Thread to talk about the actor Tom Hiddleston
>>348 No one would say that she doesn't act in an incredibly kind, thoughtful and generous manner. The result of her actions is not being questioned and shouldn't be. A donation by any other name (PR maneuver) would still be a donation that does good. I think we - and others - question the reasons behind her actions or the added incentives she personally gets from them. And we of course always question the very public nature of these acts.
As a baby gift to my husband and me, his parents made a generous donation to our midwife service in the understanding that it would be used to fund midwifery services for low income people. They didn't tweet, IG or Facebook about it - they have none of those!! They didn't ask the service to advertise it or tweet about it. That sort of quiet charity happens daily, with normal people AND with celebs. It never seems to happen with TS.
I find myself questioning TH's actions in the same way now. Those people who met him in Brisbane and got a piece of Marvel swag don't care if he was trying to mend bridges or grab back a little limelight for himself minus TS, but I think about it now. The scales have well and truly fallen off.
>>349 He probably gave one of his vague "I can't speak for her" answers, and they interpreted his non-committal response as something more than it was.
>>350 Was it this smile?
>>353 That is my favorite photo of Tom. He should use it as his profile picture on social media.
>>354 Truly frightening grimace-smile.
Whatever, I dislike it. LIke there's a 'kill them now kill them now' command behind the eyes.
>>355 It would be my reaction to seeing Swifties en masse.
There's this mild hater-ade from Elite Daily writtten by a self-proclaimed Swiftie (if she is, she's kidding herself, read it).
>>320 The TS main jet flew again, yesterday morning at 10:35am. Did anyone see where it went? Are the Swifties still hoping for an Aussie reunion?
I love this board and love all of you. But two celebrities' privacy has nothing to do with us. Their business is theirs. Time will tell. If you feel uncomfortable about their PR stunts, just ignore them. Just stay away from every fucking gossip site and do something different. If you ignore them, their stunts won't have any meaning.
>>358 I didn't see where it went. I'm sure if it went in the direction of Oz, the Swifties will let us know. Their fantasies must be fed.
>>359 Advice and love are always welcome on this board. But the privacy argument isn't going to fly around these parts. I'm not in the mood for an essay; it's a Friday. But given the past two months it should be obvious that these two and their fans can't play the Greta Garbo card. Privacy isn't a tap to be turned off and on. It's either sacred and protected or it's not.
>>359 I think the privacy ship sailed, caught fire and then sank to the bottom of the ocean with all hands on board.
>>362 >>358 Here here, and what everyone aside from the person who has no name said. If you love this board then you should know better than to 'advise' us on their privacy. We are the most insignificant board with so few contributors it's laughable that anything we say would have any meaning on their decisions or movements. Let us scorn their stunts in peace.
>>358 It flew to RI. It's highly unlikely TS is flying to Oz before the Emmys.
Now I'm very drunk and looking forward to waking up to more meaningless and insignificant rants (rock on hand emoji)
https://twitter . com/twhiddleston/status/771647072932012032
>>365 As if we needed further proof that he wasn't skilled at charades.
Mr Hiddleston reads from John le Carrés' "The Night Manager"
>>367 This has been online for a while but I didn't bother watching it. I used to love watching videos of him but now I can't stand seeing his face.
>>361>>362 Hi all! Thank you for being protective regarding the TS jet tracking. If anyone is actually concerned about TS, all planes in the air can be tracked, in general. And as we know, TS can easily turn off the plane logging system such that we don't the dates or times of her flights. TS does this sometimes when she loans planes to friends or family. But usually TS keeps it on so her fans have a personal connection to what she's up to. It's a game TS plays. Like when TH was allegedly in RI, she kept the flight logger on so we could see that the plane went from LA to RI and back, even though the meta data on TH's paparazzi "return to LA" pics indicated that TH was never there. FYI, dailymail catch up article on Calvin H. with one pic of TS and TH.'He doesn't need anybody': John Newman claims his 'strong' minded pal Calvin Harris is doing well since his split from Taylor Swift.
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Hysterical skit with TS and TH as puppets, kissing and posing for the carefully placed paparazzi, from an ITV program called the Newzoids! They are both wearing heart tank tops, and TH's bare bum is hanging out like it was in the Night Manager. Wow. Ouch.
>>371 Puppet parody = I guess this means he's officially made it.
It appears the breakup narrative is continuing as planned.
"As Radar reported, after a recent interview Hiddleston sparked rumors over his need for more “space.”
But stubborn Swift is arguing that the actor is “lucky” to be able allowed to bask in her glory."
I'm not putting any money towards were having actually spoken those words, but that last sentence is straight out of the Emotional Abuse 101 handbook.
*towards her
“Tom can’t deal with being a laughing stock and has told Taylor he’s done unless there’s a 360-degree change on her part,” an insider told Radar.
No Taylor tunes in Tom's Top Ten: British actor shakes off his girlfriend's tracks in favour of the Rolling Stones and Hot Chocolate
By Ross Parker For The Daily Mail
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Mirror Celeb @MirrorCeleb · 2h2 hours ago
Honeymoon period over for Tom Hiddleston and Taylor Swift as couple enter 'crisis mode' -
I feel somehow deprived that I've never been in a relationship that's had a 'crisis mode.' I further feel that there's a time delay is news of said 'crisis mode.' I would have said 'crisis mode' was when they had to fly to the UK and pap stroll with the Family Hiddleston in order to legitimize a relationship that no one with a fully functioning brain believed in.
Perhaps the break-up narrative is now in stage 2 and it will enter stage 3 when they don't show at the Emmys together. OR, they could make their last hurrah on the Emmy RC, giving those without fully functioning brains a parting gift.
Ouch. Wonder if Gossip Cop will deny any of this. How long will this break up narrative continue? Why would TH want this to be the talk instead of his Emmy nom? Why didn't his team think of this before? Odd...
>>382 All of these copycats are coming hot off the heels of the Radar article with little to some embellishment. The question isn't did a birdy make the rounds to all of these outlets; it didn't. The question is did a bird whisper to Radar and to what purpose (break-up or romance reborn on the RC?).
The THG article, however, has a few lines that, for me, sum up this whole PRmance:
_A source told THG recently that the reason Hiddleston and Swift got together was because the Brit "needed to improve his pulling power, and [her] PR team decided to take advantage of that in a way that would also benefit Taylor.
"Tom is the 'it' man right now, so they thought that it would work," the source added.
"Taylor is an attractive girl with a big bank account and a lot of fame."
How did Hiddleston see dating Swift as a great image boost, while the rest of of us saw it as career suicide?_
I don't think THG got that from a 'source' unless that source is named 'Common Fucking Sense.' This is what the relationship has projected, in some form or another, since Day Rock: a mutual PR endeavor with little to no actual romance.
>>383 It would definitely be bold and brave for them to be on the Emmy red carpet together. Since this couple has been apart for quite a bit, it would force people to ask, "why do you two mainly keep company when there are cameras directly on you?" Also, people are tired of them, since their pics tend to look staged. I don't think the public will buy into this couple unless they marry and have children. Its just been publicized too suddenly, too forcefully, and w/o sincerity.
>>383 Here is the previous HG article from which those quotes are taken - written on 12 July! - saying it was fake and he is in over his head. Looks rather prescient:
I just caught the headline that TH is 'sick of being treated like a GLORIFIED ESCORT' and that is all I need to read about this coupling for a while now.
As for the 360 degrees my only suggestion is that perhaps it refers to wanting things to go back to how they were before the rock snog. I know I'd be clicking my heels for that outcome.
The Sun just jumped on board with more end of Hiddleswift clickbait. The Sun first reported their coupling w the rock/RI pics. Maybe they've lost their alleged inside sources, who I think was Tree Paine. Still no Gossip Cop denials.
The Sun Showbiz @TheSunShowbiz · 2h2 hours ago
Is it all over for #Hiddleswift?!
>>387 It's Labor Day here. Even GC and Tree Paine must get a holiday from their labors! Articles this negative toward TS usually receive the GC treatment so it will be interesting to see what they do. They do seem anti-TS, not?
But maybe Tree and GC are just tired of spewing out the same ole crap. Did they deny the last DM boob job story? I think they just left it! I'd like to know how they finally decide that the cat is truly out of the bag. Do they allot a set number of denials to a story or do it by Google hits?
Captcha: exgolf. WTF?
Happy Labor Day to all those who labor!
Hubby is laboring (injured children do not take holidays) so I'm home alone waiting to see what that bitch Hermine might do.
Here's hoping the electricity and internet don't go out...and the basement doesn't flood.
>>388 Sadly, I don't think that publicists have Labor Day Off. Dailymail just framed Hiddleston as a user for allegedly inviting TS to the Emmys. The knives from camp Swift are out. Incidentally, TH is up for a TV Choice Award for Best Actor for TNM in the UK, so good luck to him for that.
EXCLUSIVE: Hiddleswift in trouble! Tom Hiddleston asked Taylor Swift to Emmys… but she's 'uncomfortable' and 'fears he's not with her for right reasons'
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>>390 Sadly, I still haven't learned to refresh before I post.
'Tom wants their relationship to be public, even asking Taylor to go to the Emmys with him, but Taylor wants to keep her private life private."
That makes the lies about the boob job look almost believable!
>>393 That's some shit, isn't it? LOL
Well, this story does fall right in line with Taylor's typical victim narrative.
>>394 Yep!
Meanwhile over at CB the verandah woman, smelling the end, has finally confessed that she "can't stand" TS....!!
Are we not allowed to post youtube links at CB? I posted the newzoids video but the moderator deleted it.
>>391 All dry and not even that windy. Still the parents-in-law are calling about every two hours to check on me...well, to check on their grandchild and the human incubator that's housing it.
>>390 Ooooo, this could get ugly. Pro-TH followed up by pro-TS. Even if the two teams aren't responsible, they must be sitting there like we are, thinking about if the other team did plant it. And wondering what they should do next.
>>393 This is what makes me think her people are responsible for this. It has that smell of distorted reality that is the hallmark of GC AND her life in general.
>>395 Anyone calling her out on the sudden 360 or 180 even?
Here's hoping for a Michael K post!
>>396 Made me retch after 8 seconds. Let me try again after a gin and tonic.
Tom just won the TV Choice Award in the UK for The Night Manager! Hurrah!
The Aussies kill me. This is an Australian entertainment show analysing the alleged TH/TS breakup, and the visual arts team printed "Who Cares" over all of theimages of the couple. Ouch. Plus, there is a brand new video of Hiddleston thanking everyone for his new TV Choice Award for Best Actor for TNM, which was posted as well, and Idris Elba and C Hemsworth are in it together! So funny. Way to take back the narrative, Tom.
Video, hopefully.
Team Hiddleston takes back the narrative with an entirely work-related article about the TV Choice Award win for Best Actor, and the Emmy nomination! No mention of Swift in words or pics. Parabens!
'I loved working on Home and Away': Chris Hemsworth crashes Tom Hiddleston's TV Choice Award acceptance speech on the set of Thor: Ragnarok
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>>402 I heart Idris Elba so much! "
Oh man that's really awful [of horrible tacky plastic award]. Hi mum!"
BTW TV Choice is a crappy mag that has tv listings and cruddy articles about what is goin on in the soaps. It is about as far from an Oscar as you can get. An MTV award would be better.
'My mums friend met Tom Hiddleston in Byron bay and mum is literally crying to her iPad. Now I know where I get my weirdness from... 😒'
This was posted Monday eve Oz time so I'm guessing he had another long weekend. I'm standing by my theory that his schedule is choppy with what I call breezy open windows (large amounts of time off).
LOL to the Swifties and Hiddleswifters who think he'd have no time for her if she visited and ROFL to the ones thinking he's working overtime to get enough time off to accompany his bae on the red carpet. WHO"S FILMING HIS UNSCHEDULED OVERTIME?
My bleeding heart is glad he's having fun with the boys again.
It's good to see they are taking the piss.
>>405 Your guess is as good as mine. Reasons that come to mind:
a) he doesn't want her there
b) she hates it there
c) Marvel/ management/ PR advised her to stay away
d) the fat lady sang
>>390 Hmmm, it all depends on what's your opinion of TH at this point. Even leaving aside that he was the one who organised a massive pimping out of his family members, he has a habit of going public with his romance of the moment at the beginning.
He did just that with JA and EO. Then, when the feedback or the wants of his partners didn't match his agenda, he acted like nothing was going on, just to have another supposedly private but in reality public get together.
TS is what she is, but everyone knows how she is, everyone knows her routine. So maybe TH fooled her. After all, you don't tie a girl's shoes at a party, when you well know she has a bf, unless you have a goal in mind.
In the end it might be that for once, TS was played at her own game.
So this year we don't have TIFF but we have Emmys speculation game. if he attends, my money is on both of them showing up and walking the red carpet together.
>>407 I like that analysis, Couch. That makes SF the standout anomaly, in that they were public throughout (as far as we know).
Allison, not Michael.
Michael on Bond:
TH's mention: Radar claims that the head bitches at Sony aren’t even thinking about touching that short list and are instead sending dump trucks full of gold bars to Daniel Craig’s house, because they really, really want him back. Those around Tom Hiddleston better brace their eardrums, because I have a feeling that the internal scream he’s been holding in for months is going to come shooting out of his mouth when he finds out that he dad-danced at a Selena Gomez concert and played patty cake with Taylor Swift’s cats for NOTHING!
To those at CB who hold fast to the 'No one will remember his stupid antics' theory: Michael K sees A LOT of gossip go under his bridge, and yet he remembers and mentions TH's appearance at a Selena Gomez concert nearly three months ago.
>>403 You can tell how downmarket these awards are based on the RC: soap stars, reality tv stars and D-list celebs like Katie Price. Not to mention that I think the nominations are from readers/subscribers of the magazine and the winners are chosen via online vote.
That cheap piece of plastic isn't about talent, it's about popularity. I'm sure her fans pitched in to help swing it in his direction. So he can say that the got something out of this cluster fuck: a TV Choice Award. (half-hearted 'yay')
>>413 I feel blessed that I will bring my child into a Tayto free world.
Amusingly this seems to fit the timeline most people guessed on for the relationship arc. Totes legit true love!
Bloody hell. I am in one sense not at all surprised and in another sense amazed.
This couldn't have been more perfectly timed if it had been a fake realtionship from the get go.
Oh. Errrrrrrr.......
And here is comment from that piece of Tree Paine's toilet paper, Gossip Cop:
Let's not give them clicks:
"For full disclosure, Gossip Cop began to catch wind of Swift and Hiddleston cooling off about two weeks ago, and began hitting up various sources in their worlds. And while insiders were more than happy to debunk inaccurate professional stories about both of them, their pals were much tighter lipped when it came to their love life.
Interestingly enough, Gossip Cop busted Us Weekly in July when it published an inaccurate cover story claiming Hiddleston and Swift were engaged. We were exclusively told there was no merit to the proposal claims, and time has obviously proven they never intended to get married. Gossip Cop has again reached out to Swift and Hiddleston sources, as well as to their reps, but we have yet to hear back."
Yeah. So we read the tea leaves right when they slipped in that "they may not stay together forever" line, and in the failure to deny the "first fight" story. "Catching wind" presumably means Tree farted in their general direction.
I popped over to tumblr to watch it burn. Here's a gem from a crazy super stan: "Congrats, you have ran [sic] another girlfriend off with your attitude, hate and lies."
There you have it. It's All. Our. Fault.
>>417 Wow! That "the relationship may not last" quote in Gossip Cop was quite revealing. I did think that if Tom wanted the possibly of going to the Emmy awards alone, and to not have every question be about TS, he had to get out around now. Wonder if Kimmel will make jokes about the romance? Wonder if TS will announce a new duet single w the Weeknd or a new album to distract from all of this? BTW, yesterday was a pretty ugly day of faux stories in the media. Even if its all for show, calling someone a user is a harsh way to malign someone's character.
>>408 In my opinion EO and TH agreed to Pap Night together b/c they thought attention on their real fling, or an alleged fling, would help sell their movie, and they both retracted when the movie had trouble. Neither was an innocent lamb. I still have no idea what TH's relationship terms were with JA. A bit brutal to say "not something to write home about", but JA stuck around for a whole year, maybe more. So between the two of them as adults, they had some sort of understanding about where they each stood with each other emotionally, and what role each played in the other's life. My humble opinion.
>>418 What's going on with Miss Berlinale and Miss Crazy Smart? Or is this quote from one of them!!
They were mocking during the relationship so why shouldn't they be mocked during the break-up.
>>421 crazy smart, the bunnyrabbit are now all saying they're glad it's over. havent' seen a post from berlinale.
In general, all the labeled Haters, Hiddlestunt supporters, and Neutrals are nearly back on one accord, and it's only been about 3 hours since the news dropped.
The basic sentiment is this:
>>423 Amended: berlinale is apparently being switzerland, 'swifties welcome to stay', etc.
Stats Britain twitter account is savage:
100% of Britons aren't looking forward to Taylor Swifts next album.
89% of Britons don't quite believe Tom Hiddleston had a desire to be public with his and Taylor's 'romance'.
Tom Hiddleston has spent the last few hours listening to the Wizard of Oz soundtrack.
0% of Tom Hiddleston was seen out and about before Taylor Swift.
0% of Britons believe Taylor's 'reasons'.
100% of Britons thought Tom and Taylor's relationship would be Loki but it turned out to be Swift.
Things Tom Hiddleston has never said:
1 Let's take beach photos!
2 Let's take restaurant photos!
3 Let me wear a 'I ❤️ T.S' t-shirt!
>>425 She's also said that anyone who has been "disparaging" towards Tom won't be welcomed "back into the fold." Apparently she's decided she likes the cult mentality of certain Swiftie cliques.
I'm sure there's a collective sigh of relief to never have to dumb down and read Swiftie boards or articles again.
I've been ashamed of my ability to hold my own in conversation with tweens.
With all the questions that arise wondering how he will recover, the only one I care about is;
Who will pity fuck him?
Can we finally see the triumphant return of the JArthy!
Thankyou P0rnhub for the funniest breakup tweet:
'Don't be sad @taylorswift13 there's plenty more fish in the sea. In the mean time, allow me to reinstate your P0rnhub Premium account.'
Damn! Some swifties may become fully aware - there's hope yet for this generation. cf. >>235
>>429 Even JArthy might think twice at this point.
>>431 Damn, that is genius! Surely it didn't come from a Swiftie. The poor little things must be tres confused right now. So many speedboat 'ships' riddled with holes careering to the bottom of the ocean.
>>431 Remember that look JA had when she came out of the cafe, having had breakfast with TH back in May after the MetGala.
? I like to think that he told her about the stunt, and that look of shock was her realizing that it was beyond over between them, regardless of the sexual chemistry.
>>435 That article was awesome! >>434 Not to be a total girl about this, but JA wore no makeup and overalls on that lunch meet up TH. She is a lovely looking woman, but that's not really an ensemble you wear to wow a man into falling for you. By contrast, her fashion at Wimbleon, Sherlock, and in Bora Bora was on point. Maybe he told her about the Swift stunt, but I would guess by her fashion choice that he and JA aren't regularly keeping company anymore. Her expression was very blasé.
LOL! That's all I can say. LOL! This whole thing, from beginning to end, has been completely LOL!
>>435 Even the breakup articles are hilarious. Thank you TayTo for making this summer an utterly entertaining one for us.
Interesting article from the Scum which had the original scoop.
The usual blah blah I'm so private BS from TS, then this from team Tom;
'But pals of Brit actor hit back, saying it was SHE who loved the limelight and Tom simply played along to keep her happy.
One said: “Tom has supported Taylor in everything she does, going along with her antics like splashing around in the sea with all her pals.
“All he has ever wanted to do was make her happy — and she always seemed to be.”
Pals of his say he was “humiliated” by what he sees as a high profile snub.
One said: “He’s done his duty, so he thought it was only fair she repays the favour herself and is by Tom’s side at the Emmys.
“He’s humiliated that she’s so against it and won’t put her tradition of avoiding red carpet events with boyfriends to one side for him on his big night.”'
>>431Some Swifties are actually conceding that GossipCop hinted about the split with the "may not last" quote, and are they are conceding that the PR people were tipping off the rag magazines about the breakup in advance. Sanity is prevailing,and everyone is slamming TS's new smiling "I'm single' gym pics in NYC as being immature on dailymail! BTW, calling your ex-beau a user is not part of amicable breakup...makes no sense.
'My phone battery lasted longer!' The Internet rejoices with hilarious memes mocking Taylor Swift and Tom Hiddleston's short-lived romance
EXCLUSIVE PICTURES: The smile that says I'm single! Taylor Swift struts around after dumping Tom Hiddleston over 'arm candy' Emmys invite
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LOL, it's the gift that keeps on giving. I can totally see TS dumping him (it was her) just before the Emmys so if he goes he'll have to answer questions about that.
I wonder now if he will go.
>>410 "To those at CB who hold fast to the 'No one will remember his stupid antics' theory"
One of the most illogical thing they write. They keep saying that this helped raising his profile, ergo the story is know to a wide circle of people that now know his name, but at the same time insist that it's all limited to gossip websites and rags.
>>439 She looks liberated hahaha
TH had better watch his back, the split might be called amicable now, but TS might have learned Kim's lessons and, if like ti seems from her favourite outlets she felt used by TH, she might sit on stuff until the time is right to cause damage.
>>419 "I’m going to guess that the name of UsWeekly’s source is Nils Sjoberg, because they say that Taylor dumped Tom." hahaha
Trying to take back the narrative with another UNICEF anecdote:
>>447 Same old, same old. Maybe we'll get a photo of him at a cafè reading a Latin or Greek philosopher.
I love veranda woman hypocrisy, when The Guardian and other British newspapers were dissing TH she refused to acknowledge those articles existed, now that they are dissing only TS, she is the one posting links. But she does NOT care about his love life, not at all!
>>449 They are all so hypocritical - the unbelievably clever tumblr woman is now saying she "never trusted" TS, but just held out from criticising because she lurves TH and respected his choice. I do recall her expressing vitriolic loathing of anyone who was even vaguely critical of TayTo, calling them "haters" etc. But it turns out she was a secret hater all along.