Why do girls dump nice guys and go for the jerks? (185)

166 Name: 157 : 2009-10-17 01:48 ID:Heaven

> Bitches and assholes go together. Either be an asshole or quit bitching.

Alright, so you come off as being an asshole, but at the same time you're bitching about how you can't get a girl that fits your ridiculous fantasies. So either you're well suited to mall bitches, or you should take your own advice and stop ranting about your single life.

> I want an Aryan goddess of the Master Race who will clean house
> See....THAT is a woman.

Seriously, I can't see how what you're doing now is any different from the rest single guys in this thread. Yet, you label them as weak, just because you think that your ignorantly concocted fantasies are more "superior".

I don't see how talking about drugs is any less boring than talking about clothes. Once you're forced to learn about their biochemistry in a pharmaceutical lecture, that shit gets old.

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