Her past sexlife... (84)

7 Name: OPer : 2007-02-16 18:43 ID:4u/9bDLj

Hmm, do you think that is very likely to happen? The worst I can see happening is the relationship not working out, something that can happen with any girl, so I don't see why I should break up already. I love her and any future heartbreak is a risk I'm willing to take. It's just my somewhat obsessive thoughts about her past that bothers me, I just think about it too often.

I know my girlfriend doesn't see me as just another fuckbuddy. I was somewhat worried about her intentions before and tbh it's the reason why I've waited until now, I think if I hadn't known about her past we would have had sex by now. And if she was interested in just sex she probably would have dumped me by now and found some other guy.

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