Unrequited love is a horrible thing (51)

45 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-01-10 21:39 ID:ld6tnZoc


I am contributing. I am confronting the unhelpful and pathetic ideas that:

  1. Humans are not rational and have no control over their emotions.
  2. Love is an affliction that must be endured
  3. "unrequited love" isn't just another way to say "flogging a dead horse"

Believing in any of those things is just going to cause you to wallow in self pity and despair forever. I may be taking a harsh tone with some of the posters here, but it is because I believe they need a wake up call. I'm not going to give >>1 a list of things to DO to help him, I'm trying to provide him with the proper frame of mind to find the things he needs to do for himself.

And that's NOT going to come by stroking his ego and telling him that he's not in control of himself and these things just can't be helped.

So go fuck yourself >>44.

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