 8 of the bodyguards.

743 Name: Anonon : 2016-07-23 02:21 ID:cK9Y/avg

>>742 Too subtle. Sex on the front lawn.

He tweeted:
'A few cool things....'

The responses are not positive which makes me wonder- TH and team knew how many haters were out there and threatening to cause a scene this weekend. Anyone with common sense would have Netflixed and chilled without any fanfare in an isolation chamber. Is this a deliberate ploy to rile up the haters and pull the Swiftie sympathy card. Pity party for two.

744 Name: NewAnon : 2016-07-23 02:47 ID:n8Ob+5ev

This is interesting. Got the deets from a tumblr
Is he gonna make his own now since no one's offering him any lead man roles?

>>743 He's not getting the Swifties sympathy unless it is directly related to something about their Queen's welfare. They could care less about his own career and work. Look at how that one crazy Swifty yelled at Jordan that Tom will slap him for unnecessarily talking about Taylor, HIS GF, and to stay in his lane. Never mind that Jordan is Tom's colleague and just directed him in his upcoming movie.

745 Name: Anon. : 2016-07-23 02:58 ID:BnzEW/6z

>>744 He has several, one of which he shares with HBC which we talked about in the past. We decided that they are probably ploys to avoid handing too much money over to HM Revenue as he's never once produced anything with them.

Is everyone ready for CC? Is Tom? Is Tay?

746 Name: Whatsinaname : 2016-07-23 03:08 ID:XVu0oPjZ

She IG'd several hours ago a happy birthday message to SG. There are some hate messages but no snake or poop icons. At the bottom of this article they felt the need to point out that she and Tom went to separate gyms today:

There are pics of him at his agent's office today:

And here's In Touch Weekly's cover:

747 Name: NewAnon : 2016-07-23 03:11 ID:n8Ob+5ev

>>745 Oh okay. So nothing new then. Girl, I think Tom must be losing it thinking about SDCC. I'm both dreading and looking forward to the Nerd HQ one grimace

>>743 I just saw his tweets. He thanked for the 3M follows but wow those dad and dump the rat and dump taywhore tweets...ouch.

748 Name: NewAnon : 2016-07-23 03:17 ID:n8Ob+5ev

>>746 Is she going to frame that LIAR one and mount it on her wall next to the pic of Kanye interrupting her, and then talk about it in an interview of how she keeps reminders of the low moments to make her stronger?

749 Name: Anon. : 2016-07-23 03:28 ID:BnzEW/6z

>>747 That last tweet was such a shameless plea for kindness: 'I know what I'm doing is not going down well but PLEASE be nice to me tomorrow. PLEASE!!!'

I think he is genuinely afraid for tomorrow. He's probably grinding his teeth as he gets ready to go out for their first LA pap stroll.

I wonder if the NerdHQ thing was a last minute thing with the thinking that -because the last one went so well - he'll turn on the charm and win people over in front of a very sympathetic audience.

750 Name: Anonon : 2016-07-23 03:42 ID:cK9Y/avg

>>749 The whole of Saturday will be a shameless plea for kindness. He is going to pull out all the stops to win back his disgusted fans- dancing, singing, sexy maths, foreign languages..
He is an idiot, so he may be completely calm.
>>744 It's a bit hard to ignore the timing of this new production company.

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