Her past sexlife... (84)

19 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-02-17 16:36 ID:Heaven


>>Uho! Inferiority complex ahoy! The need for women with low expectations... That doesn't bode well for you. Please mature, >>6-san. (And no, maturity has nothing to do with sex).

What makes you so sure it has something to do with inferiority complex? I know sex goes bad if you're intimidated by your partner, wether it's your first time or if you've nailed a lesser country worth of chicks. 95% of the performance lies in our mentality.

I'm not scared of people with sexual experience, it just disgusts me that someone will form their relationship with me based on prior relationships, and not a clean ground from what we will build together. I guess it's possible to completely reset if you are crazy enough about someone new, but most often people carry shadows of their old relationships with them into the next. I guess I could trust that love will overcome, but I don't. I don't trust you motherfuckers, you're all rotten to the core, permanently damaged goods. It will just cause a lot of stupid shit and perhaps a total breakdown of the relationship, just because I would have to battle all the girls previous boyfriends that she brought with her for the fucking ride. She will project their retardedness on me, I will be judged by their standard, all the damage they have caused her, I'll have to piece together. She won't let go, people never do, they just let their ghosts eat them alive.

They will become prozac-munchers, they will get pissed, irritable and depressed for no reasons related to you, something alright you do will push an invisible button and start a fucking shitstorm. We call it personality and character.

>>Downright false. Her past INDICATES a possible future. However, I know plenty of people, men and women alike, who had similar pasts to OP's gf and then later happily settled with partner. People grow, people change. Small changes, big changes - time affects everyone.

No, it's the masks people stick in your face to hide their shame that is downright false. Sit there, ignorant motherfucker, and watch as they crumble one by one. People rather change their image than actually changing themselves, but the image can't hold back the shit within them forever, it starts leaking, first to the closest, the spouse, the children, then friends will start notice the signs, unless this motherfucker is particularly good at hiding it. If so it will come like a lightning from clear sky. "WTF, she cheated on her husband? SHE???" "He killed himself!? HE did??? Why??"

The people who are "alright" are the ones who somehow manage to mold their shit into something tolerable, but they are, in the end, few. Everyone breaks down, relationships never last, thats why they only lasted when it was forbidden and/or massively frowned upon to break them. And those that still lasts, except a very few, are miserable.

Don't sit there thinking you know how shit plays, looking at peoples masks, the roles they play, it's just make believe.

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