Why do girls dump nice guys and go for the jerks? (185)

146 Name: Rob : 2007-10-31 00:32 ID:I4hH3HT7

I've been dating a girl in england for almost three years, she called me this morning and told me she loved me, then tonight she called and dumped my ass. I've made a huge mistake and put everything into the little bitch and I'm practically fucked in the heart right now. I'm in Texas myself and I know that the distance is fucking harsh, but I've been making arrangements to go over there and be with her, her explanation for dumping me was that she "needed" someone now. I think the bitch was just horny and "needed" to be "filled". Any advice on how to get over the cunt, or get her back before she goes and gets "filled" too many times to count would be awesome. Peace.

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