Unrequited love is a horrible thing (51)

40 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-01-09 21:18 ID:ld6tnZoc


>Since when does "true love" means you can rationally manage your feelings?

Since you grew the fuck up and stopped acting like a fucking child.


>Let's just keep in mind that "love" is by default irrational, and something that you endure like rain rather than produce like tomatoes in the garden.

If you think that love is irrational then I don't believe you have examined the concept closely. Love is not a disease that afflicts you against your will. It's not something you have to endure. That is something else entirely, and I think you're confused.

Love is most definitely cultivated. It takes experience, understanding, friendship, all that jazz. It grows over time, and needs to be tended and cared for. And it doesn't necessarily include a physical attraction. Or a mutual one anyway. What I am saying is that the rational human will separate the two when they are no compatible, and carry on with the friendship. If you can't, then I would hardly call that love, seeing as how it couldn't stand up to denial of sex.

I have several good friends who are female, whom I love dearly. The sexual attraction didn't pan out, and instead of beating my breast and freaking out because they won't fuck me, I appreciate them as people instead of sex objects. I would hate to have thrown their friendships away over something so trivial as a lustful obsession. That would have made me a huge tool. I'm look at YOU >>1

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