Her past sexlife... (84)

24 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-02-17 21:22 ID:Heaven

>and not a clean ground from what we will build together.
>but most often people carry shadows of their old relationships with them into the next.

You're either awfully naive or awfully ignorant. Everybody have relationships they consider when thinking of their own, even if that's their first one. The relationships of family, friends, fictional characters, everything else. A virgin will not be some clean slate, she can be horribly ignorant about sex, both in theory and practice, but she will still have a fuckload of preconceived ideas about how relationships are supposed to be.

>unless this motherfucker is particularly good at hiding it.

It's one thing to wear a poker-face during a game, it's something completely different to flawlessly almost constantly act as if a certain thing or a thousand doesn't exist, during your daily life. There will be cracks in your mask, and for most of the people who aren't professionally trained there will be tons of cracks. Some of us tend to notice and pay attention to small details. I don't know about most people, but I usually don't have problems seeing through masks of people I get to know around me. Some of my friends get annoyed from time to time at my habit of noticing things they'd rather pretend didn't exist or happen.

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