Her past sexlife... (84)

51 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-02-20 04:57 ID:EZsEnHbj


Knowing how women think and feel is only a mystery to guys who assume they are on the same level as themselves, then they won't make any sense. You have to accept the fact that a woman is inferior to understand her and be able to give her what she wants/need. Figured out why the good guys get no chicks? Well there you go.... The worst thing about girls is that they are more intellectually gifted than men, however, emotions is their undisputed master, and that turns them into total morons in spite of their mental capacity. They will even turn their potential for general knowledge into shit, while whoring for their flesh. It's better to be a retard and use your brains at full capacity, than to have the highest IQ ever just to dump it out through your crotch.

>>You stereotype the human race

Yet you steriotype me. You start standing up straight for real and see how the cirkle of jerking suddenly breaks down for you. Then you can start to realize that these fucking monkeys won't braid you unless you suck their cocks the way they like it. Primate motherfuckers, they will do good only to promote their evil. Think nothing of human generousity, they will hold their "kindness" against you once you start preaching. If they were complete assholes, they couldn't argue that it's ok that they also cheat, talk shit, drink their brains out, do drugs and turn rampantly perverted. Once they lose all those things that they love soooo dearly, it will be no more mister nice guy I'm telling you.

Your sense of wisdom makes me wanna puke, I'll keep my stick right where it is.

Do I, btw, in the midst of all my spite, seem to think I'm any better, given the standards I'm promoting? I'm unpracticing myself as I preach, in other words I'm no better. Just that I don't feel a need to defend myself, nor others, with bullshit excuses. I won't back up on the truth even if it brings both me and everyone else down with it. Not because I wanna be a hero or nothing, me against the world or any of that shit. I just don't fucking care, ok?

But sure, fine, I know there are good, decent people. That is, people who realize they are shitheads and feel awful about it, and if they at least were forced of the general order of things they might pull their thumbs out of their asses. But they haven't proven to be numerous enough to even be accounted for in arguments for/against humanity. IMHO

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