Her past sexlife... (84)

39 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-02-19 07:27 ID:Heaven

>>Do I seem like a moron to you or what?

Bitter, not moron. Bitter to the point where it might cloud your judgement.
'the world suxx'-rant is helped make it seemed like that.

I've seen several people get their lives destroyed by the taboo of divorce, which is why feel strongly about that still being married isn't any kind of indicator of how good their relationship is, especially in combination with what you yourself also said about people wearing masks. I'm all for people learning to handle how do overcome their relationship problems, too many do give up too easily. However there are also people who realize that they did do mistakes committing to that relationship because they didn't know themselves well enough. I don't mean they shouldn't have to take the consequences of making mistakes (we all have to), just that locking themselves in a situation that only will cause more and more damage is an as bad move as jumping from person to person, using people like toys. Especially if children are involved.

But yeah, the long, convoluted series of posts of mine was a reaction to the impression that you seemed so bitter that you might seriously think that (crudely expressed in pseudomath) virginty = auto-win marriage + happy-ever-after
when there are a lot of factors that matter a great deal more than virginity alone for the outcome of a marriage/longterm relationship.

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