(*´Д`) Let's talk about masturbation! (259)

49 Name: 219 2005-12-05 21:25 ID:yVR2nhiz

>>1 "Do you sit on your hand and make it go numb so it feels like someone else?

haha.. do people actually do that?

I 'fap' about once a week or so, at the moment i'm trying to cut it right back, and get it under control.

I highly dislike masturbation, and i always feel gross afterwards... When you start feeling horny, and go ahead and look at porn, and start, it feels perfectly normal and pleasent... However after you come, its like "ok, now that was rather disgusting" i don't even feel like looking at porn afterwards.

My conclusion is that if itsnot something i enjoy after the fact, then it really isn't right for me, hence my reason to cutback.

I regard masturbation as nothing more then an evacuation, similar to shitting or pissing. If i don't do it semi regularly, then i end up having wet dreams, which are too much of a hassle... Wetdreams remind me of female's period actually... its almost as inconvienent and disruptive, except it only happens at night, and not that regularly...

/rant over

Anyone else share my views ?

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