Tom Hiddleston (Lucky 13) (1000)

1 Name: Anon. : 2016-08-17 16:22 ID:ogIaQkZp

Thread to talk about the actor Tom Hiddleston

451 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-09-07 11:31 ID:Heaven

>>450 Ah! Not to mention all the bullying her and her clique did to other tumblr blogs, like ToD. You are right, they are all secret haters and cowards, they always wait until they are sure the gf is an ex to start with the insults, to protect themselves from criticism and protect him, their current narrative is: "see he broke up with her, so obviously he was not ok with the PR games, it's all TS's fault, TH is just so gracious and nice that he went along with her wishes, that spoiled brat with fake boobs"

452 Name: N8Anon : 2016-09-07 11:32 ID:pD50SF40

I've been absent due to life in general and trying to wean myself off the Hiddles-drama, but had to swing by after this latest news. It was my birthday yesterday and I think it was one of the best presents ever!

453 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-09-07 11:33 ID:Heaven

>>452 Hello, Happy belated Birthday!

454 Name: Anonon : 2016-09-07 12:07 ID:ISfVxpCX

>>452 What a gift on your birthday!

'It is with a heavy heart that I must inform you that Taylor Swift and Tom Hiddleston have called it quits.'

His reply to a Hiddleswifter demanding he 'un say it':
'Perhaps...when my will to live comes back.'

Ron Perlman reminding me why I love him.

455 Name: Anon : 2016-09-07 12:43 ID:2N6FC+ZQ

>>452 Happy birthday!!

456 Name: N8Anon : 2016-09-07 13:04 ID:pD50SF40

Thanks all :-) THANKS HIDDLES.
Seriously can't believe the angle her camp are trying to play. I think the fall out is going to be very interesting.

457 Name: Sosorry : 2016-09-07 13:50 ID:2f57j049

>>442 Maybe what TH wanted was a doubles partner to equally play the fame game with. JA was hoping to be publicly claimed as a gf. And maybe EO, distracted by the her engagement ending, was a bit more emotionally open than usual, even though she is a strong knowledgeable woman who has been in the Hollywood game with her twin sisters longer than TH has. And sadly, silly rabbit TH thought he could partner up with TS. TS has the moxie, the status, the income, and the ambition to try this scheme. But TS always intended to play a master chess match with the world press and her fans, using TH as a pawn to defend herself, the Queen, against the Kimye press. And hence, TS never valued TH's fans or his thespian rep. credibility in her chess match. Hmmm...Calvin continues to be vocal. Upon reflection, TS's relationship with Calvin looks suspicious, given that she was on tour so much and they only hung out for hours at a time, allegedly >>440'I've been through a lot this year': Calvin Harris issues thinly-veiled jibe at ex Taylor Swift while collecting his Solo Artist gong at GQ Awards... as she splits from Tom Hiddleston

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458 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-09-07 14:15 ID:Heaven

>>456 We'll see in the following days if this is her camp or the tabloids trying to make some money by creating drama.

459 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-09-07 15:13 ID:Heaven

"Taylor Swift is a lot of things but she wasn’t alone in the spectacle. There were two willing participants in the Swoki situation and now that that situation is broken, there are two players trying to outplay each other. So please, please let’s not waste our time blaming just one of them when, as has been super obvious, nobody was being forced by gunpoint, both during the relationship and even as it ended."

The introduction I completely agree with, the rest it's good parsing, no idea if that's actually what happened, but as I said TH has been playing this game before, but back then we used to give him the benefit of the doubt and blame it on his partner....which is what is happening now with is fans.

460 Name: Anon. : 2016-09-07 16:01 ID:Roq0aBrd

>>459 Lainey, who must be desperate to become the "Over 40' or 'Canadian' squad member, is unabashedly Pro-Tay, so she will always divert blame away from TS. But she is certainly correct in saying TH played along...even if his eyes were decidedly hostage-y throughout.

461 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-09-07 16:05 ID:Heaven

>>460 Is she really? Gosh I had no idea. The only full article I read by her was the one about EO and TH a year ago.

462 Name: Anon. : 2016-09-07 16:12 ID:Roq0aBrd

>>452 Many happy returns. Two reasons to celebrate.

463 Name: Anon. : 2016-09-07 16:19 ID:Roq0aBrd

>>461 she's a strange one. She likes to style herself as a serious gossip columnist who doesn't just comment on celeb life but has sources, is an industry insider and is in a position to offer up blind items and scoops. As such, she can't slash and burn like Dlisted but needs to handle with kid gloves. She's not as obviously in the pocket as Gossip Cop, but she'll only dig her teeth into the real villains. And she has her favs; Tay is one.

464 Name: Anon. : 2016-09-07 16:27 ID:Roq0aBrd

>>448 Anon's husband can suggest some reading. Maybe a copy of Polybius...placed temptingly in the back seat of a running car. Can you deprogram thirst and the need for attention?

465 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-09-07 16:30 ID:Heaven

>>463 I thought she was connected to serious media, because she interviewed EO and TH last year at TIFF and I didn't think owners of gossip websites had access to actors at important film festivals.

466 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-09-07 16:35 ID:Heaven

>>464 I suggest Marcus Aurelius's Meditations, that way he can start the speculation about this mysterious theatre's announcement he is supposed to make while at the same time assuming a cogitating expression.

467 Name: Anon : 2016-09-07 17:54 ID:2N6FC+ZQ

>>466 I always think his cogitating expression is redolent of constipation.

468 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-09-07 18:07 ID:Heaven

>>467 lol true!

469 Name: Anon : 2016-09-07 18:13 ID:2N6FC+ZQ

470 Name: Anon : 2016-09-07 19:06 ID:2N6FC+ZQ

Interesting piece in the Telegraph. Named publicist has this to say:

"What do the experts think? Mark Borkowski, who runs a PR agency and has written a book on the dark arts of showbiz publicists past, The Fame Formula, avers that even though Hiddleston’s name is now everywhere in the run-up to the Emmy Awards next week (he’s nominated for Lead Actor in a Limited Series of Movie) the episode has done him no favours.

He suspected contrivance from the off, given that The Night Manager had done respectably well in the States but had not enjoyed the same phenomenal response as it did back home.

“The manner in which it broke, in a part of the world where the paparazzi scalp-hunters are everywhere, struck me as unusual,” he says. “Playing with the media when you are A-listers – Taylor is one, Hiddleston could have been one before this – was shocking. It was from the Kardashian school of generating those 'it was true at the time' rumours. They had those t-shirts made, he had 'I love Taylor' printed on his arm in make-up… If you talk to agents in Hollywood they thought it was a very desperate way to generate interest."

471 Name: Sosorry : 2016-09-07 19:22 ID:2f57j049

Tom looks much younger, and his hair looks fuller in these brand new Australia pics. I guess he's less stressed out, now.

PICTURE EXCLUSIVE: Discussing your Swift romance? Glum Tom Hiddleston has heart-to-heart with friends as he's seen for first time since Taylor split
It was revealed on Tuesday that the actor and the pop star have broken upTaylor was seen smiling after news of the split emerged
It comes after revealed Taylor had turned down Tom's invite to the Emmys and questioned if he was with her for the 'right reasons'
The former couple were together for just three months
While inseparable at first, they had not been pictured together since July
Tom and Taylor have been mocked with memes on social media
The 35-year-old is in Australia to film Thor: Ragnarok

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472 Name: Whatsinaname : 2016-09-07 19:27 ID:/dRQNS9U

>>436 SoSorry - I did not say (or imply) that JA was there to try to win him back. I was only commenting on the blank look on her face in that picture of her leaving.

473 Name: Sosorry : 2016-09-07 19:50 ID:2f57j049

>>472 I apologize unreservedly for misconstruing your statement. Maybe I was just fascinated and confused about their meetup since it was photographed by paps. I couldn't decide whether they saw each other by chance and decided to catch up? Or whether it was a planned meet up as part of THs TNM and Bond press at the time, as it looked good for him to be seen as a desirable man w a pretty woman? And the fact that JA looked so casually outfitted, and bored or put-out, confused me. Since she works in PR and knows the game, and so I assumed she would just be pleasant for the cameras, no matter what.

474 Name: Sosorry : 2016-09-07 21:06 ID:2f57j049

I found this on I guess they're on Team Tom, since they called him a gentleman for not tweeting about the breakup, and instead focusing on the Education campaign on twitter.

475 Name: Anon. : 2016-09-07 22:34 ID:kYaIUqng

>>470 But...but...but...only gossip mags and tabloids care about this. Everyone else has already forgotten. This won't affect his career at all. Producers, directors and critics don't care.

(This comment has been brought to you by Celebitchy, in conjunction with the three feet of bullshit covering the floor of the veranda.)

476 Name: NewAnon : 2016-09-07 22:54 ID:axsU/GEJ

What's up with US Weekly putting out a second exclusive saying Tom and Taylor might give it a second go when he's back in America? It's like they're leaving the door open for an on and off relationship narrative. A game to get maximum coverage when he comes back to US for the Emmy's and they suddenly show up together?

477 Name: NewAnon : 2016-09-07 22:58 ID:axsU/GEJ

478 Name: Sosorry : 2016-09-07 23:14 ID:2f57j049

>>476 US Weekly is her source. I think that since no one believes the whole Taylor wanted a private relationship angle and thinks that reason is BS since TS's whole life is public, her PR team is trying to back away from TS calling TH a fame seeker, and emphasizing the idea that distance/work was the problem, and that she did care about TH. This is also illogical since she is not working now, and since she has a private plane...

But it seems Tom is not willing to give up yet and the Night Manager star may try to rewin Taylor's heart. 'They could get back together when Tom is done filming and comes back to the States. It's possible they will see each other and make it work. She had an amazing time with him.' the source told Us Weekly.

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479 Name: anonsy : 2016-09-07 23:33 ID:pNWFq7GU

>>478 "They could get back together when Tom is done filming and comes back to the States. It's possible they will see each other and make it work." I saw this exact sentence, almost word for word, on one of the Swiftie Sisters' blogs last night. I think Us and/or TS's PR trolled tumblr for 'source' statements to keep her fans happy.

In any case, it makes no sense as he lives in London, not the States...

480 Name: Sosorry : 2016-09-07 23:43 ID:2f57j049

Either made up, or from Team Tom. Ouch.

Taylor Swift Exclusive: Tom Hiddleston Telling Friends He Pulled the Plug on 'Hiddleswift' |

481 Name: Anon. : 2016-09-08 01:49 ID:kYaIUqng

>>480 Ah, the mysterious 'Corio. producer source' has resurfaced. I don't know enough about HeatStreet to even guess at its legitimacy or whether it is a TH mouthpiece. I'd not even heard about it until the previous article about the relationship being real but a way for TH to relax following the stress of...THE BREXIT.

Wait, maybe I can guess at its legitimacy.

482 Name: Anonon : 2016-09-08 02:08 ID:QiO4jB4b

>>481 I really want it to be true proving that he and Luke can play dirty but as you say that's as likely as Brexit being the cause of the relationship.

Thanks for the sass Bette Midler:
'Taylor Swift & Tom Hiddleston broke up? Wouldn’t it be kinda funny if I logged off & wrote a song about it before she got the chance?'

483 Name: Whatsinaname : 2016-09-08 04:37 ID:/dRQNS9U

>>452 Happy Birthday, N8Anon!
>>473 No harm, SoSorry, I wanted to be clear about my intention.
>>482 Jaime Alexander liked Bette's tweet. :)

484 Name: Sosorry : 2016-09-08 04:45 ID:2f57j049

Team Tom is fighting back in the dailymail, and in the Sun, which originally ran the RI pics. Wow. I thought he'd go with gentlemanly silence. Respect. Wonder if this means he's attending the Emmy's solo or with his Mom? Hmm....

It's not me, it's you! Friends of Tom Hiddleston insist HE broke up with Taylor Swift as he 'grew tired of her'

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485 Name: Whatsinaname : 2016-09-08 05:29 ID:/dRQNS9U

>>436 No worries, SoSorry; my only intention was to point out the look on her face.
>>452 Belated Happy Birthday, N8Anon!
>>482 Jaime Alexander liked Bette's tweet.

486 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-09-08 06:19 ID:Heaven

>>470 Yep, just because people talk about you it doesn't mean they like you or they have developed an interest for you, as his instagram accounts clearly proves.

>>471 The only thing I notice in those photos is that he seems to have acquired a new tshirt to run.

>>484 If it's them that's not really a good idea, media battling with TS would not only prove her point but make his position worse.

487 Name: Sosorry : 2016-09-08 06:32 ID:2f57j049

Some people are saying that all of these sources are from Taylor, and Tree Paine. They're just spinning any tale to confuse all of us so we have no idea what happened between she and TH. And then when Taylor writes album 6, which fans say she is working on now in her old apartment w her co-writers, she can pick whatever breakup story line she wants. Now I'm thinking that this makes sense, since she probably has control of the breakup narrative in the contract.

488 Name: anonsy : 2016-09-08 06:33 ID:J8WOgAEy

>>484 I don't believe this came from Team Tom. Painting him as a commitment-phobe who dumps women after three months because he's bored? Not exactly flattering.

489 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-09-08 06:55 ID:Heaven

>>487 That's bs, pure and simple. There are leaks and there's tabloids doing what tabloids do. Some people are saying that because poor Hiddleston must be protected and all the blame should fall on TS.

490 Name: Sosorry : 2016-09-08 08:08 ID:2f57j049

>>489 Not sure if anyone just wants to blame TS. TH and TS were both players in the PR games of this summer, after all. It's just that her brand/public image is so specifically tailored to her fan base, and so financially valuable. If you were entering into a relationship contract, and you had TS's kind of power and sway, why would allow the other party but so much room to help define the breakup narrative? NY Post now claims that TS's new album is imminent, btw.

Tom Hiddleston should've known better than to date Taylor Swift

For more on the New York Post and to download our apps, visit

491 Name: Anon. : 2016-09-08 11:08 ID:kYaIUqng

>>490 There are plenty of people who want to blame TS and only TS; they hang out at CB in the veranda and in some of tumblr's more unsavory corners. For some TH will always be blameless.

If this relationship was to deflect from Kimye's GQ article and then tapes (unbeknownst to TH), TS may have been happy to let TH have some say in the break up just to get him to agree.

492 Name: Anonon : 2016-09-08 12:39 ID:QiO4jB4b

493 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-09-08 14:20 ID:Heaven

>>492 Gold!

And thank you Corden, I want all articles about TH in the near future to start with a pic of him with that tanktop.

494 Name: Sosorry : 2016-09-08 15:43 ID:2f57j049

>>492 The TS/BS shirt is pretty wild. BTW, did anyone see this UK piece on the pre-breakup last week? Its a pretty sympathetic piece, maybe from Team Tom, about how his work schedule and TS's private plane/worldwide travel, her desire to speak on the phone w the crazy time differences, and constant high tabloid press interest in their coupledom, was physically exhausting for him. Pretty good angle of spin.

495 Name: NewAnon : 2016-09-08 16:52 ID:axsU/GEJ

Veranda lady on CB is cracking me up. I love watching her fall apart and act like she's better than everyone else and somehow knows a celebrity really well like he's a best bud lol Her comments on the latest CB Tom post about laughing at others believing tabloid gossip about Tom while she didn't are hilarious. Some stans, I swear.

496 Name: Whatsinaname : 2016-09-08 17:30 ID:/dRQNS9U

>>494 someone on tumblr posted that one yesterday. I didn't realize it was published last week.

This one just published by the Guardian talks about the toll of the relationship too:

497 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-09-08 18:07 ID:Heaven

>>496 Keep up the good work Guardian.

"Lost in Showbiz has grave reservations about the suitability of Hiddleston for Bond, particularly on the basis of an interview he once gave in which he explained that as an actor, “I can’t turn off my intelligence”. But following his high-profile three-month relationship with Taylor … well, things have merely crystallised. No offence, but I don’t go to the movies to watch my country being covertly defended by someone who’d wear an I Love TS singlet. You might as well give Isis our nuclear codes or make Boris Johnson foreign secretary."

498 Name: Whatsinaname : 2016-09-08 19:10 ID:mdIPwm8i

>>497 There were a lot of comments everywhere about whether or not BB would be swayed by The Summer of Fauxlove. The Guardian makes a good argument for.

499 Name: Sosorry : 2016-09-08 22:41 ID:2f57j049

I think we have confirmation from E! news that Hiddlston will attend the Emmys, and all alone! This is a lovely even-handed treatment of the split, stating that their short coupling was loving but too much too soon. And ending with his attending the Emmys for sure. Wow. Mature. But I don't believe TS is going to fly under the radar going forwards. Her Greenwich Hotel pap Night pics just proved that.

500 Name: Anon. : 2016-09-09 00:03 ID:kYaIUqng

>>499 I wouldn't say this is confirmation that he'll attend the Emmys. The wording is open to interpretation, and frankly I don't think E! would get the scoop on that or have an inside source about who will and won't attend. It's E.

That picture of him at lunch makes him look like a grinning Child Catcher.

502 Name: anonsy : 2016-09-09 00:38 ID:Cezlgw4d

>>501 Tom getting the James Bond gig was so far from my mind that I didn't even think of the possibility that the "Tom hates commitment" story was meant to call Bond to mind.

503 Name: Sosorry : 2016-09-09 01:24 ID:2f57j049

>>502 For the record, I think that TH has the work ethic and the looks to make an intriguing Bond after Daniel Craig finishes his contract (Gossip Cop already denied that DC got a 150 million dollar offer to continue, btw.) But only if Swift turns up lying down nude and comatose on a bed, and completely coated in gold paint, will this whole coupledom remind me of a Bond film : )

504 Name: Anonon : 2016-09-09 01:34 ID:QiO4jB4b

>>502 I vaguely recall discussing with slight derision a tabloids declaration of his 3 month dick alarm just before the summer of Swift as being suggestive that he is a Bond-esque manslut, not a 35yo virgin who romances in books and poetry as his fans were led to believe.
Perhaps this has all gone according to plan (aside from Selena Gomez, THAT wifebeater and all the hand kissing. I don't think Bond hand kisses across tables.

505 Name: Anon. : 2016-09-09 02:47 ID:kYaIUqng

After parting from his so-called girlfriend Taylor Swift, 26, Etonian actor Tom Hiddleston, 35, has also fallen behind rival thespians vying for the role of James Bond. Bookies have reduced Hiddleston’s prospects of succeeding the current 007, Daniel Craig, after Craig was reportedly offered more than £100million to do two more films. Might the Hiddleston-Swift romance be the creation of public relations types? I am advised that Tom can still rely on the support of Luke Windsor, 32, described to me as his ‘friend, publicist and nanny’.

506 Name: anonsy : 2016-09-09 02:53 ID:J8WOgAEy

>>505 Oh dear.

507 Name: Sosorry : 2016-09-09 03:27 ID:6i5yXeHO

>>505 My goodness. Is this columnist asserting that Luke and Tom are a romantic item, because that would be one of the first times that the mainstream press has tried to imply that to the general public?

2. GossipCop has just verified from Team Tom that he never, ever, ever went ring shopping for TS, nor was he ever planning on proposing over. This faux breakup is becoming as testy and as unpleasant as a real one!

508 Name: Whatsinaname : 2016-09-09 04:20 ID:/dRQNS9U

>>507 Eh, I took it like they're pulling out an old chestnut to fill the paragraph. Someone is always implying that, somewhere.

Below: This is the second article (can't remember the first) that said it's waiting for TH to say something directly about his breakup with TS. See the first sentence:

He has commented on his relationships before, barely, when asked, but this situation is so incendiary and tied to a contract (allegedly!) that I don't bet on a direct quote anytime soon, if ever. I think his PR will keep up this war in the press and keep him away from the mic through to and past the Emmys, and maybe through the Marvel shoot.

But nothing about the past 3 months has been normal so who knows.

509 Name: M : 2016-09-09 06:14 ID:k3n4y+Sx

I returned after 2 weeks of travel through the former Yugoslavia. Can somebody tell me what I missed?

510 Name: Sosorry : 2016-09-09 06:42 ID:2f57j049

My goodness! Now Taylor and Tree Paine are asserting in the UK papers, that the claims that Tom grew tired of her, and that he is a commitment-phobe, are definitely quotes from Team Tom for sure! So she's the self-proclaimed victim who will rise, again. This is just messy...

It's been claimed that the Bad Blood singer was dumped by Tom after he “grew tired” of her.

But now a source close to Taylor has told The Sun that she's not going to let it bother her.

“Taylor knows what went on with Tom and won’t be affected by his team’s claims,” they said.

511 Name: Anonon : 2016-09-09 06:55 ID:mgwqPQ7a

>>509 OOO the Dalmatian coast and Dubrovnik are my favorite places. I'd much rather hear about your travels.
You haven't missed much. They split but it was as exciting as opening a bottle of flat warm champagne. After endless weeks of ghosting each other they finally admitted it was over and the tabloids are fighting over whodunnit to a collective yawn.
Some speculators have returned to wondering if TH is gay, others declare he is an innocent who was used and abused by the evil witch, conspiracy theorists are running amok and the rest think he's a daft twat and wish he would stop flashing his juicy thighs.

513 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-09-09 07:22 ID:Heaven

>>508 Harris stating that he imposed his conditions on her and she accepted them for so long was interesting, clearly TayTo was a circus because TH was ok with it being a circus (which everyone except for CB's nannies knew already), TH could have drawn lines like Harris did but he didn't because he wanted to be a celeb.

As for TH commenting directly, on one side one could say he is too passive aggressive and spineless to do that, but on the other there was one time when he did: with SF and she did the dumping. Of course they were also represented by the same PR agency and he was the strongest party, SF was always mum on the subject even when asked about it.

Sure, this battle on tabloids doesn't improve his position.

514 Name: M : 2016-09-09 08:22 ID:k3n4y+Sx

Lucky 13 :))))

515 Name: Sosorry : 2016-09-09 13:23 ID:2f57j049

Apparently, Podrick from GOT on HBO thinks that the new James Bond should be more macho than Hiddleston, b/c Hiddleston couldn't even handle Swift as a bf. Ouch. The men of 2016 are so catty! It reminds me of my high school days.

'I'd like to see a more macho Bond': Game Of Thrones actor Daniel Portman reveals how he feels about Tom Hiddleston as the single star lands in Sydney for Oz Comic-Con. Speaking ahead of his Oz Comic-Con appearance this weekend, the 24-year-old bachelor said: 'I like Tom Hiddleston as an actor but he's... I'd like to see a more macho Bond.'

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516 Name: Whatsinaname : 2016-09-09 14:42 ID:/dRQNS9U

>>515. Mee-yowwww

517 Name: Whatsinaname : 2016-09-09 15:18 ID:/dRQNS9U

But seriously, this is why he was never my first choice if they're going to continue to the brutal killer mode they've been in with Daniel Craig, despite some of the bare-hand killing scenes in The Night Manager. He's missing that final layer that says Definitive Bond. He looks too debonair.

Tom Hardy or Idris Elba? They could walk away with that.

518 Name: Anon : 2016-09-09 19:02 ID:2N6FC+ZQ

>>505 the interesting thing about Eprahim Hardcastle, according to a poster on the latest CB thread, is that he (a pseudonym) publishes a lot of blind items and gossip, much of which is very reliable. What was interesting to me was not the comment about Luke, which I just took to mean what we all know, which is that TH is unaccountably reliant on Luke even though Luke is the most shit publicist ever. The interesting bit is that Mr Hardcastle doesn't think it was a real relationship. He has heard something on the grapevine, I'd guess.

519 Name: Anon. : 2016-09-09 20:04 ID:kYaIUqng

>>518 Or he has eyes like the rest of us!

Actually, I'm not sold on the reliability of Hardcastle. I don't read him religiously but his column catches my eye often enough. He's a bit like us: he's good at reasoning out the not-so-obvious. He's doesn't often mention sources - and he doesn't even just stick to celebs and entertainment: he once wrote about Erdogan and Merkel. I've never seen him post a blind item, so that's strange - maybe I've just always missed them.

What the skinny on CB? Any laugh-out-loud bullshit from veranda or her ilk?

520 Name: Anon. : 2016-09-09 20:08 ID:kYaIUqng

From the latest Dlisted thread:

Was this meant to be the lunch pictured in the DM? Somehow I can't see TH f-ing and jeff-ing his way through a string of pretty foul curse words, but he's not the dude we thought he was, so....

521 Name: Anon : 2016-09-09 20:18 ID:2N6FC+ZQ

>>520 I couldn't see this either. British people do swear more than Americans, as you will recall, and posh British men often swear a lot. But still rarely the c word. And especially not directly of a woman. So a posh British bloke might say "X was behaving in a really c-ty way today" but not "Y is a c-t."

522 Name: Anon : 2016-09-09 20:24 ID:2N6FC+ZQ

>>519 Verandah woman is pouring hate down on TS. Nothing we haven't said here (self-obsessed, permanent victim, immature, why does she alway wear that "hidden vibrator"' smile etc). But she has been jumping on anyone who even vaguely criticised EO so it is hilarious seeing her engage in the same behaviour. She has gone a bit nuts. It's like someone turned on a tap. She hasn't even been going on about the mimosas much because she is so focussed on sticking the knife in Swifty.

Otherwise over recent weeks CB has been oddly sensible. Lots of people saying similar stuff (were they rolling out the advance breakup stories). The one interesting thing is that there is a sharp divide between fake relationship and real relationship exploited for publicity. They seem pretty evenly split, even considering how many news outlets went with the "totally fake" story from the get go.

523 Name: Anon. : 2016-09-09 20:37 ID:kYaIUqng

'She has gone a bit nuts.' HAHAHAHAHAH!!!! This made me laugh out loud for some reason.

Do the real/fake split runs along nanny/sensible fan lines. It's hard to admit your fav is problematic and whored out his family and personal life in a completely fake relationship, and did so all for attention/publicity. It's a crummy thing to do.

I would think veranda would be in the 'real' camp because she seems an uber-fan. Same with Crazy Smart and Berlinale. They would't - couldn't!!! - admit that he'd faked a romance; they would find that beneath him.

524 Name: Anon : 2016-09-09 21:38 ID:2N6FC+ZQ

>>523 they all are in the "real" camp.

There is one poster on CB called bonzo, who is totally one of us. She has had an eye for his thirsty shenanigans for several years, so she thinks it is all of a piece. Other normal fans think: real(ish) but definitely sucked dry of all PR potential. Some other sensible bod said, celebs don't do normal relationships. For them, the PR benefit is something you just always consider and factor in when choosing someone (like some women date only rich men - they may find and genuinely be in love with a nice guy, but somehow he will always happen to be rich).

525 Name: Anonon : 2016-09-10 01:18 ID:VAxNkKxz

USW has had a troublesome and very clever rewrite.
While GC has debunked the ring shopping and talk of marriage and kids, TS once again emerges from a pile of stank smelling of roses. Poor hapless romantic sweet Tay who is confirmed to be furiously writing new music with her poison pen as we speak and just turned up to NYFW looking like Little Lord Fauntleroy

526 Name: Anon. : 2016-09-10 01:45 ID:kYaIUqng


I clicked and took one for the team:

Taylor Swift is in love with love. The self--described hopeless romantic “dives headfirst into relationships,” a close Swift insider tells the new issue of Us Weekly. She admitted as much when speaking to Parade a few years back. “I don’t think there’s an option for me to fall in love slowly, or at medium speed,” she explained. “I either do or I don’t.” Her all-in approach means that once she clicks with a guy, she ignores potential pitfalls. “I don’t think it through, really, which is a good thing and a bad thing,” the pop star told the magazine. “You don’t look before you leap, which is like, Yay, this is awesome! Let’s not think twice!” When the relationship begins to unravel, however, the second-guessing kicks in. As Swift summed it up, “You’re like, ‘We used to be flying. Now we’re falling. What’s happening?’”

Her heart is crashing back to Earth once more. Multiple sources confirm the 26-year-old Wyomissing, Pennsylvania, native has ended her 12-week whirlwind romance with actor Tom Hiddleston. And the end came, well, as swiftly as its start. Just two months ago, says a Hiddleston friend, the 35-year-old London-born star — beloved for his role as Thor’s evil brother, Loki, in the Thor and Avengers films — was contemplating buying a ring for the 10-time Grammy winner. “He’s talked about all of it: marriage and kids,” the friend told Us at the time. “I wouldn’t be surprised if he proposed.” Indeed, the twosome flew back and forth across the Atlantic Ocean to introduce each other to their parents within days of their June 14 first date and swapped I love you’s before their one-month anniversary.

But it was too much, too fast. “It was an intense start,” says a Hiddleston family source. “No one can keep that kind of momentum going.” Echoes the close Swift insider, “They just dived in and it backfired.” Slowing the relationship down failed to save it, explains the insider: “They decided to take a break and it turned into a breakup.”

The space between them caused a chasm. After spending the early weeks of their romance together 24/7 — traveling from Nashville to England to Italy — the fledgling duo struggled when Hiddleston reported to Australia in early July to film Thor: Ragnarok. Though Swift — unfettered by work commitments, having wrapped her record--breaking 1989 World Tour last December — joined him at first, once she flew back home, “the distance was hard,” notes another close Swift source. “Especially because they were together every minute when they started dating. They’d gotten used to that.”

527 Name: Anon. : 2016-09-10 01:46 ID:kYaIUqng

>>526 This screed was TOO LONG for the board.

Part II:

Weeks into long-distance love, their frustrations began boiling over, resulting in their first big blowout in early August. “It was a major argument,” confirms a source. “They fought about not spending enough time together.”

The revelation crushed Hiddleston, leaving the Eton- and Cambridge-educated star “embarrassed that the relationship fizzled out,” says the source close to the couple. Swift is also dismayed at the prospect of enduring yet another public breakup. Although the insider says Swift “doesn’t regret” allowing herself to be wooed by Hiddleston (he even sent flowers before their first date!), she wishes their early days could have been spent in private. “I think she feels a little embarrassed that the whole world saw them so serious and now it’s over,” notes the insider.

The spotlight on their union was also a source of strain. Within hours of being photographed making out near her seven-bedroom Westerly, Rhode Island, spread (just weeks after her split from Scottish EDM DJ Calvin Harris, 32), the two had been dubbed “HiddleSwift” by fans who eagerly tracked their every move. Well versed in public romance (see: her dalliances with Jake Gyllenhaal and Harry Styles), Swift suggested they fly under the radar. (After all, as she joked to Vanity Fair last year of relationships, “I usually don’t make the same mistake twice. I make new ones, but I don’t usually repeat my old ones.”)

Explains a source close to the couple, “Taylor knew the backlash that comes with public displays of affection. But Tom didn’t listen to her concerns when she brought them up.” Instead, a madly-in-love Hiddleston boldly donned an I [heart] t.s. tank and a temporary heart tattoo emblazoned with the letter T at her annual 4th of July bash. Days later, he gushed to The Hollywood Reporter that he and Swift “are together and we’re very happy.”

Hiddleston’s declarations stunned family members. “The paparazzi photos, the public displays of affection, they all seemed very un-Tom,” a Hiddleston family source says of the actor, who never confirmed his 2015 romance with I Saw the Light costar Elizabeth Olsen in the press.

They also concerned Swift. “Tom wanted the relationship to be more public than she was comfortable with,” says the Swift source. Though the pair tried to work out their issues — texting and speaking on the phone regularly, as well as convening at her Rhode Island home for two days in mid-August — Swift realized she needed to take a step back. Explains the source, “She was the one to put the brakes on the relationship. They get along great and will remain friends, but they just don’t see it working romantically right now.”

The revelation crushed Hiddleston, leaving the Eton- and Cambridge-educated star “embarrassed that the relationship fizzled out,” says the source close to the couple. Swift is also dismayed at the prospect of enduring yet another public breakup. Although the insider says Swift “doesn’t regret” allowing herself to be wooed by Hiddleston (he even sent flowers before their first date!), she wishes their early days could have been spent in private. “I think she feels a little embarrassed that the whole world saw them so serious and now it’s over,” notes the insider.

528 Name: Anon. : 2016-09-10 01:47 ID:kYaIUqng

>>527 Part III:

Still, the pop star — famous for turning failed romances into hit records — knows how to shake off a split. The insider says she has been spending time at her homes in Nashville, New York City and Rhode Island, hanging out with her parents, stockbroker dad Scott and former finance-exec mom Andrea. (She also reported for jury duty and was excused from a rape case August 29.) “She’s doing OK — just living her life and not talking about Tom,” says the insider, adding that, yes, “she’s been writing a bunch.”

Hiddleston is not writing off the singer just yet. The strapping 6-foot-2 star has a history of laying it all on the line for love — he once told a Russian website that he skipped a key audition to surprise his college girlfriend in Paris — and the family source predicts he will try to rewin Swift’s heart. “He’s in Oz now for Thor,” says the source, “so he’s got some time to figure out what he wants.” Swift is contemplating their future as well. Says the insider, “They could get back together when Tom is done filming and comes back to the States. It’s possible they will see each other and make it work. She had an amazing time with him.”

Tree must have carpal tunnel after writing that.

529 Name: Anon. : 2016-09-10 01:59 ID:kYaIUqng

>>526>>527>>528 My opinion will be much shorter: BULLSHIT.

Some of my fav quotes

'...a madly-in-love Hiddleston...gushed to The Hollywood Reporter that he and Swift “are together and we’re very happy.' I once gushed about a sandwich in this way - I was _really- hungry.

'...the insider says Swift “doesn’t regret” allowing herself to be wooed by Hiddleston (he even sent flowers before their first date!), [but] she wishes their early days could have been spent in private....' My eyes aren't strong enough to give this the eye roll it deserves.

530 Name: Anonon : 2016-09-10 02:09 ID:QiO4jB4b

>>528 Oh thanks, I gave up on the copying and pasting.
She's really done her research for this rewrite, I'm mildly impressed. Even digging out that oft refuted ancient quote from a Russian source as proof that he's a hopeless romantic. The 'TH family source' stunned by his PDA on the heels of his hidden romance with EO... clever dick, Tree, so clever. Who can argue with that?

Hunt just mentioned that TS took time out from the recording studio to attend NYFW with her so perhaps the next bitter album is being rushed out as swiftly as her failed romances.

531 Name: Anonon : 2016-09-10 02:13 ID:QiO4jB4b

>>529 They've basically called him thirstay, which we all called him anyway, they've just circumnavigated Tays thirst in the process.

532 Name: Anon. : 2016-09-10 02:28 ID:kYaIUqng

>>531 Instead of her own thirst, they've played up her unmatched attractiveness and desirability. Men just fall head-over-heels for her, they can't help themselves. They woo her, display their love for her in over-the-top ways, are heartbroken when SHE dumps them and then they immediately start making plans to win her back. She's the perfect woman.

I imagined myself to be this type of female...when I was 12.

It's a sad comment on TS's maturity if she wants this type of narrative out there. In the words of Anon, 'She has gone a bit nuts.'

533 Name: Anonon : 2016-09-10 02:37 ID:QiO4jB4b

>>532 I'm just so happy to let her go nuts over there in the corner where I can't see her anymore right where she belongs.

captcha: THostage

534 Name: Anonon : 2016-09-10 02:39 ID:QiO4jB4b

>>532 Let's not forget what a sad comment on TH's maturity it is that he spent 2 months with Tay and exhausted our collective supply of tinfoil.

535 Name: Sosorry : 2016-09-10 03:20 ID:2f57j049

>>528 E news on tv just reported that their age differences, on top of the distance between them, was the reason for the split, and that she realized after talking with him on the phone this week that they are better matched as friends. Now we have listed every excuse under the sun from TH is a user and a fame enthusiast, to he dumped her ruthlessly b/c he was bored, to he desperately wants to woo her back, to they're better off as friends. Also, C Harris just liked Taylor's video at the Tommy Hilfiger fashion show of her singing to This is What You Came Form their song. Drama, drama, drama...and all fake.

536 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-09-10 03:45 ID:ACFxRU7s

537 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-09-10 07:20 ID:Heaven

>>522 The festival of insults. Funny to watch happen but a measure of their hypocrisy. In the end TS is the same now as she was 3 months ago, but 3 months ago the same people who are insulting her now were saying that TS at 26 had every right to jump from bf to bf and be public with her love life. Because of course you couldn't speak ill of someone TH was dating. The length at which they go to protect him and divert the attention from what HE decided to do is unbelievable.

I also noticed the return of some posters that were attacking anyone insinuating that it was all PR, like Crox, now blaming it on TS. On the other hand K.C. disappeared!

538 Name: Whatsinaname : 2016-09-10 07:55 ID:/dRQNS9U

We have this article from CraveOnline:

which says Mr. H has a 3 month i'm-bored-so-i'll-dump-the-gf rule - so claim his 'friends' - right before going back to Australia for the long haul. They were 'surprised' to read TS dumped him. Here's the text:

Earlier this week, Taylor Swift‘s team actually wanted you to believe that she was the one who “put the brakes on the relationship” with Tom Hiddleston. Yeah, ok. Now Tom Hiddleston’s friends say he broke up with her because she was boring.

But now friends of Tom Hiddleston have come forward to claim it was in fact he who decided to give Taylor Swift the boot as he had grown ‘tired of her.’ The 35-year-old Thor star is said to be so fickle with women that he dumps them all with monotonous regularity, a development which led his associates christening the time frame as ‘the three month rule.’ A theatre producer who worked with the wannabe James Bond on Coriolanus told Heat Street: ‘The reports are wide of the mark and come as news to all Tom’s friends. ‘He grew tired of Taylor, it wasn’t the other way round.’

Like, I want to believe this, but then I remember that he used to date this. And she had him dying of thirst. Anyway, this whole story is also boring now. Just like their eventual sex tape that will leak which will basically be Taylor giving him handjob and stopping every 30 seconds because Tom isn’t maintaining eye contact.

539 Name: Whatsinaname : 2016-09-10 07:58 ID:/dRQNS9U

>>538 Then there's this article by CraveOnline that links back to him and EO:

which points out that he (allegedly) dumped EO right before going to Hawaii to film Skull Island because he wanted their relationship to go public but she just wanted to be able to visit the SI set for sex. (The article above is dated Dec. 2015.) The text:

According to Star, Tom Hiddleston dumped Elizabeth Olsen because she wouldn’t tell people they were dating. No pressure, Elizabeth.

Talk about playing too hard to get. While it seemed as though ‘I Saw the Light’s’ Tom Hiddleston and Elizabeth Olsen were ready to go public with their new romance, insiders claim the actress had trouble committing to her costar once filming wrapped. “Elizabeth’s so focused on her career,” reveals a pal. “She just wasn’t sure she could handle a serious relationship right now.” Tired of trying to make sense of her mixed signals, Tom broke it off with Elizabeth before he left to film ‘Kong: Skull Island’ in Hawaii – not that he’s singing the blues. “He seems determined to enjoy himself out here, partying late into the night with cast and crew,” says a source on set. “And no one can help but notice just how close he’s gotten to quite a few of the gorgeous girls working on the production.”

So, Elizabeth Olsen wanted some D on demand while on set, Tom Hiddleston confused that with feelings, and here we are. Helping Star sell ad space. Pretty straightforward. I guess you could say Tom left with his dignity or whatever, but he also left without the possibility of ever getting a 3am text from Elizabeth Olsen. Not sure it was worth all that. Somebody should fund a research grant so some people at a college can splice Tim Tebow, Tom Hiddleston, and Drake together to make the world’s worst girlfriend.

540 Name: Whatsinaname : 2016-09-10 08:01 ID:/dRQNS9U

>>538 The tumblr anti-Swifties say she was dumped by Harry Styles and John Mayer for being 'boring' .

541 Name: Whatsinaname : 2016-09-10 08:05 ID:/dRQNS9U

I know nothing of about Harry other than he's in 1D, but I've heard tons of gossip about John Mayer having a huge sex drive.

Sexual incompatibility is more common than people admit, I think, and I wouldn't be surprised if hers is far more reserved than her boyfriends' due to general life stress, being young and insecure, and pregnancy worry because, statistics.

542 Name: Anon : 2016-09-10 08:18 ID:2N6FC+ZQ

>>541 She is a nice girl from the conservative South, with a reputation to consider. And she suffers from arrested development from age 15 when she got famous. So there's that.

I am not necessarily saying she is a virgin now, though it was rumoured that was why she broke up with Styles and others. I think she thought CH was the one and surely during a year long relationship they did the deed. However I agree with you that she probably doesn't have a huge sex drive. I am far from convinced she slept with TH. They didn't radiate throw down (all those closed mouth kisses), and they were never really alone (bodyguards, Ryan Reynolds, mum), so lots of excuses for a person with low sex drive to not have it happen. And TH went for a lot of runs when she was visiting in Australia. I just didn't get the vibe that as soon as they were alone together they leapt on each other.

543 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-09-10 08:41 ID:Heaven

>>539 This article about EO is a copy of an article from the end of November, post Laser Night gate. It was the reason why I thought that whatever was going on with EO ended, because if you notice the article isn't flattering for TH so the general idea was that it came from EO's camp.
Since the other article you posted, about TS, is equally unflattering, I suppose it may be TS's camp. Or Maybe EO called TS and they had a chat :)

544 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-09-10 10:15 ID:Heaven

Someone who has instagram and can check, TH unfollowed someone didn't he? He follows 10 people now, they used to be more or my memory fails me?

545 Name: Anonon : 2016-09-10 11:06 ID:U33L0Agt

>>544 JVR has shut down his account and the numbers have been subject to a glitch ever since hackgate.
Shifty is still hanging in there.
I don't see him unfollowing but I'd love it if he used the snake removal tool to erase all I❤️TS photos.

546 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-09-10 11:23 ID:Heaven

>>545 Thanks. I didn't doubt TS would still be there, but remembered a different number and I was curious.
He wish he could do that!

547 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-09-10 11:23 ID:Heaven

*he wishes

548 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-09-10 11:25 ID:Heaven

This Morning commenting the end of Hiddleswift, nothing juicy, Schofield didn't talk to any close friend of TH, but there's nothing else to post.

549 Name: Anon : 2016-09-10 13:00 ID:2N6FC+ZQ

>>545 JVR has shut down his Twitter as well. Most odd. Is he having a meltdown in the editing room now he realises he actually made Shit Island?

550 Name: Name? : 2016-09-10 13:00 ID:s2G9jpne

Did anyone else notice how the veranda lady developed this sudden, irrational hatred of Kanye West while Tom and Taylor were dating? She was suddenly all over his posts commenting on how he invented misogyny or something. I wonder if that will stop now that she finally snapped and let her hate for Taylor flow.

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