Shadow of the Prom: Will she love me back!? (61)

7 Name: 3 : 2007-06-04 07:24 ID:A4zJzNJQ

>>3 here, I think you mistook >>1, >>2, and >>3. But no problem.

Whatever you are, apocalypse is coming. How soon depends on us but I think it'll be independent from religion. Well, whatever.

Drop the weeabootry right now. Seriously, you seem to enjoy Densha Otoko. Remember that his kind of otakuness is badly seen in his own country. I'll let you imagine in yours, and from a somehow strict and religious girl. The only thing you'll have to remember from DO is: improve yourself for her. Don't push it too hard though. I suggest that only thing: drop the weeaboo stuff.

I'm not saying "don't watch any anime", "don't watch dramas", "don't enjoy japanese culture". I'm saying: stop referencing yourself to that. Don't be a zealot.

Also, whatever your passives are - that is, to you both - I think my advice still applies. Give her a few days, and ask her to something casual. Maybe with friends for a start. That'll prove you're honest (you don't push her too hard after you've told her to take her time), but you show your interest and seriousness.

I think this kind of girl need these attentions.

Good luck.

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