no! it is rockingest!
except when it's cold, and someone makes you tea, and bakes you a cake.
I can't say I enjoy it, but I don't seem to be bother to do anything about it.
>>3 faps
>>3 speaks great truth.
I orz being single.
I'm 18. I've been single for 18 years, a new record!
I'm all shy and have too much pride. I have a feeling my instincts will take enough control soon though. I've gained courage recently and I suspect my hormones are helping.
i'm the same as >>7
it's also unfortunate that i'm gay, and every guy i'm interested in is straight
What I find depressing is how most girls seem too much alike, too 'standardized'. If I can somehow explain it... I guess the accepted ideal of what an attractive female is just doesn't do anything for me. It's like they've got a mould somewhere, and they're just stamping them out. They all have the same sandy-blonde hair, the same figure and facial structure, wear the same sorts of clothes, etc. I can objectively say 'yeah, so-and-so is attractive', but...
Never mind that this is a convenient rationalization for not having to deal with the problem.
...i need a single female rant thread. grr.
I enjoy being single in the fact that I don't really have to worry about a ton about my appearance (I like to look relatively nice, but with a girlfriend I'd probably have to put a lot more consideration), no issues with money (girlfriend=money), or have to do stuff I don't really enjoy doing or am not interested in (like browsing the mall, etc).
It gets lonely though: sometimes I literally dream about the perfect women who just gets along perfectly with me. However I'm also dissuaded to find a girlfriend because there are times when I can't stand being around other people, let alone close friends. I'm most comfortable alone! :/
Ranting complete!
>I enjoy being single in the fact that I don't really have to worry about a ton about my appearance
Funny I worry about my appearance because I am single
I know EXACTLY what you're talking about (of course I am a gay single female :{ )
What is funny is that I know many of these beautiful girls and they always wonder why it's so hard to find a boyfriend.
The answer is:
>they strive to look like every other girl out there
Yeah, and I like it when goth-chicks (or goths or the like in general) think they're unique while they're just another cliche.
I think some of it is that I prefer 'cute' over 'hot'.
>>17 has it right, rule 1 in >>16 applies to ALL cultures and subcultures. For me it is hipster art-students who are really irritating. When it comes down to it, they would rather look «creative» than be creative.
Girls who don't give a shit, who live only in their minds like an autistic child, where can you find them? Do you really want to find them?
I found one, and it was happy and miserable! A+++ would buy again.
hi guys! hail the single man's rant thread!!
Wow, I always say the exact same thing.
My problems are classical: I cling to old, failed relationships for a long time, each failed relationship drags me down more and I am less and less motivated to actually open up to new people in general. Blech.
>Girls who don't give a shit, who live only in their minds like an autistic child, where can you find them? Do you really want to find them?
Do girls want to find guys like that? =(
Don't really understand the mind of girl~
to complicated :p lol
Of course Not. Basically, many girls search a simple guy how make her feel the most beautiful woman in the earth. But, woman's want another things : a cool look, intelligence and nice performance. Money is no necessary, but it must be worker.
>>26 I wish girls liked smrts. But then most guys who have that complaint are pompous assholes, and I am a shy wallflower (*-ω-)
Well, at least you've recognised your problem.
Now, do something about. Be an asshole. Pretend that you were the one who decided to terminate those relationships and that they meant nothing... and start looking for a new one right away.
Or go the alternate route and attempt to start a new relationship, but take it slow. That way if it fails it would have meant little to you, as it probably wouldn't have been very developed.
This person speaks of the truth.
Generally just try and be outgoing, take care of your appearance, and you'll do just fine. Learn how to speak with women, have some conversation topics ready to go, and anyone should do fine.
Don't expect to take a shower, get dressed, go to a club, and find a long lasting relationship, but hey, itll be a start.
I am too lazy and introverted for that. And those solutions have too much to do with pretending and make believe, things I am just not good at and don't want to become good at.
Considering that I'm the same way, I think I can safely say this is bullshit. Not everything in life is just going to fall into your lap - you have to work a little bit to get anything worth having.
People basically scare me. Like a phobia. Pretty much kills any hope for me.
>>32 Does it? There are girls who are like that too. Pay attention to how you yourself act in public, and try to notice girls who behave the same way.
>>33 So he can hang around girls who act exactly the same as him? How boring.
What'll that accomplish? In the rare instances I'm out in public...
They'll still scare the shit out of me.
I figure it would help if you knew the girl was really scared of you. Maybe you would feel braver knowing that.
It's too painful to keep going, isn't it? Meeting someone you really like, someone you really feel comfortable talking to, to think maybe, just maybe, get all of your hopes up, take the nice things they say about you as hints of something more, think about the wonderful days ahead, and then be crushed, completely, with no hope of anything getting accomplished at all?
Well, fuck love. I reject it. The only thing keeping me warm this winter is my rage.
I wonder when the new boards will be up and running. I can't wait to have an entire section devoted to telling each other how pathetic we all are. ( ^_^)b
Hello. I'd like to ask for some serious suggestions. I'm not sure how to explain this so I'll just start from the begining. About 2 years ago I met an amazing girl at my school. Lets just say her name is MD. I always noticed her around, but never had an opportunity to talk to her until one day I saw her talking to another one of my friends and joined their conversation. They were both Japanese, and I'm very interested in the culture, so I found it easy to find things to talk about. By the end of the conversation I had her email address, phone number, and I had made a friend. However, at the same time I was becoming close with one of her friends(we'll call her CT) who I thought I had a better chance with. Eventually, we started to date and all of us(me, CT, and MD) would hang out together often. The relationship with CT turned out to be a disaster. We fought nonstop and broke up countless times in less than a 6 month period. She would often be jealous of my freindship with MD which led to the end of their friendship. My feelings for MD began to grow more and more, so I finally gave up on my relationship with my CT. The day after I broke up with her, I found out MD got a boyfriend. I thought I was gonna die. Also at the same time, my brother left home with his girlfriend. I don't think I ever felt so lonely. Anyway, several months later I found out she broke up with her boyfriend. We were talking about it online, and as the conversation came to an end, she asked if I wanted to go see a movie. I really can't describe how happy that made me. After all my bad luck, it seemed things were turning around. I really thought I had a chance. I was soooo nervous though. I couldn't sleep, I couldn't eat, I did EVERYTHING possible to prepare for the day I would meet her. Finally that day came around. We saw the movie then ended up cooking something at my house. I was scared the whole time, so it wasn't the smoothest date ever (if you'd even consider it a date), but it still seems like a dream to me. however, it seems that as the day ended, so did my dream. I wrote her an email the next day thanking her for everything. It was days before I got a response. I would email her back, and it started taking longer and longer for responses. Finally It got to the point where I was going crazy. I had lost about 20 pounds at this point. She just didn't seem interested.... Finally I got an email from her saying that she was going back to Japan soon. I emailed her back asking to see her before she left. I never got a response.(btw, I only emailed because it was hard for her to understand me on the phone) The day she left, I stayed up all night hoping to see her online one last time so I could talk to her... at about 3 in the morning she signed on, but right away left. I felt like crap. I never cared for someone as much as I cared for her.. I really can't explain it. Well, a few months later I found out from a friend that she was comming back from Japan to take some more classes! I finally emailed her just to verify it but again got no repsonse. Now, I sometimes see her at school.. our eyes will meet, but quickly leave. We don't say anything to each other. I think it's been about 6 months since we've talked. Nowadays I see her online more often too, but I can't gather the courage to say anything. I don't know what to say. I don't understand why she stopped talking to me. As bad as the situation seems, I feel like I can't give up. I try to be interested in other girls, but my mind always goes back to MD. I'm sorry for such a long post, but to those who've taken the time to read it, any help would be more than apprecaited.
Sorry for your little drama (awesome), but, maybe she don't like you or maybe she know another person. If you tried talk to her for this, maybe she can explain you about your real feeling for you. If you don´t courage for asked her.. well.. it finished. I have an advise for you, 42, ask her.. you know, search a good moment and ask her.
If you want people to read what you write, please learn about paragraphs.
Could it be that the lack of paragraph breaks is what drove her away from him in the first place?
If that's the case, >>42, any girl that lets a few newlines every now and then get in the way of your undying love doesn't deserve you anyway! Go forth and find someone willing to toss away the rules of good grammar and readability with wild abandon for you. After all, love is illiterate!
Thanks for your response. I guess my biggest problem is that I just don't know what to say to her. I used to be able to talk to her so easily, but things are different now. I know that sounds pretty pathetic, but that's just how I feel.
Sorry about the lack of paragraphs. I didn't expect it to be that long. I'm also new this whole BBS thing so feel free to let me know if I'm doing something wrong.
Soo... what do I say? Should I just email her and take the risk of waiting? Or should I wait to catch her online? Doshio...
Sound like a "let it go" case to me.
If you can't, obviously the email route has failed.
Because she just broke up with her boyfriend, she was probably feeling vulnerable and in need of the company of a friend like you, which led to your date. I'm thinking that afterwards she realized she accidentally led you on, and is probably avoiding what she feels is inevitable: you confessing to her, and her friendship with you forever gone.
It would be nice if you got a hold of her, and asked her what's going on in her life: ask casual things, don't spring anything on her, and from this you can probably figure out how she feels.
I agree with >>48 that it'd be best to let this one go, but just talking to her and getting some closure would help.
"I guess my biggest problem is that I just don't know what to say to her"
Why?, she and you aren't friends now? .. DETAILS
I does sound like a "let it go case." I've tried to let it go.. but then I'll see her, or have a dream about her, then I'm back to feeling like I haven't moved on at all. I actually dreamt about her last night... Hence, I'm here.
Something about her just seems so different. I find myself to be a pretty carefree guy, but when it comes to her, I can't care enough. Does that makes sense? I mentioned before that the first time we went out together was to go to the movies. I don't think I could've done anything else to prepare for that day. I washed my car, made a music cd of songs we both like, cleaned my house, tried to get a tan, bought her a bamboo plant(since she seemed to be having bad luck lately), and also burned her some CDs of an anime she likes. I even made custom labels for the CDs on high quality photo paper. I really wanted it to be perfect, but maybe it was too much.... orz
Anyway, I think that if I don't do anything, I'll end up regretting it later. I'm gonna do all that I can.
I agree with you, >>49, that the casual approach is probably best. Maybe I should try to start the conversation casually, then lead it to my more serious questions.... what do you think?
I don't know what we are now. As I see it, there's no reason why we shouldn't be able to be friends. Things just started getting more akward as it took longer and longer to get a reply from her. I haven't even spoken to her since she's been back from Japan. I've seen her on campus.. our eyes will even meet.. but we quickly look the other way. I feel like i'm getting stabbed in the chest when that happends. It's a miserable feeling.
Thank you for your help everyone. Hearing your opinions really helps put things in perspective. I'll try to talk to her today. She should be on later. I'll let you all know what happends. I'll be checking the board throughout the day, so if there are any more suggestions, I'll be happy to hear them.
Hope things go well for you, whatever that needs to be.
Well It's 8:25 PM... still no sign of her.... orz
Girls are unpredictable... (I know, i'm a girl)
I'm starting to realize that...
It's now 2:20 AM and no luck as usual. I guess I'll just have to wait and see what happends tomorrow. Hopefully I'll have something more interesting to report later.
ehhh go to sleep, kid x-D.. calm down and listen, you have time to talk to her tomorrow, or later.. Are you there? ... yuuuhuuu
I took your advise 56. I should've set my alarm though. I just woke up and it's almost 1! (=_=)
Stay off the internet in your dealings with her, 42. Your friendship has cooled off to the point where it'll probably be as awkward as just before she went back to japan. You're going to have to start from square 1. The next time you see her in person and your eyes meet, force yourself to smile and not look away. Say hello. If she responds positively, make some chit chat, keep it strictly casual and keep it short. If not, let it go.
Maybe doing all those things was a bit much. As a guy, and hypothetically if I were a girl, I think that doing that much is too much and might scare her or something along those lines. Maybe she noticed you went through a bunch of trouble/work to do this for her and she is intimidated or something. Don't let me discourage you though - I'm still single ^^; If you don't act you'll maybe live in regret forever. Good luck!
I see your point... but I really don't think I can do it. orz
It also kinda seems like that approach might be uncomfortable for her too. Part of me thinks that maybe she feels guilty for not responding, and because it's been so long now, it's hard to reapproach me.
I guess it can seem kinda intimidating.. I just wanted to make her happy. A long time ago she would always call me "muri shiteru," which was basically saying that I was trying to hard.
One time she asked me for help on making a poster for a presentation in her public speaking class (I'm a CG artist). Her topic was Sushi, but I couldn't find any high res images, so I got a few of my hungry friends and we headed out to a Japanese restaurant. We ordered one of each kind of sushi needed for the poster and I had a little photo shoot right there at the counter. I made the poster, printed it on my boss' large format printer, then laminated it.
I met with her later to give it to her. It seemed like she really liked it! After that, she handed me a bag of food and said that she stopped at a japanese restaurant to get me dinner! I was so happy/nervous I kinda just said thank you and took off. When I got home I looked in the bag and noticed that there were 2 pairs of chopsticks!! Maybe it was meant for both of us to eat together! I felt so stupid... I didn't even think to ask if she wanted to eat together. To make it worse, the whole container was filled with sushi (the last thing I wanted to see after eating all that sushi earlier).
Anyway... still no sign of her. Sushi sounds kinda good about now... orz
hay guys, let's move this tread over to http://4-ch-net/love
>Anyway... still no sign of her.
Maybe she's put you on some sort of block list? Waiting for her for hours online really is trying too hard, dude.
>When I got home I looked in the bag and noticed that there were 2 pairs of chopsticks!!
Mental note: always open gifts when you get them. Take heart, maybe you'll prevent someone else on this board from making the same mistake!
I'm pretty sure that's not the case. I saw her online a few days prior to my post. And I'm staying busy... I'm not just staring at my monitor mindlessly waiting. (-_-;)
And yes... learn from my mistakes! Even if it wasn't meant for the both of us to share, it would've been a nice suggestion, ne?
hum... Write an e-mail? .. Romantic E-Mail!
Notice to single males!
Don't be creepy! My roommate and I were walking to the door of our apartment one day. Suddenly, looking through the window at my roommate was this guy we know. "Oh god," she said, and after meeting his gaze we then ignored him. Then, as she was unlocking the door, I looked over her shoulder...
and he was still staring
He was looking from HIS window, not ours, btw
An email, eh? That sounds good.. buuut I think I have a better chance of getting a response talking through MSN (or at least I wont have to wait as long). Although an email would seem more considerate. What does everyone else think about that?
I don't think I'm that bad. Would it've been a different story if it was someone you liked?
Only you need its an excuse to talk to her, well, write an e-mail and tell her : Mommy, you are the best. Give me you soul and give me alone for my sweet home, baby.. Yeeeeeeeeah..
Then, she hates you and maybe look at you for kill you. This is the perfect moment!! and You can talk about us (while she strikes you).
Ohhhh, how sweet love ( ^A^)
>>67 Are you saying you do this? wow!
Actually, I never noticed his stalker-behavior until the roommate mentioned it one day. (Although he is a bit of a hikki.)
She complains all the time about him in private, but then when he tries to hang around her she doesn't dissuade him. I asked her why, and she said that because he is infatuated with her, it is easy to "use" him in situations where she needs a ride, or needs someone to dump all her stress on, without a real emotional tie ever forming.
I was shocked o_o
Watch out, single males! Girls are as evil as you are!
That doesn't surprise me at all.
the 'girls = evil' formula is well known.
" I have a better chance of getting a response talking through MSN "
Are you "MSN Otoko"? ... Well, now you are MSN Otoko.
MSN Otoko, your story wrenched at my heart. You are a very lucky man. Now, for my advice.
You are already doing this, but all I can say is that you have to casually speak to her online. After talking to her once or twice, if things seem to be going well, ask her to go to a japanese restraunt or something she enjoys - but don't over do it like you did before.
Don't ask her the first time you talk. Be sure to weave your way back to being friends, and not to rush things. And be sure to keep us updated, Densha wannabe!
MSN Otoko? ... I don't know what to say... but I'm honored
m(_ _)m
Thank you... I really haven't felt this motivated in a long time. Now I just need a chance to talk to her! Hopefully she'll be online sometime over the weekend. And I'll keep it casual. Thank you!!
I'll keep you all posted on any developments!
>>75 you right.
MSN otoko, can you ask her to go a restaurant or something, but MSN Otoko, if you ask her for your phone number, and call her... It's better than messenger chat. It's more intimate and listen her voice.. more romantic, more close.
<3 <3 <3 <3 ((( ( *^A^) ))) <3 <3 <3 <3
This is getting blown out of proportion, I think.
But again, don't ask for her number the first time you talk.
we're just having fun, but in all honesty, it's really exciting, and I am interested in what happens.
This rant thread is getting pretty interesting...
GO MSN OTOKO! ~ ~ this is like Densha Otoko! I like it!!!!
We need to go out and get into wacky situations in order to produce more fodder for this thread.
What is with all the advice about romantic things? They are past that point. Now, instead of trying to make idle chit chat and calling her, he needs to go straight to the issue and ask her what happened; Why she stopped being friends with him.
On another note, you need to stop obsessing over Japan. It's just another country, and it has its fair share of serious problems. If you ever hope to be more social you'll need to find some new hobbies to add to your life.
Oh also: Benooooooist!
Like >>58 said, next time you see her you must try to communicate with her. At least try to smile and wave. I know you said you can't but if she doesn't respond to email or get online, how else can you talk to her? Also, looking away or pretending not to see her is a sign that she might misread. She might think that you no longer consider her a friend.
>>85 >They are past that point.
I thought he was still waiting to make contact. As far as I can tell, their friendship is in a hazy limbo right now and saying the wrong thing at the wrong time(especially in his current semi-obsessive state) could friendzone him for good or worse.
>>88, I'm saying they are way past dating. maybe after he gets some answers and they talk about what happened they can repair things, but he shouldn't be thinking about how to smooth his way back in. Why is everyone only thinking this way?
oops, that was me.
>>85, Japan is superior, don't you know?
and anyway, MSN Otoko seems sort of shy. To the person that said call her, didn't he already say they had a hard time talking on the phone because of the fact that she couldn't understand him well? She is from Japan, and from my personal experince, phone conversations with native japanese are not too easy.
And anyways, >>85, that's probably being to blunt. like i just said, she's japanese. I know its a generalization but i've been studying japan and it's culture for six years, and i've stayed there for months at a time, and know many japanese people - bluntness is not the way to go.
It's like going up to someone you KNOW is a hardcore gangsta in a van with a bunch of flowers on it while cranking Puffy AmiYumi, pulling up and being like "What is up sir nigger, do you have any crack?" It's just something you don't do.
So, in conclusion, MSN Otoko just has to wait. Please keep us updated.
>>89 Passed dating? They haven't talked in months.