ITT we tell the poster above us why their favorite game sucks (479)

1 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2008-08-03 05:20 ID:QLhp9ZtD

There was a thread like this in /anime/ and, although it seems to have died from lack of interest, I liked it. Let's try it here.

For instance, assuming >>0's favorite is THE GAME: What fun is a game that can't be won? Also, you just lost it.

My favorite: Metal Gear Solid 3

No protracted arguments in this thread please, just keep it going.

378 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2013-12-13 20:18 ID:7AO6cvBh

Power Stone out of the ass


379 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2013-12-15 02:40 ID:jbH9GAGA

Acronyms out the ass.

Eador: Genesis

380 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2014-01-08 20:45 ID:kWq2xc4v


nobody ever heard of that shit


381 Name: lo wang : 2014-01-14 23:01 ID:cRGqlJXe


the anime

shadow warrior

382 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2014-01-23 01:25 ID:1Aa1lC0j

Stupid Wang jokes.


383 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2014-03-17 17:30 ID:zzQZg5gC

Strategy games are for uncool nerds

Dark Messiah of Might and Magic

384 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2014-03-17 22:20 ID:1Aa1lC0j

Obnoxious love interests.

Chakan: The Forever Man

385 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2014-04-21 18:01 ID:zcpSLB8K

Horrible music & sound effects, clunky controls, bad level design

Ultima Underworld

386 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2014-05-21 20:22 ID:+QnxC+Dy

Western game.


387 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2014-05-21 20:58 ID:I2TqErgu

By D2 do you mean diablo 2?
If so then lack of easy means to transfer items between characters in single player.

tomb raider!

388 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2014-05-28 02:04 ID:1Aa1lC0j

You did it for Lara's tits.

Master of Orion

389 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2014-06-06 20:56 ID:DrAJONZp

Inferior to civilization


390 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2014-06-06 23:15 ID:1Aa1lC0j

Generic military realism.

Rape an Ape

391 Name: teabag : 2014-06-09 12:57 ID:3V3iHDx2


rape is bad, mkay?

final fantasy 7

392 Name: sephiroth : 2014-06-23 17:37 ID:7+LKqzix


tifa's tits

street fighter

393 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2014-06-27 23:24 ID:z31wkw4s

shitty arcade game rightfully overshadowed by its sequels. also the only half-decent port was for the turbografx cd, of all things


394 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2014-07-07 21:56 ID:bOdgjbQK

Dead scene

super mario world

395 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2014-07-07 22:23 ID:1Aa1lC0j

SMB3 is still the best Mario.

Severance: Blade of Darkness (Or Blade: Edge of Darkness, depending where you're from, I guess)

396 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2014-07-10 11:14 ID:ih3Upw2m

I prefer Edge: Severance of Darkness

La-Mulana (the PC remake)

397 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2014-08-03 12:47 ID:1Aa1lC0j

Remakes are bad, mmmkay?

Duke Nukem 3D

398 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2014-08-05 23:01 ID:OOsvDTGi


It took far to long for them to come out with a sequel

street fighter 4

399 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2014-08-18 09:39 ID:Iq/Q74yS

han juri is nasty shemale!

resident evil series.

400 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2014-08-19 12:50 ID:z31wkw4s

401 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2014-08-21 20:31 ID:3kBgOqtu


if i want watch video i rent porno! tell why resident evil suck in WORDS.

402 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2014-08-23 03:57 ID:1Aa1lC0j

You were almost a Jill sandwich.

Vinyl Goddess from Mars

403 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2014-08-23 11:59 ID:z31wkw4s

Contributed to functional illiteracy by inviting impressionable children to visit "The Caverns of Choas" in the intro text.

Ancient Domains of Mystery

404 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2014-08-23 16:19 ID:1Aa1lC0j

Sellout roguelike that never open-sourced and is now going on assReam.

Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup

405 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2014-08-24 18:10 ID:z31wkw4s

Oh ho, those silly players found another method to win more than 10% of the time? Time to nerf the shit out of this one too.


406 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2014-08-24 21:32 ID:1Aa1lC0j

Nonsensical mishmash of Tolkienian lore without being very faithful to any of it. And if you miss an artifact it's gone for good.

Sword Master (the NES one, not any other game that might have that title.)

407 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2014-08-26 05:04 ID:K8v99JBD


Run of the mill side scroller with shit story line

Shinobi III: Return of the Ninja Master

408 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2014-09-09 15:24 ID:uLsVscmB

The "style over substance" entry in the series

LSD: Dream Emulator

409 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2014-10-09 12:29 ID:1Aa1lC0j

Not a particularly accurate emulation of dreaming, or LSD for that matter.

Civilization II

410 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2014-10-11 04:03 ID:aSghBwc5

Elevated nuke-happy Gandhi from an innocent bug into a moronic joke.

Crusader Kings II

411 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2014-12-23 05:40 ID:2U+EIPC6

412 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2014-12-27 05:15 ID:6NfaXs6m

if you want somebody to tell you why final fantasy 14 sucks, then first you have to tell the last guy why Crusader Kings II sucks!

413 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2015-05-08 01:32 ID:2simxT9d

Everything above X is ass.

Deus Ex.

414 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2015-05-08 11:41 ID:e37RKyXX

I've never had any training with this gun, so that means I cannot accurately cap a guy in the head from five feet away.

Crusader Kings II

415 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2015-05-20 14:51 ID:UZTQXk/q

CKII is like digimon: started off as an original idea and quickly spun into a ripoff of a Japanese property.

Animal Crossing GC

416 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2015-05-27 17:28 ID:ESeZkdfw

Nothing ever happens. You keep trying to get money to get out of debt and keep running up more debt until you get bored and quit. Villager interaction is shallow.

Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance

417 Post deleted.

418 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2015-07-22 22:26 ID:kOLwr2jc

Raiden. Never forget.

419 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2015-07-27 02:24 ID:wQwnP/PF

To keep the thread going, I'm going to reply as if >>418's game was so:
Just another generic shoot 'em up, they're a dime a dozen.


420 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2015-07-30 13:56 ID:S/bCYGbM

another gripe about Diablo 2 I forgot to mention is how for the higher difficulty levels they nerf your resistances!

421 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2015-08-07 15:53 ID:GO4ykDj1

>>420 Generic dungeon crawler in my opinion.

Dystopia, go!

422 Name: uh oh : 2015-08-18 23:02 ID:rs8yao9Q

I really enjoyed sonic adventure 1.

423 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2015-08-26 03:25 ID:/GltgxDa

Sonic Adventure 1 had shit camera and level design.
I like Super Mario World.

424 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2015-08-26 17:47 ID:wQwnP/PF

Encourages you to murder the poor innocent Yoshi by jumping off his back to get greater distance over the middle of a chasm.


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428 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2015-09-09 19:08 ID:CVxdllLE

it's an overly basic hack and slash without enough to do to stop it from becoming menial

rune factory 4

429 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2015-09-14 05:51 ID:IShCuWYz

No good marriage candidates for female protagonist.

Legend of Mana

430 Post deleted.

431 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2015-09-16 22:59 ID:gHYw6SPY

Shitty co-op compared to earlier installments and there's no punishment for dying.

Planescape Torment.

432 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2015-10-06 04:34 ID:ne7ZB1DT

Game focuses on its writing to the detriment of both game mechanics and game stability - anything beyond dialogue is a poorly-coded and designed slog and any higher-level magic has a good chance of simply crashing the game.

Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate.

433 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2015-10-15 10:25 ID:fuxMbTii

Turned what used to be a life and death struggle against a monster into a 4 player clusterfuck where the monster isn't even hard because of it being mounted and toppled every 60 seconds. The game is also doubled in content because of the amount of recolored monsters.

Link's Awakening

434 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2015-12-19 05:32 ID:92Fgr3zN

Link's Awakening was too good to require graphics to compensate for it's inadequacies. Sword of Mana on the GBA looked better, played better, had a better story even though I can't remember it. It was amazing to play for the time on a GBASP, enough to escape the imperatives of other things. Though I was sure i'd get killed so nothing had any permenance, problems could be endured. Getting killed larger than any other issue.

Return to Zork

435 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2015-12-27 02:42 ID:QVHAuPUN

worst zork EVER, there were no captions to the speech so if you were deaf or didn't have a sound card the game would basicly be unplayable.

street fighter 2

436 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2015-12-30 09:02 ID:QVHAuPUN

cammy is nasty shemale


437 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2016-03-29 15:18 ID:gNnLnp78

Initially I planned to give somewhat of a tentative recommendation based almost entirely on the game's gorgeous environments and striking atmosphere, but as I went on playing I found that beyond that there was nothing there for it. The writing is abysmal, and even if I tried to look at it through a more tongue-in-cheek lens so much of it is just empty. It’s not an amusing kind of bad either (like “Rise of the Dragon”, which is another point-and-click game that puts style over substance). There’s no sense of weight to this world that ironically enough fleshes itself out only visually, but has absolutely no other substance to it. It’s completely hollow of personality, of characters, of emotion or of any real world. It’s a beautiful backdrop of nothing.

The biggest question I had while playing was “Why should I care about what’s going on?” And the only answer I had was “to see what backgrounds I get to see next”.

It seems the game itself too, works in a similar sense. Rather than the story painting and weaving together the backgrounds, it's vice versa.

The protagonist has virtually no personality, never acts on his own behalf, and the character we portray onto him fails to convey any realism because he doesn’t talk like a normal human being would. With whiny dialogue choices that essentially all boil down to “I’m the hero, you should listen to me”, the cardboard-cutout cast just eventually plays into it and he gets to play the hero like he wants. Maybe this is all some depressive fantasy of his -- this lonely, abandoned middle-aged geek who retreats to his comic books for comfort, and dreams he’s the hero. He’s wanted, he’s loved, and he gets exactly what he wants in a Total Recall all-goes-right kind of adventure. But even if it were the case (and it’s not, unfortunately), it wouldn’t forgive the extremely unfulfilling game experience.

The problem is, in the context of Noctropolis, the "silent protagonist" trope doesn't work. There's a reason adventure games almost never have silent protagonists, and this is because they're entirely narrative-driven. For a narrative to work, it needs to have a pivotal main character we can relate to. Games like HL2, Zelda, Dead Space, etc -- the story is not the primary focus, it is the gameplay that drives the story forward, whereas it's vice-versa in point-and-clicks. In a genre with this amount of focus on narrative, it's just not suited for a silent protagonist, especially with one as poorly done as the one in Noctropolis.

Sonic 3 & Knuckles

438 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2016-04-02 04:06 ID:l9EIdPd4

The special stages are fucking horrible, the insta-shield is next to worthless, and a lot of the enemies are a huge pain in the ass.


439 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2016-04-12 02:57 ID:YVSeOkfn

It's boring until you get to Twoson, Stonehenge is tedious.

Ace Combat Zero

440 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2016-04-12 17:05 ID:1/Cysyzp

Ace Combat Zero moar liek just Zero amirite

Crusader Kings 2

441 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2016-04-21 02:13 ID:ClXPLynu


>Wait to get fucked over by sweden simulator

442 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2016-04-21 02:13 ID:ClXPLynu

Team Fortress 2

443 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2016-04-30 13:06 ID:mUNjVbSQ

10+gb of hats
age of empires 2

444 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2016-05-03 19:28 ID:J2J6IFuq

AoE2 is just an endurance competition of who can continue to mash the queue unit button longer. AoE3 was objectively better in every way.

Final Fantasy XI

445 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2016-05-06 23:15 ID:Heaven

446 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2016-06-02 21:10 ID:RYeAaJrz

Not a video game.

Super Mario 2

447 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2016-06-24 00:27 ID:Ycfkif7m


which resident evil was the one with the trans gender virus and the boss monster that was some guy who grew boobs?

448 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2016-08-23 19:46 ID:Heaven

It's not even Mario, just reskinned Doki Doki Panic.

The Ultimate Doom

449 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2016-09-01 07:43 ID:2tVq9Wy+


Doom has aged as well as Sunday milk from 1988.

The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth

450 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2016-09-08 05:08 ID:yxzvrSrw

Lazy 2-D doodle design.

Diablo 3

451 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2016-09-26 12:29 ID:xpmIJNjk

diablo pee. shitty community.

Homeland for the Gamecube

452 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2016-11-25 18:51 ID:t8XD68sh

Nostalgic thing for oldies nobody cares about.


453 Post deleted.

454 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2017-02-23 11:28 ID:1FZhY0vl


RE Dead Aim, Ps2

I don't think it was exactly a transgender virus as much as it was just what he mutated into

455 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2017-03-06 08:38 ID:8khkMCWP

Bad writing.


456 Name: wexler : 2017-03-06 09:47 ID:iS2VWgQB

but it was called the T. G. virus, was it not?
at least jill didn't grow a dick.

457 Post deleted.

458 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2018-11-17 01:21 ID:cxvqp1Y+

Old, unfunny memes aren't games.

Shin Megami Tensei 3: Nocturne featuring Dante from the Devil May Cry Series

459 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2018-11-17 21:02 ID:Pfxp0ZRe

>"Old, unfunny memes aren't games."
>posts an old, unfunny meme

Majora's Mask

460 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2018-11-20 22:50 ID:vK74fvyv

My favorite is cave story!

461 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2018-11-24 05:12 ID:cxvqp1Y+

Cave Story sucks because it isn't literally flawless like Majora's Mask.

Breath of the Wild

462 Name: Hodd Toward : 2018-11-25 19:42 ID:OjyOOq5q


463 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2018-11-25 19:56 ID:yMduluJB

I'm banned on /v/ right now.

464 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2018-11-25 20:55 ID:hCfIz8gR

Dragon's Dogma

465 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2018-11-25 23:45 ID:quejfD1A

literally just "what if skyrim was japanese"

466 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2018-11-26 00:04 ID:tzhAd6TN

My blood keeps getting smaller

467 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2019-07-21 21:24 ID:yAjVGfcB

Ok cool, but what’s your favorite game?
Mine’s Killer7.

468 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2019-11-08 03:12 ID:Q+SRwSrY

The North American cover art has too much red and black on it. This is the only possible criticism because the game itself is flawless.

No More Heroes

469 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2019-12-02 21:47 ID:44ic2aPW

Lightsaber Wagglefest

Shadowrun, the FPS on the xbox 360.

470 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2019-12-04 17:36 ID:Ql5FJ2QC

The cross platform multi-player was a decent idea, but it was poorly implemented and left the PC players to absolutely dominate the console players.

My favorite is Phantasy Star IV

471 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2019-12-10 01:42 ID:tpvtEuQW

A fucking JRPG on a the sega genesis with worse gameplay than it's competitors that couldn't decide if it wanted to be a fantasy or sci-fi setting, and sucks at both.

My favorite vidya game is Mega Man X, on the super ninty

472 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2019-12-11 05:25 ID:Oa+RiLzq

You don't have the dash at the start, and it's entirely possible to defeat 7/8 Mavericks without it, making the game artificially more difficult.

My favorite video game is Sonic the Hedgehog 3 & Knuckles.

473 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2020-06-14 08:54 ID:Q+SRwSrY

No multiplayer mode

Double Dragon

474 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2020-06-14 18:30 ID:eM52w6vD

Punching whip-toting butch women is sexist and homophobic.


475 Name: retard : 2020-06-21 20:04 ID:7NExMzf2

this is for whites only

Minecraft Snapshot pre-release 8

Also there are no rules besides the first one

476 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2020-06-21 22:53 ID:Q+SRwSrY

> Hexen

All the console ports were ultra-shitty even by '90s standards.

> Minecraft

Inspires self-professed retards to spam 4-ch with their KKK servers. Also a garbage Infiniminer ripoff with unfocused gameplay and nothing but lolrandom additions like magic and new animals ever since early beta.


477 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2020-07-31 18:08 ID:pbllySyk

I have nothing bad to say about Factorio, well maybe the fact that if you don't pay attention to what time it is (maybe day), you can become unemplyed and homeless just like that.

Katana ZERO

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