People who use 4chan/internet memes in real life are annoying! (188)

84 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2007-07-19 04:18 ID:Phg8c9xE

weeaboo = I liek inu yasha iz kawaii desu ka ne! since you like anime you like inu yasha too. I wish I lived in Japan. So I can see human with puppy ears. u'll understand that if you are otaku and go to fan-runned cons where we idealize a country deep in recession. Japa-cheesy is the sugoi(sp?). I should dye my hair blonde and I want to move their so I can marry a bishounen.

They get confused with people who like the genre anime for it's aesthetic value. Or people who are amused at the engrish. Just because you like Akira doesn't mean you are weeaboo.

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