Why do guys like girls? (97)

1 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-04-03 17:04 ID:pmFRLVL9

I'm a 17 year old girl and I'm afraid to start dating because I honestly don't know what guys expect from girls.

What I'm asking is, what is it that guys like about girls, and why?
I'm sick of getting the same answer from all of my peers("sex") and I don't have any male friends close enough who I can ask. Help me out, 4-ch?

2 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-04-03 19:02 ID:1/u5wNJH

A girl on the internets? Okay, for now i'll just have to take your word for it...

What your peers are telling you about guys only wanting "that" is, well, mostly true. But once in a while you'd come across somebody who just wants your company. Maybe you have the same hobbies or think the same way about stuff. The trick is to look for those guys and be careful not to rush into things.

Besides, I don't think hard to figure out if a guy just wants your body...they appear so shallow, you could almost see right through them!

3 Name: Knifin : 2006-04-03 19:31 ID:HBPExX/G

Pretty much sums it up. A good guy will like you for your company and thoughts rather then your body.

4 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-04-03 21:49 ID:MYe4RpS3

zomg, a girl on the intarweb, U 60 year old man wont fewl me!!!! if ur real, then, just be real with the guy...thats all. and, coming from a guy, well, i dont expect much from a girl, except for the fact for her to like me back, thats all. if i like her too, its fine, isnt that all that matters?

5 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-04-04 00:00 ID:pmFRLVL9


Oh please, if I were a 60 year old man posing as a 17 year old girl, I'd be on myspace, not 4-ch. XD

6 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-04-04 00:43 ID:pfUd4DXs

Guys like girls for the same reason that girls like guys.

Genetics, Hormones, Nature, Nurture, and a desire to perpetuate their genetic lineage.

Animals do not question this.

If you want to know what guys find particularly attractive in a girl, this varies between guys the same way it varies with girls.

Me, I like tits and nice eyes. Someone else may like blond hair and money.

Same with girls, some girls like big dicks and tight abs, others may like longer hair and a special talent.

7 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-04-04 21:49 ID:IVBTmwud

I'm gonna give you teh same Internet Advice that I give everyone. Which doesn't actually say much, har dee har har.

The advice is: grow yourself a personality and/or cultivate a real character. Being just a heap of knee-jerk responses and a sense of self that you'd rather totally conceal is just as big a turn-off for men as it is for women.

Also, don't try too hard. That one too works both ways.

8 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-04-05 03:00 ID:pCvA2zyj

humans are more than animals. god, i hate people like this.

9 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-04-05 03:23 ID:t2ZxmELw

Humans are a higher form of animal, but do not deny that we are indeed animals.

There is no shame in it.

10 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-04-05 03:50 ID:Heaven


> Pretty much sums it up. A good guy will like you for your company and thoughts as well as your body.


11 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-04-05 17:57 ID:tX2EuQvz

humans are more than animals. god, i hate people like this.

12 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-04-05 18:53 ID:Heaven

Humans are animals, just particularly unusual ones that often prefer things not beneficial to themselves or the perpetuation of the species.

13 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-04-06 04:09 ID:Heaven

Let it suffice to be said that any guy in highshool wants to use you for sex.
Any guy in college/university PROBABLY wants to use you for sex.
Any guy past that point may or may not want to use you for sex.

14 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-04-06 10:29 ID:mIecNI0l

If he has a penis; he wants to put it in your pooper.

15 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-04-06 17:04 ID:1BmJKhlQ

Yeah... it's true. But that's the way the world works.

16 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-04-06 20:04 ID:r5pp07up

It's not my fault I like boobies so much (´・ω・)つ(・(・

17 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-04-06 22:32 ID:Heaven

i'm a random 20-something loser guy and having a girl i could share tenderness with would be way more awesome than just having lots of sex. some see sex as most important but people have lots of strange ideas in general anyway

18 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-04-06 23:57 ID:pwS+DERv

You're generalizing quite a bit. I think you should get that problem sorted out first, 1, before you try to figure out other matters.

19 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-04-07 08:23 ID:POg2ly9R


You need to decide what you want out of a relationship and work from there. As for the guy's expectations, they damn well better jive with what you want, otherwise there's no point.

It's as simple as that.

20 Name: benson_2009 : 2006-04-07 12:35 ID:iZRdd+Uc

well i'm a guy and not that intrested with sex ~"~ dont know why everything a guy say has to do with sex.... well depends on the girl, if shes nice and easy to talk to then most guys like about that. i think mainly just find someone to talk to otherwise (typical) its cos of ur looks and they properly think ur good looking ect ect...

to me i properly like a girl that is easy to talk to and have a nice personality ^^

21 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-04-07 16:53 ID:YuxG/T+s

you should know by now that trick doesnt work...

22 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-04-07 17:24 ID:LUJMq/PJ

>>1 Girls are ultimate robots for sex preaching and cleaning purposes.

23 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-04-07 19:00 ID:um5C5xUi

Girls are NOT robots!

They're slaves, get it right......

24 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-04-08 03:26 ID:Lz6+qnCv

Please post your pic.
Then we will talk.

25 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-04-08 07:00 ID:vd3amFcS

I like girls because they're warm and they can smell intoxicatingly good, even if it's just shampoo.
What I want is someone I can talk to without worrying about what kind of impression I make while I have my head in her lap, and who's not too reserved about sex.

Also, follow >>19's advice and tell us what you like about guys.

26 Name: benson_2009 : 2006-04-08 14:05 ID:iZRdd+Uc

>>21 what trick?? well i cant really say much cos never had a relationship, but thats just what i think and i understand its pretty abnormal for a guy not intrested in sex ect, i'm just sick of seeing guys talk about sex sex sex.... cant talk about nothing else ~~"

27 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-04-08 14:54 ID:BXd+dW+f

>>1 think of guys as just a best friend expect a lil bit more

28 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-04-09 18:29 ID:aqTpvpGB

What do I look for in girls?

Well, I just want a companion. Someone to keep me company, that I wouldn't mind spending my whole life with. Sex comes later, IMO. Once companionship has reached it's peak.

29 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-04-10 12:35 ID:Heaven


It's all downhill from the peak.

30 Name: Mireille guy : 2006-04-11 09:15 ID:AecSAucQ

Girl, start dating when you lose that fear and find it fun to date.
Let it suffice that being who you are will make the guy like you.
Be careful when you fall for a guy. Girls are usually blinded when they like a guy. At your age, you don't date cuz u want to fall in love. You date to find people you can trust, and eventually, love. Yes, highschoolers are difficult to trust, they're kids after all.

31 Name: Mireille guy : 2006-04-11 09:18 ID:AecSAucQ

Bad generalization, now that i read it. Young people are just more unstable, not less trustable. It's difficult to trust anyone, if you don't know the person well.

32 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-04-15 03:36 ID:ip/OmbL2

In nature, the only purpose we have to get together is to reproduce. Naturally, this will probably be most guy's motive. If we wanted a companion, we would talk to our guy friends. If we wanted someone to talk to intimately, we might talk to our mother. A girlfriend or wife can eventually fill this void as we grow up. Truely, we can talk to them about things we could not talk about with our guy friends.
I'm sure if humans didn't evolve to make sex feel good, many of us would be much too lazy to even bother with women in the first place.

33 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-04-15 03:41 ID:Heaven

I want someone to leech my money, try my patience, and waste my time! I want someone to bitch at me if I do things correctly, incorrectly, not at all, or with my most effort. I want someone who is not in control of their emotions and has the potential to fly off the month at least once a month. On top of that, I want someone who has the legal right to 50% of my stuff if they should divorce me!

Women are like venus flytraps.

34 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-04-15 04:31 ID:5Qo57Tr9

well said sir

35 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-04-15 04:34 ID:KblrL+Ia

I look for a Valkyrie

36 Name: wukash : 2006-04-15 04:50 ID:wm47+3Fc

all i'm looking for is a girl that will understand me and accept and like me for the person i am and i do the same back.
thats all a relationship is...

37 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-04-15 10:38 ID:kFcJZHCp

>>32-34 are sexist and overgeneralize. I suggest you posters start dating men or your mothers.
How about starting to see people as humans and individuals, rather than gender stereotypes?

38 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-04-15 11:08 ID:kFcJZHCp


>What I'm asking is, what is it that guys like about girls, and why?

I think you'd be more interested in finding out what the type of guys you want in your life (in what kind of relationship) are likely to want. Just asking what "guys" want is rather too vague. Some guys mainly want a servant they can abuse, others want a partner, others a friend, others want a sextoy, etc. Depends on what kind of relationship the guy wants, and what values and interests the guy has.
So, are you aware of what kind of things you want in a guy? What kind of relationship with a guy are you looking for, as well?
Not saying you need to have some sort of template of a guy to be on the lookout for (that rarely is a good idea at all), but to be relatively aware of what kind of things you want and need in a person in the type of relationship you seek, so that you can know if being with trying to be with guy X is a good idea or not (as an obvious example, an abusive guy rarely is a good idea to be with, unless that's what one of your main goals in life is, as well as your fetish).

It's usually easier to figure out what a type of person you want to be with is likely to want, rather than just generic gargantuan chunk of the human population. I doubt you want generic any person out of the human population, even just within your age range, since that's a broad group of contradictory people. You might want to have a look at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Maslowsneeds.png ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maslow's_hierarchy_of_needs for explenation )
if you just want to know about generic human desires.

39 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-04-15 15:21 ID:Heaven

If I had a girl friend, I'd wanter her to be someone I could play games with adamantly. I'd like to be able to shout at her BOOYAH when I beat her in a fighting game, and vice versa. Something along those lines would be enjoyable.

40 Name: Secret Amirer : 2006-04-20 22:16 ID:Heaven


Beat you to it. >:]

41 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-05-08 04:21 ID:hiuC8Aft

Reproduction is in our nature. It is only natural that we wish to reproduce. Not all guys want you for sex. You can tell by the way that a guy may act. If he makes jokes around you refering to sex then most likely he wants you for that.

42 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-05-08 20:38 ID:rYc4zbFf

As you can see, many males in this thread want different things of women. You must first identify your target and analyse to the best of your ability what they want, then find the parts of yourself that naturally fill those wants and go from there. Please do not try and mould yourself to fit someone else, male or female; it isn't just what they want, but what you want and what you are willing to give as well.

43 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-05-08 21:41 ID:kFcJZHCp

>>42's reply fits hir number very well.

44 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-05-27 21:47 ID:Uwn5nhQJ

I think your problem is that you're asking what guys like about girls. When you ask that of course you get generally responses about anatomy. When it comes to a relationship, you're going to be looking at what you like about that particular person, and hopefully, that should be much more than their body.

45 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-05-28 22:25 ID:hO4BjBj7

I think that for a healthy and good relationship, you need to be on an eye-to-eye basis. Meaning you're both on the same level, and you can look each other in the eyes without having to hide anything. In fact, I wouldn't want the balance to be shifted either way. For this once I'll not try to be very wise, and just give you my personal opinion, but I believe you shouldn't settle for less. Honesty and integrity are also very important to me.

I find girls who have a boyfriend much nicer and much more approachable, because they have the security of not having to fend off 'daters' (they have a very good excuse). I know it is very difficult, but it would help if you (they) were a little more open. Just trust more in your own backbone; it can take more than you think.

46 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-05-28 23:45 ID:hO4BjBj7

>Any guy in college/university PROBABLY wants to use you for sex.

Harhum! may I vehemently contest this ridiculous and simpleminded idea? please? Grant me some authority on this, I am a university student after all... No, its very much different, if not opposite (at least not where I come from).

Only a few years ago I was a highschool student, and there also I didn't notice a strong 'needtogetlaid' sentiment. Only with a few guys.

I now speak for myself, but when I am actually talking to a girl I seldomly think about sex, because I'm much too preoccupied keeping the talk going. Even when I'd like to do it with her. I'd figure that goes for a lot of guys

47 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-05-29 00:22 ID:2mDHPa+I


true that

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