Unrequited love is a horrible thing (51)

44 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-01-10 19:23 ID:Heaven

Infatuation is a part of love. Of course, you didn't even use that word. You used "weird, twisted lustful obsession"
Lust is a feeling in the crotch which no one over fourteen could confuse with love. I make the assumption that >>1 is mature enough to know this. Otherwise I have no reason to post here.

> but that IS what we're talking about.

No, you've made an assumption which is most likely based on your own personality, life experiences and the people you surround yourself with.

> Otherwise, why the confessions, the obsessions?

Exactly because it's not all about sex. It's about wanting validation, to be loved back, intimacy. Friends don't do that just like they don't fuck on a bearskin rug in front of the fireplace. (In most arrangements, anyway)

> Anger happens. Followed by sadness.

Why? Do you wish to possess you lover's genitals? Those are his genitals. Possession is wrong and sick.

> Humans ARE rational.

A calculator is rational. It's driven by logic and concrete answers.
A human is driven by instincts, desires and brain chemistry, not rationality.

> What separates me and the people mooning over "unrequited love" IS rationality.

Maybe, I don't know you. But humans are not rational, and never have been.

Long argument short, let's just check with >>1.

> the problem clearly lies within yourself rather than anything else,
> I have to let go of the false hope I had for so much time...and to start seeing her as just one of my friends.
> Any ideas on how to get over my love?

Well, what do you know!
Your 'get over it' spiel was entirely unhelpful and unnecessary. Do you want to contribute or just troll further?


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