Dear Squeeks, (286)

45 Name: winter : 1993-09-4822 16:10

Dear squeeks:

I just wanted to take the time to express appreciation for this fine forum that you have provided for all of us to share our experiences and ideas. As a friendly community, is near the top!

your friend,


69 Name: winter : 1993-09-4830 15:39

Dear Squeeks,

Every day, I log onto and delete spam posts, and move spam threads into the spam forum... Every day, I spend at least 15-30 minutes just cleaning up, and I've come to realize that no one actually posts any more. It's disheartening, and I've decided that having a phpBB2 forum just is not a proper solution for our friendly community. I need to replace it with something that the world's mitten enthusiasts and friendly people will truly enjoy... but what?

I have to admit that I'm fresh out of ideas, and my enthusiasm is waning by the day. Can you please offer me some guidance?

Your friend,

70 Name: ⊂二二二( ^ω^)二二二⊃ : 1993-09-4830 17:20

 ( __ )
 ( ・∀・) < My name is Squeeks and but you were oh so
 (つ   つ   eager to start that site last year.
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