Her past sexlife... (84)

71 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-02-26 20:07 ID:Heaven

"Yeah it's like that, people won't put out in any way unless you butter them up. Can't say I care for what people have to give if you have to buy it with bullshit."
I suppose I agree with that, but, but had no idea we were attributing that attribute to other people.

"Besides, you can't imagine shit, because I never said I was better."
I CAN imagine feces, but don't generally prefer to. Also, yes you did.

"You have this retarded "more, bigger is better" thinking, I don't."
What? Is this some more crazy non-sequitur, or a reference to your aforementioned superiority, stating something to the effect that this superiority is not due to something that can be expressed quantitatively? If that is the case, it sounds like an attempt to mince words by saying that things can be superior, but not "better", and given your general attitude, I can't fathom what your motivation for doing so would be. Unless you are trying to court some woman on this board and compliment her by saying "That guy is wrong, I didn't say I'm better than you, just superior to you." which I doubt will really work.

"But if you want to think like that, this also holds true; The "better" you are, the more you suck shit for lesser mistakes. Thus, men are more assholes than women, because if we have better conditions to be good, we are obviously more of a failiure for not being much better. Men have a responsibility to set an example, but we don't really do that, so we can't blame anyone but ourselves."
Where the hell did that come from? Your leaps of logic are almost incomprehensible. Stream of conscious style posting doesn't really work well when trying to express your opinion like this. IHBT?

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