Solution-less problem? (67)

3 Name: Tanuka : 2006-08-20 19:15 ID:bPtDnAG7

>>2 WE ARE.

But aside from that, I think I may be obsessing to much about it. Before my problem was taking too much care of pleasuring him and fulfilling his needs instead of mine, but now I don't concentrate enough on my body. And I'm stupid for not saying it enough in the first post, but yeah, I want to have sex with him because he's the only idiot I would ever come back to (in other words, I love him so much I would give away everything I believe in, then smack him in the forehead and call him an idiot. And then kiss him and snuggle with him).

About the whole virginity thing, I didn't do it because of my religion but started with something simplier. While watching a TV show whose name I can't remember, there was a couple talking to a priest, and he said something like "if you have sex before you marry, what will be so special about the honeymoon? You won't be giving anything you haven't before" or something like that. This made me think alot about the subject, and I came to the conclusion that I didn't want to have sex before marriage because: 1) I wanted to give my body to the man I love and want to marry, 2) The tought of having sex with more than one person makes me feel kinda dirty, and 3) Well, maybe there is a little a little influence from my religion, but it's not as relevant as the other points.

He's confident we will marry at age 24. I just sneer and mock a little, but the truth is I would love to have him as my mate as long as possible.

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