We've all been here, right? (37)

4 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-04-03 22:16 ID:kPcqBOiv


You've got to learn to play the race card.

The Race Card will always save you. However you are probably white and wapanese, so the Race Card will not help you.

HOWEVER, I would dump all my friends and make new ones. That IM girl sounds really lame. I would not lower myself to being anyone's dick in a glass jar.

Fat girls are not bad during cold weather. How fat is she? Is she a fixer upper? You realize that a couple of hours of hardcore sex burns more calories than a marathon. I mean if it is only 10 pounds or so over weight, that isn't bad. If she is morbidly obese then you are correct to pass. Summer is coming disregard cold weather women.

Find a spanish girl. With bronze skin and learn to play the race card. Tell her there are some things you will not do because it is a "white thing". Refuse to eat mexican food and demand that she cooks you Nordic food. Nordic food is best. Her name must be Consuela. Possibly even Guadalupe in extenuating circumstances.

However you are 19 and cannot manage a spanish girlfriend. Stick to masturbation until you are 21. When you get 21 you will get laid and relationships much easier.

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