Her past sexlife... (84)

35 Name: Nibbles : 2007-02-18 19:48 ID:xf+KKo16

>>31 Theres no where in the bible that says anything about sex before marriage, Adam and Eve weren't married yet they had sex and god didn't seem to have any beef with that. The problem with people these days is they think religion is the answer to everything, there isn't a single religion in this world that is correct, marriage is a term brought up by man. God gave us free will for a reason, Im not saying its ok to go out and whore yourself that is morally wrong, but if its your choice, then so be it, who are we to judge people for their different lifestyle, im sure they would look at you the same saying your way of life is wrong just because its different from what your use to its automatically wrong in your eyes.

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