Thread to talk about the actor Tom Hiddleston
Kelsea Ballerini liked this tweet confirming that she is not working on new music with Taylor after fan speculation. It's on her twitter update page KBUpdates @KelseaonTour, so its legit.
>>651 lol I think her friend messed up and is now backtracking. It sounds exactly like Taylor. But oh well I guess the "official" statement is its not Taylor. Until we find out later that it is Taylor and Kelsea gets kicked out of the squad for not teasing the song the way Taylor wanted it.
>>650 Kelsea also just liked a pic on protectingSwift on Instagram again confirming it’s KELSEAS song and not Taylor’s. So we can believe it. Yay.
>>653 After what she pulled with Calvin and that this is what you came for song and had him say all he said about the son while they were together, yeah sorry I'm not buying what she's selling. A few months down the line we'll see drama about it probably. Just to clarify I'm not saying the song is about Tom but it's definitely Taylor's vocals on that clip.
>>652 These girls are too silly. TS and her rogue squad members can create drama where there is no drama. The wording of nor will have nothing to do with Taylor Swift is a pretty hard line denial though. How will they get out of that lie? How did TH somehow go from Shakespeare and the West End to high school antics and reality tv drama?
This is ridiculous, but I remembered Anon description at the time and it made me smile.
"Taylor Swift dumped dishy actor Tom Hiddleston after realising what her future life would be like on the Suffolk coast.
The celebrity couple spent time in the county visiting his family, but multi-award winning singer Taylor, 26, was aghast when she saw what her boyfriend would turn into.
A pal told the Suffolk Gazette: “There were old people everywhere. All the men wore a uniform of red trousers and Tweed or Barbour jackets, and played golf. She felt sickened.” [...]"
>>656 LOL Ran screaming from the red trousers, huh? Looks like she's gone in the opposite direction, because the new rumor is she's picking up with young actor Zac Efron, about whom I know nothing:
>>657 So many chuckles on this post. Especially this 'to do' list:
Not that IG unfollows are exciting any more but that account that I attributed to TH as his private account unfollowed another person days after the split.
This account never unfollowed anyone until Tayto. There was a spate just after SDCC (which I now believe was the breakup) and now he has unfriended one more.
>>658 Tom Cruise! Maybe being audited by the Co$ will cause her to wake up from her infantile bubble, she'll run screaming (again!) and the Co$ will declare her a 'hostile being' or whatever they call the rest of us.
>>659 She belongs in the Co$. I just rewatched the Southpark episode where Tom Cruise is tapped in the closet with John Travolta and R Kelly and the only person missing was TS
>>658 Do you mean this account also followed TS and unfollowed her now or after SDCC? Or that this account had first followed and then unfollowed people related to TS?
>>661 The account is on complete lockdown. I can't see who it's following so there's a chance I have it wrong but as I mentioned a few threads ago I watched it very carefully during the filming of SI and it was liking posts of obscure crew members with no fan followers and less than a handful of 'likers'.
Someone else on here mentioned they think they've found his private account and it's different so really who knows.
I said I'd mention when there was any changes to the follows/ unfollows but I'm nervous of sharing the account details due to our unhinged lurkers. If there was a way to PM I'd be happy to.
>>661 No, don't worry, I forgot that you said it was private, somehow I thought it was public, but since I don't have instagram I can't see the follows anyway, that's why I asked. It's no big deal.
>>663 The public account is a snooze, much like this private account which was mostly stagnant until TayTo.
Snapped with a fan, a phone, a fake smile and a coffee today.
>>664 Still in Australia! I thought he had already left for LA.
>>665 Flights are usually late evening. I'd expect a sighting in about an hour if he is leaving tonight. TH has managed to quite literally fly unnoticed since splitting with TS which is not suspicious at all
>>666 hahaha I'm curious to see if paps will approach him at LAX.
Meanwhile, the snake slithers over to the next victim:
I"m waiting for the site to load so I can cut / paste the text. Stand by.
Taylor Swift and Zac Efron are reportedly DATING!
Fri-16-Sep-16 07:04
Well that was faaaaaaaast...
Has Tay Tay moved on from Tom Hiddleston ALREADY???
Well according to this new report, she has...
Taylor Swift, 26, has apparently set her sights on Zac Efron (28), just weeks after her break up with Tom Hiddleston.
A close source told In Touch magazine that Taylor has been telling friends that she's ready to move on from Tom, with ZAC!!!
"She's always said she feels a strong connection to Zac, but could never act on it because they've always been dating other people."
"Taylor and Zac have always been pretty flirty with each other," the source added.
"She's reached out to Zac and told him that they should hang out and maybe go to dinner together, and he's into it. It just hasn't happened yet because of their schedules."
Both Taylor and Zac are single at the moment, so who knows what could happen...
>>670 He's 5'8" so I expect a collection of flats to be worn until this contract is over, and of course she'll pick out his Christmas gift from him.
Also, the tabloids are feeding up a Belated Happy April Fools Day!
He was spotted behind stage at the Emmys:
Tweet text:
Stood next to Tom Hiddleston a few minutes ago, he is the coolest dude. I understand the appeal the ladies have for him now. #workadventures
(further down in the tweet thread he said he was backstage at rehearsals and ran into him while taking a break, has a great smile)
He is at the pre- Emmys party (pics 39 and 41). It is a fact that every man in these pics apart from Courtney Vance looks 850 years old (and most of the women except America Ferrera).
>>675 And Kitt Herrington. But look, TH managed to make it through LAX without being papped! Is Tina Fey part of the presenters? Because given her past spat with TS...
>>676 Of course Taylor's crazy fans will say that it was only because of the association with her that TH was papped at airports. Which is also bullshit because she has been flyin around since they broke up without any pics.
>>678 Pfft, they say that TH's stans say that to was all her fault. In their insistence that their favourites are genuine people, TS's fans and TH's stans are identical.
>>679 *it was all her fault
>>675 Was just coming in to post this. Also, Torrilla's got all the pics up.
>>677 A couple of mentions already about matching up those TH and PC and making TS 'jealous.' Apparently TS was invited to attend one of the parties, so there's speculation among some of her stans ("I won't believe they really broke up until she posts it on her IG/TW! He made her look so happy!!!) that she may show up to be with TH. They haven't gotten the memo...
>>681 I"'d say it is pretty apparent from her IG that she has broken up with TH. Her posting frequency has gone right back up since the news came out - she posted maybe 15 pics during the "relationship", none of which was of him, whereas in the last week she has posted 5 or 6. For whatever reason it looks like she was on an almost social media moratorium, which ended very promptly with the end of TayTo.
>>658 Speaking of IG I found this detective work by Anonon very interesting (about the private IG account that is possibly his). Rumour has it that he has a private Facebook account as well. I did take a look for that using a few educated guesses, but never came up with anything.
>>682 Maybe it was part of their agreement - no couple photos on social media, mutual follows only. Makes the clean up after the scheduled breakup that much easier.
>>684 That is exactly what I had in mind but didn't express very well.
Did we ever find out who this guy is? We've seen him at SDCC, Oz and now the Emmys. My hope is he's Luke's replacement; more likely: a special consultant on 'fixing absolute clusterfucks,' which suggests they knew it was an absolute clusterfuck circa SDCC - while most had called it by the Selena Gomez concert (the rest following suit somewhere around T-shirt Gate).
Low likelihood: TH's real date to the Emmys.
>>686 Yes the pingy dude that goes everywhere with him and even seems to live with him on set and go out for dinner dates.
I'd like to think he's the Hollywood version of a mafia 'cleaner' but it seems something more.
Here's a completely unpredictable article that I never saw coming...
There are so many parallels with the articles following the Met of the Swifty flirts I can't help feeling like we're being set up for another season of stunts.
>>687 I just feel like someone is trying very hard to convince me of something, you know? Tom Hiddleston, Heterosexual Male!
>>688 This is what I'm thinking.
I also can't stand shaved solid beard lines, it's up there with excessive use of hair gel and ponytails. Such men alway have far too many opinions on fashion
I was I'd wake up to infinite posts (not here) of TNM winning everything because (according to TH's stans at CB) TH has the Emmy and was the presenting the last and most prestigious award, instead he presented Outstanding Directing and TNM won nothing.
What's worse, from your comments I'm guessing there were no funny jokes at TH's expense. Meh.
>>690 It would explain the willingness of his mother and sister to participate in the stunting over the summer. If one of my close family members asked me to do that pap walk purely for PR visibility, I'd decline. If that family member was a very closeted actor and was trying to keep a heterosexual image in order to keep his career from dying, I'd consider helping him out.
It's speculation of course, but if the pattern that started with EO and escalated with TS continues...
>>687 I read that Priyanka Chopra has a reputation of going after married men. Or at least she did while she was working in India.
Not going to be surprised in the least when Tom and Priyanka come out as a couple by next week eyeroll
>>691 Suzanne Bier won for "outstanding direction of TH'a arse" - really, a travesty as that was not a madly well directed series.
I correct myself immediately, Susanne Bier won the Outstanding Directing award (the NYT didn't list her!). I should have known, why else TH was presenting that award
>>686,687,688 Normally, I would have said it's his new bodyguard/driver. The one he used from Corioulanus seems to have disappeared. Not normally, nothing would surprise me anymore.
As for him and Priyanka, the article is unsurprising but I don't blame the media for writing one, because I don't doubt TH would go for it, the guy would do anything right now to fix his image. But mostly, given his modus operandi of these past 3 years, we know that by next summer he is going to have another romance.
I'm proud to say that I looked at the photos and video and he does nothing for me anymore, he looked even older than usual and his hair was styled horribly.
>>694 Seriously though, if they give The People v. O. J. Simpson: American Crime Story the award for best mini-series how can they not give the Oustanding Directing award to one of the directors? It's a contradiction.
"Tom texted me that he wanted to do a tux with piping on the lapel, which Gucci has been doing recently, so we had two Gucci tuxes made and then pulled a few other options from them. We ended up going with one of the non-custom options, which never happens, because it fit him really well. He's been doing Thor so he lost some weight in the waist and gained some weight in the chest and it just ended up being the best cut on him."
Fatuous suggestion from Tom's nauseating stylist that he would ever text anyone about piping on a lapel (remembering that this is a man whom she bought a pair of suede boots that had to be surgically removed from his feet before he was put in that dinner jacket).
>>699 The boots are even in the background of the photo.
Just for old times, back when I was happy to post his photos
>>699 Hahaha, but you know I also think he is incredibly vain.
>>700 they replaced the other boots.
>>701 I hate how she insists on doing his hair. It looks lovely when it has a curl and she straightens it back from his receding hairline.
>>704 Yes! It doesn't help improving a situation that is becoming more and more evident.
>>698 1. Firt, Suzanne Bier has the prestige and the name. since she is an Oscar winning director. already. That's a HUGE advantage in TV world.
2. You have to the remember that most of the people in the Academy are not actors. They hold/held positions in front and behind the camera. Although it's great to watch two actors in a room spar using wonderful verbiage, the TNM required Suzanne to do more than that. She guided English speaking actors as well as actors who spoke other languages besides English, handled muriad locations all around the world. This included filming in cities with many extras in crowd shots, and in small isolated towns. On beaches and on the water. In the snow and in the desert, during the day and night. And she accomplished filming gorgeous and explosive action sequences with explosions, and fight sequences as well. And this directon made the series glossy and exceptionally emotionally easy for viewers to engage, and esp. easy for voters who are not actors to respect, since Bier had to command such a variety of skills as a director.
>>707 1. Her name, prestige and previous work are irrelevant or they might as well avoid going through the motion of picking nominations and give it to the one with the best resumè. This is not a job interview.
2. And that's how she got her nomination, but to win, one must prove to be the best among all nominated. If she had been then her series should have won more, an Outstanding director that is good with explosions but can't bring any award to her actors? Viewers clearly engaged just as well with The PeoplevsOJ. so Anon is right, the award to Bier was a travesty decided in advance, ergo TH presence.
>>708 I think she was given the win because she directed the entire series. TPvOJS had a few directors who worked on different episodes, which maybe led the voters to perceive the actors as being more independent. Of course I'm not saying the directors didn't matter, but the voters' thought process may have been that a single director who led a cast of actors to multiple nominations was more deserving than a director who was only responsible for a few episodes, even if that series' actors gave better performances individually.
>>708 I wasn't saying that Suzanne Bier necessarily deserved the win for sure. I was just saying that despite how well Te OJ movie connected with fans, members of the academy, who are not thespians would find a diversity of skills to praise in Biers work throughout the entire series, The academy is not made of tv fans, and it's not made up of just thespians, like the SAG. Like when Gravity won at Oscars, it was because the film had such great visual scope, not because it had the best script, and not because it had the most subtle and multilayered acting.
Also, I wasn't implying that Bier's resume should make her the winner, I was just elucidating that in any awards competition that your name and prior resume can play a significant role in whether you are nominated or whether or not you win. People know and respect Bier's work. Spielberg gets nominated all the time, even though his films are not quite as great as they used to be, because people respect him, because he's a legends, and because his average films can be better than many directors good films. You know how it is. Sometimes you win an award because you're the best, sometimes you win because you lost when you should have won before, sometimes you win because your project has heat in the press, sometimes you win because of the politics of the voting of that year, and sometimes you win because you did a great job, but also you win because you are liked and respected and people know your name when they see it on a ballot. That's all! Just chatting.
>>687 Re: Eonline article matching up TH and PC at an after party: she has a steady bf - a fiancé, according to google. So I'm more apt to believe E! is shit stirring. Plus that was not the only party he attended. If she is spotted at more parties with him tonight, then I will say there's a spark.
>>693 I read that too. The articles are easy to find.
>>699 Is he that prissy (fussy) about clothing detail to call it out like that? Vain, yes, maybe not like before because he looked about 45 years old not 35.
There's another article claiming the Emmy director trolled TS by panning from Tom to John Mayer.
That was the funniest press to come out of this thing tonight
>>711 a spark of a friendship not her jumping to another guy while Tom jumps to another high profile romance.
Emmys 2016: Tom Hiddleston Says He's Still Friends with Taylor Swift :
So, did the reporters scream this at Tom on the red carpet? And whose press team leaked this info, Tom or TS? : ),,21026212_21030973,00.html
Check this new article on Tom, Swift, and flirting with Priyanka at the Emmys in Vanity Fair. Its as if the reality tv relationship PR situation with Swift has tainted our perception of Tom's motivations so much, that all we can see when he talks to a woman or when there is article about him are the machinations of his/the Hollyood PR machine. It used to be fun to look at Tom's pics, or chat and gossip about him, but how we just wonder about how we are possibly being manipulated, and for what specific purpose, and by whom?
>>704 Everyone, look at how far my hair has receded! Look at how thin it is! Can everyone see my hairline and melasma?
Dude, you want to recapture your youth...have your youthful hair. Let it get long, let it get curly, stop scraping it in the direction you don't want it to go. Why is that such a hard concept to grasp?
His stylist and groomer do him disservices at a high cost.
>>717 The tabloids do what they always do, they are not forcing anyone to read their silly articles.
As for perception, nobody's perception was tainted by TS, since TH's freely decided to every single thing that happened.
>>716 How convenient. And conveniently comic. And just a little unbelievable. But that's my skeptical self.
>>718 lol
>>720 you are not alone, first thing I wondered was why would this girl travel all the way to Suffolk.
>>714 This seems a plant. Does People even have a reporter on the red carpet? Is that the only reporter TH spoke to on the RC because there aren't too many other RC interviews coming out, i.e., none.
From which camp? I know not, I care not. Hopefully it's an extended hand and both sides can stop behaving like their permanent residences are listed as 'the playground.' The relationship was a ruse, does the breakup need to be as well?
>>699 Sadly her presence - I won't call it employment - for a non-movie or press/ promo event suggests that she is employed not by a studio but by TH. Can we safely say she styled him on July 4th? Did TH text her saying that he wanted to wear something both emasculating AND embarrassing? She is such a good stylist!
>>722 Actually I can see Mama Hidds being in the Big Smoke for some artsy fartsy shindig. But the ringtone thing, if meant to be serious, seems the bullshit part.
>>725 Anything can be - that poster reminds me so much of nw3anon I can't help but taking everything with caution.
>>725 The woman said she was in the team for the Antony Sher Lear at the RSC. This is currently playing in Stratford and the RSC is a theatre company with which TH has had no association. Emma Hiddleston is not in the cast. Maybe Mama Hiddles went to see it in Stratford - maybe not. Can't imagine she would get special treatment if she did given TH has zero to do with the RSC, or that this poster would meet her even if she did. If Mama Hiddles went to London, why would this woman meet her, even if it was some arty shindig? Shouldn't she be working at Stratford still? Sounds like bullshit to me....
>>724 She's a terrible stylist. She seems to think that telephoning Gucci and saying "make Tom Hiddleston a dinner suit" shows that she is a genius, as if anyone with half a brain couldn't pick out a nice dinner jacket and some cuff links and surprisingly make it fit well given it was custom made.
If you look at her women's styling, where there is a lot more room for error, you can see how bad she actually is. She was responsible for this abomination as well: bad dress, and terrible hair which belies the phrase "styled."
>>728 I've come to dislike most of her styling choices for him (I haven't checked out other celebs who use her). I chalked it up to me just disliking her vision of hipster style.
"The house band included Ray Parker Jr., Steve Jordan and Mayer, who provided the night's bitchiest moment when he played "The Thrill Is Gone" as Taylor Swift's ex Hiddleston was leaving the stage. Oh, dear John."
Tom and Gwendoline Christie:
>>728,729 I hope you both realize I was joking when I said she's good (I think you do)! Although, if she did style him into that t-shirt, she hit the brief perfectly as it was both emasculating and embarrassing! Earn that money, sweetie.
>>730 John Mayer - I bestow upon you the strange respect I recently gave to Kim K. Kudos! Maybe not totally bitchy in the sense that JM knows the dark tunnel TH travelled.
Mystery Man was Tom's +1 last night. There's also a possible identification of him as Tom's agent from NYC, although I'm not sure how to confirm if that's true.
Michael K. Sees you TH, he sees you.
>>733 Holding Tom's tub of hair gel for 5% of his earnings. I could do that job.
1) Yes, I know
2) I don't want to think about Tom and any dark tunnels he's travelled recently.
Tom doing an impression of either a tortoise or Michael Douglas:
No point of re-shipping GOT actress, G. Christie and Tom. As of August 6, 2016, she is still with her partner of nearly four years, the outstanding couture fashion designer Giles Deacon. Smart girl. Finding a very tall, talented, and straight fashion designer as a beau! Reminds me of when Gene Tierney and Grace Kelly were both smart enough to court Oleg Cassini in the 40s and 50s, before he later went on to dress Jackie Kennedy during her White House years.
Game of Thrones actress Gwendoline Christie talks working with partner Giles Deacon: ‘I wear armour and I wear couture – both fascinate me’
>>733 There are now conflicting reports on tumblr, saying that Tom's manager from NYC is a man named Jon Rubinstein, who looks nothing like Mr. Beard. Google confirms it. Back to being a mystery.
Want a giggle, darlings?
So TS was in Nashville on Saturday. But on Sunday evening EST, her plane took off from Nashville and landed in Burbank in the evening (an hour or so after the Emmys wrapped). Today it headed back to Nashville at around 4:00 EST.
What does this mean? Yes, the Swfities think that TS flew to CA for a quick post-Emmy romp with TH and then flew back to Nashville this afternoon. Apparently, the super hot sexual chemistry between these two meant that they just couldn't stay apart. Tayto has been reborn, according to some. Praise Jesus!
I don't know if her plane flew out of Nashville, but an f900 did make those flights at the listed times (I asked someone in the office about Flight Aware, and I can just about manage it after a lesson). I can't imagine too many f900 are based in Nashville and fly into Burbank. There aren't many f900s in the sky at any time, full stop. So I think her plane did make this trip.
Now I don't think Tayto rose like a phoenix last night. But, knowing that her fans (and TH's) can track her plane, did TS send her main mode of transportation on a 4,000 mile round trip to make it seem like they might have had a reunion?
Or did she send the plan to pick up one of her cats' outfits? Or a favorite squeeze toy?
>>740 I remember Anonon first spotted that he was the same person in the DM pics and the SDCC pics. I then recognized him last night fairly quickly (the beard is an easy spot and my ability to recognize faces is the only faculty not being impacted by my time as an incubator). I don't think we saw him before SDCC. He seems new.
I don't know if he's the reason for the showmance, is the clean up crew brought in to deal with its messiness, or has absolutely nothing to do with Tayto.
Who again did TH visit (parking garage pics) when he returned from Oz, the people based in Beverly Hills?
>>740,742 I just Googled the shit out of this Jon Rubinstein and used all my imagination to add an ugly beard and hair to him. While the face is similar, his hairline aint. Jon's is in deep recession, rather like TH, whereas our mystery beardy dudey has a very pronounced and alarmingly straight hairline (rather like his beardline).
Conclusion: it's the same man with hair plugs or (most likely) a completely different person.
At this point I would assume he's either a bff or a bf.
>>741 Nooooooooooooooooooo.
Realistically, TH arrived in LA 2 days before the Emmys so if she wanted a proper shag and a catch-up that was the time to do it. Only a psycho ex would fly in and expect you to leave all the hobnobbing parties early.. oh wait..
>>742 Supposedly his agents, who, along with the show producers, were 'yelling at him' for allowing the stunt to overshadow his promotion of TNM during the Emmy voting period which ended on Aug. 29th.
>>743 Yep, there you go. No pics of them together Sunday night have surfaced. I think I read that it's already flown back to Nasville?
So either:
she flew in to attend a party she was rumoured to have been invited to but one TH did not attend
she flew in for sekret secks with tom because tHey ARe sTiLl ToGetHEr
she flew in to talk face to face about the breakup and/ or do some business associated with that
>>745 It was probably a family member using the plane. Her brother has been filming a movie in Los Angeles so the jet could have been picking him up, or bringing someone out to see him.
>>745 option 1 is least likely or we would have seen pics
Option 2 is just kidding cause Luke is with him and I find it hard to believe he would say " ok you two kids run off and have fun and DONT FORGET TO USE A CONDOM!"
Option 3 seems more likely
Burning fuel to create rumors without leaving Nashville seems out there even for her....yet....
>>744 Does he has LA agents? I thought his agent was London based.
>>743 He doesn't have BFFs: he has Luke and Olly. And while he may be planning to exit the closet (who knows!), I don't think he'd show up at an awards show with his boyfriend only a few weeks after splitting from his high-profile girlfriend. If TH comes out as gay anytime soon, the gig is up, and both he and TS will be in the shit.
I do love a good mystery! Mystery Man is a thousand times more interesting than Tayto ever was.