Tom Hiddleston (Lucky 13) (1000)

1 Name: Anon. : 2016-08-17 16:22 ID:ogIaQkZp

Thread to talk about the actor Tom Hiddleston

551 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-09-10 13:19 ID:Heaven

>>549 hahaha It could be! Even CG has its limits.

>>550 Who knows the workings of her mind, you are speaking of a person who kept insisting nobody could be sure that the girl in Hawaii on Laser Tag night was EO.

552 Name: Anon : 2016-09-10 13:19 ID:2N6FC+ZQ

>>550 Yes, and for Calvin Harris, who was characterised as a "whinger" for daring to say negative things about TS after they split!! The kind of negative things that veranda woman is now saying about, er, TS...

553 Name: Anon. : 2016-09-10 13:45 ID:kYaIUqng

>>545>>549 Did someone grab a capture of the tweet where he admitted TS was a plagiarizing hussy? Think about the fandom's posterity: future generations must know that TH's director conceded that TH's PR girlfriend was an idea-thieving snake. Or not.

It is strange that he's shut both down now. He weathered the THEO IG storm and even the TS storm, even seemed to take a few soft swings at KW in order to defend his star's honor. So why go dark on SM in the lead up to the release of you biggest movie? Somethings rotten in the state of Skull Island.

554 Name: Anon. : 2016-09-10 13:58 ID:kYaIUqng

>>550 She was the main reason I couldn't handle CB. When I first came into the fandom and tested the waters there, I found it wasn't worth it to wade past her unfunny posts about her pretend drinks and baked goods. She was boring with her one trick ('drinks in the veranda!!'). That board could benefit greatly from a 'Block' feature.

>>551 She argued that EO wasn't in the JVR pic? How does anyone take her seriously after that?

>>552 Has someone suggested a Hypocrisy-tini as the drink of the week under the canopy? Or a 180 degree brownie special?

555 Name: Anon. : 2016-09-10 14:04 ID:kYaIUqng

>>553 *your and *something's. This baby better give back my brain when it comes out. I roasted a chicken yesterday for dinner. Turned on the oven, put the chicken in the baking dish, seasoned it and set the timer on the oven. Timer goes off, I go to get the chicken's still sitting on the counter. I'd roasted an empty oven.

I have not shared this story with my husband. I don't think I will.

556 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-09-10 14:25 ID:Heaven

>>554 It's a mystery. Every time someone brought up that EO was in Hawaii with TH, she kept saying that all she could see was a blonde girl that looked a lot like Erin Moriarty and that anyway she doesn't care about TH's love life therefore anyone claiming that the girl was wearing the sweater EO was wearing at the ISTL's premiere in Savannah was not being sensible! Her and the aracne woman enjoy insulting people like that while pretending they don't.

557 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-09-10 14:26 ID:Heaven

>>555 On the other hand Anon. your sense of humour is wonderfully intact.

558 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-09-10 14:33 ID:Heaven

Something I discovered about the board which might or might not be handy.
When replying to multiple entries with one post, instead of writing like Anon. did in >>553 you can just write the first >> and then separate the numbers with a comma. That way when clicking on it, all the replies will be grouped together.

So for example Anon. could have written >>545,549

559 Name: Anon : 2016-09-10 14:40 ID:2N6FC+ZQ

>>558 That is so clever!

560 Name: Name? : 2016-09-10 14:41 ID:s2G9jpne

>>554 Right? I'm not even a crazy Tom fan but I started lurking in those threads because the comments are so bonkers. Veranda lady likes to mention that she's a big attorney (idk if you heard?) but she's there commenting constantly throughout the day, shutting down anyone who suggests TH might not be perfect with her SENSIBLE FACTS and cheesecake role play. I'm honestly kind of fascinated.

561 Name: Anon : 2016-09-10 14:44 ID:2N6FC+ZQ

>>556 Yes I remember that! I know some on here didn't believe the initial Twitter reports of her visiting, but we did all accept that the person in that picture was EO! The veranda woman then kept saying that EO had just flown from LA to HI "as friends", which in her life apparently happens all the time

562 Name: Anon : 2016-09-10 14:46 ID:2N6FC+ZQ

>>560 Yes, I imagine her working in a law practice like Saul's in Breaking Bad. Spending all day filing her nails and posting on CB.

563 Name: Anon : 2016-09-10 14:47 ID:2N6FC+ZQ

>>560 And welcome, by the way. Come sit down by me on the veranda (just a kidding!).

564 Name: Name? : 2016-09-10 14:57 ID:s2G9jpne

>>563 Oh, you. *raises martini glass **dies a little inside

565 Name: Anon. : 2016-09-10 14:58 ID:kYaIUqng

>>558 How do I make the bold? asks the woman with baby brain.

Captcha: exblong, which is how I'd spell exblonde

566 Name: Anon. : 2016-09-10 15:05 ID:kYaIUqng

>>560,562 And voila!

A lawyer? Okay. I'd be quick to side-eye that. Someone who cannot see facts when they are clearly presented in front of them and who can't form coherent arguments doesn't seem the sort to sit the LSAT, secure a place at law school, survive law school, pass the Bar and then find a job. Mind you, I have an MA and it took me TWO go-rounds to cook a chicken, so....

567 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-09-10 15:07 ID:Heaven

>>565 First click on "More options..." it's next to the "Reply" button. Then click on the Formatting menu and pick yours:

  • html is the usual <b>text</b>
  • wakabamark is by putting 2 asterisk before and after bold

Other wakabamark here

568 Name: Anon. : 2016-09-10 15:08 ID:kYaIUqng

>>560 Welcome! And you've found your way to the right place for 'not even a crazy Tom fan.' We tend to be sensible but snarky. We don't nanny or blindly defend the little mite, and we're pretty mature about disagreeing with each other.

569 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-09-10 15:09 ID:Heaven

>>567 of course I forgot to have wakabamark on default so my text turned bold instead of looking like this bold

570 Name: Anon. : 2016-09-10 15:11 ID:kYaIUqng

>>567 Thanks. I had previously tried the usual HTML but it didn't work. Will try again.

571 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-09-10 15:11 ID:Heaven

>>569 That was the board fault, I didn't pick any formatting and it turned bold anyway!

572 Name: Whatsinaname : 2016-09-10 16:44 ID:/dRQNS9U

>>542 Anon, I'm back and forth (no pun intended) on whether or not they ever slept together. I'm inclined to think they did it a couple of times early on - the rare times they were truly alone (June - RI and her NYC pad). How could TH not resist trying?

The rest of the time, it was all family (TN and the UK), bodyguards (Rome, Australia, LA), and friends (4ofJ in RI) in bedrooms close by. Not exactly passion-inspiring. Lots of excuses to avoid it.

>>543 Couch, I've been researching the commitment-phobe rumor about TH, hence those articles. I'm not trying to make him out to be blameless in either breakup - even though I'm not a fan of TS's ways. Both 'relationships' show how fame thirsty he was. I believe there was physical attraction, not sure about the rest of the equation. I haven't really found anything except those articles.

OTT regarding someone's post (earlier this thread or the last one) about Josh Grobin breaking up with Kat Dennings. Earlier this week in ONTD I came upon a link to a bunch of Gaby Dunn tweets in May 2015 about Josh hooking up with fans. Someone took the time to put them in chronological order on Storify. It starts with talking about other male celebs:

573 Name: NewAnon : 2016-09-10 20:23 ID:axsU/GEJ

>>553 He'd been going on a lot of anti social media rants lately. Maybe someone finally told him to walk the walk? Or he's lying curled up and crying into his King Kong plushie.

>>572 I had heard about Josh and his social media harem. Like Drake. Poor Kat though. I can't stand her but she seems like a good egg.

On the Tom and snake front, I think we should brace ourselves because I don't think Taylor has even started destroying Tom yet. Ohhh! Maybe that's why JVR deleted his social media. Because his star is about to get reamed and his movie will suffer as a result. Oh this summer romance is certainly piling up on casualties then lol

574 Name: Anon. : 2016-09-10 22:24 ID:kYaIUqng

I tend to head to the spa/salon before an important event. Is he getting over the 'break up' or getting ready for the RC?

575 Name: anonsy : 2016-09-10 23:05 ID:J8WOgAEy

>>574 I hope he was getting a facial peel and some moisturizer with SPF.

576 Name: NewAnon : 2016-09-10 23:26 ID:axsU/GEJ

>>574 I'm guessing getting ready for the red carpet so whatever treatment he's gotten (facial ones esp) have time to undo all the damage to his skin by the time he gets to the Emmy's. Those Brisbane pics were NOT flattering.

577 Name: Name? : 2016-09-10 23:27 ID:s2G9jpne

>>575 Seriously. Though I will say seeing his pics are a good reminder for me to slap on some sunscreen everyday. So that's good.

578 Name: Sosorry : 2016-09-10 23:44 ID:2f57j049

Brand new video from Newzoids of Tom and Taylor singing a duet about their faux relationship and the paparazzi. Hysterical. Ouch.

579 Name: Anonon : 2016-09-11 00:02 ID:QiO4jB4b

>>574,575,576 I don't hold high hopes for much improvement to his skin from this visit. Endota Spas are a bit ho hum- more on the gentle organic face massage side than the peeling, needle jabbing canvas stretching he needs.
>>578 That's ruthless! Her I ❤️ PR tshirt is a winner

580 Name: Anonon : 2016-09-11 02:52 ID:QiO4jB4b


Triple threat plug for Byron film fest.
Those boys are really coming through for him in their support acting like a cushioning group hug. The nightly Brisbane fan frenzy, the hospital visit and now two videos. I wouldn't be surprised if Idris walks the red carpet with him at the Emmys. They're being bloody good mates.
It's become a battle between girl squads and boy squads. Bring it.

581 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-09-11 07:13 ID:Heaven

>>572 No worries I didn't assume anything of the sort, I just remembered that detail about the oldest article and the similarity of the new one.

582 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-09-11 07:31 ID:Heaven

>>580 they seem to have recorded this the same night of the Irrelevant Tv Award.

Speaking of girl squad, I've just remembered that Anonon posted a video of Martha Hunt being asked about TH and that she barely kept herself from eyeballing at hearing his name. That was at the beginning of August, a 180° from her previous stand on this relationship. So maybe the girl squad knew that it was going to end soon.

583 Name: Anonon : 2016-09-11 10:50 ID:QiO4jB4b

>>582 Nice sleuthing Couch! I went and looked it up. It's from August 4th right after she kissed the billionaire in the Hamptons with tragic ramen noodle hair and TH had skunked back to Oz alone.

Do you think we can set a new end date based on Martha Hunt's face? I do.

584 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-09-11 11:25 ID:Heaven

>>583 At the very least we have a date on when TS made up her mind.
Maybe that trip to RI was TH's attempt to avoid an ending. He flew all the way there with a present even if TS was the one with free time. I suppose he might have watched the video of her kissing the billionaire and remembered what happened to Harris after their dance at the Met Gala.

585 Name: Anonon : 2016-09-11 12:34 ID:QiO4jB4b

>>584 Well, speak of the devil, the very unreliable source that is HL claims Selena has been giving TS sage advice (from her hospital bed in rehab). Like the rest of the world she thinks Tay should avoid boys for a while.
The only interesting line is this:

a source tells EXCLUSIVELY. “Selena has known about the Taylor and Tom [Hiddleston], 35, split for a while.”


Couch, we have another receipt; rehab Gomez. Combined with Martha's face, the hotel use on both LA trips (was that Anon?) and the fact they spent very little time together again I think the fat lady sang at the start of August.

586 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-09-11 13:10 ID:Heaven

>>585 Yep, TS had enough of him a month ago and then dumped him when he visited her in RI.

To be fair, I do remember TH not knowing who would be his +1 for the Emmys so maybe it was planned to end before the Awards. But, TH later also said he didn't know if he would attend and a few weeks ago he said he wasn't leaving Oz before Nov. All in all, I lean toward TS pulling the plug.

Btw, I just read at CB's that Harris liked TS's instagram video of NYFS, which made me laugh because back when I hoped this messy PR show was for a documentary video, I said TS would go back to Harris.

587 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-09-11 13:10 ID:Heaven

>>578 that is harsh and funny. It's a British show isn't it? Ouch.

588 Name: Anon : 2016-09-11 13:24 ID:2N6FC+ZQ

>>584,585 the article in the Mail saying Frederick Forsyth knew it was definitely not TH as Bond appeared on 7 August. If FF knew by then, TH probably had known for a while longer. No point continuing with the showmance, and she was out of the woods on the KW saga by then.

And I am saying definitely showmance because this rollout and this timetable makes a mockery of it being real. If you met and fell deeply and immediately in love such that you did the meet the parents and Europe love tour, your relationship would have more staying power than 3 or 4 weeks after that love tour ended (TH was working in Oz by mid July; actual split date looks like ?beginning August). Plus of course he was staying in a hotel and not at her place even at the time of Comic Con (24 July). If they were on the rocks by that date, it is the most laughable "this is the one" passionate love affair ever.

By the way, though all the articles say so, there was no photographic evidence of TH actually meeting TS's parents. She seems to have kept them well away (for example when he last flew to RI he missed them too). TH was prepared to involve his family in his mess - looks very much like she wasn't. CH met her parents Christmas 2015 and there is photographic evidence that he did so. Odd that she wasn't prepared to have her parents photographed with the man she wanted to marry after 2 weeks.

589 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-09-11 13:36 ID:Heaven

>>588 It truly has been an awful idea and a poorly executed one.

He destroyed all the good work he did up until the Met Gala. And while it wouldn't be realistic to say this guy is back to square one, he is probably back to 3.

590 Name: Anon : 2016-09-11 14:15 ID:2N6FC+ZQ

>>589 Hard to know where he is, isn't it?

For all the stans saying "it has not harmed his reputation in the US/the UK/wherever they hail from" or "only we fans have kept up with this saga, there is no problem in the mainstream" I think the reality is that it has harmed him.

In the UK he has been widely mocked by such niche publications as the Guardian, the Times, the Telegraph. The U.K. media said throughout that it was fake, and that he was a pillock, and that editorial line hasn't changed.

In the US he was not much known before, and now he is known as TS' boyfriend and/or an idiot who wore a t shirt and then broke up with the object of his affections within 2 months. Even if most people don't care about the minutiae of the timetable, they all know it was short and they mostly probably think it was fake because that was the initial line (though some publications got on board with it being real after a while, I think people remember what they first read about it).

591 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-09-11 14:44 ID:Heaven

>>590 It is and I agree he took a big hit from this. We'll only know how bad when his next project is announced. At times I wonder if back in July he tried to get some roles and he was told that no one was interested.

What his stans don't get is that the big difference between TS and TH is that she is a musicians and the richest celeb of the moment. She makes a living out of her almost 100mil fans and she can produce an album with her own money. She'll be fine.

As an actor TH can't rely on his fans alone. No actor can, RDJ or Emma Watson who have 10 times his fans can't avoid a box office fiasco, his meagre 1million is laughable. And it's not like he can go shopping for roles. Like very actor, he needs the general public to associate positive feelings to his face, but right now they associate mockery, sarcasm and idiocy, dishonesty. When they associate anything at all.

592 Name: Sosorry : 2016-09-11 15:12 ID:2f57j049

>>583 >>586 I know that I'm repeating myself, but I'm pretty sure that Team Tom ended the appearances clauses of this contractual relationship, right when he returned from a one-day trip to NYC. Hiddleston was seen eating lunch at Balthazaar in Soho, after being seen for the first time with his Brooklyn-based business manager at Comic Con. Soho is where his lawyers have an office, and he was seen at Marvel HQ in NYC. Hiddleston flew commercial back to LA in one day, and Swift boomeranged back from Nashville, chased him back to LA after a one-day trip, to make the Saturday night pap outing an Hillstone, and the alleged Church Key outing, of which the pics do not resemble Swift at all. As a I saw the Hillstone pics after his NYC business meetings, no joke, I said aloud that they would NEVER be seen in the same pictorial frame again. Under the k, after Hillstone I think that Tom had fulfilled the number of times he had to be seen with Swift, and his team chose to fulfil the obligations to the narrative by other means. He was later spotted with her Toyota sequoia at the gym. He was spotted allegedly arriving from RI with her plane, but the meta data of the photos and the paparazzi in RI indicated he never ever was there, and just changed his shirt on the tarmac to make it look like he got on the plane. Even the gossip mags wouldn't state that Tom was him RI, only that US magazine "reported" that Tom was in RI. One even said that Tom was "allegedly" in RI, or that he was in RI "according to sources", meaning Swift's PR team.

593 Name: Sosorry : 2016-09-11 15:26 ID:2f57j049

>>592 That pap night at Hillsone was July 28, btw. Also, Swift has a troublesome relationship with fake bfs. Below, Vulture indicates the manufacture nature of the Gyllenhall pairing. Also, if you look at the appearances she made with CH, TS spent 3 hours with him at the night club on NYE, she spent fewer than 10 hours in Colorado with him for the snow-man building pics of Christmas vacay, and he was only in the Bahamas for two days their vacay with the swan raft and four bikini changes of pics for their Instagram pages. This was validated by the timing and location update on their Instagram/twitter accounts. There was a full-on three month absence of pics following CH's happy ending massage parlor pics (which people say he staged b'c the paps were there when he arrived), and afterwards they would only make restaurant appearances to hotspots after the calling the paps when their was doubt they were still together. IMO, Taylor the woman is private, but she presents a deliberately manufactured public life for her "Taylor Swift" brand to get her fans to invest in her life travails, to which her lyrics correspond to in achingly specific detail. Articles below.

Who's to Blame for the Taylor Swift–Tom Hiddleston Breakup?
The Ringer (blog)-Sep 6, 2016
What is it about Hillstone restaurant that makes Taylor Swifts break up with Tom Hiddlestons? We did some investigating, and the results were ...
When Did the Media Turn Against Taylor Swift? -- Vulture

594 Name: Sosorry : 2016-09-11 19:13 ID:2f57j049

FYI, Gossip Cop has just debunked that Tom was dropped from the role of James Bond. I think Team Tom has learned a few new tricks. Lets not give them clicks.

Tom Hiddleston has not been “dropped” from an upcoming James Bond movie, despite a sensational report. Gossip Cop can debunk the misleading story. RadarOnline blares in a headline, “007 BUST! More Heartbreak For Tom! Hiddleston Dropped From James Bond Movie After Swift Split?” The accompanying story says Hiddleston “can’t catch a break.” The site writes, “Just days after news of his split with Taylor Swift, 26, went public, the 35-year-old actor could be canned from the James Bond movie he has been gunning for.”

595 Name: Anonon : 2016-09-12 02:01 ID:QiO4jB4b

TS nominated for a Clio Award as Creative Director of the Apple ad- as if any further proof be needed of her involvement in the plagiarism.
Perhaps this is a contributing factor to JVR's social media retreat.

>>553 I looked and I looked and all I can find is this:
His tweets coincided with Snapchatgate and were swamped. Most people just linked rather than copying or screencapping the tweets so they are lost

596 Name: Anon : 2016-09-12 07:56 ID:2N6FC+ZQ

>>595 He was tweeted by firenbrenie pointing out that TS was responsible for the creative side. I recall he tweeted "oh shit" or something in response so he knew the truth. It seems so long ago, though, and was before SDCC. I can't imagine his departure was directly caused by this (and surely anything he said about TS doesn't matter to TH now they split!). It may have been the backstory to a more generalised social media meltdown.

597 Name: Anonon : 2016-09-12 07:59 ID:mgwqPQ7a

I have to post this for the spectacular header photo which includes a mistaken picture of a Thor cosplayer.

The quotes are also priceless and ridiculous:
"Chris told Tom that he thinks his relationship with Taylor is toxic," said a source. "He sees her presenting him [with] the same problems as Miley Cyrus did with his brother Liam!"
"Tom spent the summer moaning to Chris that Taylor's controlling, and Chris told him the only way Liam was able to get Miley to shape up was by dumping her!"
"Chris told Tom to do like Liam did if he wants to force Taylor to change her way, and he did," said the insider — with The ENQUIRER first to know, just like when Taylor began secretly romancing Hiddleston!

598 Name: Anonon : 2016-09-12 08:07 ID:mgwqPQ7a

>>596 I seriously doubt it was a contributing factor, but JVR's dislike for TS must have escalated due to this nomination.
I imagine he's overwrought with work which is the main reason people shut down their social media- so there's less distraction to get on with the job.
It does make me wonder if words were spoken behind the scenes at the SDCC. Remember Jason also tweeted anti TS sentiments.

599 Name: Whatsinaname : 2016-09-12 08:54 ID:/dRQNS9U

>>597 I honestly think that's Chris Hemsworth's stunt double.

600 Name: Anon. : 2016-09-12 11:06 ID:kYaIUqng

I was joking about saving that tweet for posterity but it's rich indeed that she's been nominated for an award... for her maybe-plagiarism. Someone let New Firenbrenie know if the Clios have a Twitter!

601 Name: Anon : 2016-09-12 18:44 ID:2N6FC+ZQ

Sadly this emanates from HL and it is presumptively bullshit (TS I worked TH while making TNM...errr!!) but it is too joyous not to post:

602 Name: Name : 2016-09-12 19:32 ID:s2G9jpne

>>601 "There is no time for outside drama on a night that might never happen again for him." Shadey shade!

603 Name: Anon. : 2016-09-12 19:41 ID:kYaIUqng

>>601 The author is correct: Vance's name should already be on that statuette. I binged the TPvOJ and even CGJr's hammy acting was on point. TNM was very good, excellent at times, but OJ was a strange combination of actors that added up to perfection.

I word-searched the page for 'veranda' and there wasn't even ONE instance of it; I thought it was a MURACULE. But then I remembered Anon mentioning that she of the veranda had abandoned it in favor of insulting TS. Will no one think of the veranda!!??

604 Name: Name? : 2016-09-12 19:47 ID:s2G9jpne

>>603 They did learn to use emojis recently so there's been a lot of...that. It kinda makes me miss the veranda.

605 Name: Anon : 2016-09-12 19:49 ID:2N6FC+ZQ

>>603 They may spell it "verandah".....?

You know how I feel about TPVOJS. I have banged on about this before. It started a few weeks ahead of TNM on British TV. One night after watching Ep2 of TNM we watched the first episode of OJ (hubs had read a New Yorker review and wanted to give it a try). Then we watched the second....and the third.....and the fourth. We were utterly gripped - and I say that as two lawyers who rarely if ever watch legal dramas (except the Good Wife - for the shoes, and because I heart Diane). TNM was not flattered by the comparison.

606 Name: Anon. : 2016-09-12 19:57 ID:kYaIUqng

>>602 It's harsh but true. It's his first US award nom. And it's been a bit dry for other 'major' award noms/wins: Olivier in 2008, ES in 2014. He's just not doing the work that get serious award noms/winds. Twitter was alive with congrats for his recent TV Choice award, but talk about nothing to write home about!

Shame this nom was sullied by the summer's shenanigans. An 'I <3 TS' wife-beater and Emmy nom should be mutually exclusive.

I wonder now if he'll go. The spa visit could be in preparation for it. He may have been coy before because he didn't want to answer questions about who his date would be, knowing full well that the relationship with TS had a pre-determined end date.

607 Name: Anon : 2016-09-12 20:34 ID:2N6FC+ZQ

>>606 Hey, he did get "serious award wind" for ISTL...

608 Name: Anon. : 2016-09-12 20:43 ID:kYaIUqng

>>607 HA! Fast fingers, faulty brain!

It gave audiences serious wind...and TH was up his own ass about it... before every critic sharted all over it.

609 Name: Anon : 2016-09-12 20:43 ID:2N6FC+ZQ

>>606 It has been a huge summer of miscalculation for him and his "team".

Even if it was real, it was incredibly badly managed from a PR perspective - how we laughed at the ineptness of PurseGateGate, but little did we know! Ok, so you really, really lurve each other, but as O. Wilde memorably observed, stop washing your clean linen in public.

If it was fake, then oh boy. It has so overshadowed a nomination I would have said he was a shoe-in for anyway. With that dire narrative in the background, the RC was only ever going to be "TayTo comes out/TS won't walk the RC with him".

And now it will be "Sad Tom puts on brave face as he flaunts gym honed body on the red carpet after breakup with Taylor Swift".

610 Name: Anon. : 2016-09-12 20:57 ID:kYaIUqng

>>609 That headline is generous. I predict the following:

If he shows up: Taylor Swift's ex casts a lonely figure on the Emmy RC

If he loses:

  • Taylor Swift's ex, Tim Hoddleston, misses out on Emmy
  • Taylor Swift hits the gym as ex hits the bottle following Emmy loss
  • 'We are never, ever getting back together,' says Emmy award to Taylor's ex

If he wins: Taylor Swift hits the gym as ex wins award

611 Name: Anon. : 2016-09-13 00:17 ID:kYaIUqng

This picture reminds me of how much of a neglected nerd this boy is. The picture is, of course, from the night of the Met Ball, when the head cheerleader paid attention to him. He's wetting himself with long-delayed teenage joy. Sadly, the head cheerleader is an asexual, manipulative, dishonest snake.

This night needs a Quantum Leap fix like few others in the fandom. I'd also Quantum Leap Korea's Dancing with the Nerds (TH edition) and the night he broke up with Ave JArthy.

612 Name: Whatsinaname : 2016-09-13 06:03 ID:/dRQNS9U

>>603 Oh hell yeah the Best Actor Emmy belongs to Vance. I too binged on after watching TNM and it was hard to turn off. I'm currently rewatching TNM (I'm on Ep. 6) and except for Episode 3 (which I lovingly refer to as Tom Hollander's forgotten Emmy reel) the show was too hit or miss scene-wise to match TPvOJS.

613 Name: Anon : 2016-09-13 06:17 ID:2N6FC+ZQ

>>612 TNM felt like a triumph of style over substance. Great titles (also got nominated!), beautiful locations, quality cast - but the script wasn't that good. And on second watching TH wasn't that good either. I was fooled by the endless appearances of the Hiddlesbum!

I have sad before I think that TPVOJS was the best evocation I have ever seen of what it is like to be a trial lawyer in a big trial. There were so many times I thought, that is exactly what it is like. I think people who don't know the world still feel that authenticity and respond to it. I strongly doubt that TNM represents the experience of MI6 operatives, or anything like it. Plus of course TPVOJS made a story to which we all know the end utterly gripping. The last episode, I swear I thought he was going to get convicted.

614 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-09-13 06:53 ID:Heaven

>>612,613 I agree, TNM had a beautiful package and some nice scenes, but overall a terrible script that made the characters unrealistic and the story stupid and it didn't benefit from the update to modern times. TH was stiff and awkward in it.

I've still to watch TPVOJS, but if you all say it's great I hope it wins big. I've just binged watched Narcos and at the end of season 2 I thought that Boyd Holbrook would have made a great TNM (that's mean but who cares)

615 Name: Savvy : 2016-09-13 08:29 ID:s4967vki

You should keep in mind that in the novel Pine is often referred to as the "close observer". He observes quietly and when he acts he does it also quietly. He uses his brain, not his muscles. He needs to show a poker face all the times, never show what he's feeling or thinking. I think Tom did a great job. It's not easy to act that restrained and expressionless.

616 Name: savvy : 2016-09-13 08:31 ID:s4967vki

sorry about the typos. "All the time" instead of "all the times".

617 Name: Whatsinaname : 2016-09-13 08:34 ID:/dRQNS9U

>>613 Anon: Having sat as the foreman on the civil suit proceedings of a murder trial, I'm glad mine was lowkey in comparison to TPvOJS. We were not sequestered, thankfully.

>>614 Couch: during the TNM rewatch I was able to see what you initially said back in March or so when you said TH's acting suffered because he looked like he wanted convicted to or convinced of what he was doing. It was the expression, or lack of it on his face in so many scenes. Exhibit A: Poolside with Corky, Jonathan Pine looks at him while squinting with his mouth partially open, not steely-gazed like Bond. I also blame the direction. The only thing that saved the scene was the shot of his ass as he turned around to face Jed on the other side of the pool.

618 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-09-13 09:58 ID:Heaven

>>615 As someone who read the book in 2 different languages, TH's Pine is nothing like the original. Pine in the book doesn't smile continuously like a salesman, for instance. TH did an awkward job, whether the fault was his or not is irrelevant. And I think people misunderstand what a poker face is supposed to be, a person under cover is not a person that never makes faces and keep smiling awkwardly. The Americans (the tvshow) is a better example of what under cover is actually supposed to be like.

619 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-09-13 10:02 ID:Heaven

>>617 You just couldn't buy TH's Pine, he didn't look like a former military nearing his 40s. He wasn't smooth and poised, he was permanently corrugated or smiling sheepishly. He looked like someone who had no idea of what he was doing but was happy he was given fancy suits, in a fancy house with a fancy girl...Basically TH's summer (that's also mean but it's one of those days).

620 Name: Anon : 2016-09-13 13:46 ID:NtW97iH0

>>618 I agree. I know it is hard to play a part where the character has to conceal his feelings from others. But (for example) Alec Guinness did a brilliant job of being one of Le Carre's inscrutable and all-seeing spies in Tinker Tailor and in Smiley's People. He is a flawless example of how to appear to other characters to do nothing or give nothing away and yet to convey to the audience what he is thinking. There were whole scenes in those series where he didn't speak a word of dialogue and yet his facial expressions told a whole story. It was a consummate performance and those series set a very high bar as to how to do Le Carre. Unfortunately TNM didn't in my view live up to them.

621 Name: Whatsinaname : 2016-09-13 19:07 ID:/dRQNS9U

>>616,620 Yes exactly - Tinker Tailor and Smiley's (both the series and movie remake) had great examples of how to be a spy. Didn't Tom watch those? Did Susanne Bier? Savvy I guess to me he did not show his poker face enough.

>>617 should have said:
"...TH's acting suffered because he looked like he wasn't convicted to or..."

622 Name: Sosorry : 2016-09-13 20:45 ID:2f57j049

Sun article. Celebrity stylist of K Kloss says that the Hiddleston/Swift pairing was always doomed b/c they could never be a normal couple, and TH was just part of the TS show. And even though the people around TH were initially very excited about TH being seen with TS at first, their fans, esp Swifties, hated the idea of the pairing, that their reputations just kept taking hits from all sides. Truth. Can't believe that he blamed the Swiftie fans, though! They seem to want to believe anything positive in the press about TS. Plus, Did anyone see David Duchovony call TS the queen of the publicity stunt on twitter, in reaction to her walking with Zayn and his Gigi as they romantically hold hands with an iphone between them? Ouch.

623 Name: Anon. : 2016-09-13 20:45 ID:kYaIUqng

He should miss out on the Emmy for that annoying laugh he did throughout the series. God, I hated it. I HATED it. It should go into Room 101 along with that stupid pose he always does.

Don't get me wrong, I really enjoyed TNM. It was great entertainment, and TH did a very good job; sure he's no Alec G., but who is?! There was eye candy, some very short love scenes, and TH trying to be tough, which was sometimes cringe-y but also sexy on occasion. But in comparison to Vance, well, there ain't no comparison.

I don't know how Emmy submissions work but if he was made to pick only one episode for consideration and he picked either episode 2 or 3 (the one that starts with the birthday party for Apo's daughter), then he may be in a better position than if someone had watched the whole series. There's very little annoying laughter, and I recall his acting being better overall. His hair was especially good! That's got to win a few votes!

624 Name: Anon. : 2016-09-13 20:48 ID:kYaIUqng


No clicks for The Sun who first brought this monster to our poor eyes!!

TAYLOR Swift and Tom Hiddleston’s relationship was always doomed to fail due to the fact that the pair couldn’t be “normal” and that the fans just didn’t like it.

Celebrity stylist Phillip Bloch – a close friend of Taylor’s best friend Karlie Kloss, has opened up about why the under pressure relationship ending comes as no surprise to those who know Taylor.

“There was too much pressure, including from Taylor’s fans who didn’t take to it,” Phillip told Now magazine.

“It wasn’t a normal relationship. Tom’s a guy on the up and it was a good look for him, and the people around him were happy for it to happen, but there was no doubt about it, he was in the Taylor show.

“She’s always been the much bigger star and it was very much about her.”

Taylor, 26, and 35-year-old Tom called quits on their romance which dominated the headlines in June, last week, and Phillip explains how the relationship wasn’t as great for their images as they’d initially hoped it would be.

“For a while it looked good for both of them, but then it went the opposite way and they both ended up getting a lot of flak.”

“There was talk that the relationship wouldn’t last because of how it was being handled and I definitely saw the split coming.

“It wasn’t a surprise to those in the know. Ultimately their relationship couldn’t be ‘normal’.”

625 Name: Anon. : 2016-09-13 20:57 ID:kYaIUqng

>>624 I don't think it was so much that fans 'didn't like it.' Plenty did, especially hers - or in the case of some at CB: pretended to like it and did support it. The problem was that so many people either doubted it or just didn't believe it was real. And the relationship couldn't be 'normal' because they decided not to be normal.

I don't know if this comes from a camp, but fuck them if they're trying to put this on fans, even her delusional fans!

626 Name: Anon : 2016-09-13 21:11 ID:2N6FC+ZQ

>>623 Thinking man and that weird soundless laugh then eheheh. Yes, those are for room 101. So are the gratuitous "thinking about things while lying shirtless in bed with the covers pulled down to my pubes" scenes. I don't like being played.

627 Name: Sosorry : 2016-09-13 22:50 ID:2f57j049

Okay. Apparently CelebNow magazine has come out to throw Tom under the bus, stating that he teased TS because she didn't read books or know Latin, and bragged to her team about his Cambridge degree. And he left her "stranded" w/o a key outside of a gym, and left her waiting while he was a on set. I think that is just having a job : )Anyway, she claimed that he was a control freak trying to run her life!

Anyway, Closer mags came out for Tom, and says that he got cold feet a month ago b/c of her PR seeking antics, and the reputation hit he took for looking ridiculous, as if he was a puppet for her team. Anyway, he said he wanted changes after Australia trip together, she flew off the handle and said he wasn't as a committed, and thought that the Emmy invite was just for his PR. Then they fought on the phone and Tom ended it, and she leaked the split to the press. All BS, but fun.

628 Name: Anon. : 2016-09-13 23:47 ID:kYaIUqng

>>627 Urrrrggggghhhhhh. Are these leaks? Are these PR narratives? I can't tell anymore because no one is winning at this point, no one's reputation is being rehabilitated.

If you are leaking: STOP, Tayto. Just STOP. So many are side-eyeing you, so many are disgruntled. Don'

629 Name: Whatsinaname : 2016-09-14 00:25 ID:/dRQNS9U

>>628 Too late for many, including me.

What in the hell would make someone print such abusive nonsense? What was it that he told her 'No' to that made her become so vindictive? Or, Tree?

630 Name: Whatsinaname : 2016-09-14 06:40 ID:/dRQNS9U

For a good, hearty chuckle check out Firebrenie's twitter avatar/cover photo ( https://twitter
.com/firenbrenie )

TS relationship dossier:

631 Name: Savvy : 2016-09-14 18:26 ID:s4967vki

Tom will be presenting at the Emmys.

632 Name: Whatsinaname : 2016-09-14 19:50 ID:/dRQNS9U

Good. It's a chance for some redemption while taking a painful ribbing from everyone, getting some of the jokes out of the way and moving forward.

633 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-09-14 20:07 ID:Heaven

>>631 Look at the consolation prize! That's going to be FUN.

634 Name: Anon : 2016-09-14 21:08 ID:2N6FC+ZQ

>>631 So when he said he wasn't going to be leaving Queensland any time soon, that was another lie. I do wish he would be a bit - what's the phrase? - more non-committal?

More honest?

I know we now know that when he opens his mouth he tells lies ("it's not a publicity stunt", "I don't smoke"), but it is still a bit wearing.

635 Name: anonsy : 2016-09-14 21:27 ID:J8WOgAEy

>>634 I think perhaps to him "not leaving Queensland" = not done with filming, "I don't smoke" = he doesn't smoke heavily or regularly, and so on. He probably doesn't see it as lying, even though it comes off that way to a lot of people.

636 Name: anonsy : 2016-09-14 21:31 ID:J8WOgAEy

>>635 Almost forgot, contracted acting job as Very Happy Boyfriend to Taylor Swift = "not a publicity stunt."

It does make one wonder about other times he's potentially skated around the truth. "Definitely hetero" comes to mind.

637 Name: Anon : 2016-09-14 21:47 ID:2N6FC+ZQ

>>636 lol

638 Name: Whatsinaname : 2016-09-14 22:07 ID:/dRQNS9U

>>636 touches finger to nose

639 Name: Anon. : 2016-09-15 02:31 ID:kYaIUqng

>>631 A braver man than I. I don't know if the writers/host will go easy on him. They may; perhaps it's an unwritten rule in HW that Emmy writers don't openly mock Emmy nominees. I've never watched the Emmys so I don't know how cutthroat they are with their references or jokes. Any consequences from this summer may be kept away from the cameras and hidden from our view, instead going on BTS with producers, directors, casting agents, etc.

You would think he'd be embarrassed/nervous to have to look fellow actors in the eye knowing that they know that he's just enjoyed a summer of terribly cringe-y stunting. But his self-awareness and sense of shame seem as suspect as his authenticity.

640 Name: Anonon : 2016-09-15 03:22 ID:QiO4jB4b

>>639 I think operation shameless damage control takes precedence which means lurching on to the only accolade he has and going full throttle.

Apparently Kimmel stated TH is not fair game for his ridicule now that TayTo have split. In other words if Tay had accompanied him he would have been ruthless.
Now that's a pity but I agree the shade needs to be thrown at both equally rather than TH alone.

>>634 After the antics of this summer nobody should ever take anything TH says on record seriously. He's a read between the lines kinda man with a shady circumference

641 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-09-15 06:43 ID:Heaven

>>635 I think that's called lying by omission.

>>639 I take his presence as a sign of the nothingness that awaits for him after Thor3. From what I read, A-list actors very often don't even attend the Emmys, even if they know they'll win. He is probably going to use this for networking, trying to sell the idea that the serious "I'm not interested in the circus of being a celebrity" "Some things are sacred" thespian is still there.

>>640 That's a pity, he could at least do something like Colbert or Corden did, it's still recent enough to be fun. Still, TH can't control what he'd be asked on the RC so I cross fingers there'll be something entertaining to watch.

642 Name: Anon : 2016-09-15 06:55 ID:ZbTNCPeo

>>641 I respect Kimmel for that. If he is proceeding on the basis that it was a real relationship, then it would be a shitty thing to mock a guy who just split up with his GF.

643 Name: Anon : 2016-09-15 06:56 ID:ZbTNCPeo

>>641 And yes I totally agree he may have nothing in the diary after Thor 3 hence he will currently go to the opening of an envelope. I think he is going to be hanging around my hood a lot come November.

644 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-09-15 07:03 ID:Heaven

>>642 By that logic it would have been rude to mock them if they were still together. Anyway, it's not like he has to slam him, but TH earned a few jokes at his expense after these past 4 months.

645 Name: Sosorry : 2016-09-15 08:54 ID:2f57j049

>>641 I agree. He's business networking and hoping to use the cache of the Emmy nod to acquire a leading man role with a wonderful script. His resume is great and he has a cerebral presence. If the monkey movie lands well, in addition to Thor 3 (Marvel movies don't fail), I think that 2017 could be a comeback year for him. If not a film, then another prestigious tv film like TNM, for an Emmy win. And more Shakespeare like Much Ado, or R2. He probably needs a crisis PR team though. Hollywood seems to have the attention span of a knat. Honestly, with his training and ability to play character parts, he could probably be in top tier ensemble films for a while till he finds the right leaning man role. Colin Firth did that for a long time with Shakespeare in Love and the English Patient. Then he got Pride and Prejudice, then Bridget Jones, then A Single Man and the King's Speech. He should think more about the journey and not the now, I think. But I'm not a pro : )

646 Name: Anon : 2016-09-15 10:46 ID:I3/F40VS

>>644 I think it's different to tease someone who is in a relationship and is as far as you know happy and secure, and teasing someone who just split and maybe got dumped. Wonder what Kimmel will actually do.

647 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-09-15 10:59 ID:Heaven

>>646 I see a difference too, but I suppose in my view if someone thinks a relationship is real than I find mean to mock it because I don't like mocking something that is good. While if a relationship was created for PR purposes and to manipulate people's perception of you, than you are fair game.

Of course one doesn't need to be offensive, in TH's case even a simple "I read you had a busy summer of love, do you heart the Emmys?" would be enough to embarrass him.

648 Name: NewAnon : 2016-09-15 16:24 ID:axsU/GEJ

And it begins. During Emmy week no less. Will she drop the single on Emmy night lol

FIRST LISTEN Is Taylor Swift’s new song about ex Calvin Harris or Tom Hiddleston?

Snapchat video reveals a snippet from the studio

15th September 2016, 3:59 pm

COULD this be Taylor Swift’s next hit single?

An alleged sneak peek of her latest song has been posted to Snapchat showing a 10 second snippit from inside the recording studio.

The clip was posted by Kelsea Bellerini, who is co-writing Taylor’s new song.

In the video, someone who sounds like Taylor can be heard singing the lyrics: “We didn’t know it, thought we could grow it.
“Beautiful for a moment, we were roses.”

It seems as though Taylor is doing what she does best, and drawing on her own experiences for her sixth studio album.

The Blank Space singer has gone through two public breakups this year with a tumultuous split with DJ Calvin Harris in June after 15-months together.

She moved on with actor Tom Hiddleston a few weeks later, but the pair sensationally split after three months.

After a dramatic year, only time will tell which former flame the singer is talking about.

Best friend GiGi Hadid revealed during New York Fashion Week that Taylor was back in the studio penning her 1989 follow up album.

Gigi told ET Online: “She’s obviously such a great friend, and you know she is starting to go back to work in the studio again, and really made time to be here for me, and I am so grateful for that.”

649 Name: Sosorry : 2016-09-15 16:52 ID:2f57j049

>>648 Kelsea Ballerini has already knocked this rumor down, "in clarification to prior tweets, Kelsea is in the studio recording her second album. These recording sessions have had nothing, nor will they have anything to do with Taylor Swift." She like this tweet, so its true, thank goodness. No more drama.

650 Name: NewAnon : 2016-09-15 16:57 ID:axsU/GEJ

>>649 That's so odd. Because the audio sounds exactly like Taylor. Is she saying the song has nothing to do with Taylor and it's a collab or that it's not Taylor's voice on the song? Because if it's the latter that's a stretch because it's definitely Taylor's voice.

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