being average... (19)

14 Name: MG !2dC8hbcvNA : 2007-06-06 04:18 ID:fJh+Ck5f

This is a common phenomenon that's spreading mainly among the modern, well-educated men and women. You are not alone. People these days are postponing marriage simply because they are viewing a society that is so clearly decadent when it comes to lasting relationships. We are much more careful when seeking a partner because we don't want to repeat the mistakes of a community where half the children have divorced parents (US statistics).
>>13, cynicism here is not an issue. I also see that you have touched the issue of religion. That's quite important to consider in a relationship but I'd wait for Op to bring it up.
On a lighter note, I can certainly hook you up with some single ladies in LA who feel the way you do.

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